Cele|bitchy | Jenna Bush Hager welcomed son Henry Harold ‘Hal’ Hager, her first son

Jenna Bush Hager welcomed son Henry Harold ‘Hal’ Hager, her first son

I totally forgot about Chelsea Clinton’s third pregnancy until the birth announcement for Jasper Clinton Mezvinsky, and then I totally forgot about Jenna Bush Hager’s third pregnancy too. I guess I just forget about First Daughters in general? Perhaps. I have little memory of Jenna’s second pregnancy as well, but apparently she gave birth to daughter Poppy Louise four years ago. I did remember her oldest – daughter Mila – who was George W. Bush’s first grandchild, and Dubya was very emotional about it. So Jenna and her husband Henry Hager had two girls, and then went for the boy. They got him:

Jenna Bush Hager is a mom of three! The Today show co-anchor, 37, and husband Henry Hager welcomed their third child and first son, Henry Harold “Hal” Hager, on Friday morning, August 2, at 9:02 a.m. Baby Hal arrived weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 19.29 inches.

“We are overcome with joy to welcome Henry Harold ‘Hal’ Hager into this world!” the new mom tells PEOPLE. “He is named Henry after many on his father’s side including his dear dad and his paternal grandfather. Harold comes from my maternal grandfather, Pa, who I loved dearly and was unable to keep a son long enough to name,” she says.

The newest addition to the Hager household joins big sisters Poppy Louise, who turns 4 on Aug. 13, and Margaret “Mila” Laura, 6.

“His sisters are thrilled to have a little brother and already nicknamed his nickname, exclaiming ‘welcome to the world Hal Pal!’ ” Bush Hager adds.

[From People]

Thoughts on the alliterative name? Henry Harold Hager sounds like a name from a George Bernard Shaw play, or perhaps the name of a guy who eventually becomes a superhero. I’m kind of meh on the “Hal” nickname, although I understand why they’re coming right out and announcing the nickname. As Jenna says, there are probably a million Henrys on the Hager side (including Jenna’s husband) and she wants an easy way to differentiate. That being said… surely Hank is also an option? Maybe Hank for when he’s older, Hal when he’s just a kid?

Also: will Jasper Clinton and Henry Harold grow up together and play together in New York? Hm.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Getty.

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11 Responses to “Jenna Bush Hager welcomed son Henry Harold ‘Hal’ Hager, her first son”

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  1. Abby says:

    So they named one baby after her mother and one after her mother’s father + husband’s family….but no honor for Dubya, hmm. Just interesting. Wonder where Poppy Louise came from. Georgia would have been an easy tribute had they wanted to include him.

    • Algernon says:

      Dubya’s a war criminal. Probably just getting ahead of the curve in case the Hague ever decides to do anything about it.

    • PrincessPistol says:

      I seem to recall Poppy was a nod to her grandfather George Bush, whom Apparently was referred to as “poppy” by his grandkids.

    • LadyT says:

      Poppy was the grandfather name of Bush Senior. You’re reaching IMO.

    • Mumbles says:

      Poppy was George HW Bush’s nickname, and, as it turns out, a very lovely girl’s name.

      Jenna is mostly harmless but her presence on the show annoys me as the only reason she’s there is because she’s from that family. When she was in college her family made a big deal about how she was going to be a teacher. She did a student teaching gig at a DC charter school (of course, the Republicans’ favorite kind of school) and that was it for teaching.

      • Darla says:

        True, but when I compare her to Meghan McCain, I mean, she just looks great, doesn’t she? She seems very sweet and not at all angry and vicious, unlike nutmeg. And I’m fairly certain her sister Barbara is a Dem. Not sure about Jenna. At the very least, she would be very moderate.

      • Jerusha says:

        @Darla. And compared to Liz Cheney Jenna looks almost Caroline Kennedy-ish.

  2. Sayrah says:

    I love the nickname Hank. Congrats to them!

  3. minx says:

    I have a soft spot for the Bush daughters because they were very sweet to the Obama girls when they became First Daughters.

  4. A random commenter says:

    I like Hal much better than Hank. I think Jenna and her husband have done a good job of honoring family while also making the names they call them feel unique enough.

  5. Mellie says:

    I just watched her last day on the Today show on Friday…I bet that poor girl was miserable sitting under those hot lights! I think she’s sweet, probably annoying in large doses, but a decent person.