Cele|bitchy | TMZ: Miley Cyrus & Kaitlynn Carter didn’t hook up until their marriages were over

TMZ: Miley Cyrus & Kaitlynn Carter didn’t hook up until their marriages were over

2019 Vanity Fair Oscar Party - Arrivals

I said on Sunday that the vibe I got was that Miley Cyrus dumped Liam Hemsworth FOR Kaitlynn Carter, who is Brody Jenner’s fake ex-wife. Miley and Kaitlynn were on vacation together when the news of Miley and Liam’s split came out. It made it seem like everything was related, and everything was messy. Of course I’ve never said that Miley’s bisexuality/pansexuality is why all of this happened – I know Miley thinks her sexuality makes her the most special snowflake around, but it’s actually a complete cliche for a young couple to split up when one of the spouses starts up an affair, regardless of gender. Anyway, Miley must have realized that she looks like a complete a–hole, because someone ran to TMZ to correct the timeline on how all of this went down:

Miley Cyrus and Kaitlynn Carter are seeing each other — something we’re told didn’t start until they had both broken up with their spouses — but our sources say this all came AFTER a valiant attempt by Miley to save her relationship with Liam Hemsworth. Sources connected to Miley and Liam tell TMZ … the 2 were struggling with various issues for months, and she pushed for the 2 of them to go into therapy and took other steps to make their marriage work. As one source put it, “He didn’t come close to meeting her half way.”

It became apparent a while ago it wasn’t going to work and they drifted apart. We’re told they’ve been separated for “months.” Check out the photo of Liam from back in June, grocery shopping without his wedding ring. There are new pics of Liam in Australia with brother Chris, and he looks sad. That may well be the case, but we’re told in no uncertain terms … nothing was sprung on him — it was a long time coming.

As for Miley and Kaitlynn, we’re told they did not get together until after their respective splits, but they have history. Miley and Liam were friends with Kaitlynn and Brody Jenner for years. They all lived in Malibu and after wildfires destroyed their neighborhoods late last year, we’re told the foursome became even closer. As we reported … Miley and Kaitlynn were making out poolside in Lake Como over the weekend. We’re told they’re seeing each other, with no labels attached.

[From TMZ]

So, two couples were friendly in Malibu and then their friendliness turned into a deeper friendship and then suddenly both of their marriages – one fake and one not – ended within a week of each other but don’t worry everyone, no one was caught off-guard and no one cheated, nothing happened until JUST NOW. Suuure. Anyway, Page Six had some added details on the timeline:

Brody Jenner knew Kaitlynn Carter and Miley Cyrus were hooking up long before photos hit the internet. An insider told Page Six on Monday that Carter, 30, and Cyrus, 26, have been hooking up for “a couple of months” and that Carter’s ex Jenner is “totally okay with it.”

“Brody is still friends with them. There’s no drama,” our source added. Earlier this month, Jenner, 35, announced his split from Carter and wasted no time partying away in Vegas after the breakup. Meanwhile, a source told us at the time that Carter was dating someone new. Now, she’s been getting cozy with Cyrus on a yacht as they vacationed in Italy last week and photos of them kissing were released over the weekend.

“[Kaitlynn] had some other priorities [in her marriage], and you now know what they are,” the insider snarked. We’re told that Jenner and Cyrus have “known each other for years” and Carter “knows Miley through him. He introduced them.” The insider added that Carter and Jenner discussed her relationship with Cyrus before they split and “it was no secret.”

[From Page Six]

The sources go on to say that Brody has no hard feelings with Kaitlynn or Miley, but it certainly sounds like Kaitlynn was having an affair with Miley, told Brody about it and he was like…”uh, okay?” And… whatever. This is messy drama but it honestly doesn’t sound like Brody is too worked up over it. Liam might be worked up over it though. We’ll see. As for what’s next… do you think Miley and Kaitlynn will even last? I don’t.

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rock the boat, don’t rock the boat baby ⚓️

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Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.

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68 Responses to “TMZ: Miley Cyrus & Kaitlynn Carter didn’t hook up until their marriages were over”

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  1. SJR says:

    Anything for attention Miley. No one cares.

    • Devon says:


    • Molly says:

      YES. Three out of the four people involved are either on a reality show or one of the thirstiest celebs in the game.

      • SM says:

        I say good for Liam for getting out of this mess before any kids were ever involved. And yeah, that PR damage control is so obvious. Flaunting your new lover on instagram 5 minutes after announcing the divorce is real classy

    • holly hobby says:

      Yeah someone told her to walk it back. She protests too much. Whatever, I don’t her latest relationship will last either. She’s thirsty for attention so once this buzz dies so will the relationship.

  2. Oy vey says:

    This woman is a disaster area. Stay clear.

    • Ronaldinhio says:

      As I said yesterday in 3,2,1 wait for the commentary that Miley is a sexualised monster, Godzilla careering around, ruining other people and their relationships.
      There are four adults here. She does not take responsibility for all of their behaviour
      For all we know Brody Jenner has been playing away and this is the women ruining his smug bullshit
      I am unsure I buy their relationship as anything other than instapublicity to mark the end of the relationship

  3. Lucy says:

    Miley has zero class.

  4. Lightpurple says:

    I suspect that for the next two months, Miley will be feeding different explanations of what happened to different news outlets and many of those explanations will contradict the other explanations. Liam will remain silent.

    • Enn says:

      Agreed. Whenever Miley goes on one of these “identity crisis benders” as I think of them, her personal life falls apart.

      I feel like she’s always searching for something external to define herself. I also think that goes back to her Disney days when she could be Hannah Montana, not MRC. I don’t know if she’s ever looked inward and figured out her identity.

    • Arizona says:

      Yeah, I’m not really buying this version of things at all. I think the four of them were friends, and then Miley and Kaitlynn started having a thing – maybe it wasn’t physical, but I would bet they were at least having an emotional affair. It’s WAYYYY too fishy that they both announced the ending of their relationships and are immediately making out and seeing each other.

      I hope that her and Liam are done, at this point, because I don’t see them working.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Yeah I agree. There has been problems between them for a while and Miley found an out and it explains her sudden rush to get ahead and to control the story. You don’t do that unless u have something to hide.

    • LadyT says:

      There is NO satisfactory explanation for FLAUNTING a new relationship at the time the split is announced—-so save your breath Miley. Regardless of when the split happened, regardless of when the ladies got physical- it’s totally not cool IMO.

      • Jadedone says:

        I couldn’t agree more LadyT

      • Kebbie says:

        If he cheated on her and this was her way of getting revenge I could see it and even sympathize. But her quickness to tell TMZ that she wanted therapy and he wouldn’t meet her halfway makes me think she would have already leaked it if he cheated.

      • LadyT says:

        Meet her halfway to where? Pretty vague. Open marriage but I’ll only do women is halfway, but asking a lot. Or I want to wait 5 years for children is halfway and reasonable. Who knows?

  5. Enn says:

    I saw that a reporter asked Liam for a comment and he was genuinely sad – his response was along the lines of “you have no idea how terrible it feels, I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  6. Lisa says:

    Miley is a mess.

  7. BeckySue says:

    She seems like someone who would be happier with a woman as a life partner. I know she’s bisexual but she seems more gay than bi to me. Hopefully she finds someone who makes her happy – that’s all that’s important. I think she’s awesome and an even more amazing artist – she’s a force to be reckoned with.

    • Enn says:

      This is a common misconception IME. Bi is just that, bi. It’s entirely possible to be attracted to both sexes but fall in love with and commit to a person of either sex. It’s not about the identity, it’s about the person.

      I say this because I have bi friends who are married to both opposite and same sex partners, and they get the “so you’re not really bi, you’re straight/gay” comments. The reality is that they fell in love with their spouse as a person.

    • MrsBanjo says:

      You can be bi and have a preference. Being “seemingly” more into women does not automatically make her gay. Let’s not erase her identity because it doesn’t look like how you think it should, thanks.

      • CherHorowitz says:

        Thank you! I have a very close male friend who is gay, amd he has openly said to my face (I’m a bi woman engaged to a man) that he doesnt really believe in bisexuality. I told him that didn’t really matter that he doesnt believe in it because I and many others a walking example of it. Interestingly enough he seems to think I’m gay and lying to myself!

      • Enn says:

        Cher, tell him that bisexuality is a fact, not Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. There’s nothing to “believe.” 🙄

  8. Chrissy says:

    This is a classy situation eh! Anyways I am convinced that this is also drug related. Remember when Miley and Liam got back together and she claimed that she stopped smoking weed. Then about a year later she said she went back to it. Well weed and a lot more. In my opinion she looks awful and will likely end up in rehab. If she is lucky. She used to have a glow and that glow is long gone

    • Enn says:

      This might be off base, but I’m getting Amy Winehouse vibes from her in the vacation pics.

      • Chrissy says:

        Not off base to me. Look at her face as body. She is a very attractive lady usually but looks god awful. This isn’t about sexuality although yeah. There is truth there. They were probably never a good match. This is more about drugs and “lifestyle”

      • Ennie says:

        I agree, her lifestyle and whatever she’s using.

      • Deanne says:

        Not off base at all. She looks really unwell in her photos. Also, I don’t care about her sexual orientation, but making out with someone else, regardless of their gender, before announcing your marital split, is aggressive and tacky behaviour.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Yeah I agree about the drugs, long term drug abuse always shows itself physically eventually. It’s more than weed she’s smoking.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      OK, not disagreeing with you that she’s using…but I keep reading comments (on this thread and yesterdays) that say how terrible she looks and how obvious it is that she’s using something harder than pot…

      …and I just don’t see it. are you guys looking at photos besides what’s posted on here? because the only two I’ve seen of her on that boat are on this post, and in neither does she look like she’s using heavy drugs. the one of the four people sitting on the back of the boat – she looks stoned, but not like she’s been on a bender or anything. are there other photos somewhere where she looks strung out, or dirty or otherwise messed up?

      • Arizona says:

        I think it’s just that she’s gotten EXTREMELY skinny, and her general behavior. Her instagram is…yeah. She’s pretty ripped though, so I wonder if it’s more just endless workouts than it is drugs.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        well, skinny can be because of the “divorce diet” too. if it has been, in fact, “months” since they split, she could have lost it that way…and if she’s working out a like a madwoman in addition to the divorce diet, I could see it.

        …and in the pic of her in the black Chanel bathing suit (and, frankly in the one of the four people on the back of the boat), she doesn’t look that much thinner to me than she does in the pics with Liam. eh, I don’t think she was ever into “hard” drugs (except stuff like ecstasy or other hallucinogens, and I think that was short-lived)…I think pot is her drug of choice.

      • Joanna says:

        Yeah, she doesn’t look hooked on drugs to me and I’ve been around people that were. Her face is not sunken in, she doesn’t have sores on her face and her teeth aren’t rotted out. She might USE hard drugs but she doesn’t look hooked on them to me.

  9. Christin says:

    Part of this seems a publicity stunt. After all, Jenner and Carter are in the Hills reboot.

  10. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I give it three months. TOPS. And I’m being generous. Then Miley will go crawling back to Liam begging him to take her back. And I TRULY hope he doesnt. She is SO messy. And lowkey emotionally abusive.

  11. MariEmme says:

    I used to follow her social sites, but she’s really been all over the map the last little bit. Miley comes across as messy and grasping for attention, but I can’t help but wonder if she’s just desperately seeking something and has no idea what it is.

    • alternative fact says:

      It kind of reminds me of when she first started her BANGERZ publicity in that she was all over the place in interviews etc. Miley has never been the most concise or articulate celebrity but there are times when she makes more sense than others.

  12. ItReallyIsYou,NotMe says:

    Miley looks like Courtney Love in those sunglasses, pouty lips, and blond bangs.

  13. Lex says:

    Lol Miley pick someone more famous (or actually famous at all….)
    Is Kristen Stewart single?
    Actually she’s too good

  14. Jb says:

    Sorry not sorry this all sounds like rich white girls acting out to piss off their parents/husbands. I don’t care who you’re sleeping with and to use it to garner attention is soooooo high school.

    • Reef says:

      Yeah, I think that’s the depth of the salaciousness. There’s no way Kaitlyn goes from wanting to legalize her marriage and wanting children with Brody to Miley. She’s acting out. The pics I saw just showed 2 people w/their heads angled toward each other to look like they were making out.

    • Joanna says:

      Yes! So childish. Obvs just pretending to be into each other just to piss the men off. Pretending to be lesbian is soooooo over

  15. The Recluse says:

    I was following her on Instagram because she supports keeping our wolves alive, but the recent spate of ‘look at me!!!!’ pics, including a video of her dancing in a bikini were just annoying. She’s beginning to look gaunt in the face, never a good look for anyone by the way.
    I get a Chaotic vibe off of her so intensely that if she doesn’t deal with it she will be like a leaf forever caught in a whirlwind. No one can solve it but her.

    • Kitten says:

      That video was so cringe. Most of her IG is pretty intolerable, from this old lady’s perspective.

  16. Anon says:

    “Until their marriages were over.”

    I guess 8 months is practically 8 years for her. Nonetheless, I find her instability and irrationally dumb behavior, i.e., flaunting it and pretending that it’s no big deal, symptomatic of something much bigger with her. She’s always all over the place and can’t seem to just be.

    It seems like she may have some kind of bipolar disorder or something else going on. At any rate, I really hope Liam (bless his heart) can move on and find someone more stable.

  17. Mtec says:

    As “crazy” as people like to say Miley is, what is claimed in this statement rings true IMO. Miley doesn’t seems like the kind of person to bottle up her feelings, and Liam does. If she really felt that emotionally detached from him, and he put no effort to correct this, then I don’t blame her for seeing her way out of that relationship.

    Maybe it was the fact that they separated from their male partners around the same time that brought Miley and Kaitlynn even closer together.

  18. Arpeggi says:

    See I doubt they left their partner for each other. I think relationships ended for whatever reasons on each part and they just decided to go on vacations together and pretend they’re having the best time and make out with each other for the ‘gram cuz “guys, they’re really having soooo much fun and it’s soooo cool and whatever, they’re not even hurt by their breakups”. They are immature. And to some extend, we’ve all been there; lord knows I tend to throw everything away and go somewhere for a bit whenever I go through a breakup! Though I usually try to disappear from the surface of the earth, go somewhere without internet and have no desire to hook up with anyone whenever that happens.

    • Kebbie says:

      Yeah, and I’m not seeing the kind of chemistry between them that leads people to leave marriages.

    • ans says:

      Ditto. I think we’re reading faaaaar too far into this.

    • Tonya says:

      Amen to the throwing everything away, and fleeing into solitude somewhere far away (the wilderness for me).

      Also it’s been 2.5 months post break up and still have ZERO desire for romance. At least it doesnt make me want to throw up and cry at the thought of it at this point anymore. Now I only feel a pang of cringe when I think of dating and intimacy with someone new.

      The fact Miley is throwing herself into a hook up like this tells me she is running from her feelings. And high AF. She is coke skinny.

      If none of those are the case then she is just a cold hearted narcissist.

      • Arpeggi says:

        It’s been more than a year and I still have no desire to date, I’ll go on Tinder or OKC for about half an hour thinking I should try and I get sooo bored! But then again, at my last really bad breakup, about 5 years ago, I accumulated one-nights because they were the only way I wouldn’t end up crying myself to sleep so hey! I totally get the the “f* until oblivion”-feelings one can have. I also lost 20lbs in the aftermath. Breakups suck and whatever we feel we need to get through it is fine even if we might cringe later because we acted really silly.

        And we all lie on social media and pretend our life is fab and wonderful even (especially) when it’s not. It’s ok, it’s human

  19. Renee says:

    I’m not solely blaming Miley for the demise of her marriage. There are two people involved.
    However, Miley will never last with anyone because she craves drama which can be exhausting to the other person.

  20. Emily says:

    There seems to be two Mileys:

    Classy, romantic and hippy/about her causes with shes with Liam.

    Chaotic, over the top sexual and on drugs.

    • Kebbie says:

      Agreed. And she can’t decide which one she really is. I read an article yesterday from when her last album came out and she was getting back with Liam and she said something along the lines of how she felt sexualized after that VMA performance and that she didn’t want to be that girl with her boobs and tongue out all the time. Then you look at her Instagram now and it’s all boobs and tongue and twerking.

      People say Liam expects her to act differently, but he’s been with her through both phases. It seems just as likely to me that she pushes him away when she’s in that rebellion phase.

  21. Andrea says:

    In my non-professional opinion, Miley strikes me as borderline as well as having substance abuse issues. People can be bi or pansexual and have their shit together and be in a committed, stable relationship; this isn’t about her sexuality, at least not exclusively. Liam would have to be codependent to stay with her, and it appears he is not. IMO he is better off – not because she is unconventional but because she has a personality disorder and/or is an addict and isn’t owning or seeking treatment for her issues.

  22. Sarah B says:

    And imagine that, she has a new album coming out. So contrived. So planned, no matter the collateral damage.

  23. Dorothy says:

    They won’t last, for sure.

  24. ME says:

    I watch the Hills re-boot and on the show Kaitlynn kept saying to Brody how she wanted to start having kids as “time was ticking”. So she breaks up with him and gets with Miley (who stated she’s NOT having kids because of climate change and won’t have them until the earth is a better place to live)??? Something doesn’t make sense here.

  25. jennifer says:

    it’s the same old hollywood-child-star story as old as time. there is nothing new, interesting or evolved about this poor lost soul. she irks me but i feel bad for her. her parents sold her out as a kid and we all know how that works out.

  26. alternative fact says:

    I don’t know anything about Liam so not blaming this all on Miley or her interviews. BUT.
    I will say I would not be happy if I married a woman in the public eye who used multiple interviews in a row to talk about how attracted she still is to men and compared me to a bland food. I just feel like that’s not respectful to your partner. You can say something like “Being in a same sex/heterosexual relationship does not change my orientation” and leave it at that. I think Miley seems like a person who gets freaked out when her life/identity starts looking too “normal”.

  27. perplexed says:

    To be honest, I never got what he saw in her (especially with the voice), but I suppose opposites attract. Maybe he liked her play for “edginess”, I guess.

    I’m also surprised her bisexuality is real. I don’t know why — I just thought she was saying it for attention like Madonna. Clearly, I was wrong.

  28. Bunny says:

    Anyone who runs to TMZ to publicize their side of things deserves scorn.

    Likewise, anyone who involves themselves so publicly in a new relationship so close to the end of their marriage deserves scorn.

  29. Ruyana says:

    Miley is just so…erratic, she really makes me tired.

  30. Gorgonia says:

    For luck there are no children to pay for childish and narcissistic behavior of their parents. This is the only good thing.

  31. Skwinkee says:

    Ok but wtf is the random ‘2’ usage in the first article?! You spelled out ~one~ later so why the 2???