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That’s douchetastic. He is pathetic.
Soulja Boy’s music is pure crap.
The only interesting thing about soulja boy is that he gives out a number in one of his songs and in the UK it puts through to the house of a middle aged couple, who have been plagued with about 50 – 60 phonecalls a day from idiots looking for soulja boy
I do like his body art, though.
So young, and soooooo uneducated! And not particuliarly talented.
He’s the poster child for kids getting a decent education in the US and why we are falling behind the western world!
souljaboy your mother called she said you can keep the cucumber you borrowed.
Ha Jen! Good one!!!!
What your not showing is the meat packing photo that he took that really got everyone’s attention. I still think he needs to bulk up…Soulja Boy keep drinking milk! There’s still hope…
haha xD
yo me in da buildin wazzup
eyy this wassup mane true talk
eyy dis wassup mane true talk
eyy this wassup man tru talk