Cele|bitchy | “Cardi B’s ‘Carpool Karaoke’ episode was quite charming” links

“Cardi B’s ‘Carpool Karaoke’ episode was quite charming” links

Cardi B’s Carpool Karaoke is pretty charming, especially when she goes to the senior center and dances with the old dude (who hits on her). [OMG Blog]
Meek Mill says Nicki Minaj blocked him on Twitter. [Dlisted]
If Chrissy Teigen & John Legend are the Oscar hosts, I’m not watching. [LaineyGossip]
Roma star Yalitza Aparicio got her first Vogue cover. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Is anyone watching Alec Baldwin’s primetime talk show? [Pajiba]
The gender pay gap will close in two centuries. [Jezebel]
Is Gayle King leaving CBS? [Seriously OMG]
Gretchen Rossi is pregnant with her first child, congrats. [Reality Tea]
Keira Knightley’s dress from The Vampire’s Wife is terrible. [Red Carpet Fashion Awards]

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15 Responses to ““Cardi B’s ‘Carpool Karaoke’ episode was quite charming” links”

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  1. jammypants says:

    I just saw that the Trump administration is banning bump stocks that allows guns to rapid fire. Owners have 90 days to turn them in. That’s a surprising move towards gun control.

    • StartupSpouse says:

      I hate that I’m about to write this, but: banning bump stocks doesn’t do anything. According to my husband, who is a gun aficionado, you can re-create the effect of a bump stock with a paperclip (he explained the engineering to me, but I wasn’t really listening). So banning bump stocks is a Pyrrhic victory: it makes them look like they are doing something, but it doesn’t accomplish anything.

      I think we need to take down the NRA, legally, financially, or otherwise. Then you’re getting somewhere.

      • ktae says:

        The NRA needs to die a slow painful death in which their leaders are sent to prison for conspiracy against the US in the form of accepting dark money to funnel to individual 1.

      • jammypants says:

        Ah that sucks 😓 you’re right. Fighting the NRA and taking it down is the only real victory here.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I just saw that The US Circuit Court in DC ruled that an unknown foreign company MUST comply with the grand jury subpoena. This is totally Mueller related. Any guesses at the company? There are so many it could be, BUT….I really hope it is Cambridge Analytica (British consulting firm)! I sincerely think they are the digital smoking gun that links Russia to Trump Org to voter manipulation.

  2. Becca says:

    I hope that 2019 is the year that Chrissy Teigen goes away.

  3. Juliette says:

    I might be in the major minority here but I do watch the Alex Baldwin show. Some of the guests I have found quite interesting and I enjoy the laid back, conversational aspect of it. I really liked the Mike Myers one. Loved the one with Kate McKinnon. I PVR it to watch when I there’s nothing else on (also, it comes on too late for me – I get up fairly early for work).

    I would love to see him interview Jennifer Lewis, I find her very funny and fascinating to listen to. I just bought her book “Mother of Black Hollywood” and am looking forward to reading it over Christmas next week (as well Michelle Obama’s book).

  4. Tiffany says:

    RIP Penny Marshall.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Just came here to say the same thing.

    • Chris says:

      And another part of my childhood dies. RIP, Penny. My thoughts are with her great collaborator Cindy Williams. It would be a very sad time for her.

    • Christin says:

      L&S was one of my all-time favorite sitcoms. What a great ensemble cast. I remember it was one of the shows I would watch every week as a kid, before VCRs became the norm.

  5. Sonia says:

    Why do people keep caping for Cardi? This is a woman who calls other black women “cockroaches”, she’s said derogatory things about transgender people multiple times, and she’s supported rapists in the past. so…..????????????

    • me says:

      The media and public pick and choose who they want to hate. You can have two people say the EXACT same thing, one will get blasted, the other will get love. That’s just how it goes but I honestly don’t know why. I do think Cardi apologized for her horrible words about transgender people, but I could be wrong.

  6. Veronica S. says:

    I actually don’t mind Knightley’s dress, but I do think it’s a length that needs a tall woman. We’re the same height, and those cuts never worked on me because it swallows up your frame.

  7. Sad About Penny says:

    The theme from Laverne & Shirley was my high school graduation song. It was nominated as a joke and was chosen. RIP Penny Marshall. Another talent gone.