Jeremy Renner shut down his app due to trolls impersonating him


Jeremy Renner has seriously leaned in on his post-Avengers life. Which is odd, considering he actually has a Hawkeye deal with Marvel. We discussed his latest musical venture. But we haven’t discussed is his Amazon Shop on which he is selling rugged outdoorsy gear, including a bunch of archery items. I’ll say it, the stuff he’s selling is pretty cool. But the reason to visit the store is to look at the photos of him… not really using any of it properly. In most cases, he looks like he’s trying to tame nature with an intense stare. Jeremy Renner: Master of the Nature Glare.

But the big news I learned this week is that Jeremy Renner had his own app. And I learned this because he announced he was shutting it down. Ah man! Now I’ll never get to use the app I didn’t know existed. This one’s on me because the app has been around since 2017. Which one of you hid the Jeremy Renner app from me?! The idea behind the app was so Renner superfans could connect with each other. I guess Comic Con was sold out? App users had access to exclusive content, which included music, photos and live-streams. One could also earn or purchase stars. Not stars like any of the Chrises, actual electronic stars that served as app currency to purchase said exclusive content or win prizes. The more stars you had, the higher you were ranked. I can only hope that the ranks were homages to his career, “Congratulations on being Bourne!” “Click to receive the combo to your new Hurt Locker.”

My gawd but I miss the cancelled app that I knew nothing about.

Anyway, thousands of Rennerites were destroyed when Mr. Hawkeye himself posted a note about closing down his app for good and why he had to do so:

Screen Shot 2019-09-05 at 11

Fancy font says what now? For anyone who strained an eyeball trying to read that, here is the opener to his farewell message:

The app has jumped the shark. Literally. Due to some clever individuals that were able to manipulate ways to impersonate me and others within the app I have asked ESCAPEX, the company that runs this app to shut it down immediately and refund anyone who has purchased any stars over the last 90 days. What was supposed to be a place for fans to connect with each other has turned into a place this is everything I detest and can’t or won’t condone. My sincere apologies for this to have not turned out the way it was intended.

To understand what happened, you need to know a little about how the app worked, which I didn’t because no one thought to tell me about it. Apparently, when anything happened on the app, you received a push notification from Jeremy Renner. It was the app contacting you, but the notification popped up with just his name and face and whatever message it was trying to convey to you. So it might be Renner telling you you’ve risen in the Renner Ranks or it might be that Renner posted a new pic with some caption designed to read like he’d just rifled it off on the run, “Happy Rennsday!” But, as I said, it was any notification. So if another app user replied to a comment you wrote, at least in the notification, it looked like Renner himself had sent it. It was all very personal, and I’m sure made fans feel close to the actor. (Which, while we are on the subject, is probably why he went with a “handwritten script” font to write his send off, for that personal touch to all those users he’d never known.) But everything backfired in a glorious online free-for-all when some cheeky user figured out the format could be used to mess with everyone reading it. I don’t actually know if this is the beginning of the app’s decline, but Stefan Heck is taking credit for it so I’ll give it to him. He responded to a Renner post asking folks for their weekend plans with a comment saying he was going to watch porn. And everything spiraled from there. People created accounts under celebrity names, including Renner’s, and the place descended into madness:

Apparently, the app tried blocking folks but that didn’t work so Renner threw in the towel (since there is no way to “literally jump the shark” with an electronic application). I do, in fact, feel a little bad for Renner. It sounds like the folks the app was intended for enjoyed it. Who knows how involved he was with it but if he was, I’m sure he enjoyed it as well. The app wasn’t actually hurting anyone and was certainly not in your face enough for some of us to even know it existed. But two years is a good run for any online community that is unregulated enough to allow someone to front as Barack Obama or Casey Anthony so I hope Renner takes this as a win.

At least now Renner can get back to the important work, like trying to figure out where the binoculars go when you use them.



Photo credit: Twitter, Amazon and WENN Photos

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47 Responses to “Jeremy Renner shut down his app due to trolls impersonating him”

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  1. wellsie says:

    Trolling at its …best? It was hilarious. Sad to see it go.

  2. Sierra says:

    Don’t like Jeremy and that’s all I have to say..

  3. Jenns says:

    This tweet cracked me up:

    “Remake THE SOCIAL NETWORK about the Jeremy Renner app”

  4. DaisySharp says:

    He’s a ludicrous person.

  5. Zapp Brannigan says:

    His archery form kills me, get lessons Hawkeye! I coach on Sunday mornings but he will have to come to Ireland and sit through my boring safety first talk 🏹

  6. lucy2 says:

    This whole thing is super weird. The guy is a very successful actor in a major franchise, why was he selling bear spray and having an app with it’s own currency???

    • TJ says:

      I think Renner just likes having a side hustle. If I remember correctly, he has a side business flipping homes that made him good money. He is a successful actor, but he seems to realize that he isn’t exactly a household name and that his star could easily fade. I actually give him credit for not putting his eggs in the one acting basket, since acting is a fickle career path.

      • lucy2 says:

        A side hustle is fine, I think a lot of actors invest in many different things. But something about this, and the music he just put out, seem cheesy and embarrassing.

    • TQB says:

      Someone somewhere suggested he’s trying to be a male Goop, which, wow, #lifegoals?

    • Jellybean says:

      Last interview I saw he said he isn’t prepared to take on new work if he takes it away from his daughter and he didn’t care if it meant he never worked as an actor again.
      I never understood the app, except that maybe he wanted to start releasing little personal, mainly music projects and he originally wanted somewhere low profile to do it, I don’t think many people on there pay anything and it is pretty harmless, if you ignore the odd obsessive; it isn’t like comic cons where fans dish out a small fortune.
      As for the outdoor stuff, well he has this home in the mountains which he calls Camp Renner and he runs it like a holiday camp for all the children in his extended family and his friends’ families – he is the oldest of 7 and seems to take that role seriously. It seems to be his main focus now , so it is not unreasonable that people would have asked him to recommend equipment he was using.
      Also, the music hasn’t just come from nowhere. It has been fun seeing people commenting on his style of music and how he was trying to make it appeal to a wide audience, which is true, but not because he necessarily wants to be in the hit parade. All the original music he has released has been commissioned either for a Kids film or specifically for jeep who wanted a song that was a cross between Imagine Dragons and Queen. So if he did release his own choice of music I have no idea what it would sound like.
      Finally, I seem to recall that he is buying up a lot of property and, since he made a lot of money doing that before he was successful as an actor, anything else he is doing now is probably just because he feels like doing it.

  7. smcollins says:

    I can’t speak to the app because I also had no idea it existed, but @hecate you’re write-up was spectacular and had me lol-ing the whole way through. Hats off to you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  8. T.Fanty says:

    Everything about this situation brings me joy. In fact, everything about the Renner rebrand from douche who talked about jLo’s globes to MAN OF THE WOODS and low-rent McConaughey brings me joy.

  9. Adrien says:

    And he shut it down on a Rennesday. I really don’t understand why he has his own app and not just open an Instagram. I like him in Mission Impossible, The Town, and North Country and he can act for sure but he has same charisma as Sam Worthington or Orlando Bloom. Wait, I take it back. Sam and Orly both look harmless for viewers to be bothered JR’s presence evokes bemusement. Like why is this guy a movie star and in big budget franchise action movies?

    • Coco says:

      Rennesday, the fourth of Sep-Renn-ber, Renn-ty Nineteen.

    • Erinn says:

      He HAS an Instagram. The app was not much more of anything besides pulling his Instagram feed lol. But with none of the functionality of Instagram.

  10. stepup says:

    LOL. An Amazon store!? J. Renner is a regular Hedley! Next we’re gonna find out he’s a pilot for Hey Mon Airlines!

  11. FHMom says:

    I’m so sad I missed this. B list celebs deserve attention, also.

  12. Who ARE These People? says:

    I’m so confused.

  13. Keats says:

    I….don’t like him at all and my Twitter has been a hellscape lately, so watching Renner haplessly watch his app eat itself was a true source of joy for me.

    Am I a horrible person??

    • DiegoInSF says:

      No, didn’t know he was famous enough for his own app, well looks like he wasn’t because they were just using it to troll lol

  14. Erinn says:


    I watched a youtube video about this app JUST THIS WEEK. Drew Gooden and Danny Gonzalez covered it and it was hilarious.

    It was 100% one of the most scammy apps out there. You literally just paid money to give likes to Jeremy Renner’s weird instagram feed and if you were in the top 3 for fans, you’d maybe get a direct comment or something. But you’d buy stars with REALY money… and say you wanted to “give” him 100 stars which are the equivalent of likes. It’d actually take away 1000 stars from your total. It was insane – and a blatant money grab. And it was literally just pulling his instagram feed but all the tags and hashtags he would use of course wouldn’t work because his app doesn’t use them lol.

    Drew ended up accidentally buying like 40+USD worth of stars because when he tried to get out of buying it, it used his fingerprint to approve the purchase lol. It was one of the shadiest things I’ve ever seen.

    • Sophia’s Sideye says:

      Lmao! Erinn, thanks for this rundown. Between this and Hecate’s write up I am dying laughing.

  15. stepup says:

    Who else cracks up at his Jeep commercials?

    • TQB says:

      Too busy cringing from embarrassment for him.

      • stepup says:

        LOL. I really want to hear from a Jeremy Renner “super fan” who particiapted in his app unironically. Who ARE these people!?

      • Nicegirl says:

        I cannot stand those keep ads. Secondhand embarrassment for sure with his ridiculous singing. Why ruin Jeeps?

    • Bkittyb says:

      I want to crack up, but I am still stuck in WTF is he doing mode? Like, do we really need music from him? I think NOT

  16. Ana says:

    The font. I just can’t.

  17. Coco says:

    If there’s no such thing as bad publicity, then Renner is actually having a great week. This is probably the most concentrated media attention he’s gotten since he broke out in The Hurt Locker.
    I’m feeling charitable towards him because I was laughing hysterically over this last night.

  18. Jules says:

    Everything about this put me in different dimensions of the Twilight Zone. Awesome.

  19. Fluffy Princess says:

    LOL! It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. He’s such a d-bag, that all these sad money grabs, his store in Amazon, lame app, his ridiculous music – hahahahahahaha. I’ll never stop laughing at him and his try-hard.

  20. phlyfiremama says:

    HAHAHAHAHA I had NO IDEA this app even existed because I can’t stand Renner~good grief, how USELESS was Hawkeye?? I can’t stop laughing at this though!!

  21. Amelie says:

    I don’t hate Jeremy Renner but he was never exactly my favorite person. I guess he can’t help his face looks smarmy, Resting Smarmy Face should become an expression and it would just be his face in the dictionary. I suppose he’s a talented actor? I’ve only seen him in the Avenger movies and The Hurt Locker which is what propelled him to stardom.

    But I do admire him for all his random side hustle. Actors’ careers often dry up when they make stupid movie choices or get all big headed because all of a sudden they’ve got a lot of money. He’s always been open that music is a huge passion so that makes sense. And if he wants to sell outdoor gear on Amazon that’s cool too, random of course but whatever.

    But I really don’t get why celebrities have apps with all the social media available like Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat etc that allows them to connect with fans directly. I get having a website but an app just seems like too much work. If you want a forum, you can easily put that on a website. I get you can make money from apps but I dunno, seeing how all the Kardashians closed all their apps (and they are way more popular than Jeremy Renner) I think celebrities don’t realize how much work you have to put into it to engage with the app users. It just seems so exhausting! But the whole story about how it got shut down is so hilarious and just reaffirms my belief celebrities have no business of creating fan apps.

  22. SG says:

    i was crying laughing last night reading tweets about this. such a hilarious situation.

  23. Lisa says:

    He’s a misogynist…

  24. Nina says:

    I don’t get his appeal at all, but this was so funny to read!!

  25. jRenRen says:

    I highly recommend Danny Gonzalez and Drew Gooden’s (comedic) youtube video about this shit. It’s a really low level Kardashian – style scam app. Or ‘was’, I guess. I think they had more to do with it than anybody involved wants to admit.

    Also Mamrie Hart and Grace Helbig just did another light-hearted exposé of the app/scam on their This Might Get Weird podcast. And indeed, it was weird.