Cele|bitchy | “Gigi Hadid got robbed in Mykonos, says she’ll never go back” links

“Gigi Hadid got robbed in Mykonos, says she’ll never go back” links

Gigi Hadid was robbed in Mykonos, says she’ll never go back. [Dlisted]
Bode Miller & his wife are expecting twin boys. [Just Jared]
Can’t wait for all of the thinkpieces & columns about Prince Andrew. [LaineyGossip]
Queen Elizabeth spotted her horse-nemesis again. [Go Fug Yourself]
Hobbs & Shaw won the box office weekend, but just barely. [Pajiba]
Jeffrey Epstein’s prison guards were overworked, hmm. [Jezebel]
Equinox employees are freaking out. As they should. [Towleroad]
Zendaya is so friggin’ cute in this outfit. [RCFA]
Cece Gutierrez is done with Basketball Wives. [Starcasm]
Wait, are there really Botched Botox Barbies? [Seriously OMG]

Gigi Hadid Photo Call for Michael Kors W...

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29 Responses to ““Gigi Hadid got robbed in Mykonos, says she’ll never go back” links”

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  1. Raina says:

    I told Lohan to quit it.

    Anyway, there are theives everywhere.

  2. Lucy says:

    Loooooove Zendaya’s Jacquemus.

  3. Snazzy says:

    Haha I love the horse nemesis. Adorable

  4. Seraphina says:

    And there is a photo meme circulating that Mykonos doesn’t want her back.

    You can get robbed anywhere. Maybe she should be more aware of her surroundings and less critical of an island that is known for its tourism and is very popular among the elite superstars.

    • Jasmine says:

      Or maybe people shouldn’t rob people.

      • Mab's A'Mabbin says:

        If only. She shouldn’t return to the US until we get humans in control again.

      • Seraphina says:

        Jasmine, that goes without saying. But it’s easier for one person to be aware and protect themselves then to be foolhardy and think people will know better than to rob one another. The island is notorious for the super famous and super rich to visit. And people will take advantage of such a surrounding.

    • VintageS says:

      Or less of a presence on social media. When you post where and what you are doing constantly you are setting yourself up.

      • jennifer says:

        yeah, i mean she’s flaunting her wealth, her jewelry, and showing off where she is vacationing. plus you can get robbed anywhere.

      • DiegoInSF says:

        @jennifer that’s dangerously close to she’s flaunting her body, what could she expect? Seriously, let’s not victim blame.

      • ME says:

        @ DiegoInSF

        I don’t think that’s victim blaming (imo). It’s the same as if someone posted online they are on vacation and then getting their house robbed because they advertised NO ONE was home ! That’s not the same as blaming a female for getting assaulted for wearing a mini-skirt.

      • lucy2 says:

        @ME, I always see friends posting stuff that clearly shows when they’re away! Let’s not make it so easy for the thieves, right?

    • Kebbie says:

      I’m an American, but an American complaining about crime in a foreign country is hilarious to me. People are slaughtered here on a regular basis, we have no room to talk.

    • Susan says:

      It’s rather strange to say she should be aware of her surroundings (and therefore victim blame) when it was her vacation rental that was broken into and robbed.

    • Grant says:

      That’s the same mentality that people who blame rape victims adopt when, you know, blaming rape victims…

  5. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    If you cancel every place someone took something from you, might as well stay home. Wait a tic, my youngest grabbed my wallet last night and quietly ordered more DLCs. Nothing I love more than equipping a game character with an optional jacket and maybe a new hat. Hope those new shoes from last week match. 😒

  6. ME says:

    Doesn’t she live in NYC? Ummm honey…

  7. Ms always ms says:

    Why is she “inexplicable supermodel”?

  8. Rosewater says:

    Ever since Mykonos became the new “it” destination among the jet-set (Saint Tropez and Ibizia are considered passe now) , hordes of professional Italian and Spanish pickpockets and thieves have come to the island to take advantage.
    I was in Greece last month and many people who work in the hotel industry told me as much and to keep a close eye on my belongings. I was there for a month and thankfully nothing happened but it would seem the Hadid sisters didn’t get the memo.

    • Seraphina says:

      Exactly this. Heck, I have been told to always be aware I may get mugged or robbed when abroad or even here in the states. She’s not above it.

      • Andree says:

        I’ve been to Rome recently, went to many places in the historical center on foot, stayed in crowds, used the metro, walked at nights…nope, no one robbed me, quite the contrary. I had a small, trendy backpack, and I usually kept on my back, not in front for security. I was lucky I guess…

    • Godwina says:

      As someone who’s travelled to 16 countries and lived in “pickpockets!!!!” Prague for a year without incident, I honestly feel that most travel advisories are alarmist as heck (and often tinged with racism/classism).

    • Cee says:

      I stayed in a Villa in Mykonos. We only had doors, people could walk through our infinity pool if the had wanted to. I never felt unsafe or that I needed to watch my surroundings all the time.
      The only place I was mugged was Madrid – some guy “collided” into me and lifted my iPhone.

  9. JanetFerber says:

    Totally unrelated, but TMZ has a photo of Odell Beckham in his underwear and I’d so love for you to do this story so we could get more pics. I’m going crazy over how gorgeous he is!

  10. Dani says:

    I feel bad for her because it’s invasive and messed up – doesn’t matter how rich someone is, being robbed isn’t a pleasant experience. However…you really need to be aware of your surroundings when away from your home. I was in Amsterdam and luckily my husband is hyper aware and realized two guys were tailing us trying to steal my purse (was a Chanel) that had our passports in them. Tourists are easy to spot everywhere.

    • 2lazy4username says:

      All it takes is one episode of Dateline to understand one should be aware of her surroundings ANYWHERE, not just when away from home. 👀