Angelina Jolie on the possibility of running for office: ‘Never say never’

Angelina Jolie at UN for a Speech on Sexual Violence in Conflict

Last Friday, Angelina Jolie was in New York to attend meetings at the United Nations. She also gave a keynote address to committee, and her speech was all about women’s rights and the need to focus on women in warfare and conflict. Her speech was well-received, and basically, she seems perfectly at home at the UN, perfectly at home with speech-making and activism and problem-solving behind the scenes. We also know that Angelina carries several titles now: she’s a dame, she’s a professor, she’s a Special Envoy for the UNHCR, and she’s arguably a saint too. But would Angelina ever want the title of Senator Jolie or Congresswoman Jolie or President Jolie? Why not? She spoke to People Magazine about all of that more:

Whether she would ever run for office: “Never say never. [But ] right now I am looking to others for leadership.”

Her work with women in conflict: “I try to speak for what I believe in,” Jolie says of her causes. Currently, one of those causes is that the laws that treat women around the world like “second class citizens” need to change. “If you look across the world, there are far too many women and girls who are not only not seeing progress, their rights are slipping away from them,” Jolie says. But Jolie adds that the laws don’t just need to change. “We also have to enforce them. So one of the things we are putting forward now is a proposal for a permanent international body to investigate war crimes, including mass rape and other sexual and gender-based violence.”

Her PSVI initiative, seven years later: “There is now a lot more awareness and discussion and many more countries have made commitments. For example, 156 countries have pledged not to include amnesties for rape when they are negotiating peace agreements. It is hard to believe, but peace treaties routinely grant immunity to people who’ve carried out the most disgusting violent crimes against civilians. So we have to make sure all those countries live up to that commitment.”

She’s made lifelong friends along the way: “The second UN mission I went on, to Cambodia, I met two women from England and France, Katie and Mimi, who were working with UNHCR. Loung was there as well, and we did a UN and HALO mission. We have all been friends ever since, for coming up on twenty years now. I feel very blessed in my work to have the opportunity to meet so many extraordinary people who spend their lives dedicated to others.”

[From People]

I kind of love that she talked about the friends she’s made along the way with her UNHCR. She gave an interview once – I think with CNN? – where she made an aside about how she doesn’t have many friends. The haters threw a party about that, like it wasn’t just some random aside she made without thinking. She has friends, they just aren’t performative Instagram-friendships. They’re built on substantive work and shared humanitarian goals. As for running for office…I mean, I doubt it. I don’t think she would run for office here in America. But in Britain? Why not.

Angelina Jolie at UN for a Speech on Sexual Violence in Conflict

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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16 Responses to “Angelina Jolie on the possibility of running for office: ‘Never say never’”

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  1. Michelle says:

    Also Maddox starts college in the fall. I feel so old! When she says ‘never say never’ i take that as ‘very unlikely, but don’t ever want to rule it out’ yet many haters have taken that as she wants to be President, and the hate online is disgusting.

  2. Adorable says:

    Legitimate question,Can she run for office in Britain considering she doesn’t live,nor was she born there??

    • elimaeby says:

      I was wondering the same. Is there anywhere else she holds any citizenship that she could run for office? As far as I know she is only a U.S. citizen, but I could be wrong.

    • Yawn says:

      Being born there us not a requirement. She need to be a citizen of the UK, EU, or a Commonwealth nation, and obviously establish some kind of residency, but it is not like being president here.

    • oddly says:

      She has a snowflakes chance in hell of being elected to the Commons in the UK. If she became a citizen she might be given a genuine Damehood and possible be allowed to sit in the House of Lords. Even that would be unlikely.

  3. lucy2 says:

    She’s probably more effective in her current role. But if she ever does decide to run, I hope it’s for a lower level, not POTUS or something.

  4. Maya says:

    Unlike most people in Hollywood, Angelina has real friendships and not show business ones.

  5. rose says:

    The lip colour is not good for her .. that’s all I have here ..

  6. Dani says:

    Celebs need to stop thinking it’s a good idea to run for office (ahem!!!).

  7. Rachael Prest says:

    She’d have my vote, whatever. Our government is a shambles at the moment, though, so I doubt she’d touch it with a bargepole.

  8. Lindy says:

    Just… No. No no no. Not her. Not Oprah. Not a celebrity. No.

  9. Jay (the Canadian one) says:

    Please, can’t we say “never”? Trump also had this idea that being president was a performance and we see how that turned out.

    • Gina says:

      Trump political evaluation so far: unemployment down. economy doing well. less wars in foreign countries.

      • pria says:

        Why suuuuure…..

        …and all Captain Tang McBonespur, who was born on home base had to do to accomplish that, is to do what he always has done, coast on other people’s fumes and laughingly take credit for shite he didn’t do. In this case you should be thanking President Obama. But white supremacists cant bring themselves to face facts .

        Obama wiped the Bush and Cheney feces off everyone’s face after their recession, righted the ship that had been listing, and the thanks he got was a bunch of deranged traitorous republicans helping Putin install a demented moronic conjob who takes all of Obama’s credit, even though most of us with at least 2 brain cells can clock his shenanigans.

        All that said. For those paying attention. The economy has slowed. Afterall, this is the reverse King Midas we’re talking about…rather than gold, everything he touches turns to sh*t. Consumer confidence is lower, and Americans are just now realizing his tax scam like his Trump university scam is screwing us and because they’re permanent they’ll be screwing the grandchildren.

  10. Lena says:

    No. Just no. However it doesn’t sound like she has any intention to so that’s good.

  11. Gina says:

    Anybody could be a winner after Trump.