Britney Spears was actually nice while she was in Atlanta


Britney Spears jetted off to Atlanta this past weekend, for some spur-of-the-moment shopping. Two thoughts here: wouldn’t it be nice to have so much money that you could just jet off to the other coast for some last minute shopping? And the other thought… if you had that money, is Atlanta really where you should go? I’m not trying to slam or anything, but I never think of Atlanta and think “Great shopping.” Though to be fair, I never think of Britney Spears and think “Great taste” so she can probably find something to wear in the janitor’s bucket at Ross Dress for Less.

“[Britney] was spotted shopping at Hot-lanta’s Intermix by a spy for the New York Post’s Page Six, who overheard Britney proclaim ‘I HATE L.A., I’m so sick of that town. I don’t want anyone to know I’m here in Atlanta.’ In keeping with this wish, Britney apparently did her best to go unnoticed. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Britney told a Juicy Couture assistant manager that she was in the southern city to de-stress and avoid paparazzi. ‘Unless you actually spoke to her for a minute, you wouldn’t have recognized her,’ the assistant manager told the paper. ‘She was very well put together and she was really quiet. The people with her were actually causing more commotion. After a while, it was like, “Oh, please. You’re nobody. Stop.’ ”

“Another clerk told People that Britney was on her best behavior, sweet and complimentary to most everyone she met. ‘She was looking for something to wear that night and spent way less than $1,000,’ the saleswoman said. ‘Really, she was just in a rush, trying to get in and out. She was done in about 20 minutes.’ Britney’s purchases included a purple dog carrier, a brown eyelet bikini from the sale rack and a shirt or two, the saleswoman said.

[From MSNBC]

Well it’s not exactly an earth-shattering story, but it’s nice to once in a while hear a “Britney wasn’t a total jerk” story. Not that she was out there feeding street urchins or neutering the cat population, but she wasn’t being terrible either, and that’s just about the same thing for Brit. If I had her address, I’d send her a Cheetos-flavored lollipop. I’ve heard that’s her favorite. I would never be naïve enough to hope that this means Britney’s become a better person, but if she is mostly crazy punctuated by a few days of normalcy, that’s improvement, and we’ll all have to take what we can get.

Picture Note by Jaybird: Here’s Britney in a public restroom again – because how often can you do that? Header image of Britney leaving a recording studio in Burbank today. Images thanks to Splash Photos.


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