Terry Crews: American Media, Inc. tried to blackmail me with fake stories


National Enquirer is owned by American Media, Inc. (AMI). After Jeff Bezos accused National Enquirer of blackmailing him, Ronan Farrow claimed they tried the same with him. Now Terry Crews is lending his voice to the case against AMI by reminding everyone that two years ago they tried blackmailing him. Right after Terry appeared on Good Morning America to discuss his sexual assault claims, Radar Online threatened to go to the press with information about Terry soliciting prostitutes. Only the information they were threatening Terry with was completely fabricated, so Terry exposed them on Twitter and The Radar story just went away:

I’m a fan of exposing this kind of nonsense. I mean, obviously Terry should have exposed it because what they were going to print was a blatant lie. But it makes me think of all the voices who felt they couldn’t take action against the studios or agencies protecting people like Harvey Weinstein and Bryan Singer because they feared they’d be ruined. Terry has the support of his family and castmates, but other victims had no one to back them up and probably lacked the resources to expose them. It makes me sick to think how many careers and lives were crushed by these kinds of bullying tactics.

Speaking of Bryan Singer, remember that he is still listed as the director the now paused Red Sonja movie, whose protagonist is a sexual assault survivor. And the reason Bryan is still directing after being exposed as a predator, is because Millennium chairman, Avi Lerner, called the accusations against Singer, agenda driven fake news, in other words, he called all Singer’s victims liars. Lerner, you may remember, was the one who threatened Terry’s role in The Expendables 4 if he continued to go after Adam Venit and ultimately did cut Terry from the film. So file this under agenda-driven fake news if you like but I think Avi Lerner has the moral compass of a sunken ship and should be shown the all the doors. And I hope they hit him on the ass when he is pushed through them.




Photo credit: Twitter, WENN Photos and Getty Images. Hat tip DListed!

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28 Responses to “Terry Crews: American Media, Inc. tried to blackmail me with fake stories”

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  1. Maya says:

    I am falling in love with this man more and more.

    Keep fighting Terry, we are here for you.

    Now if someone would just expose DailyMail & TMZ…

  2. OriginalLala says:

    sounds like this Avi Lerner fellow likely has some skeletons himself….those who protect abusers so forcefully usually do…

  3. Lucy2 says:

    Terry is the best.

    AMI and those controlling it need to go. Hopefully to jail!

  4. Darla says:

    So much respect and admiration for this man. I am a fan.

    As to the rest of this…my worries are who had REAL blackmail info used against them, things maybe a bit, or a LOT worse than what they tried to use against Bezo, and who are now trump putin puppets because of it. Which politicians? Because there are some.

  5. Kealeen says:

    Terry Crews is serving me a variation on David Rose (Schitt’s Creek) with that ensemble, and I am HERE FOR IT.

  6. Twiggys Eyeliner says:

    *Love* him – he seems like such a stand up guy, and all around good human being. The continued work he does against sexual misconduct is so appreciated. He’s brave, he’s kind, he’s decent. I hope he stays on the acting scene, and keeps making a difference.

  7. Tiffany says:

    Terry’s shoe collection *chefs kiss*

    • The Other Katherine says:

      Those boots are everything. Also, I love Hecate’s placement of the karate kick photo in this article. MWAH!

  8. Gabriella says:

    God I love Terry Crews. He’s the hero we need.

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      He really is. Strength coming from true strength, instead of body building from insecurity. I’ve just seen and read so much toxicity from fitness bros, who have no idea what real strength is.

  9. Lena says:

    I love him on Brooklyn 99, so glad to see he is a a sweetheart & a courageous hero in real life too!

  10. whatWHAT? says:

    “And I hope they hit him on the ass when he is pushed through them.”

    I like the way you think, but I’d go one further. Pull a “Casino” and use his head to open the door.

  11. Nicole says:

    I have been home sick and binged watched 4 seasons of Brooklyn 99. He is truly the best. He, along with the cast, is magic. They can never go away. Terry is the man. May Terry eat all the yogurts.

  12. otaku fairy says:

    This is another reason why people need to not take everything they read as gospel when it comes to subjects like this, and especially not circulate it to other places as fact or ‘insider knowledge.’ It’s good to stop and think about what kinds of people may benefit from a specific thing being shared (abusers with skeletons in their closets) or who will be given ammunition to do what.

  13. savu says:

    Terry Crews is the hero we need but don’t deserve. To see a man who lived in one of the most toxicly-masculine environments stand up and condemn it, and really try to level with people and explain why it’s wrong, is so belief-affirming. The best kind of man and feminist ally there is. I hope more men (and women) take his words to heart. He sets such a wonderful example. If you haven’t heard his episode of Anna Faris’ podcast, I highly recommend it! (On Spotify.) He has so many great things to say, and although I disagree with his stance that porn is always misogynistic, I believe it’s always been misogynistic the way he used to use it. He’s just the best, and an outspoken voice in his field, his gender, and his race. History is going to look back on this man so well.