Taking impropriety to a newly unhygienic level, Lindsay Lohan showed up to L.A.’s Millions of Milkshakes yesterday to concoct her own shake (creatively enough, it’s vanilla and chocolate ice cream with Oreo cookie bits), show off her tatas, and generally spread disease all over the restaurant. While I’m guessing it was technically a dress, Lindsay’s clothing appears to be just a nightgown. I’m just saying that to give her the benefit of the doubt and not get yelled at in the comments. I don’t really believe it’s anything other than bedtime apparel.
Further providing evidence that she literally rolled out of bed and kept rolling until she crashed into the door of Millions of Milkshakes, Lohan wasn’t wearing a bra. At all. And this nightie/slinky dress was very loose, with huge arm holes – as nightgowns tend to be. Which means you could see all of her business. All of it. The employees quickly rushed to tie Lohan up in an apron, which did next to nothing in terms of boob coverage. It limited the nipple action, but there’s still more side boob going on here than most of us have regular boob.
Oh Lindsay. Miss Lohan. We are in mourning for your career and your dignity after your latest PR stunt to design a milkshake.
Yes – a milkshake.
The one-time actress and notorious Hollywood It-girl visited a milkshake parlour last night, where she mixed her own shake, named after the starlet.
Sporting an apron, plastic gloves – and a serious case of ‘side-boob’ – Lindsay whipped up her own concoction in front of, literally, tens of fans.
The Lindsay Lohan milkshake will now appear on the menu at Millions of Milkshakes in West Hollywood.LiLo follows in the footsteps of other ‘celebrities’ who have had shakes named after them, including reality TV stars Kim Kardashian, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt.
[From the Daily Mail]
Generally speaking, I want to smack the Daily Mail’s writers upside the head. But I’ve got to give them points for calling Lohan a “one-time actress” like it’s just a fact that she’s not anymore. There are also a ton of boob puns in their photo captions which made me giggle because I am actually 11 years old.
There is absolutely no way that Lohan is fit to be around any kind of food prep, let alone touching machines and such. Let’s be honest here people. Look at her getup. Really look at it. I dare one of you to honestly say you believe she’s wearing underwear. I guarandamntee you she’s not. And she probably sat on things and rubbed things and touched things… the mind boggles at the potential diseases that are now festering at Millions of Milkshakes.
Note to the company: getting “celebs” to come in and make their own shake: brilliant publicity. Getting shut down by the Department of Health? Not so much. Something to consider, before you invite Paris Hilton to whip up a smoothie.
Images thanks to WENN.com .
The pics are gross for so many reasons. I can’t decide where to begin.
wow, first of all– you’re right, that is a nightgown, no two ways about it. Secondly, holy shit is she skinny.
That second pic is something from Tales From the Crypt.
She needs serious help, not a milkshake (which we all can assume either got puked up or shat out moments later).
Renee Zellweger did it better in Empire Records. Oh Rexy you so sessy!
the LiLo shake comes sprinkled with damaged hair, public lice, white powder, and a “mystery ingredient”.
Her milkshake doesn’t bring boys to the yard. It brings cooties.
PS- your sideboobs are nasty. Cover your chichis plz.
I can’t believe how horrible she looks!
wow she looks like a skinny grandma in her dirty white nightgown!!! lol omg “The Lindsay Skank-Shake”
Holy S–t, Lilo .nearly unloaded.
she’ll be doing porn by the end of the year – if she isn’t dead
why does she have wrinkles on her forhead? she seems really really old. something’s wrong with her. she’s not hot anymore thats for sure
I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw the pics. Eat a sandwich for crying out loud.
How old IS she, anyway? Anyone? I can’t remember and I’m too lazy to research it, myself. 🙂
She looks like she’s aged 20 years since the last time I gave enough of a crap to read about her.
what is wrong with not wearing a bra?
She’s about 43 years old now. Or at least that’s how old she looks. I don’t know.
The ONLY nice thing I have to say about this is that her hair appears to be cleanish. That being said, it’s long and a mess and it’s all over the place while she’s making that shake. Thank God she’s only making it for herself and I hope they hazmatted that place after she was done. There were probably hairs everywhere.
I agree with the above, she looks like some old granny in that nasty dress.
I was talking to my brother, who is out in LA on business right now and he said he was there when these pics were taken and as thin as she looks in the pictures, she’s even thinner in person. Painfully thin. He also said she was as high as a kite and laughing like an asthmatic loon the whole time.
He was so grossed out, he left. It’s not only the food prep but the fact that she was showing her entire tits and there were so many random cameras documenting it all.
She’s aging in dog years, isn’t she?
OK… Uhhh…
Are those mama’s the result of a boob job? I CAN’T TELL.
I love her. I really love her. I understand she’s shit (but I’m from the UK and watched Labor Pains with love!) but there is just something deep inside me rooting for her.
Trey – that made me laugh so hard that soda came out of my nose. Holy sh*t!!
Thanks. I totally needed that.
Thats funny I don’t remember Marilyn Monroe selling milkshakes.
Gross & sad!
I see nothing in these photos to contradict the idea that betch just rolled off the divan, wiped the dried saliva from the sides of her face, and went to “work”. Yes, this is the type of “work” that keeps her harping about how busy she is “working”.
That second shot makes her look like the typical fried-out denizen of the Downtown Eastside here in Vancouver….that’s ain’t a complement. Holy Hanna, what the hell chick?
Dear god, her whole fucking life is so sad anymore.
Why is Lindsay Lohan bashing an acceptable blood sport? Gwyneth Paltrow, I can understand, but not Lindsay, a girl who is self-destructing before our eyes.
Wow, pretty sure they meant to say she’s makin’ a “METHshake”. {{{shudder}}}
Man, I hope she made herself TWO milkshakes — we can see the poor girl’s spine!
Oh my god-who is going to step in and save this girl from herself??!! This is so sad-she is a complete and total train wreck.
This is good training. I want to be able to recognize if my kids are coked up or meth’ed up. OOOOOOO Lindsey, you meth’ed up!
Her boobies are really saggy looking for such a skinny body.
And that is why you need to wear a bra, to keep your puppies from falling.
She really has aged a lot quicker but her sister Ally also looks 20 yrs older than actual age
Eww. Ick. NAST.
I’m beyond grossed out at these photos–now I’m in the land of {{OMFG}}. I used to feel sorry for her, but she’s wasted more chances at a career than most of us get in our whole lives.
This woman is in serious trouble. I worked with her just a little over a year ago. At the time she was still stunningly beautiful. From these pictures, she’s aged 20 years. If she doesn’t get help, she will be dead or in prison within a year. Pray for her.
Who would want a milkshake served by a scrawny, saggy boobed drug addict?!
Millions of Milkshakes need to rethink their marketing strategy, methinks.
the loss of her spark is beyond staggering!
homegirl is wrecked, but more dangerous, she’s publicly teetering towards death. moreso than life, anyway.
where are the people who “love” her?!! so much pretend attention yet so much real neglect in that tortured life…
My goodness what a train wreck.
It would have to have some crack or meth in there to be a real Lindsay milkshake.
she’s 22 or 23, for sure. Which is pretty sad, that second picture is utterly disgusting.
Yeah, I believe Lindsay is the same age as me (22). She looks ten years older and I still get carded at the liquor store 🙁
How unfortunate.
Re the sideboob – calling all females … please don’t do sideboob, it always looks horrible. 😡
God help us all if her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!
“stunned/taken aback” – your post almost made me cry =\
on a side note I don’t think dina lohan is the devil. i think she has made two very common mistakes that many parents do these days – forsaking her parental duties to be best friends with her daughter, and living vicariously through her.
This is just sad.
That’s what I want in my milkshake is one of Lilo’s loose pubic hairs.
Okay LAPD, do us all a favor and 5150 this girl. Then Jamie Spears can take over as her conservator and get her the help she needs. Obviously her own parents aren’t going to do it so maybe LiLo can borrow Papa Spears for a while.
Or maybe we can get the Jolie-Pitts to adopt her.
OMFG! Seriously, thats all I can think to say. What the hell? She honestly looks like a strung out hooker
Look at picture number four.
Mugging for the cameras with more calories than she’s seen in a week and she’s love, love, LOVING it.
Seriously, she’s holding that shake and milking the attention like a person contemplating chugging an entire cement-mixer on a dare.
It’s probably physically exhausting for her to be holding that much food, but knows her eating disorder is the center of attention, and she just needs a few more seconds in the lime light.
. . .
On the plus side – it never hurts to pad her resume. At the rate she’s going the only “honest” work she’ll find is scrubbing the grease out of the fry-a-later at a McDee’s. Ironic on so many levels. . .
Remember her mom was just quoted saying how Lindsay is really a GENIUS – LMFAO!
@ #45 Jaundice – totally agree, and it’s why I never have & never will feel a single ounce of sympathy for this twat. She has always been an ugly, ugly human being. Can’t go away fast enough for me.
As long as she is still able to make people money, they will continue to lie to and enable her. I pray that she seeks help and gets away from all the bloodsuckers, including her parents.
If you have an A cup or bigger, it should be mandatory for you to wear a bra. It is just gross (even for small boobs) to go with out a bra. Thats what they were created for.
oh dear.
Poor Linds. Although back with SamRo seems to mean back to drugs….
My husband saw this & thought she was 35 yrs old. Her eyes are so shot at this point.
from Lindsay’s point of view, mission has been accomplished. we’re all talking about her. that is as far as she gets it. as long as she is getting attention, she thinks she is successful.
and i totally agree about the health comments. she should have been made to wear a hairnet or cap while making the milkshake. gloves are not enuf.
Hey flabby – she has wrinkles on her forehead from meth. Google “faces of meth” and you’ll see the effect it has. She’s a classic example.
Maybe Fergie could sit in on her intervention…?
Look at thumbnail #8, the glove is ripped and her bare middle finger is in the cookie jar.(Insert dirty joke here.)But seriously, that is disgusting.
She looks so strung out in those photos. Is she really that unaware of how she looks, does she really think she is fooling anyone? I don’t think she has EVER been sober, not even during the three rehab stints.
She’s gone from starring alongside Meryl Streep to making milkshakes. If that’s not enough for her to realize that she has completely ruined her life, I don’t know what is. What the hell is it going to take for her to wake up?
Blood sport is right. It’s official – I can’t stand to look anymore. I can’t fathom how anyone in this thread is laughing much less laughing their @ss’s off. Dear God.
Oh Lord, I just want to take her home and give her a bath and brush her hair and make her a home cooked meal. I feel so, so, sorry for this girl and I hope somehow, before it’s too late she’ll realise she needs help NOT attention. She needs an intervention STAT!
The poor thing looks so sick.
Where are her parents?
Oh thats right… we all know!
R.I.P Lindsay Lohan’s career.
Was it an alcoholic milkshake? 😉
She should’ve worn a pair of leggings from her line: http://www.apparelncs.com/rd_p?p=186122&t=9518&a=28545-celebitchy&gift=28545 Promotion AND modesty!
Lindsay is 23 years old. :/ but in the pics she looks like a 40 year old woman.
I guess she doesn’t have a stylist anymore because no way another (not high) person would ok her to go do a public appearance looking like this. I feel sorry for her. She probably thought this milkshake thing would help her career in someway. Instead it confirms that this girl needs to go to rehab again and drink a few of those milkshakes herself while she’s at it.
This picture of LiLo is so discusting!!!!
How nice to show up without a bra, she literally looks like shes just been at a club and went straight to this milkshake shop. Her hair isnt even up!
Im sorry, but I never liked her