Salma Hayek ‘completely shocked’ to be chosen for Duchess Meg’s Vogue cover

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Salma Hayek was chosen as one of the Duchess of Sussex’s “impactful” people for the British Vogue cover and cover profile. Sidenote: I hate the rise of “impactful” to describe sh-t these days, it’s one of those dumb buzzwords used by people like Gwyneth Paltrow. Anyway, Salma is no stranger to magazine covers, but she was honored to be chosen by Meghan all the same. Salma does a lot of charity work and advocacy work, and that seems to be why Meghan chose Salma, although Salma makes it sound like Meghan didn’t have a specific idea about which organization Salma should promote. Salma chatted with CNN about the project and more:

Edward Enninful called her and told he was about to patch her through to someone: “I was in the car and he said, ‘Listen, I’m going to put somebody on the phone. Are you in the car with people?’ I said ‘Yes.’ He told me ‘you cannot say the name of the person I’m calling.’ Frankly, I thought it was a joke. And we are also very good friends with Naomi Campbell. And I thought, they’re pulling my leg or something, you know? I said, ‘Oh, she’s in London and he’s gonna pass me to her. But then it took a while for the other person to get on the phone. Then she got on the phone and introduced herself.”

Speaking to Meghan over the phone: “She introduced herself and was very kind and loving and easy going,” Hayek says, adding that Markle started to explain a future “project in support of women” she was working on. Hayek says because she’s worked with women’s charities for 25 years, she was expecting Markle to inquire about teaming up for a specific organization she had in mind. (Hayek is on the board of the Kering Foundation, which combats violence against women, and helped with Chime for Change, a campaign for Gucci to promote women’s rights worldwide. She is also an advocate for refugees.)

Salma on how it was explained to her: “I got excited. I’m thinking and I’m trying to find the logic to this strange day. She explained her passion for women and what’s happening currently. And then she said she’s doing this with British Vogue. She said, you know, she was the guest editor of British Vogue, and I’m thinking maybe it’s going to be an article on what we’re doing, you know, with Kering and women, and she said no, ‘I’m [doing a cover], I’m not going to be the cover, I’m putting my favorite women on the cover. And you’re definitely one of them. You one of the first ones.’ I was like completely shocked. I did not see it coming that way. She started talking about how she’s been watching me and why me.”

Salma couldn’t tell her husband, daughter, or publicist. “I couldn’t talk about it and I didn’t. I felt very honored when we did this photo shoot. No one else knew what it was for. Only me and the photographer, Peter Lindbergh, knew. And all the girls were getting their picture taken for the cover and they didn’t know that Meghan was how they got there.”

Salma on Meghan’s idea of guest-editing: “I loved that she didn’t want to be on the cover. She used her light to put it upon others, the ones who inspired her.”

Whether she plans to meet Meghan in person: “Maybe. Maybe it’s not something you’re gonna see. I think we had a connection before we even talked to each other. The shock is that this person had been watching me and I had no idea. It’s really beautiful and I really do think that we have a special connection.”

[From CNN]

I get that Salma was and is honored to be included, but I find the details of the phone call to be slightly off-putting? It’s not like Meghan’s idea of a multi-person Inspo Lady cover was so groundbreaking or never-before-seen. Most magazines have done some version of that in the past. And I also find it weird that Meghan didn’t seem to choose Salma for the express purpose of promoting one particular charity or the Kering Foundation. Isn’t that the point? To draw attention to the work these cover subjects are doing? I don’t know, maybe Salma is explaining it the wrong way.

meghan vogue uk

Photos courtesy of WENN, cover courtesy of British Vogue.

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40 Responses to “Salma Hayek ‘completely shocked’ to be chosen for Duchess Meg’s Vogue cover”

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  1. Becks1 says:

    Wait, she makes it sound like no one else knew why they were being photographed by Lindbergh. That doesn’t sound right? I wonder if she’s just explaining it wrong. And my guess is re” Salma and her work – she’s been a public figure for so long and is involved in a few different charities, so Meghan probably wanted to call attention to her overall advocacy and work for change, not just one particular project. but again, maybe she is describing it wrong?

    Btw, how do we think Meghan introduces herself on the phone? “hi, this is Meghan markle?” “Hi, I’m the Duchess of Sussex?”

    • Peg says:

      I saw two recent signatures by the Duchess, and she is just signing Meghan, wondering if she drop the Markle permanently.
      So maybe She said, ‘Hola Salma’ and continued in Spanish, so that could be the reason why Salma explaining the call, is disjointed.

    • Eliza says:

      Yeah, sounds like she asked a few people personally (I think she spoke to Laverne and Jameela as well) but the rest were in the dark about this issue being curated by Meghan for UK Vogue. At least at first.

      • Nahema says:

        I love that Jameela is on there! Honestly though, I’m not surprised that Meghan wasn’t clear about the charity side of it. I should imagine that there was a fair bit of help in compiling this list of ladies. I don’t know why people insist on trying to convince us that Meghan comes up with all these ideas alone and does all the work alone too. It’s not a criticism that she has help. That’s what all of the royals do.

  2. Lee says:

    We’re shocked too, Salma.

  3. Pearlime says:

    I am sure the fact that Salma’s husband owns so many major fashion brands has nothing to do with putting her on the cover? Megs probably didn’t even have much of a say in that case.

    • TeddyPicker says:

      This is what I’m thinking. Also if Harry is shaking his tail feather for the Sussex Foundation at Camp Google at the minute, this could be another opportunity to network with a billionaire and pull on those connections for the charity further down the line.

    • Peg says:

      The Editor is on Video saying Meghan chose the fifteen women highlighted in the magazine and if putting Selma on the cover, encourages her husband to donate to the Sussex Royal Foundation, so be it.

      • Eliza says:

        Henri is a billionaire who controls a lion’s share of the fashion industry. Salma just needs to tell a magazine she’s interested a cover and they’d give it for fear of isolating a huge advertiser. I don’t think putting her as small box as 1 or 15 is really insentive enough for a large donation. I don’t think it’s a pay-for-play favor, I think she actually likes her. He can’t be that easily swayed or he’d be penniless now.

      • Nahema says:

        Perhaps some names were put forward and Meghan chose from that list of names. Perhaps some names were strongly suggested.

    • Oh No says:

      Ditto. Her husband is definitely the reason she was featured

  4. Reef says:

    lol at her saying she couldn’t tell her husband, the owner of at least 7 major luxury fashion brands, about her cover on a major fashion magazine.

    • Marjorie says:

      I know right? It’s more likely he called up Vogue and said, We hear Meghan’s doing the September issue, Salma needs to be part of that. (And I love Meghan and Salma.)

  5. OriginalRose says:

    I thought it was funny how in the Vogue video all the women name their ‘force for change’ inspiration and why they think they’re an amazing woman. Then they get to Salma and she says ‘My force for change is me’ , it just really made me giggle

    • Peg says:

      I thought that was funny, maybe she looked in the mirror and that was her impetus for change hence naming herself.

  6. Melissa says:

    I will never forget the time Salma Hayek breastfed a starving baby in Africa. The baby was hungry and crying, and Salma just started feeding the baby. I think I remember reading a story about a policewoman who did the same thing when she found an abandoned baby.

  7. Nicole says:

    Are we really going to be Those People and say that Salma was chosen only because of who her husband is and his connections? Are we really going to go there? Salma is charitable and does a lot of good work for women, in her own right. We can criticize the choosing of her based on what we think about that work, but let’s leave her husband out of it.

    • Rae says:

      Well said Nicole.

      I’m side eyeing a lot of these comments.

      To be honest, I have no issue with her including the phone conversation. I don’t understand what is wrong with that? It didn’t read off to me; someone asked a question and she answered it. *shrugs*

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah, that completely overlooks Salma’s own career and her work for different causes. It’s not like she’s someone who just came out of nowhere. I think it was a good pick.

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Thank you, Nicole. She does so much charity work, rescues so many stray dogs from all over the world. She also brought Frida to life as an actor and producer while fighting off the monster weinstein (non capitalized on purpose). She’s a Mexican immigrant that dealt with racism in Hollywood. The list is endless of why she was chosen.

    • Deedee says:

      Her portrayal of Frida Kahlo was amazing.

    • Bella DuPont says:

      Brilliantly said, Nicole, couldn’t agree more.

  8. Kittycat says:

    Anyone have a British Vogue I can buy? I love to get a physical copy without downloading the issue.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Go to Barnes & Noble. In the USA, it should be on the shelf the by the last week of August.

  9. Ashley G says:

    What’s with the plain square? It’s jarring. Why put a white square like that?

    • Peg says:

      It is a mirror, so you can put yourself in the square and be a force for change, simple as that.

    • OriginalLala says:

      it’s a mirror – the idea being that you see yourself as a force for change as well

  10. manta says:

    and helped with Chime for Change, a campaign for Gucci to promote women’s rights worldwide.

    OMG. The association alone with the evil brand should be enough to be kicked from the line up.
    Or not. Probably only depends on which celebrity associates herself with this monster. Since you’re Salma Hayek-PINAULT, you’re safe and validated.

  11. Mumbles says:

    After reading how dismissive and clueless Salma Hayek was to Jessica Williams back during a Sundance “women in film” lunch, I have little interest in what this clueless know-it-all has to say. And yeah, being married to Arnault probably went a long way in her cover status.

    • entine says:

      Really, people can be all shades of gray, Salma might have acted that way, but she has good sides on her, she has her advocacies and generally does good. I loathe some celebrities, but that doesn’t mean they are all around bad. I generally dislike Beyonce, for example, I don’t like things here and there and does not appeal to me as the artist/legend she claims to be, but she is an icon and inspiring for a lot of people, and I can recognize that.

    • manta says:

      She’s married to a Pinault. Arnault’s been with his present wife, an accomplished pianist, for almost 3 decades.

  12. SURFCHICK says:

    Me too. She can’t dress for sh*t.

  13. Silvie says:

    I love this cover, love that it features diversity in so many ways. Haters gonna hate, but I like Meghan’s style.

  14. MissAmerica says:

    Judas priest. People on this blog are so negative. I do believe Meghan chose each woman individually. I believe she chose Salma for her consistent long-term commitment to charitable women’s issues, not for her husband’s fashion empire and money. People forget Meghan was focused on these issues long before becoming a royal. She’s not charading around with feigning interest. She’s genuine. And even if she was, who cares? Isn’t the point to use her influence to raise awareness? Which is EXACTLY what she’s doing.