Cele|bitchy | “Do you ditch movies and which movies have you ditched?” links

“Do you ditch movies and which movies have you ditched?” links

I’ve ditched a few of these movies! (This is CB I’ve ditched Sausage Party, La La Land and Hobbs & Shaw. There are tons more those are just the ones from this list.) [Buzzfeed]
It’s so good to see Yalitza Aparicio at TIFF [LaineyGossip]
73 year-old Indian woman had twins [Dlisted]
Face/Off, that crazy 1997 Nicolas Cage and John Travolta film, is going to get a remake [Pajiba]
The Tommy Hilfger x Zendaya collection [Tom & Lorenzo]
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez go out to dinner[Just Jared]
Bobby Brown got kicked off a flight [Jezebel]



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126 Responses to ““Do you ditch movies and which movies have you ditched?” links”

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  1. Lucy2 says:

    I’ve never walked out of a theater, but there were a few I probably should have. But there are a bunch I started on dvd or streaming and quit. Especially if i fall asleep during it!

    • Bella Bella says:

      The one movie I walked out of was The Misfits at a screening when I was in college. Every actor in that movie seemed to be in so much pain that I just couldn’t take it. Later when I read about how 3 of the leads died soon after the movie was made, I felt like my visceral reaction was some kind of empathic awareness of their agony.

      Also, the original documentary Marwencol is REALLY worth seeing. It’s a fascinating movie. It’s really too bad Hollywood felt a need to dramatize this story which, in the documentary, is dramatic by itself. I met the man it is about at an art opening, and he is the sweetest person.

    • Snazzy says:

      I wish I ditched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. What a waste of my life

  2. Stacy Dresden says:

    Fell dead asleep within the first five minutes of Lincoln and that movie about George W Bush starring James Brolin

    Ditched La La Land too

  3. Penguin says:

    I don’t walk out of them but rather fall asleep. I fell asleep to The Constant Gardener and the micahel Jackson doc This Is It

  4. PlainJane says:

    Yes, because I am an old lady, some of these movies may not mean anything to some of the readers, but …

    1. Joe vs. The Volcano
    2. Koyaanisqatsi
    3. Chan is Missing

  5. Mia4s says:

    I’m stubborn, so if I’ve paid, I stay. There are a few I WISH I had ditched. Some examples:

    All but the first Transformers (somehow I became the go to person to take my nephew to these): The last one (before Bumblebee, which I skipped) actually made me angry it was so terrible.

    Aquaman: waaaaaaaaay too long. It gave me a headache.

    Fantastic Beasts: Awful. Just a pathetic, terrible money grab. I eventually suffered through the second one at a friend’s house. Even worse!

    MIB International: the friend who dragged me to this owes me BIG. Just total garbage.

    • IMUCU says:

      Lol, I’m “stubborn” about staying and watching too!

      I remember a lot of people walking out on World War Z…that was pretty ridiculous & bad, Mr. IMUCU and I still joke about it once in awhile!

      • Mia4s says:

        Agreed on World War Z!! So bad! (I saw it on DVD so I could only symbolically walk out.) 😉

        The book is amazing (the movie is almost NOTHING like it! Why??) and someday Netflix or HBO or Amazon will do a miniseries and do it right. The movie is embarrassing in comparison.

      • Betsy says:

        Ha! I think I liked World War Z enough to watch it a few times. (I think because I can’t keep the zombie movies straight)

        Definitely quit watching La La Land. Pretty, but so incredibly dull I couldn’t get through it.

    • Marianne says:

      Same. Also because I hope there will be something redeemable in it. Like…maybe its a huge bore but the ending will be great or soemthing.

  6. Jenns says:

    I almost walked out of Les Miserables. I’m still not sure why I stayed. Probably because I liked the musical on Broadway, but the movie was not good. And the close-ups were so annoying.

    • Bella Bella says:

      Oh yeah, that’s one I stopped watching (as a DVD). The singing was painfully bad. It felt like every character was in a different movie. Unbearable.

  7. Sour Patch says:

    The Black Dahlia
    Pirates of the Caribbean 2
    I fell asleep during Spider-Man 2

    • Xi Tang says:

      Wow! The black dahlia is one of a handful that I ditched midway.
      Another one is Keeping up with Joneses with jon hamm. Who btw, I’m really starting to believe was only good in mad men. Like I expected gadot to be her dreadful usual self, but almost everyone else was bad in this dumb movie. I’m still mad.
      Olympus Has Fallen and 300. All shitty movies.

      • lucy2 says:

        I watched it one day while folding laundry, but Keeping up with the Jones was surprisingly boring, despite a decent cast.
        I agree about Jon Hamm – I’ve liked him in a few other comedic roles, but I don’t think he’s ever going to match Mad Men for dramas. Or at least he hasn’t yet.

      • Sour Patch says:

        The Black Dahlia was so bad! I actually liked 300 though! I never saw the others you mentioned. I don’t like John Hamm so I’m not surprised.

  8. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I loved Hobbs & Shaw! Mindless action and entertainment. The only film I ever walked out of was Jurassic Park. My Mom took my brother and I to see it when we were kids. We were scared out of our minds lol. So we left.

    • Sour Patch says:

      I was 4 when my mom took me to see Jurassic Park. I started bawling in the movie theater. I still remember it so well.

    • JAM says:

      I was also traumatized when my parents took me to see Jurassic Park. I was 10 and so scared to take my dog out that night, afraid dinosaurs would come out of the shadows. Only other movie that scared me worse as a kid was Ghost. I was 7. Between talk of death and the bad guy dying at the end. My mom always tells me that was probably her biggest parenting mistake ever, and I have excellent parents! Makes me laugh now but I was shaken up.

    • BeanieBean says:

      My mom liked to watch ‘scary movies’ on TV; the ones that gave me nightmares were ‘The Crawling Eye’ and ‘Them’.

    • castletoz says:

      I was 11 and traumatized by Jurassic Park as well. Their ad campaign leading up to it was genius, except that it gave parents zero idea that it wasn’t really a kid’s movie.

      • Yup, Me says:

        Maybe because for some people it was family friendly. I saw Jurassic Park as a kid and loved it. I think I was in the right target audience.

        But intensity capacity varies from person to person. I had a friend who thought salt was too spicy when she was little.

  9. livethelifeaquatic says:

    reno 911 the movie

  10. Jess says:

    I walked out of Wonder Woman. I HATED it. I can’t tell anyone I know though, because I’d have to turn in my woman card. The scene in particular that made me leave is when she asks Chris Pine’s character what snow is… You know 12 languages and you don’t know what SNOW is?? Talk about born yesterday…. Blah, now I’m getting worked up about it again. lol

    • Sour Patch says:

      It wasn’t great, so don’t feel bad. I hated Bridesmaids. It didn’t feel authentic to female friendships. Can we have one movie with female leads where they’re not jealous or in competition with one another?

      • castletoz says:

        I just watched The Spy Who Dumped Me on hulu and they had the dynamic you’re looking for. I didn’t hate watch it the same way I hate watched A Simple Favor, which was awful

    • Ana says:

      I thought WW was wildly influenced by Captain America: The First Avenger, which was upsetting. I guess DC can churn out good movies if it follows the Marvel formula.* Gal and Chris Pine carried that movie with their charm.

      *Naive, brave, do-gooder protagonist; a rag-tag team of misfits win a battle against all odds; male protagonist named STEVE; scientifically enhanced antagonist with a god complex; [SPOILER] Steve flies a suicide mission to save the world, etc.

    • Dee says:

      God I hated WW so much. Not even for feminists reasons. It was so dull and the “naive” shtick got annoying very fast. She became borderline dumb …“a bAbY”. But I didn’t ditch it so maybe I get to keep my card lol.

    • broodytrudy says:

      I think I’ve mentioned before, but I walked out of the first Avengers movie. Only movie I’ve ever walked out on. It was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. I totally get the “can’t tell the hive mind” on WW as well. Oscar worthy? Laughable.

  11. Juls says:

    The Royal Tennenbaums. Worst movie ever. Got my money back too, because I left after 20 minutes.

    • Alexis says:

      I HATE movies and this is one of my all-time favorites, I’ve probably watched it 100 times!

      • Juls says:

        I hated it, but glad it it brought you joy. The only movie I’ve watched 100X is Shawshank Redemption. I did walk out of 1 other movie after about 30 minutes: 7 years in Tibet. Dreadfully boring.

      • Mickey Rooney Mara says:

        @Alexis: You HATE movies? You remind me of someone I know who says she doesn’t like movies because they’re not real. She told me that whenever she tries to make herself watch one she falls asleep.

        Why do you hate movies?

    • Jo73c says:

      Yeah, I didn’t finish watching this one either.

  12. KellySunshine says:

    I ditched that Colin Farrell “The New World” movie… I’ve never been that bored in my life!
    But I thought Hobbs and Shaw was entertaining.

    • Bella Bella says:

      Speaking of Colin Farrell, who I have loved in some movies, a movie I WISHED I had walked out of is The Lobster. That was the most painful experience. Don’t get me started about the scene with the dog. I’m sorry, but that was not black comedy. It was dark dark darkness.

      • Snowslow says:

        LOL. The Lobster was one of my favourite films that year.
        On the other hand… I fall asleep to any Avengers / Marvel film. Wonder Woman first irritated me and then bored me and the zzzz.
        Big exceptions: Thor Raganarok. Loved it. Watched it twice.

      • Jo73c says:

        We couldn’t finish The Lobster either. I just didn’t see the point.

      • Nikki* says:

        I HATED the Lobster.

  13. Nikki* says:

    I too ditched Aquaman and Borat. The critics adore Bill Murray, but some of his movies are SO BORING. And minority opinion: I hate most of Adam Sandler’s movies.

  14. Becks1 says:

    I’ve never walked out of a movie, but there are quite a few that I watch at home that I just ignore and start reading or something (H wont let me turn them off.)

    Wonder Woman is one of them – the first half hour is so good, and then its just meh in my opinion.

    I fell asleep during Oceans Thirteen.

    I ended up really disliking the Favourite. Olivia Coleman was amazing in it, and it was gorgeous, but it was SO LONG….I bought it on iTunes and I regretted that decision about 30 minutes in.

    • Celebitchy says:

      I didn’t like The Favourite either but Kaiser loved it! We talked about it on the podcast. I bought it too, but it was for our job ahead of the Oscars.

    • Mrs. Smith says:

      I didn’t like The Favorite at all (except Olivia Coleman, who was amazing). The scene where the guys in powdered wigs throw fruit at the naked guy (also wearing a powdered wig) in slow motion with jaunty music in the background? I was eyeing my friends to see if we could just leave. We stayed–ugh.

    • Nikki* says:

      The Favourite was TERRIBLE! Hate those movies where all the entertaining parts are in the preview.

  15. Juliette says:

    My husband and I got free passes to Drunk Parents w/ Alex Baldwin and Selma Hayak. We walked after about half an hour because 15 minutes felt like an hour. IMO, it was literally the worst. Boring, stupid and pointless.

  16. Sue says:

    Back in HS my bff and I were so excited to see My Own Private Idaho because… Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix! Oh boy. Not the stuff made of teenage girl dreams. We promptly left the theater.

  17. SM says:

    Ok. I don’t see movies that often anymore (small child and other life stuff, so when we have doubts we won’t enjoy it we simply not even start watching) but we did ditch LaLa Land. We also really wanted to walk out of Blade Runner with Gosling but somehow we pulled it through. There is no chance in hell anyone would be able to drag me into a movie with the Rock (whatever that movie is in the header photo) in the first place

    • eto says:

      I saw Bladerunner and walked out midway bc I thought it was Tron-type movie lol. I kept waiting for it to be not so washed out

    • JanetDR says:

      I will watch anything with the Rock! Except Fast and Furious. The second Jumanji is a perfect movie, and san Andreas is the perfect disaster movie. I always try and stick movies out, but sometimes with Netflix DVDs we will say enough is enough.

  18. Lauren says:

    I walked out of the Kevin Bacon movie Hallow Man back in 2000. It was an odd premise where he played an invisible man or something like that. The scene that made me leave was when he was invisible he started killing a dog and I said to my friend Jon that’s it we are leaving. That is the only movie in my life where I have physically walked out of the theater before the film was over.

  19. Sarah says:

    Meet Joe Black

  20. Aephra says:

    Went with an ex to Rollerball and Sorority Sisters. They were so awful I should have walked out of both, and in hindsight were huge clues about the person I saw them with!

  21. Bella Bella says:

    That Tommy Hilfger x Zendaya collection is mostly AWESOME. I love the houndstooth coat. I can see Zendaya looking fantastic in just about every look and I appreciated that she included fashion for big women too. A real 70s vibe to a lot of it.

  22. IrrelevantGirl says:

    The only movie I’ve left a theater for was I am Legend with Will Smith. It wasn’t even because the movie was bad, or Will was terrible. It just made me SO anxious I had to leave. I was on a date, so it was a little embarrassing, but if I’d stayed any longer, I would’ve had a full on panic attack (which would have been worse).
    I watched it years later on HBO and while I struggled still, I finished it.

    • Nikki* says:

      I like your story! I couldn’t watch “What Lies Beneath” with Michelle Pfeiffer because I was too tense!

  23. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I don’t really go out to watch movies anymore, so my words don’t mean anything lol. But I haven’t watched any from the BuzzFeed list because…I knew they’d suck the tailpipe off a muscle car. Except for Interstellar. One of the very few Matthew movies I really enjoyed lol.

    • Toi Filles says:

      “I knew they’d suck the tailpipe off a muscle car”

      lol!! I’m borrowing that. In exchange, mine is “sucks rat poison through a crazy straw”

      On topic, I’m usually a die-hard to see it through to the credits. The only movie I truly ever walked out on was David Cronenberg’s “Crash”. I didn’t much care for the Paul Haggis “Crash” either, but that Cronenberg flick was… Total FindMuck.

  24. Liz version 700 says:

    Different reason, but my husband and I walked out of the Hunger Games because there were about 30 teenagers running around the theater. I remember walking over to ask the manager for a refund and suddenly his eyes got enormous. I turned around and apparently we started a parade. Dozens of people were following. I almost do all direct tv viewing now.

  25. Jadedone says:

    I wish I had walked out of Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, nearly 3 hours of my life that I will never get back.

    • Mickey Rooney Mara says:

      Once I found out it went for 167 minutes I looked up the spoilers to free myself from the urge to see it.

  26. Fluffy Princess says:

    One of THE most boring movies I’ve ever had to sit through (we were invited by friends, couldn’t do a runner), was the new Blade Runner movie with Ryan Gosling. I wanted to throw stuff at the screen it was so bad and boring. Did I mention it was boring? It had these LOOOOOOOONG camera shots of just watching him walk to a door or a car — WHY? Hated it with the heat of a billion suns.

    So many other references to bad movies I also did not like in the least: Fantastic Beasts (both), All the Pirates of the Caribbean after the first one (ghastly), most everything with Adam Sandler,

    I am Legend (agree with this one), Wonder Woman (I thought it was meh, it did NOT live up to the hype), most of the harry potter movies – did they even read the books? –Baywatch (don’t get me started with the whole uber nerd gets the hottest chick BS). . . .I honestly have blanked on most of the ones that I have either disliked entirely or was so underwhelmed that it should count as a dislike. . .

    • Tw says:

      I ditched that Blade Runner reboot, too. I think there was like 20 minutes left and I had just woken from a nap and I peaced out.

  27. Jerusha says:

    I walked out on Godard’s Wind from the East, even though I like a lot of his other movies.

  28. clandestina says:

    Left The Life Aquatic with Bill Murray. Bill I love you! but I was just not able to suffer through it. Then Elling because it was too Arthouse for me back then. And I still deeply regret not leaving Sex And The City 2. to me it was boring and more misogynistic/insulting than p*rn.

  29. Mickey Rooney Mara says:

    It took me multiple sittings to grind my way through The Master and Inherent Vice. But I bailed on I’m Still Here and Mama Mia and had zero interest in returning to them to see how they ended.

    • Jerusha says:

      I stuck it out on The Master and Inherent Vice(both on dvd)and hated every minute of them. I kept thinking, “Surely they can’t be this crappy all the way to the end.” I hated Phantom Thread also. I certainly hope that turkey isn’t DDL’s final film. I hate every movie by Paul Thomas Anderson that I’ve seen.

    • Snowslow says:

      Oh god. I seem to be in the minority here. Loved The Master and The Favourite…
      I will rewatch the Master as it may not have aged well?

  30. KG says:

    Movies I’ve left:
    Blue Valentine
    Korean horror movie with 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes

    Should have left:
    Before I Sleep
    Mary Reilly

    Fallen asleep during:
    Water Boy
    Cars 2
    Despicable Me
    Despicable Me 2
    Madagascar 2
    Angry Birds
    Tiny bit of angry birds2
    Into the Spiderverse (sorry)

  31. jane says:

    I ditch at least once a decade. Ditched that one, can’t even remember the name, with J Lawrence playing the 70s wife, was heralded as remarkable, I about passed out from boredom.

    Ditched Brazil.

    Ditched Kiss of the Spider Woman.

    Don’t like dark movies, or at least not dark movies that also make no sense.

  32. Micky says:

    The only two movies I’ve ever walked out of were Under the Cherry Moon with Prince. And Summer Lovers with Daryl Hanna. Both are super boring.

  33. BlueSky says:

    One movie I saw and should have walked out of was “Beloved” that was a long ass movie.

  34. Adrien says:

    I don’t ditch. I sleep if I can’t stand it. I saw a lot of awfully reviewed movies even problematic ones like Woody Allen movies but I enjoyed them somewhat. I wish I had left the theater midway through The Girl on Train. I can see the real culprit coming from a mile and I was wishing I could fast forward the theater screen.
    I saw a lot of people leave the movie house midway through Burning, the Korean arthouse film starring Steven Yeun. Also Roma and Parasite (Korean film by Boon Jong Ho). All foreign language movies I love. I can see why a lot of Asian cultural nuances won’t translate well to Westerners. Class warfare is a common subject in Korean films but they often do not present it overtly. They rely on symbolism and contrast.

  35. Stacey says:

    I absolutely LOVE Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder, but I couldn’t make it through their movie “Destination Wedding”, I tried twice and fell asleep midway both times.

  36. The Recluse says:

    I have never walked out of a movie, but I did drowse during The Treasure of the Four Crowns, a long time ago. Who knew a 3D action film could be so dull?

  37. Whatnow says:

    The Birdman with Michael Keaton was so bad that my friend and I nearly cried before we could get out of there because it was so so so so so bad

  38. AA says:

    I walked out of The Color Purple but I don’t know if it counts because I was half drunk on wine coolers and was a teenager and it was the dollar theater. We came in late and the only seats were front row. This was back in the 80s when that meant you were like 2 inches from the screen. It opens in that intense flower field and it was like whoa.

  39. Antonym says:

    I walked out of Scream, teenage me couldn’t handle. TBH I’m not sure grown a$$ me could handle it either. I’ve never been one for horror/scary/bloody.

  40. Deering24 says:

    If I had seen Justice League, Mortal Engines, or Aquaman in a theater, I would have ditched. And I wish to God I’d ditched Hook eons ago.

  41. Ripley says:

    All the Pretty Horses.

    First and last movie I’ve ever ditched.

  42. Christina says:

    The only movie I’ve ever walked out on is The Forgotten (2004) with Julianne Moore. The movie was bad and at one point my bf just blurted out that if an alien makes an appearance we’re walking out. Sure enough, to our disbelief, there were aliens and we left. People were laughing and asking us if we just couldn’t take it anymore. Never finished the movie, so I don’t really know if there were really aliens in the movie or if it was all in her head. Bad movie, man!

  43. Tosca says:

    Only movie I ever fell asleep in or ditched was U-571. Soo boring. When I fell asleep they were diving the submarine, and when I woke up later they were, again, diving the submarine. I left.

  44. Ramona Q. says:

    My local paper accidentally printed that Ebert gave “Supertroopers” 3 1/2 stars, so I went and walked out. He really gave it 1 1/2.
    Also, “School of Rock”, and “Me, Myself and Irene”.

  45. Snowslow says:

    Can we do this every week? I love to read how boring people were at the movies, if I enjoyed the film myself. I’m in stitches!!!!

  46. Trillian says:

    I would have loved to walk out of Dumb and Dumber, but I was with a friend who had made me go. How I hated that movie.

    I am pretty selective about what I watch in an actual theater compared to what I will just rent on iTunes, so for the last years I was never tempted to walk out of something. But I don’t really enjoy watching TV so I am very likely to just pass on everything that sounds remotely like “not my thing”.

  47. Other Renee says:

    The only move I’ve ever ditched was Taken 2. I was really unnerved after fifteen minutes and walked out. I should have walked out on Matrix 2 because I was bored out of my mind.

  48. Rose says:

    Walked out on Couple’s Retreat in first 20 minutes, garbage.

  49. Almaz says:

    Adam Sandler was a thing when I was in high school and “Little Niki” wasn’t the movie my best friend and I walked out of.

  50. Maddy says:

    There’s a few we’ve turned off at home but the only one I walked out of a theatre from was Lord of the Rings, whatever the first one is. It was waaaaay to long, the directing was terrible and I seriously couldn’t handle the messed up perspectives of different creatures from shot to shot.

    • Winnie says:

      I Love the first Lord of the Rings Movie – I own it on DVD and make all my friends watch it with me once a year ish.

  51. Hnmmom says:

    We walked out and asked for our money back a few times in the late ‘90’s, early 2000’s. LA Confidential was one and The Mummy was another one that I can remember. Then we had kids and just stopped going to the movies for a decade or so lol.

  52. Boodiba says:

    The movie I hated so much it made me ANGRY was the incredibly pretentious, whisper narrated Tree of Life (2011). I was on a date with a super pretentious, inherited money art boy in NYC though, so I stayed, but I kept checking the time on my phone. I tried to be discreet but he noticed, lol. Anyway I’ve held it against Brad Pitt from then on.

    • mrsbowie says:

      Yes, THIS. I hated that movie. I love movies and will soldier on even if it’s not great, but this was like being waterboarded. Walked out after 30 mins, the pretentiousness and mind numbing meaningless navel gazing made me want to puke. Ugh…

  53. Tiff says:

    I’ve ditched 3 movies in my life. The first was Gone Fishin with Joe Pesci and Danny Glover. I saw it with my mom and we just looked at each other, stood up and walked out after 10mins. The second one I walked out of Oh Brother where art thou, right after the scene where they shot the cow with a Tommy gun, and theater hopped into Left Behind, that weird Kirk Cameron Jesus movie (I didn’t know!!! It had just come out and I didn’t know!) and would have walked out but was too afraid to draw attention to myself because I am a Black and Middle Eastern woman and all of the Black and Middle Eastern people were “left behind”, and the last movie was the 3rd Transformers movie… I think? The first one without Megan Fox. I didn’t theater hop that time tho because I learned my lesson from Kirk Cameron.

  54. Winnie says:

    Only 2 films I wish I’d walked out on: Flashdance and Lost in Translation. Both 2 hours I will never get back. But I’m very picky about what I watch so I’m rarely surprised because I read reviews before I watch anything.

  55. Nikki* says:

    Anybody remember Cowboys and Aliens?? I kept laughing hysterically when it wasn’t supposed to be funny. I finally left early!