Jenna Dewan and other celebrities love celery juice & a guy called ‘Medical Medium’

As I’m writing this, I’m drinking a kale and fruit smoothie that has banana, strawberries, pineapple, ginger, cilantro and stevia in it. I make one every other day in a Vitamix and save 1/2 in the fridge for the off days. The ginger and cilantro are the kind in squeeze tubes, (I love those!) the kale is fresh, I freeze my own bananas and the rest of the fruit is a frozen mix. (I used to put spinach in it too but I hate how quickly it wilts so I don’t bother.) It doesn’t taste great but it’s easy, healthy and helps me get enough vegetables. A few years ago, someone commented here that I have to watch out for kidney stones if I’m eating that much kale, which I try to do by drinking enough water.

That’s all preface to this story that celebrities are drinking celery juice. Celery is kind of a boring vegetable, right? It’s got some nutrients and of course fiber which is lost when you juice it (unless you’re blending) but when you compare celery to kale, kale is superior. (Those links lead to nutritional photos that show this.) However celebrities are loving celery juice and it seems to be a trend, as US Mag points out. They have a whole list of celebrities who have talked about it. A lot of them are citing this quacky sounding guy who calls himself Medical Medium. He is not a doctor, claims to get his information from the spirit world and says that foods can heal people, which can be true for some conditions, to an extent. (Did you ever see that British show The Food Hospital?) At least celery juice is harmless.

Sara Foster: “We love the Medical Medium. We love him, we’re obsessed with him. I think it’s no doubt celery boosts your immune system. So, do I think it’s, like, curing cancer? I don’t know if I believe that, but I do believe it boosts your immune system and when you boost your immune system you’re fighting off sickness.”

Erin Foster: “It’s anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory. I get strep throat all the time and I started following Medical Medium stuff and I haven’t gotten it in almost a year.”

Jenna Dewan (Instagram): @medicalmedium tells me celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for anti inflammation, healthy gut, immune boost goodness 🌱 anyone else trying this too?

Petra Nemcova: “Celery juice, definitely. Highly recommend. Incredible benefits from taking care, cleaning your system to anti-aging. There’s a whole spectrum, but it’s a lot of cleaning your kidneys, right? And the thing is that the beauty really comes from within. If we have clean and balanced organs, it will show on our skin, in our mood, everywhere practically. So if it can take care of our gut and our inside, it will show on outside.”

Kyle Richards: “Celery juice, honestly, I feel like is a game changer,” Richards told Bravo’s The Feast in February 2019. “I’ve read all of the Medical Medium’s books and I drink that every single day. I go to my workout with my girlfriends and we drink our celery juice and we are killing it… I honestly think it’s made a big difference on my skin and my face.”

Stassi Schroeder (Instagram story): “This celery juice s–t better freaking work because it tastes like butthole.”

[From US Magazine]

This is a decent trend actually. Some of them are buying expensive celery juice from a store but if you have a juicer you can do it at home for the cost of the celery. They celebrities are not recommending that you drink celery juice instead of eating, that you go off medication or that you order some high end celery juice kit. All that said, you could also just eat some celery but I guess that’s true of all juicing. That’s why I love my Vitamix, you get the benefit of all the fiber without having to chew vegetables forever.

On the Medical Medium guy’s Instagram he recommends juicing the celery, not blending it, because he claims that gets the “medicine” to you immediately. He has a testimonial in that video from a woman who said it helped her, although she did not disclose her condition. Some of this sounds like bunk to me, particularly what Petra Nemcova said about “cleaning” her organs, but it’s free-ish. I think Sara Foster may be right about it just having health benefits.

I asked my friend who lives in LA about this trend. (OK it’s Hecate.) She said that juices cost about $10 to $15 and that when something like this is trending LA people do talk about it a lot. She says talking about juicing is really dull though. I would be talking about it too if I spent $15 on one juice that’s crazy! Sometimes I’m really glad I live in the middle of nowhere. Our smoothie place charges about $5 to $7.

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67 Responses to “Jenna Dewan and other celebrities love celery juice & a guy called ‘Medical Medium’”

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  1. babsjohnson says:

    Couldn’t be me. I hate celery with a passion.
    Occasionnally I have a smoothie instead of a meal (I don’t use kale, spinach do the job well) but I’m not very big on juicing. I prefer munching on vegetables forever 🙂
    Also, 15$ for a juice is crazy.

  2. Victoria says:

    Nope. I like my celery next to buffalo wings and then I throw them out.

  3. Becks1 says:

    I don’t mind celery, but celery juice just sounds so……bland.

    I’m also laughing really hard at “I asked my LA friend. Okay its Hecate.”

  4. Cherie says:

    I consider celery a utensil, it’s used to get something good into my face….like peanut butter or cheese. I don’t actually bite it.

  5. Swack says:

    What will trend next? Celery juice isn’t new but because celebs are using it, it is a big deal. As far as the Medical Medium – I’ll pass and get my advice from the real world. Sounds kind of “Goopy”.

  6. Nanea says:

    Of course an esoteric quack who’s been promoting his pseudo-science on GOOP’s site is making waves. No big surprise there, or is it?

    Science-based Medicine and the Skeptical Raptor have been among sites debunking his claims.

    • Celebitchy says:

      I did link some of that in the post.

      • Nanea says:

        Sorry, CB! Looks like it’s my (technical) fault.
        Only about half of the links worked for me on the first go. Now it’s a little better – somehow, someway I’ve been having issues all day! I’m still not sure what’s up, couldn’t see all Insta posts then, can’t see others now that I saw then…

    • Amaria says:

      I can’t with all this quackery. Then again, its yet another thing that shows how ignorant celebs are – this happens when you forego the normal, mundane education and focus on HW career instead.

    • Kitten says:

      I’m not surprised and it makes me cringe a bit when I see high-profile celebs promoting bad science. That being said, maybe the celery juice just makes them feel good? Juices tend to do that: give you a “clean” feeling and a bit of a kick, which I personally enjoy.
      I just wish celebs would say THAT instead of perpetuating this idea that it has magical properties. Sigh.

      • Arpeggi says:

        If by a “clean” feeling you mean diarrhea, yeah, juicing and celery juice will do that alright. In the long run, it’s of course extremely unhealthy but it’ll make you thin and that’s what most ppl care about…

    • pottymouth pup says:

      the funniest thing is, all these celebrities are saying it works wonders for them and the medical medium guy has actually said that most of those people are doing it “wrong” According to him, it has to be fresh, straight celery juice (nothing, not even water or ice, added) and must be ingested first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (you have to wait at least 45 min to eat/drink anything else). Of course he’ll use the celebrity IG posts to promote himself even if they’re not following his plan but what do you expect from a guy who says “People are healing from all kinds of acute and chronic illnesses, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, SIBO, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, blood sugar issues, migraines, acid reflux, high blood pressure, addictions, adrenal issues, gout, allergies, autoimmune conditions, and countless others, from drinking plain celery juice daily. “

  7. bgirl says:

    Well, I think you better eat your veggies than drinking them… It takes much longer to digest them and your hunger/appetite is satisfied much better and longer. I prefer cellery soup by the way, cook the cellery with some onions, an apple, a broth of choice, some salt, mix it. It is very satisfying (my choice for lunch during diet times).

  8. OriginalLala says:

    I am currently drinking my breakfast smoothie as well (carrots, banana, avocado, strawberries) – I love my morning smoothies because I can get in a bunch of fruit and veg and it makes my tummy feel good…but juicing, I just can’t get into because you’re losing all that good fibre!

    also, I think that medical medium quack is GOOP-approved so, no thanks

    • Truthiness says:

      You are not losing all the fiber, believe me! The juice is chock full of fiber, it’s only a tiny percentage that is discarded.

  9. Truthiness says:

    Was drinking celery juice as I read this. One bunch of $1.99 celery equals 16 ounces of juice so whoever is spending $15 is getting ripped off. Having a green juice for breakfast works out really well for my body, really like nothing else. I wish Kale didn’t taste like dirt or I’d be juicing that one too, that plus collard greens. Collard greens are the one I really want to juice but I can’t find it lately at my stores. I had to give up coffee and tea, too much gastric distress, green juice is like my coffee substitute. Energizing if you hit the right greens for your body, I don’t believe in one panacea works for everyone. Your mileage may vary.

  10. Izzy says:

    Stop. Taking. Medical. Advice. From. Quacks.

    • Snowflake says:


    • Amaria says:

      But- but- but- They sound so magical and talk to spirits and don’t bother me with all this sciencey hard-to-understand stuff! /sarcasm off

    • Arpeggi says:

      Yep! And from celebrities while we’re at it… That’s how we end up with measles epidemics and so on…

      Also, celery is disgusting. And not that nutritious, might as well go with good’ol H2O

  11. Saartjie says:

    It gives you diarrhea, prob makes you lose weight. I reckon that’s the real reason its trending – natural laxative

  12. Kim says:

    Celery is in the top of the “dirty dozen” for pesticides.

  13. Runy says:

    I do celery juice when I need to heal, it clears up any eczema or rash very quickly and if I do it I don’t need coffee and feel very strong and ready to get stuff done. I’d do it every day if I didn’t hate cleaning a juicer.

    • PleaseAndThankYou says:

      No, celery juice will not help eczema. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • Jaded says:

      There is nothing in celery juice that makes you feel healthy and strong. For that you need a proper mix of protein and complex carbs – when I have a banana/blueberry/yogurt/almond milk smoothie I feel healthy and strong. Celery that has been juiced has 90% of the fibre removed leaving you nothing but a watery liquid that is processed by your body as sugar.

      There is absolutely NO science that backs up claims that celery juice is a miracle health cure.

      • Truthiness says:

        Doctor’s orders keep me from carbs and sugars…intestinal candida. You can’t say a blanket statement like “you need complex carbs to feel healthy and strong” and have it be true, there are just too many of us out there. I am one of the people who has a fish & veggies diet, for health reasons. Does it bore me? Sure, I would rather have carbs and fruit sugars, but it would just make me sick. I eat veggies a lot of different ways, raw, cooked, juiced, and my body performs the best with a green juice in the AM on an empty stomach. I find green juices very energizing.

  14. trish says:

    This “Medical Medium” dude has zero medical or nutritional credentials whatsoever so I would take whatever he says with a grain of (cluster) salt. From a nutritional standpoint, celery juice is just expensive water – consists of mainly water and very, very small amounts of vitamins and minerals.

    • Eliza says:

      I was going to say, isn’t celery a negative calorie food because it’s mostly water but the fiber has your body work to break it down. If juicing removes the fiber then it’s just water?

    • Arpeggi says:

      Wouldn’t it be great if we were be able to sue anyone who calls themselves “Medical” something for malpractice if they don’t have a proper, formal medical training?

  15. Kitten says:

    This fad reminds me a bit of the Master Cleanse shit (no pun intended).
    And the thing is: turmeric drinks, cayenne and lemon drinks, lemon ginger and water drinks, cold-pressed juices etc. all taste really good to me so I buy them when they go on sale at Whole Foods but hell NO it’s not a meal replacement! It’s something you drink in ADDITION to healthy meals.

  16. Jerusha says:

    I don’t juice and I haven’t had any kind of illness since 1953 when I had measles, so I must be doing something right. I have been eating yogurt a few times a week since the mid sixties. Maybe that helps.

  17. Mrs. Peel says:

    Thanks Jenna for helping drive the price of celery in Canada to $5 (which is like, $9 US).

    • LindaS says:

      Right. I was laughing at the mention of $1.99 celery.

    • noodle says:

      where are you buying $5 celery? Organic I’ve seen 6.99/bunch and my friend said she saw $9/bunch. Unless you mean non-organic celery. I haven’t bought non-organic forever. tops all the dirty pesticide lists.

  18. Tiffany says:

    Between this and that stupid vampire facial epidemic that hit….I just can’t with the stupidity.

    I just can’t.

    • noodle says:

      saw a headline about a spa in new mexico that possibly infected people with hiv doing the vampire facials.

  19. Eliza says:

    Maybe because I like vegetables I don’t get the smoothie trend. They don’t taste good blended together. The crunch is satisfying. Plus let me burn the extra calorie masticating my own food.

  20. Cay says:

    This is why we have an outbreak of measles. Because people listen to “health gurus” who know nothing about medicine. Gets his ideas from the spiritual world. Please. (It’s almost as bad as Scientologists who say they can heal themselves and others through touching but then have an outbreak of measles on their cruise ship.)

  21. Faithmobile says:

    I thought I hated celery for years. I’ve cut sugar and wheat from diet and now I’m adding back vegetables that I’d written off because I need the variety. Anyway celery can have it’s moment in the sun.

  22. Anna says:

    He was recommended to me by a friend who is a top hair stylist to help with my skin and roots, etc. I’m at my wits end with environmental damage and gut imbalance so willing to try anything and celery juice seems pretty harmless at least and helpful at best. If you visit his IG, there are regular testimonials with before and after of people who have been helped by this, especially for eczema. Why not try it? Sometimes I think it’s easy for people to bash folks who come with simple solutions–he’s saying make it at home, I don’t recall a sales pitch for juices–but hey, health has to start with the individual and if you’re not ready, then that’s your choice. It’s taken me a long time to let go of bad habits and I’ll admit I’m still in process but now in mid-40s, I want my body to last another few decades so looking to try the most natural options …

    • Arpeggi says:

      I don’t want to sound disrespectful, but maybe taking medical recommendations from hairstylists and IG accounts aren’t the best ways to solve health issues?

      The “Medical Medium” is a quack, he makes tons of money off his quackery and that’s about the only thing he’s good at. A gastroenterologist and a certified nutritionist would probably be better to help you

      • JennyJenny says:

        I’m an RN with a great deal of training and experience.

        So I’m always so sad when any friend of mine gets tricked by some quack. One friend ‘swore’ by this magic drink allegedly made from the rainforest, that it would cure whatever ails you.
        He got it, along with some odd, random supplements from his chiropractor; didn’t do anything for him nor his health.
        But it sure helped the chiropractor make a lot more money!

        I’m sorry, but there just isn’t some ‘magic’ out there being hidden from us ~

    • Jaded says:

      Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, lean sources of protein (salmon, organic chicken and turkey), complex carbs, and probiotics for digestive health. That is what you need. Celery juice is nothing but water with some electrolyte benefits but there is absolutely NO science behind these claims that it can cure anything other than thirst.

  23. Valerie says:

    Nope. Eat your fruits and veg, drink them as juices and smoothies occasionally if you want, but do not push some guy who doesn’t even use his real name.

  24. kim says:

    juice your own and it helps with gastrointestinal ailments.

  25. Oceanbreeze says:

    Snake oil crap

  26. DeeDeebanana says:

    It might be better to get medical advice from those who are still alive and kicking. This guy’s sources are… well… DEAD.

    Sounds to me that if you were a ghost with time for dietary advice, you would be a bored ghost. The kind to sabotage others to get them to join you

    You are departed for goodness sakes. Why do you care about celery? None of this makes sense to me.

    I guess when you have too much money you try to justify it with these rediculous things. All that money and clearly no one has located the fountain of youth….

    Maybe this medium guy can ask the ghosts where it is. Seems so much simpler than beyond the grave celery tips…

  27. Kersplasha says:

    Kale is fine for kidney stones! Spinach is bad, but kale is no problem at all!! You are doing it right 🙂

  28. Healthylivin says:

    I’m open-minded to these things and I’ve read his first two books. His story is pretty “out there” (he, at four years of age, correctly diagnosed his grandmother with lung cancer, etc) if you’re looking through the modern scientism paradigm but his advice is pretty straightforward for most people: eat mostly fruit and veggies (he has specific recommendations and these aren’t expensive superfoods you have to buy through his website – he doesn’t sell anything himself), plus certain herbs and supplements if you’re so inclined.

    For those with specific illnesses (mystery diseases like lyme’s, chronic fatigue, fibro, etc), he offers very specific fruit, veg, herbal, and supplement recommendations. His social media is filled with testimonials from people who have healed from these incurable conditions after following his advice. It’s not the western-style healing where you’re prescribed “hard” drugs for this or that.

    He has a huge fan base among the LA livin’ healthy crowd, the celebs. I’ve always been into healthful eating so I’ve read his books and I follow him on IG and social media to encourage myself to eat more healthfully. I personally don’t think he’s a quack. Celery juice is just one of his recommendations.

    • Oceanbreeze says:

      Unfortunately for you. There is an area of study called SCIENCE. Fact based and proven theories. Advancements in this field are what make your standard of living so high in America, increasing your life span. Turing your back on proven medical science to follow a snake oil salesman. What is in celery? From a biological and chemical molecular level?
      But listen to a whack job who can diagnose cancer at age 4, because that sounds believable. Next time you find somebody you love close to death call this guy instead of a doctor since “real fact based medical knowledge” isn’t your thing. Let me know how that works out for you.

      • Healthylivin says:

        Oceanbreeze, have you read his books? And sorry, his ideas are HARMLESS at the very least and helpful at best. Did I ever say I was anti-science? I love science. I love doctors. I just don’t think modern science has caught up to the potential for healing in foods yet.

        I’ll try explain briefly why I think he’s no quack, and mostly it’s down to the fact that the numbers of peer-reviewed scientifically based articles confirming the critical role of things like antioxidants and phytochemicals are increasing by the day. 20, 30 years ago these micronutrients weren’t even on our radars. Today they’re taken for granted. What else are we going to discover in the future?

        Keep an open yet critical mind, and try to at least read his books before you get so emotionally invested in something you’ve obviously not even read up on. Personal attacks just reflect badly on you. And your binary science-vs-diet-for-health perspective is a false one; the two complement each other in an ideal world.

        The guy does not tell you not to see a doctor. He does not deny the power of science and medicine and modern healthcare – he encourages people to consult doctors! He doesn’t offer false hope for sick people either; he qualifies his messages. But his thing is telling people to EAT WELL, end of. Feel free to let me know how that DOESN’T WORK OUT FOR ME, please.

      • Oceanbreeze says:

        You see you lost me when you said He at four years old diagnosed somebody with a cancerous tumour. It’s actually so unbelievable stupid, there are no words.
        What’s even more unbelievable that somebody would knowingly still read, follow and listen to crap from a man that actually believes this about himself.
        I would absolutely follow what he says without abandon. Sign me up. I’m that stupid.

      • Healthylivin says:

        Oceanbreeze, I didn’t take on his ideas because of his miracle lung-cancer-diagnosis story. I was mostly interested in what he had to say about specific fruits and vegetables and their healing properties. I read a lot of diet books and they get all the same after a while. Why discount someone’s ideas because they might or might not have had an experience you might not understand? Despite his very “out there” life story, I kept reading and got some tips on good eating that I proved worked for myself by trying them out, and I’ll keep applying these ideas with a critical, evidence-based approach. No harm done and a total win-win for me.

      • Oceanbreeze says:

        What don’t you get? People see an absolute moron. A moron who believes he diagnosed somebody at age 4 with lung cancer.
        There is nothing to see after that. Nothing that can possibly come out of his mouth that has value. Nothing. He is an complete idiotic moron whom you choose to follow and defend. I’m done. I refuse to wast another second of my life on this idiotic human who believes this about himself. Out.

      • Healthylivin says:

        Oceanbreeze, well, that’s that and good luck to you! I’m glad my horizons and mindset aren’t so narrow. It’s totally your loss. And I guess you must find it exhausting to constantly avoid, discount, and repudiate the 2 billion plus humans on the planet who believe some guy rose from the dead. I don’t agree with these Christians, but if I discounted every idea they ever had simply because they were Christians, I’d never have gotten through school, university, work, and beyond. And again, you HAVEN’T EVEN READ EVEN ONE OF HIS BOOKS.

    • Jaded says:

      I would take everything he says with a huge grain of salt. He isn’t a trained nutritionist, he’s full of crap but it’s crap that people eat up without knowing they’re being duped. No, the medical community doesn’t prescribe “hard drugs” for no good reason. Healthy eating is the right step but side-stepping proper medical advice and care is just plain stupid. There’s a sucker born every minute and these snake-oil cure-alls are just taking advantage of them. I worked with both a medical doctor and a naturopath when I developed breast cancer and took the best of both worlds to cure my cancer but it still involved surgery and radiation, without both I would have signed my death certificate.

      • Healthylivin says:

        Look at it this way, Jaded and others who are warning people “not to get scammed by this dodgy guy”: What have you got to lose from eating more fruit and vegetables and exploring new herbs and food ideas? Absolutely nothing. Is someone going to start a Church of Medical Medium and scam you all out of milions or encourage people who do need hospital/doctor/surgical attention or prescription drugs not to go for it? No, of course not.

        Billions bizarrely believe in the miraculous conception and a guy who, 2,000 years ago, healed people by touch, walked on water, and rose from the dead. I don’t think you need to be worrying about a guy who’s just showing people how to eat more healthfully. He’s not selling a religion or anything you can’t try and test for yourself (eat well and see the results). He NEVER, EVER tells people to avoid doctors or modern scientific methods and he supports and appreciates modern healthcare systems. There are genuine scam artists out there, however.

        Personally I think the universe is far more mysterious than we currently can understand with our sciences (note that doesn’t mean I devalue our modern sciences at all), BUT YOU DON’T EVEN NEED TO TAKE THIS LEAP OF FAITH with what this guy is saying. If interested in possibly eating better, simply check out his books and scroll through the hundreds of testimonials from real people on his social media.

  29. Peace says:

    Closed-minded, judgmental people that don’t want to eat or juice vegetables. GAH! Drinking celery juice is like windex for your brain. You think clearer, have natural energy, reduces bloating + anxiety and you don’t sh*t yourself. I love this site but this is the worst post bashing shit that is so not Goop!!! FFS

    • Healthylivin says:

      Totally agree, Peace! I’ve read his books and don’t think he’s a scam artist for reasons already outlined above.

  30. L says:

    Has anyone googled pics of this man?
    He presumably eats this way and at the very least, it has not stopped him from ageing. He does not glow with vibrancy, he doesn’t look particularly healthful the way that Jenna Dewan does in that pic with the juice. Just saying.

  31. h4 says:

    I know I’m in the minority here & I’m okay with that, but I think the Medical Medium may actually have some important stuff to tell us. Though I admit I’m not too familiar with what he says about celery juice/nutrition, I recently saw him featured in a documentary on Netflix called “Heal,” which is about the mind/body connection, & how our thoughts, beliefs, & emotions have a huge impact on our health & ability to heal. I know this probably seems “woo” to most, but the latest scientific discoveries (I’m looking at you, Quantum Physics) are showing us that the world we live in isn’t exactly what we perceive it to be, & that we humans have a lot more power & control over our lives & health than we were ever taught. It’s about opening our minds to possibilities we’ve never before learned or considered.

    • Healthylivin says:

      I agree, h4, and I’ll just add I totally get the need for skepticism and critical thinking but a lot of people seem to be judging this guy’s message without really looking into what he’s saying. As I posted above, I follow him on IG to stay motivated (it can be hard to eat healthfully if you’re not healing a chronic condition like many of his “fans,” for lack of a better word) and you just have to read the countless stories from real people with chronic conditions who have tried everything from 30 specialist doctors to every “clean eating” diet under the sun and only applied his advice as a last resort and ended up 100% curing themselves to realise maybe this guy has something worth listening to.

      You don’t have to pay a cent to get his advice; just check out his books from the library, read his detailed articles, or follow his social media for really detailed info. But his books offer a lot more detail and I go back to them once in a while. This CB article has reminded me I should buy his other books. I’ve seen firsthand, with family members, how disease slows people down and disrupts their lives and families, not to mention the sometimes tragic outcomes, and so I read a lot of books on health for info on “staying at my best” even with a stressful job and schedule. (And I just feel the world seems to becoming more polluted by the year, with radiation (Fukushima), new chemicals, and huge, growing numbers of consumers driving demand for industrial products and so even more industrial pollution, etc., so we need all to keep protecting ourselves with a good diet.) His advice is among the best I’ve come across, along with books by a guy called Dr Fuhrman, who’s also focused on nutrition.