Cele|bitchy | Us Weekly: Duchess Meghan wants to be mum-friends with Duchess Kate

Us Weekly: Duchess Meghan wants to be mum-friends with Duchess Kate

Royals Xmas Day church

The Duchess of Cambridge did not attend the Duchess of Sussex’s New York baby shower. I doubt Meghan even invited Kate, and even if Meghan did, Kate wouldn’t have gone. Reportedly, there will be another baby shower in London, possibly hosted by Doria Ragland, but who will attend that? Meghan’s got friends in London, but she’s also not part of any “mumset” as they say across the pond. She’s doesn’t have a wealth of UK-based female friends who are already moms, women whom she can call for advice and support once the baby comes. So maybe Meghan wants to develop a closer bond with Kate?

With just weeks to go until she becomes a mom, Duchess Meghan was in need of a girls’ getaway. So the former Suits star, 37, jetted to New York City, where she celebrated her baby shower among friends. During her trip, the California native was also spotted shopping at high-end baby store Bonpoint and having lunch at famous macaron spot Ladurée with her best friend and stylist Jessica Mulroney. She also met up with Serena Williams and Abigail Spencer for dinner at The Polo Bar on Tuesday, February 19.

Meghan’s girl time was much needed. In the new issue of Us Weekly, a source reveals that the philanthropist feels she’s lacking “a group of moms in London to lean on.” As a result, she hopes to strengthen her relationship with her sister-in-law, Duchess Kate. “It’s not bad by any means, but they want to make it stronger,” notes the insider.

[From Us Weekly]

I’ll believe it when I see it. Don’t get me wrong, at this point I don’t even believe that Meghan and Kate are at each other’s throats or anything, I think it’s just a normal grey-area relationship, somewhere between “not BFFs” and “not utter enemies.” Part of is that their “friendship” was always set up to fail – between the tabloids, the palace courtiers and Kate’s history of being work-shy, it would have been a bigger shock if they had become fast friends and supported each other in every way. As it stands now, I doubt Meghan and Kate are suddenly going to become besties once Meghan has the baby. It feels like the Cambridges are going to be in for another rude awakening at how happy people will be for Meghan and Harry and the Royal Polo Baby. In fact, my theory is that the Cambridges will be launching another press-attack against the Sussexes once the baby arrives.

Royals Xmas Day church

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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71 Responses to “Us Weekly: Duchess Meghan wants to be mum-friends with Duchess Kate”

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  1. Marnie says:

    I think Duchess Meghan doesn’t care about Duchess Kate.

    • broodytrudy says:

      I think they both don’t really care, and that’s okay. I have five SILs, i don’t do much with any of them. We all have our own lives and our own families. We go to family events together and are cordial, and that’s it. No drama, no problems, no fake friendships. If that’s what’s happening here, that’s totally fine. These two women have their own established lives.

      • Carrie says:

        Why go if you don’t care about each other or can’t be bothered to get to know what’s going on with them? No offence intended but this sounds like a host of fake. ?

      • Elisa says:

        I get what you are saying broodytrudy. I also make an effort to be cordial, but at the end of the day it was my respective sibling who chose their partner, not me. So I might not necessary find them friend-material but I make an effort for my siblings.
        @Carrie: this is not fake – it’s a compromise and helps you get along with people you don’t care about / don’t find interesting etc. But I care about my siblings and I know they would be hurt if I didn’t show up at family events.

    • Yami says:

      @ Marnie +1

  2. Rianic says:

    Kate will get pregnant again. This may be a one and done for Harry and Meghan, and the Cambridges can’t let this child be the “baby of the family.”

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I think it’s more than just that. The more children William has, the less important all other members of the family become. Just as Charles and his direct descendants overshadow Elizabeth’s other kids (Anne, Andrew, Edward) and their descendants. If William has a large family of his own (kids, grandkids), then his cousins, nieces, and nephews, become less important and he could have a good argument to even “cut off” funding.

      And yes, I do believe he is that shallow.

    • Princessk says:

      I keep hearing that Kate will still have another one. Anyway l hope that Meghan has at least one more pregnancy and if so it will be within two years.

    • Nikki says:

      The Cambridges “CAN’T LET THIS CHILD BE THE BABY OF THE FAMILY” made me roll my eyeballs so hard. You’ve cast them as the evil villain from a fairy tale. I’m sure whether they have a fourth child will depend on several factors, none of which is to make sure only they have the baby of the family!!

      • Ira says:

        Sussex baby will be very very beautiful like most biracial kids especial with Doria genetics. He/she most likely will be smart like his/her mother. Twenty years from baby Sussex will be the one who plastered the tabloid, overshadow the heir and the spare.

    • Olenna says:

      I think she’ll have another one, too. For reasons that don’t even need repeating, she knows she won’t be able to sustain a productive work momentum for any impactful length of time. Besides, with each pregnancy, the public cuts her a lot slack and doesn’t seem bothered by her her “ageing eggs” (or womb) or the fact they have to help support another entitled royal. All of which her SIL has been heavily criticized for and more.

    • Ahoyoy says:

      Also, once she has the fourth kid, she’ll be ‘too busy raising 4 children to keep working’ and retire from public life. Throw down some cover press about Kate being ‘overwhelmed’ with public duties distracting her from motherhood and a couple of exhausted-looking appearances featuring wan smiles and dark circles under her eyes. People will be shrieking for the ‘grueling’ work schedule to cease and for Kate to ‘take care of herself’ and ‘focus on being a wife and mother’. A convalescence that will last until William is King.

    • LIija says:

      I really doubt any adult would have a child just to upstage a sibling. Besides, if that were their concern, they already have George, the future king. In that family the prize goes to the oldest, not youngest. I don’t think Kate or Meghan care enough about each other to plan their reproductive choices around each other. I’ve seen no proof that there’s any catfight between the ladies anyway, certainly not the extent that they’d plan a pregnancy around it.

  3. savu says:

    I can’t articulate exactly why, but I just know in my gut Meghan is smart to keep some distance. Wouldn’t this be so fun if it turned into a full-on Brandi/Leeann single white female situation?! Bahahaha. We already know Kate is mirroring the work ethic.

    • Valiantly Varnished says:

      Agreed. Meghan is a smart cookie and I think she knows that a lot of the bad press came from William (not Kate). BUT it also painted Kate in an innocent light while making Meghan look like a villain. I don’t think she hates Kate but I think she knows to watch her back a bit and keep a comfortable distance. Not to mention that it’s clear Harry and William are not on good terms right now. It would just be inviting more drama.

    • Monicack says:

      Do you realize what you just wished for? I can’t today.

    • Erinn says:

      “Wouldn’t this be so fun if it turned into a full-on Brandi/Leeann single white female situation”

      No. No it wouldn’t. Why would you wish for that? And you don’t KNOW in your gut. You might feel in your gut, but there’s no way to know that she needs to do that.

  4. Marnie says:

    “It feels like the Cambridges are going to be in for another rude awakening at how happy people will be for Meghan and Harry and the Royal Polo Baby”

    I agree. If there was all this frenzy about the baby shower when Baby Sussex arrives it will be insane. Plus, if he/she will be black it will become an historic event “the first black baby born in the Royal Family”.

    • Monicack says:

      Not the first but okay.

      • Bubbly Cloud says:

        Meghan isn’t the first person with African ancestry to marry into the royal family. There were some good blogs at the time of the wedding as a counterpoint to the wedding PR. I don’t remember the links but you could Google.

  5. Brandy Alexander says:

    I hope they do become besties. Both of these ladies will always be thrown to the wolves if it benefits the BRF, and who better to understand that then each other? They could be a great support to each other. Of course, I still think it was Charles and not the Cambridges that launched the attack against Meghan, so I am sure everyone here will disagree with me.

    • Megan says:

      Motherhood may bring them closer because it is something they have in common. They are very different people and I don’t know why anyone expected them to be fast friends.

    • Princessk says:

      I was hoping that they would be good friends but unless the Cambridge’s call off the Daily Mail attack dogs and accept the huge popularity of the Sussexes, it ain’t gonna happen

      • Elisa says:

        I don’t think it’s the Cambridge’s. Have you read Piers Morgan’s recent articles on Meghan? He has a huge problem with her and this has nothing to do with the Cambridges.
        Anyways, I firmly believe there is no feud between Kate and Meghan and they get along fine.

  6. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Lol. Yeah…no. I think Meghan will be mom friends with her ACTUAL friends that are also moms. She has a ton of female friends and most of them are married with kids. I dont think Meghan and Kate are enemies but I also dont think they are friends. And that’s okay. They are two very different people who have only one real thing in common: they married royal brothers.

  7. Whatabout says:

    Ok this is off topic but I heard some gossip over housing at KP this weekend. Here it goes. Allegedly the plan was for Harry and Meghan to move full time to a home at Windsor and that Beatrice would get Nottingham cottage. Some money was going to be given to Harry to purchase a home farther in the country for himself. But after realizing the commute Harry asked to keep a place at KP which is fine with everyone except they don’t know what to do now. The goal was to move Eugenie into the open apartment next to Will and Kate and *possibly* give Andrew Ivy cottage. This person claimed Andrew wants a permanent place at KP for when Charles ascends to the throne. As he currently has a place at BP and once Beatrice moves out of St James the family won’t be able to hold onto it.

    So as it stands BP is sort of dragging there feet as to what to do. Not wanting to cause family issues.

    Edit to add the person who told me this claimed another family member, possibly Edward, wants a small apartment at KP too. The feeling being that Charles will probably not be so open to it.

    • Becks1 says:

      The part about this that makes me give it the side eye is the part about Harry “realizing the commute” between Windsor and London (presumably central London I guess?) Harry would surely know that distance very well.

      As for the rest – I can see this becoming overly complicated, and I can see Andrew wanting a place at KP or wanting both his daughters to have a place there, and then for Edward to follow suit.

      • Whatabout says:

        Sorry I should have made myself clearer. The distance would have been for a home they purchased outside of Windsor. In Oxfordshire. The person said they both realized it was felt too remote for them. Which is why they opted for a smaller place at Windsor, so they could keep a place at KP. Nobody had a problem with this but they can’t figure out where to put everyone and not tick off family.

      • Becks1 says:

        Ah okay, I see what you are saying. If those rumors are true, I can see the complications and tension.

    • TheOtherSam says:

      I can believe most of this except for the part about moving Eugenie and Jack into the huge Apt 1 at KP, currently occupied by the Duke & Duchess of Gloucester. That is not in the cards for them, that space is huge and reserved for senior royals. As it stands Will and Kate are going to take it over, after it was considered for Harry & Meghan. Eugenie is lucky to have Ivy Cott as it is; my guess is she and Jack will eventually move out to their own larger private home in London once they have children.

      • Whatabout says:

        The Gloucester’s have moved out of that apartment. It came across to me that the hope was to give it to Beatrice once she married. But Eugenie got married first. In the past KP apartments are given to the Queens cousins. Since Charles’s cousins have no interest in it. That leaves Wills cousins.

      • TheOtherSam says:

        @Whatabout that past practice, of giving large apartments at KP for the monarch’s cousins or nieces/nephews, ended some time ago. The Gloucesters have worked for the Crown for years, so they were given that space decades ago. Now as their children are long gone they’ve moved out to downsize. Neither Bea or Eugenie will be working Royals, so won’t be given a space like this at any of the palaces. Ivy Cott for Eug & Jack was surprising as it was.

        Neither Charles nor William will be allowing anyone other than their own families, or those of their siblings, to live at BP/KP or St. James, and even then in much smaller housing than in the past.

      • Whatabout says:

        @theothersam the person/people who told me this said that Andrew/his kids/BP know that Charles wouldn’t be open to having Andrew and his kids at KP but that the queen does want this. The monarchy has turn over the apartments at St James Palace and that is not an option for them to keep.

        As for Apt 1 if Will and Kate took it over that would be mean they have expanded there home to be a 35 plus rooms and something like 14 bedrooms. There’s no way anyone would ever agree to that.
        Both Beatrice and Eugenie do charity work and do quite a bit of it. They are also titled, you maybe confusing them with Zara and Peter. Who are not titled and don’t carry out engagements.

      • kacy says:

        They could solve some of this by putting Andrew in jail where he belongs.

      • TheOtherSam says:

        @whatabout: sorry to respond so much later. There has already been heavy talk in the UK press that Apt 1 will be converted and used by W & K as state rooms, offices and reception areas, and not necessarily personal living space (they already have a sizeable personal apartment). This is because they are going to be staying at KP for many years, during the duration of Charles’s reign and until William becomes King; they supposedly agreed not to move to CH or St. James when he is Prince of Wales due to the huge expense laid out to re-model the KP digs just a few years ago. This has also been discussed here in prior royal threads.

        Not confusing Bea & Eug with Peter & Zara at all. Of course they do charity work but it’s their own, and not in service to the Crown. Titles have nothing to do with it; none of them are working royals and entitled to large living spaces at the palaces. Neither Bea or Eugenie will be granted extended space at KP; possibly smaller cottages like Ivy or Nott, but nothing larger.

        The days of extended family members – beyond grown children and perhaps siblings of the monarch – having main residence at the palaces are pretty much over.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Kacy: from your keyboard to God’s ears!

        @Whatabout, this is all very interesting and makes sense.

        Do you know why the monarchy would need to turn SJP over? I thought it was like BP/KP, basically theirs to do whatever they wanted with.

    • SJR says:

      This all makes sense to me from a security standpoint.
      C’mon, it’s friggin’ BP…there is plenty of room and that place needs a ton of upkeep/repairs which also costs a pretty farthing.

      I admit some days the BRF is a better soap opera than tv writers can conjure up.
      Centuries of plotting, grasping for power, excellentwardrobe and jewelry…why not follow along?

      I still want to Boo Camilla, IRL.

      • Tina says:

        I don’t think anyone will be living at BP itself when Charles becomes king. Charles will stay at Clarence House (and Windsor Castle) and BP will be used for diplomatic functions and will be open to the public year-round. That will bring in extra money which can be used for upkeep.

  8. Va Va Kaboom says:

    Actually, Meghan and Kate becoming “mum friends” would be both a brilliant PR move and just a nice thing for two sisters-in-law if they can manage it. They may genuinely bond over parenting. I could seem them having similar “intentional” parenting styles. And letting some stories and photos of them spending time together with the kids would provide a quiet, but powerful counter-narrative to all the stories that they’re at each other’s throats. The BRF needs to start upping the positive family image because turmoil is coming

    • Lorelei says:

      @Va Va ITA with you and Joybells below. It will be such a shame if they never become friends. I don’t expect them to be BFFs but they are each in such unique positions that literally no one else on earth can understand, and they’ll have more in common once Meghan has the baby. Plus it would be great if M&H’s baby could grow up seeing his/her cousins frequently.

      Sure Meghan has friends with kids that she can talk to, text, FaceTime, etc., but it’s not the same as having someone close by to get together with while the kids play.

      I hope that the “feud” is complete tabloid nonsense and that Kate and Meghan get along perfectly fine behind closed doors.

      That said, I do believe Kate will have a fourth.

  9. JoyBells says:

    I beg to differ, I hope these two wonderful ladies become if not besties then good friends someday. Both are raising families under the harsh critical media scrutiny and reports like how the two parties are trying to sabotage each other sounds really ridiculous. Somebody else is benefitting from all this mess, and at the end of the the day these two ladies are the ones getting hate. I hope they become each other’s support because heaven’ know that they need it.

    • Herta says:

      Who would profit from making the Cambridges and the Sussex’ look like feuding cats?
      – the tabloids: stories about royal feuds sell well
      – ??? anyone from inside the Royal Family?

    • Ladiabla says:

      I agree, I hope they become friends as well, and support each other’s initiatives. They seem to be quite different personality-wise, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be friends. Most folks have friends who are completely different from themselves, makes life more interesting. And you always get the other person’s view on things, which is always a plus.

      • Lorelei says:

        I have absolutely nothing in common with my SIL. I mean, *nothing.* We would *never* in a million years be friends if we hadn’t been thrown together by marriage. But she’s a nice person and we stay friendly and make it work. I love her brother so I make a point to be friendly and kind to her.

        It got easier once we both had kids to talk about, share tips, etc. Both Kate and Meghan seem like decent people and I’m sure they will settle into a relationship that works for them.

        The stupid tabloids never should have started with that whole “Fab Four” BS and raised people’s expectations.

    • Nikki says:

      +1, and I’m not reading any more of the comments today.

    • Carrie says:

      Me too. I dread these stories and wishes for harm in their relationship. It’s not good for the kids either.

    • LIija says:

      I agree. My SIL and I have children very close in age and are in similar careers. Are we best friends? No, but we have a very nice, cordial relationship. I have no idea if MM and KM will ever be having sleepovers and painting each other’s toes but I very much hope they have a friendly relationship. It would be nice for them and their children. No reason to wish these women pitted against each other for all eternity.

  10. Fluffy Princess says:

    It would be nice if they became “mum friends.” They don’t have to be besties, but Polo Baby Sussex is still a royal baby, and I know there are rules/things/protocols they will have to follow, so it would be nice if Kate could ease that for Meghan. But we’ll see. If not, I have every confidence that Meghan and Harry will figure it out.

  11. Well-Wisher says:

    Spot on. With the requisite “rank pull” to emphasize the differing positions.

    For the umpteenth time we will hear that Prince Harry is 6th in line of the throne. As part of the Commonwealth: it is just fine with me.

  12. minx says:

    I think US is trying to get clicks and they don’t know any more than I do.

    • Lynnie says:

      I agree wholeheartedly! US Weekly is delving in fan fiction again. Also, to the earlier message, yes, this would be a terrific PR move – for KATE. Meghan & Harry are doing perfectly fine by spit-polishing her own PR efforts (with the loyal help of her friends’ expert PR firms) thank you very much.

      • Lolly says:

        @Lynnie Kate ranks higher in popularity in England over Meghan, so not sure why it would just be a good PR move for Kate. I think it would help both of them, not just personally, but to silence all the critics that believe these women have to be feuding.

    • Mego says:

      Yup it’s make believe.

  13. mm11 says:

    I really hope that The Cambridges were not behind the press attacks, what a disgusting thing to do to your only brother like I can’t even put my head around it

    • ADS says:

      I don’t really understand why people believe they are behind it. Especially considering what both boys went through with their mum. It just does not seem likely that Wills (and Kate) would do this.

  14. Becks1 says:

    I agree that I don’t think they are enemies and I don’t think they are BFFs, and that’s fine. Many SILs are not that close (I like one of my SILs, don’t like the other – but even the one that I like, while I recognize that she is a really nice and good person – shes just not someone that I would have been friends with on my own, you know? we are very different.)

    I think when Meghan has the baby that will give Kate and Meghan something in common. Right now all they have in common is that they married brothers and are both duchesses. Sometimes when there are kids in the mix, and you can both commiserate over colic or whatever, it can help.

  15. lubbylou says:

    Have we got any evidence whatsoever that the bad press has come from William, or is it just the tabloids trying to stoke things, and then people believing what they want to believe depending on whether they are on team Sussex or team Cambridge.

    Given William’s view on the press regarding his mother I have my doubts. But then I am not looking for shade.

  16. TheHeat says:

    Maybe they just don’t like each other. Who cares? Do they have to be best friends? Do we need to make a decision as to who the bad guy is? Maybe they’re just not suited to each other’s personalities. And that’s okay.
    Picking apart women’s relationships or lack thereof is not okay in this day and age.

  17. Carolind says:

    Regarding the housing, I am sure that when Charles becomes king, he will not be living in Buckingham Palace but keeping it for offices, and the nation to view, and continuing to live at Clarence House. I don’t therefore think there will be any difference for the royals who already have offices/small appartments in BP.

    • Bluthfan says:

      That’s what Prince Phillip wanted to do and was it was rejected. The Queen/King live in Buckingham Palace period. It’s the official residence of the monarchy.

      • Tina says:

        Times are very different now to how they were in 1952. I’m sure Charles will be permitted to do as he pleases.

      • Carolind says:

        I am sure Charles will continue to live at Clarence House if this is what he wants to do. Elizabeth Ii was a young woman of only 25 when she came to the throne and Churchill put great pressure on her to move to BP. She and Philip did not want to go there and the Queen Mother did not want to leave. She thought Clarence House too small!

  18. Lorelei says:

    There are plenty of things to criticize Kate for, but not flying acros the ocean to attend a baby shower is not one of them, IMO.

  19. RoyalBlue says:

    Ugh. Another ‘put her in her place’ made up article.

    So does Kate strongly desire to strengthen her relationship with Meghan too? Notice how it’s Meghan who is the one who desires this and I guess the onus is on her to reach out and see that steps are taken towards this. It’s so subtle.

  20. Emme says:

    So Kate and William has been behind these nasty press attacks on Duchess Meghan? Why am I not surprised…ESPECIALLY when it comes to that boring, milquetoast drip Waity Katey? 🙄