Jennifer Garner in a black gown for the Art of Elysium gala: high-end or no?

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

I always forget how jam-packed Golden Globes weekend is with tons of back-to-back events, fundraisers and red carpets. Sean Penn does his annual fundraiser for his Haiti charity. The BAFTAs host a tea party in the middle of the day (so celebrities can stop by on their way to evening parties). And the annual Art Of Elysium happens the night before the Globes. This year’s Art of Elysium gala was “Michael Muller’s HEAVEN,” which was sponsored by Dundas, the clothing line. Most women wore Dundas. I actually don’t have the ID on Jennifer Garner’s dress – it doesn’t look like a Dundas gown to me, but Garner has the ability to make even high-end pieces look… not high end. It honestly looks like she just recycled a Christmas bow by attaching it to a simple black dress. That totally sounds like something she would do. Also: her boyfriend wasn’t there, just FYI.

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

Here’s Joaquin Phoenix with his sisters, Summer and Rain. He also posed for a couple of photos with his girlfriend Rooney Mara, who mostly walked the red carpet solo.

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

Mel Gibson and his baby-mama Rosalind Ross. I have to say, I think she’s SO pretty. She’s very young too – she’s 28 to Mel’s 63. They got together like four years ago.

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

Here’s Lily Collins, in one of the cutest dresses of the evening. This is Elie Saab.

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

Kris Jenner, looking wicked and plotting.

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

I actually love this ‘70s-esque flowy Dundas jumpsuit on Emily Ratajkowski. She looks great.

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

Courtney Love looks… totally normal?

The Art Of Elysium Presents Michael Mulle's HEAVEN

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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66 Responses to “Jennifer Garner in a black gown for the Art of Elysium gala: high-end or no?”

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  1. Louise says:

    Every time I see Mel Gibson, I think of Marisa Tomei (love her) saying he was her best kiss.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Blech. It’s hard to even reconcile racist cliche old guy Mel Gibson with the action star sex symbol he once was. He was never my type but was kinda synonymous with sexy at one point.

      • Esmom says:

        Blech is right. Looking at that photo of him gave me the willies.

        I also remember when he was considered super hot and sexy but I didn’t really concur either.

      • windyriver says:

        To my mind, the best he ever looked was in The Year of Living Dangerously (1982). Stunning blue eyes, age about 25. I first noticed him in Gallipoli, the year before. Also good, but not quite as fine. Both very good movies, more complex, war, political.

        Never cared for him after that, in the Mad Max/action hero phase, and later.

      • Jerusha says:

        @windyriver. He looked good in Mrs. Soffel and The River, also. Started going downhill around Lethal Weapon period. That’s when I lost interest. This was long before he exposed himself as a nutbag POS.

      • minx says:

        I can barely recall when Mel Gibson was hot because he’s revealed himself to be such a pig. He’s wiped away any positive remembrance of him.

      • CairinaCat says:

        My very first thought was “I wonder if he beats this one too”

      • windyriver says:

        @Jerusha – looking at photos, I’d agree with you about those two, along with The Bounty, same year. Never saw any of them, actually; Mrs. Soffel didn’t interest me (not fond of Diane Keaton) and I had other things going on in ’84, so missed a lot. The River sounds worth looking up…

        But I’m reminded also that Tequila Sunrise is another where Mel looked pretty good, as did Kurt Russell. It’s kind of an odd movie, where I liked the actors (including Raul Julia and Michele Pfeiffer), scenery, and ambiance, more that the overall movie itself.

        In any event, Mel has certainly aged badly as he’s gotten older, by every possible measure.

      • Jerusha says:

        @windyriver. Mrs. Soffel is worth watching if you can find it. It’s based on a true story of a warden’s wife falling for an inmate and helping him and his brother escape and fleeing with them. Directed by Australian director, Gillian Armstrong(his best work was his early stuff with Aussie directors, imo). This is one of Diane’s serious roles, no mannerisms. And you’re right about Tequila Sunrise. I tuned him out when he started making Hollywood paycheck movies. Then I really started side eying him with his support of his religious nut/holocaust denier father. Cancelled long before the drunked arrests and assaults.

        PS. With The Bounty, I actually had my eye on DDL, wondering “Who is that?” This was the year before Room With a View and My Beautiful Laundrette.

      • BchyYogi says:

        Mel Gibson was “sexy” in the dominate condescending white male era of Hollywood. Like most men in his genre, when the youth fell off it all aged like an ooze.

      • Ann Carter says:

        Tequila Sunrise or whatever it was called with Kurt Russell and Michelle Pffeifer dayum 🔥
        also the only thing to say about Jennifer Garners dress, “Bless her heart.”
        Too Pageant
        Too Dumplin’

      • SK says:

        He does suffer from mental illness. It’s not an excuse for racism and all of the other isms nor for what went down with his exes but I do wonder with him if he has a “bad side” that surfaces when he spirals out of control. To me that whole era seems like an extended breakdown and psychotic episode exacerbated by substance abuse. He broke up out of a stable relationship with his wife of a very long time for a not very pleasant younger woman who he subsequently abused verbally (and physically? I cannot recall?), he was abusing alcohol and who knows what else, he ranted about jews etc. in some kind of paranoid nasty meltdown. Those views, by the way, were apparently espoused by his own father so he would have heard them throughout his life. But back in the day he was one of the most beloved stars in Hollywood and people generally raved about how lovely and down to earth he was and despite all of the horrible things he’s done he seems to be well-loved by certain people in Hollywood whom I respect. So I wonder if they see that when he is not in meltdown mode he is a lovely guy? A guy whose mental illness brings out some serious demons?

        OR he is a raging a-hole and always has been, he just used to cover it up better.

    • BeanieBean says:

      His GF looks like a Duggar.

    • osito says:

      @minx Yes. Sorry, not sorry. As much as there is a backlash against “cancelling” celebrities right now, I will never forget “Sugar T*ts” and “Hope you get raped by a pack of n-words!”

      And, so sincerely, f**k all of you who can for a pair of blue eyes. He was a really good actor who turned out to be an epically horrible, racist, abusive person. If that’s not enough to prove that white supremacy exists, nothing is.

  2. Lex says:

    Kendall’s meant to be making some big revelation today… that’s why Kris looks smug. Something to dominate the news cycle for another fortnight no doubt…

    • CL says:

      The revelation is…….she battles acne! Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNN

      And she has a multi million dollar contract with Proactive!

      Stop the presses!

      • Jag says:

        We already knew that she has acne and uses or used to use Proactive. She has since mentioned getting some kind of skin lasering or something which really helped. I hate that I know that. lol

        So if it’s a big news thing, that confuses me.

  3. CharliePenn says:

    That’s bow is horrible. The whole dress on Jennifer… from the bad cut at the shoulders to the dumb embellishments at the neckline, it’s all awful and that bow is unbelievably bad.

    • Still_Sarah says:

      The black dress looks like a t-shirt maxi dress (which I would wear) with some weird but colorful bow at the waist. Nice but not high fashion. She has great muscle tone on her arms but this dress doesn’t show that off to its advantage.

      • Silent Star says:

        My first thought about Jennifer’s dress too was “That’s just a long t-shirt with a bow”. Needs fitting and some kind of style astounds the neck and shoulders to up the glam factor.

        Lily Collins’ dress is incredible! And I usually don’t like patterns, but this works and she looks amazing.

        I love Emily Ratajkowski’s dress too! I just wish her hair wasn’t so beachy. It needs something a bit more polished.

        The rest were meh, but I agree Courtney looks normal in a really good way.

    • minx says:

      It looks ridiculous. And the center parted, long messy hair… not a good look.

    • BchyYogi says:

      Grew up with these women like this who just can’t “see” art or aesthetics, have no eye, usually white privileged “girl next door” wholesome types. So yawn-worthy, but my kids beg me to “dress normal” like this. She’s my middle schooler’s ideal- leaving w a compliment.

  4. Noel says:

    Jen’s face looks different in the second picture.

    • Arpeggi says:

      Too much botox on one side, right? Or not injected in the right place. But yeah, it seems like half her face is somewhat frozen

  5. OSTONE says:

    I can’t believe I am going to say this but Courtney Love is the best dressed and looks the best out of this bunch. The dress on Jennifer Garner needs to be burned alongside her Ben Affleck box in her closet.

  6. SuperStef says:

    Nice to see Courtney Love is still kicking around. Jen Garner’s dress is so bad she could have picked it blindfolded, so lame.

    Mel Gibson’s girlfriend is stunning. He’s well past his prime.

  7. Charfromdarock says:

    Courtney looks great! I would love to be able to wear a cape style dress.

    I hated Emily’s until I realized it was a jumpsuit which makes me love it.

    Something nice, Jennifer’s arms look amazing. So strong!

  8. abbi says:

    That bow! It looks like a DIY project from a first-grader.

  9. Sojaschnitzel says:

    Just no.

  10. Rosie says:

    I didn’t even notice the bow I was too busy trying to work out why her face looks so different.

  11. BaeBae says:

    I like Rooney’s outfit and that’s about it!

    Were there no people of color there 🤔 interesting.

    • Esmom says:

      Rooney’s is my favorite, too. But I have always liked her style even as many people have kinda mocked her. She looks great although Joaquin looks so sloppy in comparison to her.

    • livealot says:

      @BAEBAE i used to question that too but most likely it’s just what this blog and others choose to cover at a particular event. Though I agree a person of color featured in this line up wouldn’t hurt.

  12. Elisa says:

    That dress is peak-fug. O_o
    But her arms are incredibly toned, respect!

  13. Thirsty Hirsty says:

    I am so mad at myself…saw the bow and my first, and only thought was: why? Why would any sane woman do that to herself….unless….she….was…trying….to…..distract……from…..Damn, not my business….not policing another woman’s body/womb……did she draw attention on purpose?
    Was it to draw attention away from someplace else? hmmmmmmm…….

    • Mia4s says:

      She’s 46 years old and that’s the first place your mind goes?! I mean I know it is not impossible but come ON.

      If she’s trying to distract from anything with that hideous bow it’s from how…tight and fresh…her face looks.

  14. Ali says:

    Emily’s jumpsuit is super sheer and basically her standard bikini look with a lot of gauzy material over it. The picture in Harpers Bazaar makes it look more like a stripper’s interpretation of Mary Poppins.

    Courtney Love looks great.

  15. Gabriella says:

    Can everyone please stop trying to make Mel Gibson happen again?

    • Mia4s says:

      Multiple Oscar nominations and two hit movies in the past few years. He already has happened again, sadly. I mean, you’re not going to see him in Marvel or Star Wars or any of those huge franchises (they’re generally more careful) but believe me, he’s already worked his way back in. Welcome to Hollywood!

      Also can I just say that whether she’s 28 or 68 I would find it tragic that any woman looks upon Mel Gibson as a good choice for a life partner. 🙄

  16. Millennial says:

    Why is Summer holding her belly like that? It would serve Casey Affleck right if she moved on with a hunky new dude, just sayin.

  17. Other Renee says:

    Emily and Courtney look wonderful. Jen looks absurd in that awful dress and her hair is a mess and looks like it hasn’t been washed in days. And I’m usually a big fan of the way she dresses for events so this is a huge disappointment. Joaquin looks ridiculous especially in sneakers. Take a shower, dude.

    Lily’s dress is lovely but she’s so ridiculously thin that it swallows her up.

    Anti Semitic and abusive Mel will forever be cancelled to me. I have a huge fear that someday pigs like Harvey Weinstein will also be welcomed back to Hollywood.

  18. Becks says:

    Kris Jenner’s cocaine nose is frightening! It’s way too small for her face. She needs to stop with the surgeries.

    • dj says:

      @Becks. KJ’s nose is concave on the right side. It is not as noticeable as in the photos from New Years Eve Kardashian party with her wearing white wig. Those photos it looks like a bit of a cave-in and tried to fix decades ago. JMO.

  19. lucy2 says:

    Rosalind is very pretty and I like her dress, but anyone who chooses to be with Mel Gibson is pretty gross, IMO.

    Jen’s dress is…not good. But she looks happier.

  20. tw says:

    Kris’s nose is almost gone.

  21. Jane says:

    They all look so skinny it’s disgusting. Not a breast or waist to be found except on Satan Kumtrashian.

  22. livealot says:

    I used to be such a fan of Garners but i’m just so over her. She bores me to death and can’t dress. Vanilla to the max!

    Joaquin’s family is beautiful (names included).

    Emily does look fab.

  23. Corporatestepsister says:

    Jen needs to stop being girlish and needs to work on being more dignified. She’s no longer an ingenue and she needs to act like a woman with children and someone who has been part of the wider world for a long time now.

    • minx says:

      Yes, thank you. If she’s trying to stay relevant she needs to up her game. The girly hair and clothes need to go.

  24. april says:

    I like Jennifer’s new face better than her old face. Emily’s dress looks awesome on her.

    • april says:

      Her face looks so much better without those deep dimples. She escaped that forever “cutesy” look and now looks “grown up” in a very beautiful way.

    • minx says:

      I sort of liked her dimples. But whatever she had done makes her face look too elongated and her high forehead doesn’t help.

  25. GL says:

    Garner is a mess. That face of hers looks terrible, like a Joker mask.

  26. WhyDidIDeleteMahCookeez? says:

    So, those Phoenix siblings looks related. But not one of them looks like River. Not even like a cousin. Weird.

  27. LR says:

    That dress and all of the obvious plastic surgery make Jennifer Garner look like a midlife crisis. I always knew that she would spiral in her own way after she and Ben’s split was official.

    This event was full of wannabes and has-beens. Kris Jenner? Kristin Cavallari? All the real stars were at other, better events.

  28. dlc says:

    garner’ dress is so very bad! that bow! shudder…

  29. HeyThere! says:

    Mel looks like he’s with his grand daughter, yikes!!

  30. Carolnr says:

    The bow is way too large on Jen’s dress…(i am not a fan of any bows back or front on a dress)
    Maybe if it was a thinner belt or had like a built in belt it would have looked better.
    Shame on her STYLIST , not Jen for putting that bow on that dress…

  31. Helen says:

    courtney love looks shockingly healthy. good for her.

  32. Amy says:

    Oooo I love Rooney Mara’s outfit, and Lily Collins’s dress is very pretty!!