The BRIT Awards were last night. Dua Lipa, Calvin Harris and Sam Smith turned up. Beyonce and Jay-Z did not physically turn up, even though they were nominated as “Best International Group.” The Carters ended up winning, and they had prepared a lovely little video thanking their British fans. And by “prepared a lovely little video,” I mean that Beyonce and Jay-Z commissioned a damn painting of the Duchess of Sussex, only the oil portrait is of Meghan as Queen of the Realm. LMAO. Beyonce and Jay arranged the video so that it panned out from the painting just like in their video for “APESH-T,” with the Mona Lisa. Watch this:
Watch The #BRITs 2019 live here:
— BRIT Awards (@BRITs) February 20, 2019
LMAO. I LOVE BEYONCE. She was sitting there, drinking wine, watching Rumi and Sir learn how to levitate and bend spoons with their minds. She turned to Jay and said, “We’re not going to the BRIT Awards, right?” Jay: “Nah, let’s stay home, but we can make a video.” Beyonce: “Good, because I have some ideas. Let me contact a painter and an art historian specializing in portraits of monarchs.”
Beyonce decided to enter the f–king game. Those hateful, xenophobic, racist royal reporters aren’t going to know what hit ‘em. They think it’s bad right now? Wait until Beyonce gives the nod to the Beyhive to defend Queen Meghan’s honor at every turn. Bee emojis will be turning up on every royal reporter’s social media. Bey stans will fly to London JUST TO HISS AT ROYAL REPORTERS. Oh, it’s going to get good. *prepares the bee emojis*
Photos courtesy of Getty, Bey’s IG, BRIT Awards.
This completely and totally made my night last night. First off – the reaction from the Beyhive was instantaneous and hilarious. My favorite was the tweet “we march at dawn” lol. and the general reaction on twitter was just so good. You could tell there was a definite feel of “oh crap, we’re in for it now.” I don’t usually spend significant time on twitter – I usually check in once or twice a day, retweet something, and then don’t check back for 24 hours – but last night I was there for a while. Between the video, and Beyoncé’s message on her website – yikes. She is there for Meghan.
“We march at dawn”
LMAO but also…a little scary so many’s opinion can be so easily swayed.
It not swaying opinions.
The majority of people understand Meghan is being unfairly treated due to racism.
It’s just saying as women enough is enough and we stand together to protect our own.
LOL @Kittycat. ‘We protect our own.’ What about the women who disagree with you? Are they not women? (BTW I am not saying I disagree, only that women come in all mental flavors).
Also, I am sure this was said lower down in the thread, but this portrait was done for Meghan’s sorority…Kappa, I think? They included it in their Alumni cover. Bey and Jay just used it, to great effect.
@Luhlrleen: LOL what kind of disagreements though? Not all disagreements are equal. Sometimes ‘disagreement’ gets used as a light, sugarcoating catch-all term for oppressive, toxic, dangerous, or abusive patterns and ‘norms’ in society. What if we’re not just talking about a flawed ally, but another woman whose differing ‘mental flavor’ consistently includes things like that, (or sometimes even just a little bit, depending on how bad it is)?
@Luhlrleen You know I’ve always said that racism makes racist white females behave like evil, violent, hyper-masculine, misogynistic men – except their vitriol is directed towards other women, particularly black women. Bigoted white females also tend to target black CHILDREN for abuse, is it any wonder that the racist aggression aggression against Meghan GREW fairly quickly after she became pregnant? Anyway, you’re right. There is no “us” when I’m dealing with a white female that barely acts like a woman, let alone a human being. I don’t identify or ally with females that act like degenerate feral animals towards towards other women & children b/c they’re a black/non-white group of women and children.
I effing love this!! Gauntlet thrown!
Yessssssss! Loved this. So Powerful!
Much support for Meghan out there.
…..and Beehive activated.
I’m loving this!
Me too. It made my night and day today. The push back, with love, that I didn’t know I needed.
Yes yes yes. I am so here for this. Swarm Beyhive, swarm! *cackles manically while sipping coffee*
I loved it! Well done Beyonce and JayZ . This is Iconic.
Love for Meghan, Yessss.
Many of The usual Big , Loud, Royal reporters who were screaming for days about celebrities and friends defending Meghan seem Oddly quiet about this,for now, I guess they have to figure out a way to spin it. Lol
This is straight up Beyoncé support for Duchess Meghan.
I love the Carter’s back turn to cameras to face the Meghan portrait too….Yessssss!
Love, love,love and Beehive activated….that’s all! Lol
This support is awesome. Not blabbering to the press. This is much more intense and it is not about demonizing anyone.
Yeah, I noticed many of them are currently *very* fixated on pushing twisted narratives about trip costs and analyzing a cap she wore while leaving, lol.
Amazing (and sad) how many non-royal watchers imstantly understood why Beyonce was doing this and know how Meghan’s been treated in the press. It’s been so unhinged and just so much that it’s infiltrated everyone’s world.
I watched the Brit Awards live, and saw this clip, and it went totally over my head and missed the meaning. I am getting old. I wish I had understood at the time and had been able to gauge the the immediate audience reaction. But good for Beyonce and Jayzee.
@PrincessK Not your fault if you didn’t get it right away! Just meant that the vitriol has reached the point where it’s generally understood by non-royal watchers. I was surprised by the number of viral tweets instantly recognizing Meghan’s ordeal, by people who don’t comment at all about royals or generally care about them.
The problem is a lot of stupid people live in the UK and a lot were taking it as a diss to Meghan..seriously they interpreted it as them saying they were the real “black royalty” not Meghan…I really wanted to hit my head on the desk after reading that ffs.
Which is totally why they turned around at the end.
Some people will say anything to prop up their desperate opinions.
I almost feel sorry for the UK tabloids. They don’t even know the hell that’s about to rain down on them and their comment sections. The Beyhive is intense and intensely loyal. Beyonce might just have unleashed the fundamental equivalent of a plague of locusts in the Daily Mail. Rest In Piece, trashy tabloids. Hahaha
I think it’s very sweet and inspiring how these successful women have come together to support Meghan.
And I think it’s very sad that we all know how much it’s going to anger so many people. We can all anticipate a chorus of how tacky and embarrassing all this is. Meghan will never dim her shine or make herself small enough for her critics to leave her alone so she should just be confident and happy and live her life.
Well sain Natalie S!
Love this! Well said!
The British tabloids and journos are ticked off that people are helping Meghan by showing support that goes International around the world in seconds and taking the narrative even if for days.
Doesn’t matter, what the British press tries, many people are seeing them for who they are and supporting Meghan.
British press, people see through your hate agenda.
Just this morning I clicked on a link to a Meghan article, big mistake! It was a British tabloid article where they referred to Meghan as a divorcee several times even though she’s married, then brought up how expensive this trip was (even though again, it was paid for by her friends) and how much it would cost for her security detail to have accompanied her to NYC.
The article after Meghan’s was about the Cambridges on a ski holiday and no mention of that cost or the cost of the security detail. Just how nice it was that they could get away during term break. There’s definitely an agenda against Meghan with the British press.
@90sgirl ~ your comment reminded me of the question: What is your greatest fear?
“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.” I heard it first in a movie called “coach Carter” (one of my favs) but I understand it might have originated from Maya Angelou…..You go SHINE ON, Megan, and 90s girl, and well….. y’all
Yes let’s Shine ladies shine. Yes.
I love this quote and it is actually by Marianne Williamson – who just happened to announce her candidacy for President this week. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.”
That first sentence about “It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us” is Nelson Mandela.
Goddess bless Beyonce.
Lol the Beyhive cray…it was a cute video but ofcourse people were complaining Meghan will never be Queen.
The Bey Hive is another shield. Which she needs, but they can’t control the UK media just their comment sections.
The painting is based on the Mona Lisa, who was in the aristocracy not royalty, and she’s wearing a tiara which is not reserved for Queens only (basically only reservation is being able to afford). I don’t get why this is upsetting. It’s a nice painting, even if the artist used a Spanish crown and garments.
Scobie is the only British Reporter now that US media outlets are quoting and getting reports from.
US media outlets are no longer taking the British narrative on Meghan, several reporters said so just after the People magazine article,that several big US media outlets and print corps would not use or parrot the Royal Reporters stories as they have in the past two years.
The British tabloids are no longer being considered as real source for stories on Meghan by US Media, just read several of the Royal reporters tweets the past two weeks, US media outlets are not taking their stories, instead they are using their own US reporters and British reporter Scobie is the one the US media is getting reports from.
The British tabloids and Royal Journos smear campaign has been rumbled.
Beyoncé in one stroke and Clooney put out a powerful narrative using a powerful medium that went around the world in seconds and several big Royal reporters are saying that the US media is not taking their stories like in previous months.
The days of US media just parroting whatever hate the British tabloids were putting out , is over.
The first thing I noticed is that tiara belongs to the Spanish RF. Then I wondered if they chose it deliberately so that they wouldn’t be interpreted as implying anything by using one of the BRF tiaras. If she was painted wearing the Girls of Great Britian, for instance, or the Kokoshnik fringe, both tiaras beloved by QEII, people might see that as coming for the throne. This way, the regalia makes a statement without treading on BRF internal tiara politics (we know from the weddings they definitely have a pecking order of who gets to wear what).
The same artist has also done a portrait of Beyonce based on one of Elizabeth I. My links don’t get through but look for obrienillustration dot com
That is the Fleur de Lys tiara, aka La Buena, is reserved for Spanish Queens. Only four women have worn it publicly, all of whom were Spanish Queens (though one was in exhile at the time). Not being Spanish myself, I have no idea if they’ll find this offensive.
But make no mistake, that is the equivalent of the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland or the Fringe tiara. Actually, it may hold even more significance because it’s bequeathed exclusively to Queens and it’s their largest and possibly most significant tiara.
None of the three fringes the BRF has or Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara are reserved for exclusive wear by a reigning Queen. The Girls is one Queen Mary received as a wedding gift, when women raised money to purchase it for her. She then “gave” it to Princess Elizabeth as a wedding gift, when it wasn’t really her personal property to give away. But May was a magpie who spread tiaras far and wide.
Yaaass I find this hilarious! I wonder if the Bey army will now descend onto the Daily Fail or that idiot Piers M page (sicko will probably love the attention anyway).
I’m not a Beyonce fan nor advocate of royalty but as a gossiper I’m living for this!
I love this! It’s so funny to me for some reason. What a great move.
I would love it if the Beyhive flooded the DM with comments defending Meghan.
me too. That would be wonderful. Ultimately, there ARE more lovers than haters. Why we let the haters get so loud before we, the lovers, show up is beyond me. But we’re finally being heard! Let’s SMOTHER them with our love of all things GOOD. Lovers rule, Haters drool……
Well that was and is the tactic used by Rena’s army to counter nonsense said about Serena and it worked.
the sussexsquad on twitter will lead the Beyhive in their direction and also samantha’s locked account. (smiling like the Grinch)
This was really cool, I like how they didn’t do anything for the Grammies but then did this. I don’t think they commissioned it though.
The artist made this painting , it’s his own work.
I just read the artist made the painting for a soriety of Meghans.
Oh good Lord…
Tell us more William!
Can we stop with this? People can disagree without it being stated that they’re OBVIOUSLY William, or Kate or Samantha or Tom. It’s so childish.
Why can’t we just disagree? I’m actually Team No-one but some things just seem over the top for me.
I’m sure William has better things to do with his time. It’s ridiculous when anything short of absolute praise for Meghan in the media or comments section is attributed to William, Kate, Carol, Charles… The fans are just as corny as the haters
I agree. I admit that once in a while the “William…Carole….” responses are funny, but like anything, not when its a constant refrain.
who’s tom? I guess mr markle?
Well said Erinn!
That’s getting as lame as the “but Hillary! “response Trumpsters always use for everything. Not everyone always agrees with everyone else
William and Kate are said to be on ski holiday.
It’s interesting that we don’t see any articles questioning the cost of their travel or security detail. They must have flown privately as well since they did the last time they went on a ski holiday. Only Meghan gets called out on that one now.
If Meghan’s trip costs half a mill, according to the British paper, The D&D of Cambridge’s trip must have cost at least 5 times that, what with all their staff, security detail, private flights, etc.
Okay so about this – coincidence or conspiracy that these two things (Meg’s trip to NYC and W+ K’s holiday to wherever) landed on the same week? Because it’s glaringly obvious to anyone with any sense of objectivity that both of these trips are being covered so differently, i.e. RR’s frothing at the mouth as they tout the cost of Meg’s trip that was privately paid for, save for security, as opposed to not a peep of speculation regarding the Cambridge trip.
And wasn’t her being in NYC leaked before Scobie, who had the inside track, intended for it to be reported? I wonder how that happened….
It could be Meg planned to be in NYC, knowing she’d catch flack for, you know, existing, but deliberately planned it for the same week as the Cambridge trip to highlight the differences in coverage they’d receive.
KP decided to leak Meg’s trip to cover for the Cambridge’s taking another holiday this week.
Just a great big coincidence is all I’m noting.
It drives me nuts when people complain about security costs. The police, not Meghan or the BRF, decide how much protection she needs. The idea that she can’t live her life because there are crazies who would do her harm is ridiculous. Moreover, an attack on a member of the BRF could very well be considered an act of war if it is state sponsored so keeping her safe is in everyone’s best interests.
Onlyashes, add in the Middletons wanting to cover up the story about James and the offensive products from his company? You’re starting to have a good looking conspiracy theory.
Onlyashes, it’s half term in the UK this week, school is off, and with George and Charlotte both at school they are supposed to observe school dates, so makes sense they would plan for a ski trip in the week the kids are off school.
I loved it! No matter what Meghan does, the British press will continue to trash to her. I’m sure when you’re attacked day in and day out, such a public display of support from Beyonce just feels nice
If the Beyhive go after Piers Morgan, I will gladly bring the wine and popcorn. That will be fun to watch
No….Piers Morgan would only benefit from any attention…even negative attention. Leave him to rot in the cold.
But I want both thingsssss.
I want him to get the kind of treatment that he’s constantly giving others…. but I also don’t want it to encourage him. Damnit.
You want:
For him to be mercilessly attacked + lose out because of it (maybe even get fired!)
Like back in his CNN days……
Hmmmm……I love how you think…..
I want what Erinn wants! I can’t stand Piers
I’m with Erinn! I want both too!!! I want him buried…in love. Then what’s he gonna do, eh?
When I tell you I screamed!!!!! Gurlllll Yasssssss. I thought it was a little too much given that she’s the spouse of the sixth in line but you know what? I don’t even mind like that. I hope the Queen and the men in grey understands that this is not that deep and even make matters worse for Meghan lol
Also deleted Instagram posts from Meghan shows she was a big Beyoncé fan. Her old posts about Bey resurfaced on Twitter and I thought maybe Beyoncé knows and that’s why she’s telling the haters to back up.
However, while I love the optics of a biracial woman in the royal family, Harry and Meghan are not furthering the dialogue on race relations (Like Queen Bey) mentioned on her site. They are simply just living and that’s okay too.
Sometimes, just living IS furthering dialogue, though. It’s expanding what is seen as normal and what arenas people expect to see black and brown people living and thriving. Just as Serena and Venus have done in tennis, just as President Obama has done and now as Megan is doing. Sometimes, just being black and doing your damn life in spite of white spite is the conversation. We don’t need to further expend our energies talking at folks who can’t hear us anyway.
omg this is so good. this is a new social media celebrity game, those hating reporters won’t know what to do with it. amaaaaazing!!!!!!!!
What’s interesting is this picture of Meghan was commissioned by her old sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma a few years ago for the Kappa magazine. How Bey ended up seeing and using it, who knows, but imagine being that artist or the creative directors who commissioned it and seeing it turn up last night!
He commented on the brit awards twitter page. He was shocked. Which was sweet.
I’ve seen that image on instagram several times before.
I wonder if Beyonce is just like us? Lol
Love that more and more people are now openly supporting Meghan.
Immense respect for Beyonce, for doing this.
It was needed!
This is going to get ugly. Samantha will be a target of the Beehive too. God help Sam but I don’t think God would want to bother. He/She doesn’t like ugly and Samantha is that on the inside.
Oh yes – Evil Papa Smurf and Scammy should run and hide. They are about to get stung.
I forgot about the other side of Meghan’s DNA! I can’t wait to see the Beyhive go after them. This just got a whole lot better!
They absolutely didn’t commission it. In fact, a little quick googling on your part would’ve shown you that the artist seems…surprised? Bemused? To see that his work was used without permission in this video.
I heard it was commissioned by a sorority? If so, it’s theirs. If it’s theirs and Beyonce purchased it from them, the artist has no say in it.
You can actually buy a copy of the painting so i don’t think it was without permission.
Yes, just saw the link to buy it. It’s on the artist’s (Tim O’Brien) BigCartel page so I don’t think the sorority owns the rights.
how soon can I get a t-shirt?
I may officially have become s card carrying member of the hive.
I saw this on IG this morning and died. I love it. Those assholes won’t know what him ’em
I’m just looking forward to the day that the BeeHive is activated when one of the Royal reporters write a fake , bashing story on Meghan.
This is hilarious!! I cracked up just reading the title!!

I bet Beyoncé also did this because she also suffered from sickos saying she was faking her pregnancy and all that.
And lol @ their pettiness, not showing up to the grammys even though they won one but they did send a video to the Brits haaa I hope she pays the grammys dust after all the snubs.
Don’t blame her at all.
This made me very happy. It’s good to see others having the Duchess of Sussex’ back amid the onslaught of hateful racist media coverage. I was thinking today about how bad it got after the South Pacific tour and about how Meghan wasn’t allowed any time to just shine. She really made an effort and gave great speeches and connected to huge crowds of people and the racist media and whoever was behind the smear campaign cough..Cambridge/Middleton cough…couldn’t let that stand. Shine on Meg! You are an inspiration to many.
I don’t think anyone in the royal family is conspiring against her. I think the press were scared after seeing that tour how popular both of them were. They couldn’t have the spare and his wife outshine the heir and less the charismatic duo. The recent praise of Kate and William as the god’s Gift to royalty and protocol really showed it. I don’t even think the sudden support is real especially by a press that was complaining about them non stop before Meghan showed up. I’m just glad more are speaking out and noticing.
Yeah, the Cambridge’s favorite tabloids led the charge in attacking Meghan. They are going to regret that because they won’t win a war against Queen Beyoncé and the beehive.
That’s actually the Fleur dis Lys Tiara belonging to the Spanish Royal Family. Worn by Queen Letizia at the State Banquet for Spain at Buckingham palace a year ago.
Doesn’t matter, the point got across and it still looks good.
I find it funny that the press thought they could get away with treating Meghan this way and no one was going to defend her or call them out. I’ve seen so many articles from around the world defending her and calling out the British Press. In this new era of social media, they should’ve known better.
….and the British reporters are now saying the much of the US media is not taking their stories now like they have in the past two years , they are using their own reporters to get FACTS from either KP office on tour details and the US media and Print are using mostly Scobie as their go to British journo for info on Meghan.
Love it.
PEOPLE Mag friends support, Clooney words of support, Beyoncé show of support go international in seconds…….
It must be working because the Haters are still bothered, it’s all they’ve been talking about since People Mag….came out….how Meghan is getting support and they are mad about it, lol
I actually give Serena the credit for most of this counter offensive , didn’t she say a couple of weeks ago before the People article, that enough was enough and that the PR people were not dealing with the situation properly. Serena and Beyonce are tight and I bet my bottom dollar that the two of them have discussed this problem.
Both sides are just getting ridiculous.
This. People really think this will benefit Meghan?
In some ways but the press will get called out even more. Since Clooney’s statement, they’ve been getting called out and dissected since from all over the world. It seems like they didn’t learn anything from Diana and that situation. Bullying, Harassment and Gaslighting are not Journalism. They’ve been ripping this girl apart since 2016 nonstop but no one can defend her because it’s not the “British” way supposedly. This is still a human being at the end of the day.
Seriously, what has benefited Meghan up to this point? I’m glad to see she’s getting more support from others that have influence to move the needle slightly in her favor.
I personally can’t stand the beyhive but the threat of their unforgivingness is real and cannot be denied.
Richard Palmer, Piers Morgan, and Robert Jobson should tread lightly.
Wow…..i keep hearing about this beyhive, but have never actually seen them in action. cant wait
@Bella DuPont Google Kid Rock and beyhive.
I just did google Kid Rock and the Beyhive…..he posted a can of Raid bug spray and apparently stopped them dead? How did the Beyhive win that round? I couldn’t find anything else …
Thanks Bren!
Yeah because defending someone against bullying is ridiculous
@sassy, it doesn’t matter. Like Kaiser or CB said yesterday, people are going to crawl up Meghan’s ass no matter what she does.
Yes, BlueSky, but doesn’t it help Meghan to know how many people ARE on her side? I know I would…
Trying to equate the press relentlessly bullying someone with people trying to defend her against that bullying isn’t a good look.
It’s hilarious when some get bothered when even two or three celebs or people come out to support Meghan. Lol
It must be working ,if the haters are bothered by it.
That is glorious.
I can see both sides to this +/-.Though there is a part that would be a bit embarrassing about it all.
And no, I’m not William. Just a random American who has thoughts that are my own.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think this is glorious, amazing, or even very smart. Meghan is not a celebrity (anymore), she now is first and firmost a political figure, with very real political power. And she deserves to be treated as such. The press is behaving despicable, no doubt, but this move sparkles a very “celebrity-like feud”, with a us Vs them mentality and fanbases going after each other. It is an amazing show of support, but I think it undermines her role and standing.
I think so. To me the art makes a joke of her actual royal standing & you know somehow it’s going to get blamed on her long term.
The British press turned their royals into celebrities a long time ago. Long before Meghan came on to the scene.
To the Brits no matter what she does she will never be good enough.
They have a show called the windsors which makes fun of that family so I doubt that picture is going to suddenly make people take her seriously.
@ May
Very good points and all true. The problem is, isn’t the alternative far worse? To just watch these people endlessly hack away at her confidence and humanity until it completely withers away?
I actually want to know your thoughts….what do you suggest, (besides playing dead indefinitely)
Royals are hardly political anymore. They are celebrity. At least the British royals.
But people keep screaming about how her husband is just 6th in line to the throne and that they are just minor Royals with no standing to speak of. So how can it be harmful?
The Queen has political power, to a certain extent. Charles and William will have it. The rest of them have influence, like celebrities, but no actual political power.
@Maya:……….@sassy said, and I concur:
“The British press turned their royals into celebrities a long time ago.”
Yep. The curtain is sheer, not opaque. We know they are humans, not gods. We have been bombarded with their shenanigans for centuries. (and by ‘they’ i mean monarchs all over the world, not just the brits RF.
Nah, royals have long been paid tribute to and referenced in larger culture and entertainment for a long time. People just seem to equate anything to do with Meghan as something novel. It isn’t. Don’t see how this is different from Queen E’s James Bond bit, or the many times celebrities talk or joke about her, or her Andy warhol print. Not to mention Diana who got this same treatment long before her death. As Gert’s Royals said on Twitter this is nothing new for royals
Powerful, and very kind, gesture by The Carters. Must be great to have a platform and use it wisely and well.
And they look great doing it!
Stan culture terrifies me.
Don’t worry, that’s not what’s happening here. You should be more terrified by misogyny and racism though.
Posts like these make me call, once again, for a ‘Like” button!
@otaku, louder for the people in the back!!
Amen, and aint that the truth.
Who says she isn’t? You can be worried by many things.
Your takeaway from this entire incident is about “stan culture?” Seriously?
Honestly it makes Meghan more pop culture than royal. I feel like they could support her in a more fitting way.
The royals are pop culture tho and have been for some time.
I thought the whole justification for the upkeep of the RF at this point was they’re good for tourism. I love following the RF, I think the history and traditions are fascinating, but yeah they’re celebs.
At this point I’m thinking pop culture is more royal than the royals. The racist media attacks and lack of support from the royal court is what is most unfitting.
What does this even mean?
Remember how the Daily Mail and British press was practically drooling in accollades when Prince William and Duchess Kate , hung out with Beyoncé and JayZ at a NY Basketball game or NY event, it was hailed as a great social meeting of two power couples.
But now suddenly Meghan gets support from Beyoncé and its suddenly hand wringing.
They are so jealous and insecure lolll
yeah funny how they forget Will and Kate actually met them. Diana danced with John Travolta back in the day too. Did the monarchy end because of that?
This is way too weird. Defend her against WHO? There are racists in the UK and in the US…. everywhere. They’re not going away anytime soon, and the press in the UK is free.
Secondly, she wasn’t known BEFORE she met Ginger, and I bet thin-lips Clooney’s didn’t consider her his friend before Ginger.
Her fame came/happened after Ginger married her – he is a member of the BRF so one could say the BRF put her on the map – and now weird people want to ‘defend’ her against those that made her famous???
I bet many of these ‘defenders’ couldn’t care less about her before Ginger married her. Good grief! Restrain yourselves. Grow up.
Defend her against the onslaught of racist media in the UK. It’s been unrelenting and worse than any other British royal has ever gotten for doing nothing wrong. She got blamed for famine and war over avocado toast. If the royal family won’t stand up for her (and they stood up for Kate and Andrew and got the press to knnck off any minor negativity), then Beyoncé and Meghan’s friends will. And good on them.
Blatant racism and misogyny should be called out all day everyday everywhere.
@ malak
You really should think about taking your own advice.
No kidding!
You mad? Stay mad.
I think thin lips piss her off.
It’s true of most famous people that we didn’t know who they were before fame.
This comment and the “You mad? Stay mad.” above it nearly made me burst out laughing. How dare we not know who someone is before they become famous?!?!?! The straw haters reach to grasp.
Lol im enjoying this salt! So stressed that some of the most famous people in the world are defending Meghan. Breathe, honey
You are purposely being obtuse, because you answered your own question within the first three sentences of your post.
People are “defending” Meghan (and many, many other people) and speaking out against classism, racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia.
People are not defending her against the BRF. Let this be repeated: people are defending her against classism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia and they’re defending her because the BRF isn’t.
Against whom, mallie. Against whom. I suspect against people like you. And goodness, mallie, calling for restraint after a rant like that?
Meghan has powerful friends, some of whom are famous. She had many of those friends before she met Harry. They’re rising up and defending her publicly in the face of the unfettered, racist hate that has been directed at her for over two years. I for one hope they keep it up until Piers and his ilk give up and go cover the weather instead. Can’t wait for the Beyhive to go after the tumblr and DM idiots.
She was known BEFORE but not to as many as she is now. I knew who she was but then I watched the show was in.
As for defend against who, if you don’t want to see the racist media articles and social media trolls who spend every waking hour bullying and denigrating her online and in print, well… you do you on that.
I have told you Malek , stop calling Prince Harry , Ginger, it is rude and you probably know that.
This Meghan photoshop has been all over Instagram since the wedding. Bey and Jay probably had it printed. Not commissioned.
**No hate, just wanted to clarify.**
EDIT: just saw it was a sorority thing.
Having the Beyhive behind her can help OR hurt. It’s too soon to tell. The Bey stans are effing nuts. They could have shown solidarity with out unleashing the crazies.
I’m here for the crazy! The “megxit” mob vs the Beyhive. Bring it on! (I will be selling popcorn and beer on the sidelines, feel free to flag me down)
@ Heather
Yup…..”bring out the gimp…” lol
If the BRF doesn’t want to their brand associated with the beyhive, then they had better roll their sleeves up and get their f-king hands dirty. Either way, she’s not taking this defenseless beating anymore.
It’s not a photoshop. It’s an actual painting that was made for her sorority and you can buy prints of it on the artist’s website.
I love this! Not sure how getting the Bey-hive involved will play out long-term but I think this is fabulous and also very on brand for Bey.
Aside from sharing mutual friends, this statement makes a lot of sense for Yonce. So much of her work over the last several years has been about centering black voices and challenging white-centering spaces through the presence of blackness. I mean just read the analysis of the Ape-shit video and the lyrics of her last 2 albums. It would totally make sense for her to see all of this vitriol, criticism(partially valid or not) and rampant racism directed at the Duchess and wanting to comment.
Not only is she signaling protection but also sympathy with another biracial /black woman who is not part of a traditionally white space.
*now * part of a traditionally white space
This is already iconic!
Here for it!
Is it wrong that I want to see this image with Kate’s infamous portrait photoshopped in? That portrait unveiling was one of my favorite royal moments of all time.
Eh idk. I was reading this thinkpiece on biracial people and how even though they’re a part of two racial identities if the comprise of white/minority it usually always almost falls on the minority to accept and take up for them sometimes to the detriment/erasure of the minority.
I guess my question is why does that have to be the case?? Meghan is white as well (and no one can deny she looks it), why haven’t there been public callouts on this scale from them? Racists are racist and disregard this video and any activity from the Beyhive as the work of “oversensitive” people, but they’re forced to listen when their own calls them out and so far that’s been lacking from the other side.
This happened with Obama too where it would be minorities rallying for him and calling out the dogwhistles floating around, but most white people would be silent even though Obama is half white too?
I’m not trying to offend honestly honestly I’m just confused and rambling obviously, but maybe someone can point something out I’m missing?
I’m not sure I am following? Is the question why aren’t white people calling out the racism directed at Meghan?
My answer to that is twofold – first, some white people are (I am white, and I feel like I am constantly explaining to people the racism that Meghan is facing, as best I can at any rate). But second – goes along with the first – many many white people just don’t see it. They don’t think that when they discuss Meghan being “appropriate” that its racism; yesterday someone said they “didn’t like how she conducted herself” but insisted they weren’t racist. I think on CB we do a good job of calling out the racist comments, but on twitter and IG the remarks often do go without being called out, and I think its that many white people still think that if they aren’t being overtly racist, or using a slur, then its not racism.
I saw this yesterday and legit CACKLED.
Don’t let the tinhats and racist RRs get you down. George really hurt their feelings because the majority of people agree with him and the majority of people have never heard of their own names and will never read their spin. This has all been cathartic and entertaining as hell.
The RRs are so salty over Clooney’s comments. They either ignored them or whined that he’s a has been who doesn’t now what he’s talking about, even though his comments immediately got international media spotlight put on the RRs treatment of DoS.
I’ve been looking on twitter today. I see Morgan, Palmer, and English are focusing commentary about the cost of the trip or calling people supportive “megnuts.” I haven’t seen any of them address the painting (except Scobie’s positive tweet about it). I don’t think Andrews has posted all month and Nash is quiet about things too.
Carolyn Durand was the only one besides Scobie who did I think? Also Gert’s Royals (commentator) was very favorable and actually said this has been done with royals before (see, which was surprising.
I love how much he got to them and yet their whines will never go beyond their limited Twitter sphere that consists of thousands, and they know it. I wonder why they haven’t criticized Beyonce yet though.
I am at a loss to know why the UK tabloids have turned on Meghan…I thought when she got engaged to Harry that the British press would fall in love with her and the fawning would’ve been totally OTT…but its gone the other way and I don’t understand it – unless this is their way of getting back at Harry for his unconcealed loathing of the press. I don’t know what the answer is. Maybe if Harry and Meghan get on with their lives and work hard to support HM in the UK the tabloids will get bored.
Because clicks generate money. They are all working in a failing industry, scrambling for jobs, and don’t care how many lies and racist things they publish so long as they meet their click quota.
They’ve attacked Harry for years because William was “off limits”. They were always going to attack Harry’s wife, just like the tabloids attacked Fergie. Heir vs. Spare. Now they’re finding out Harry married a strong woman who can protect herself and who has powerful, loyal friends.
Well said, notsugarhere .
Also they didn’t turn on Meghan, They ,the British press were NEVER nice or kind to Meghan. From day one it was Straight Outta Comptom headlines.
I love B and i would sale my organs on the black market to see her shows. But I”m very much concerned with the proliferation of Black people who honestly equate their individual success with community advancement.Individual successes can & should be celebrated, but they should never be positioned as advancement of us black people. There is no amount of ”charity work” that will create lasting & effective change for US Black people. Meghan is part of “the” white supremacist family who’s only purpose is to keep the class system in place, that same system that allow the RR to report on her the way they do. it’s fine to celebrate Meghan’s marriage, which is the only reason we are talking about her anyways, but please don’t make it like it’s some advantage to us black people because it’s not.
When is this fashion for women having their boobs exposed going to end. It is so horrible and desperate. is there any deeper meaning behind trying to expose as much of yourself as possible without breaking the law?
How about never.
They do it because they like it, and because there is nothing wrong with the human body.
If you don’t personally like it for yourself, great wear a turtleneck. But you do not get to tell other women what is right and “proper” for their own bodies.
I get the feeling that you complain about women breastfeeding in public too
@cairinacat I don’t know you but I love. Thus slap down is gold

I am late to the party today. Worked all afternoon and only just closed shop at 9.30pm. I saw this on Beyoncé’s instagram this morning. Like 3 posts she made and also captioned one with ‘melanated monas’. Well… Henceforth my nickname for my half white daughter shall be…melanated mona..

I am so glad celebrities are coming out in support of Meghan. This is something the BRF should have done… How many blackwomen married into their family? I get stiff upper lip and the whole never explain thing but this does not look good on the BRF. They should have sent a strong message to the RRs that access will be cut off unless you stop the racist reporting. THE BRF should be ashamed. I hope some Commonwealth leaders and newspapers reprimand the sh!t out of the BRF. What kind of message are they sending to minority Britain?
This. Plus, people don’t seem to get that their discomfort with a woman dressing a certain way doesn’t automatically make the woman ‘desperate’ for doing it. Maybe they just don’t place the same value on saving it 4 hubby that you do?
Firstly, I am not against breastfeeding in public (women in less developed countries could give their western sisters various lessons on how to breast feed in public), and I am not telling people how they should dress. I personally do not like this new ‘fashion’. I find it quite ridiculous that women, on very cold nights feel the need to parade like this. Men don’t feel pressured to expose so much bare skin when ‘dressing up’. On occasions when it is quite appropriate to ‘dress down’ ie hot weather then I would feel fine if women chose to do the same as men do.
Who says she’s a victim of societal pressure for it though? Maybe she doesn’t have a problem with it. Do you assume that the woman who would never show so much cleavage is responding to some kind of pressure/coercion, or would that just be taken as a woman making a ‘self-respecting’ choice?
This is amazing! Wow that portrait is beautiful.
But also, I do feel people are overreacting because she’s Black/ mixed. Kate was trashed for 15 years and dare I say just recently started receiving positive press due to being the other option for the Meg- haters.
But I’m glad Meg is having her moment. She is deserving.
Kate never got the same treatment as what Meghan is currently experiencing. Being called waity kate or lazy kate, keen kate or whatever is not the same as being attack day in and day out for simply living one’s life as Meghan.
Good play from Beyoncé on Megan’s behalf as she has the support of so many. I’m not a huge Beyoncé fan on a PERSONAL level (love her music and dancing but her as a person, not so much) love to hear her music but best heard to me not seen (but glad she doesn’t actually speak now but only through her songs). But good on her for this, I approve!!! And the crazy Beyhive (selling an organ *eye roll*), will obviously die on her sword even MORE now.
Yet Amal and her smug self-importance!! UGH can’t stand her. And also Jessica Mulroney’s another who suffers from Megan-friend smugness! AND her husband Ben. It seems like some in Meghan’s posse all suffer from that – and I feel that they use Megan for their own “look at MEeeeee!! I am friends with a princess which makes ME SOOOO important ” . Yeah, yeah, they were friends before but it’s their SMUGNESS NOW that annoys me. But not Serena, she was important before and after with out without Megan and doesn’t have to smug it out.
But alas I am obviously in the minority and I’m ok with that !
I want to see the look on MM face when she saw this!!!! LOL Priceless.
I’m not a huge Beyonce fan. But I LOVE this! Yes! Get that Behive in formation. I fully stand behind this Beyonce stunt!
I don’t think adding the Beyhive to the royal watching community will end well. I was completely turned off from the Beyhive when they attacked Rachel Ray because they didn’t know that Rachel Ray and Rachel Roy were two different people, and didn’t check to make sure they were attacking the right person.
I’m loving it! Gauntlet thrown!
Seriously, I want to pull my hair out or punch people in the throat whenever they say how kate is so classy compared to Meghan. People are just salty and embarrassed that their homegirl got shown up by someone who is a hard worker and jumped right in with her current role. Although, unfortunately Meghan may never win with the racists no matter how hard or serious she is with her role, they will always find her wanting simply because of the colour of her skin and being American (so gauche! *clutches pearls*)
I hope Meghan continues to live her best life and tune out the haters.
As an artist I’m pretty pissed they didn’t ask the artist, illustrator Tim O’Brien, for his permission/acknowledge him nor did they purchase that print from him according to his TMZ interview although he seems to be ok with that since he likes Beyoncé. Unfortunately they decided to be cheap when they could’ve at least credited him and let him profit off of his own damn work.
Uh. I’m pretty sure he is profiting insanely off that print today. It is for sale on his website and the orders are flowing in. If he added it to a t-shirt and/or coffee cup, he could probably retire.
I agree, I enjoyed the overall message and intent but that was one of my initial thoughts too., They should’ve secured his permission but this seems like the way the Carters operate, sadly. Not fair at all. I imagine he probably want thrilled at first but I guess now he’s being interviewed and publicity and he’ll take that as a consolation prize. Doubt he has the resources to sue them.
Would he really know if they purchased the print from him unless they put Beyonce Knowles or Shawn Corey Carter on the order form? Surely someone on their team purchases stuff like this on their behalf without namedropping.
@G @MA
As I understand it, the painting was commissioned off him years ago, so wouldn’t those who purchased it now have ownership of who they let use it? This also wasn’t used by Bey and Jay to acquire any profit from, the only person making bank from it now is the original artist you mentioned–with people now interested in purchasing copies of it, not to mention the global exposure it brings him.
I have no idea why this brought me so much joy. Yasssss Queen(s).
I love this so much!
The support is cool. Well played Beyonce, well played.
Although I won’t classify myself as a member of the Beyhive, I must admit that I did get some enjoyment out of seeing this clip. As an African-American woman, I must admit that my interest in the BRF increased exponentially with the addition of Meghan Markle. Although she classifies herself as mixed, I have always appreciated that she has never shied away from her black half and is proud of it. The RR and other areas of the media have a long history of associating anything negative with black folks (e.g., Straight Outta Compton) and magnifying it to make certain that everyone is aware that we are the “other” and “less than”. So, to see this brown person as a member of one of the oldest and revered families in the world is pretty significant to me.
I need that painting on a T-shirt in size me and size my daughter. I want to say I was there when history was being made. Slapping back at those racist RRs and remembering how the world and not the BRF stood up for Meghan will go down in history and I need the Tshirt stat!
Such a fuss over a c-list actress who just happened to marry a prince. I mean I have nothing against her and I am sure she is a nice person but holy crap can we go one day without this everyone obsessing over her? You’d think she actually accomplished something, like she Beyoncé or Serena or something.
To be fair I know it’s not her i’m mad at. I don’t think much of royalty in general and the British royals in particular. I see no reason for them to exist, let alone be praised. I feel this way about all of them without exception. So when someone is elevated to some from C-list actress to A-list goddess of the people who we must all praise endlessly and defend with our lives blah blah blah, just because she married one of them, well, it just rubs me the wrong way.
Don’t get me wrong I don’t think it’s fair how she is treated in the British tabloids, yes they are scum, yes they are racist (what this is news?) but just because someone is unfairly criticized doesn’t make them a saint, a martyr or a queen. Again I am sure she is very nice and just to be clear I would be saying the exact same thing and feeling the exact same way about a c-list actor who gets elevated to pop culture hero/saint status just for marrying a princess so it’s not about gender.
I will probably end up hounded here, but I do not like it, and wished they had found another way to support her.
One, it’s tacky. Since she is now married to the queen grand son, and actually an heir now. It probably is not intended like that, but still. It fel incredibly disrespectful.
Second, while Black Fight is a real thing in the US, it’s not the same in Europe. Yes there are racists. But, not every thing is about race. Her being a divorcee, her being an actress, her pleased to talk family and worst, her being an american…. all that is good and new fooder and sells paper. That kind of very heavy handed media stunt can only increase the interest. Plus did I said it? It is tacky. Like telling a grandma to get out of the way.