Cele|bitchy | Michael Lohan to Kate Gosselin: Jon wants to be your friend

Michael Lohan to Kate Gosselin: Jon wants to be your friend

Jon Gosselin may have hired a top public relations firm to revamp his man-whore image, but it looks like his new BFF Michael Lohan is his unofficial mouthpiece. Lohan has been talking to the press about his new buddy, and recently confirmed to Radar Online that Jon was staying at his place in the Hamptons with tabloid writer Kate Major. People Magazine has a new interview with Lohan in which he conveys the touching revelation that Jon wants to be friends with his estranged wife and mother of his eight kids, Kate Gosselin. Yeah, because Michael Lohan knows all about staying friends with ex wives and baby mommas and not using the press to bad mouth them at all.

“He would love to be friends with her,” says Lohan, the estranged father of Lindsay Lohan, who’s been showing Gosselin around the Hamptons and and who has become an unlikely advisor. “They had eight kids and he would like to work things out the right way and just be friends.”

The new buddies spent Saturday in Southampton, attending a business meeting, walking on the beach – where they were met by paparazzi – and shopping at a J. Crew store for clothes to wear to a polo match in Bridgehampton that afternoon.

“A lot of opportunities are opening up for him,” Lohan says of his friend, referring to possible endorsement deals.

Lohan also says Gosselin is in a good mood these days. “He’s fantastic and upbeat and said that he just wanted to concentrate on his kids and his career and his life,” he said. “It’s overwhelming for him but he’s handling it.”

As for for Gosselin’s gal pal Hailey Glassman and the former Star magazine reporter Gosselin’s been spotted with, Kate Major, “he’s not with either one right now,” Lohan reports. “He’s not concentrating on a relationship with any woman. He just wants to take a step back and deal with his family and his kids.”

Meanwhile, Gosselin’s wife Kate was at home on Saturday with their eight children, who played in the front yard of the family’s Wernersville, Pa., home, making hearts with Play-Doh and offering them – along with plates of Play-Doh food – to their mom.

Despite the occasional timeout for one of the sextuplets, Gosselin seemed to be having a good time. She was spotted with a heart on her face, laughing, kissing each of her kids and once again wearing her wedding ring.

[From People.com]

So iron lady Kate put her wedding ring back on. Is she doing it for public sympathy or does she really hope to revive her marriage and turn deadweight Jon into the father and husband no amount of nagging could ever accomplish? At least Lohan is saying positive things about Jon and is no longer semi-confirming his relationship with Kate Major, his third extra-marital fling this year. Jon seems like he really needs someone to guide him, and while it’s nice to see him out with a male friend instead of the string of women he’s been dating it’s hard to see how he could do worse that Michael Lohan. Next he’ll be invoking God to put down his wife Kate, saying she brought this on herself and that he’s praying for her. He’ll use the press to criticize her parenting from afar, all the while hanging out with Michael Lohan and calling his kids once a day if they’re lucky.

Jon Gosselin, Michael Lohan and Lohan’s girlfriend Erin Muller are shown in Bridgehampton at The Mercedes-Benz Polo Challenge on 7/25/09. Credit: WENN.com They’re also shown getting ice cream on 7/26. Credit: Bauergriffinonline. Kate Gosselin is shown taking out the trash in Reading, Pennsylvania yesterday. Credit: INFphoto.com

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14 Responses to “Michael Lohan to Kate Gosselin: Jon wants to be your friend”

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  1. vixenella says:

    And everyone knows Michael Lohan is who every father should aspire to be like. Geez…working on his career? I didn’t know being a media whore was a career.

  2. anonymous says:

    How the heck did Jon become friends with Michael Lohan? Seriously?! Who LET him?? I can just see imminent disaster looming ahead…

  3. Joe says:

    Are those beer tickets in Jon’s hand? This guy is F list at best.

  4. Joe says:

    ah…btw…two most pathetic DADS in the world. Shouldn’t Lohan be tending to his dying daughter in L.A.?

  5. dgsd says:

    wow…that picture almost made me lose my breakfast. michael lohan and jon gosselin…ewwwwww. i think jon has a good heart, but hes such a tacky tabloid guy now and hes being really stupid. especially hanging out with the most puke-worthy guy: michael lohan. imagine he gets on the show!! ewwww

  6. icky says:

    It’s strange to see Michael Lohan and his posing – he looks so much like hohan..they have that same squinty weird teeth gnashing smile..ick

  7. Firestarter says:

    WTF? I mean who takes ANY advice from Michael Lohan? Then again both of these men are cut from the same cloth, so ……….

  8. j. ferber says:

    Michael Lohan looks as pleased as punch to be leeching on someone besides Lindsay. And how the hell did he get a Hamptons house? That’s just wrong.

  9. texasmom says:

    Brain spasm — Jon must have gotten SOME good media advice since he stopped wearing all that douche-y Ed Hardy gear. But whoever clued him in on that neglected to warn him off of crazy Mr. Lohan????

  10. mojoman says:

    The pictures of 2 of them are so wrong in many levels. I dont know which one is douchier. But it doesnt matter Jon, associating yourself to trainwrecks like lohan/Hailey/that ex-star reporter is definitely putting the last nail to your custody coffin.

  11. the original kate says:

    a bromance made in heaven: both unattractive, no talent losers living off their kids.

  12. icky says:

    ooohhhh..I know why Lohan smiles like his poor f-uped daughter- they’re both coke heads..that is the cokey smile… I don’t know why he is so happy- His daughter is in the midst of a downward spiral, she’s burning through her cash and contacts with a quickness- and his ugly ass is trying to make some money off that no life loser gosselin..I can’t believe these people get press !! pretty soon celebrity-dom will be dead..we’ll all be paparazzi chasing around our neighbors and posting their pics online..lol

  13. truly middle aged says:

    I just threw up in my mouth….and Michael Lohan gives me migraine!

    Jon Gosselin is a tool of monumental proporations! Ok so his wife is a control freak that nagged him to distraction! But he was and still is an unemployed underacheiver and THAT is tough to deal with. Cheating on her was not the answer and neither is FLAUNTING his women in her face now. Karma is a b*#%^ and it’s gonna come back and get ya!

  14. bella says:

    michael lohan is a “nobody” that is living off of his daughter’s fame. he is nothing without her. he is a loser.
    jon gosselin is a “nobody” that is living off of his children’s fame. he is nothing without his 8 kids and also the mother of his kids. he is a loser.
    when the small-mided public stop paying attention to these losers…they will stop getting rich off of being losers.