Haley Lu Richardson on how she proposed to her boyfriend


Haley Lu Richardson and Cole Sprouse star in the film Five Feet Apart about two teens with cystic fibrosis who must avoid contact with others. I haven’t seen it and based on social media feedback, I’m going to wait until I’m emotionally stable enough to do so (just kidding, I’ll watch it some night The Professor is out and cry while clutching my dogs). But Haley Lu and Cole are supposed to have mad chemistry and if their appearance on Busy Tonight is anything to go off of, I’ll bet they do. However, Haley Lu has even more chemistry with Jane the Virgin star, Brett Dier, as they are engaged. Busy asked Haley Lu what her proposal was like:

I feel like congratulations are in order because you just got just got engaged to Brett Dier and you have a super cute engagement story

Yeah, I asked him to marry me

You did? How did you do that?

I just asked. Neither of us are crazy romantic people so nothing was planned. He was sitting there eating a pizza and he was telling me a joke that Shia LeBeouf had said in an interview. He was, like, pretending to be Shia LaBeouf explaining this joke, and for some reason I just cut him off and said, “will you marry me?”

I’ve become strongly opposed to the notion that, in a heterosexual relationship, the man needs to be the one to ask the big questions like “will you go out with me” or “will you marry me?” Full disclosure: I didn’t always feel this way and, in fact, waited for my husband to ask me both those questions. So there is no judgement from me for those who believe differently. However, I’m thrilled to hear Haley Lu talking about it. I think when Haley Lu mentioned they weren’t romantic it pertained to how she did it, not that a woman proposing isn’t romantic. Plus, the story she told Cosmopolitan about their engagement rings is really sweet. They wanted to do something to cement the moment so they grabbed twigs from a nearby bush and tied them around their ring fingers. When they got their actual rings, they had them engraved like twigs to commemorate the engagement. They keep the actual twigs in a baggie. So maybe not romantic but definitely sentimental.They’ve been together for seven years and don’t have a date set yet. I posted some Instagrams of them below, they look like they have fun. I’ll bet their wedding will be a blast, whenever it happens.

And completely unrelated but it’s in the clip I posted – how did I not know Cole played Ben on Friends? How?! I feel like I’ve failed as a Friends fan, a Cole Sprouse fan and worst of all, a gossip. *hangs head in shame*

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Photo credit: WENN Photos, Instagram and YouTube

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10 Responses to “Haley Lu Richardson on how she proposed to her boyfriend”

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  1. Erinn says:

    I always thought Bret was adorable. And they seem like a sweet couple.

  2. L says:

    they look so cute and happy together….congrats to them!

  3. CharliePenn says:

    I hope this movie is a true portrayal. I have a cousin with CF, and that shit ain’t cute. A huge amount of his day and his energy is given over to treatments, his whole lifestyle is based around staying as well as he can. Several times a year his in the hospital for “maintenance”, several other times a year he’s contained to the house with an IV drip, also just a routine part of this illness. And all this is if he’s doing WELL.
    He is an amazing person, the positivity and lack of self-pity and determination are unreal. He’s already had organ transplants and will likely need more.
    He’s 22 now. When he was born the family was told that he may not make it to 16. CF treatment has come a long way and so has awareness.

    • Lizzie says:

      i am not sure how real the depiction is but i was impressed with seeing the marketing campaign focusing on the real risks people with CF live with. i saw an instagram video of people with CF asking people who are sick to stay home, to wear masks and take precautions so people with CF can enjoy the movie in the theater etc. i saw twitter posts about it and saw a sign at a theater near the poster.

      my coworker and close friend lost his daughter to CF at 26 and the last few years of her life were, to put it frankly, tragic. she spent four years trying to get a transplant but every time was too sick to receive it. it was heartbreaking for the entire family and i don’t think a movie could ever capture what they went through.

  4. lana86 says:

    Actually “preplanned” is the opposite of romantic imo. Preplanned is cheesy at best and cringey at worst. Twigs from the bush spontaneously is way more romantic!!

  5. Case says:

    Saw this movie last night with low expectations given it’s a teen drama. I was shocked at how good and emotional it was. Everyone in the film did a great job. Cole Sprouse in particular has an incredible career ahead of him.

  6. Heather says:

    As someone who proposed to her now ex husband, I don’t know that I’ll ever do that again. In the back of my mind I always wondered if the marriage was something he really wanted or was just pressured into.

    My proposal was also the start of a long list of things in our relationship that I was having to initiate or take the lead on (I even bought my own damn ring). I think now I would wait for a proposal just as a confirmation that it was something they really wanted and as a sign that they were competent enough to plan and execute something. (And financially stable enough to afford a ring).

    • Mee says:

      Thank you!! If you ask him out, you’ll always be taking the initiative. How the relationship starts, is how it continues. Ask him to marry you, there’ll always be a question mark if he actually wanted to marry you. It’s ok to let the man sweat it out. I know plenty will disagree. But I have seen lots of relationships where the woman has to figuratively drag the man through the relationship.

    • Anne Call says:

      I kind of pushed the marriage thing with my husband and had to convince him we weren’t too young. I had moved back east with him while he went to grad school and I wanted the commitment that marriage brought. We waited for 5 years to have kids after we married so we had lots of fun and did lots of traveling before kids. I find it bizarre how formal it’s all gotten again. Men phoning their girlfriends father for permission, very staged engagement events and then over the top weddings. I think it should be a mutual decision and any woman waiting around for years for a guy to propose is wasting her time. We’re celebrating our 40th this year, so it all worked out.

  7. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I love the idea of both people wearing an engagement ring. BOTH are betrothed to someone so it actually makes a lot of sense while also being romantic and cool.