Cele|bitchy | Rihanna wore Givenchy to her Diamond Ball & everyone thinks she’s pregnant

Rihanna wore Givenchy to her Diamond Ball & everyone thinks she’s pregnant

Celebrities attend Rihanna's 5th Annual Diamond Ball

Here are some photos of Rihanna at her annual Diamond Ball. Rihanna had a busy New York Fashion Week – her Fenty X Savage show was considered one of the best shows of NYFW, and then she always throws her Diamond Ball during fashion week to raise money for charity (it benefits the Clara Lionel Foundation, named after her grandparents). While Rihanna’s Givenchy couture gown isn’t my jam, she looks amazing, as always. She also looks… busty? And like she’s possibly pregnant? That’s what Rihanna’s Army thinks: they are completely convinced that Rihanna is pregnant, and as I write this, “RIHANNA IS PREGNANT” is trending on Twitter:

So I was just going to post some funny Army tweets and then I saw this:

Yeah. So, Rihanna is pregnant. She was practically blissed out about it to People Magazine:

“I mean I’m really happy right now,” Rihanna tells PEOPLE. “The thing that’s making me the happiest tonight is seeing the amount of support, the magnitude of support is really special.”

“I mean I could be out here and throw a ball by myself and I’d feel good, but the thing that’s making me feel this high of cloud 9 is seeing people who believe in my cause and think it’s something worth donating to, something worth investing in.”

[From People]

I’m glad she’s happy… with Hassan. And now they’re expecting a baby. My lord. Hug your closest Rihanna-stan because they’re definitely going to need it today.

Celebrities attend Rihanna's 5th Annual Diamond Ball

Rihanna stuns in Nike Air Force sneakers and an elegant gown as she leaves her annual Diamond Ball in NYC!

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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36 Responses to “Rihanna wore Givenchy to her Diamond Ball & everyone thinks she’s pregnant”

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  1. ByTheSea says:

    If she is, good for her. Whenever celebrities start waxing poetic about wanting something more than anything and how they found “the one,” you know they’re already pregnant. LOL

    • Bella Bella says:

      Separately, is she covered in fabric head to toe because of the boyfriend? I saw a blind item a while back that hinted this guy may be as controlling as Janet Jackson’s ex.

  2. Tiff says:

    As a card carrying member of the Navy, this makes me happy. I’m so happy she is happy and thriving!

  3. Léna says:

    I really couldn’t see it in the pictures, but wow in the video it is totally different!

    • lucy2 says:

      Same here, I was about to launch into a thing about it, but the video…I think she might be.

      But I still hate speculating before someone chooses to make an announcement.

  4. Emily says:

    What if she isn’t?

    • Starkiller says:

      Yeah, she doesn’t look pregnant at all to me and her statement makes absolutely no indication of or reference to pregnancy. A lot of folks are going to feel quite foolish,

      • Myriam says:

        I mean, did you see the instagram video. Just saying…

      • bordelais says:

        @Starkiller I agree making assumptions based on weight is highly unreliable and potentially triggering. I think the reason there is a lot of hullabaloo, is there is a second interview with Rihanna (not quoted in this post.) In this interview she says: “I’m a black woman. I come from a black woman, who came from a black woman, who came from a black woman, and I’m gonna give birth to a black woman.” https://www.facebook.com/essence/videos/652470488495614/
        Her words just seem a bit …final… how does she know she will give birth to a daughter?!
        For the record, I am not saying she is pregnant, just that I can understand why the above quote plus the video has caused a social media furore.

      • JulieCarr says:

        She’s always said she wants a bunch of kids one day, so it’s not crazy that she’d assume she’d have a daughter. Not that many people with big families get all one gender.

      • amandala says:

        Exactly Starkiller.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Or what if she’s had miscarriages before and doesn’t want to announce right away?

      There are reasons women wait to announce, and I wish the people didn’t try to rush the process.

    • Jadedone says:

      What if she just had pasta for lunch? I hate this kind of speculation bc it can have such negative consequences for the person we are speculating about.

  5. Originaltessa says:

    She’s so beautiful. I just love her face.

  6. Joanna says:

    Oh, gosh, that would be a gorgeous baby. But…I’ve never had a flat stomach and when i put on weight, the first few pounds showed in my lower belly first. So she might not be pregnant. I would love it if she was though

  7. Wilady says:

    Every month before my period, I go from fittish and decently flat looking to 5 months pregnant. Thanks, Endometriosis.

  8. Arnk says:

    Pregnant or not, she looks amazing and is out here doing it all. I’m so happy for her.

  9. wisdomheaven says:

    The Rih is pregnant thing has come up once a year the past 3-4 years since she stopped being as thin as before (and mind you, I think she looks just as amazing now). So I am skeptical of this current rumor. IF she is, good for her! She is so stunning and her business interests have taken off.

    And the dress she is wearing is very unforgiving and restricting so any amount of belly weight will show so while I can see where people are getting the preggo sense from in the video, I also wish people would stop staring at celeb women’s stomachs and commenting on any perceived weight gain.

  10. duchess of hazard says:

    It might be a food baby. A couple of escovitch fish and bammy and BOOM! Food belly.

  11. JulieCarr says:

    I don’t think she is? She wore 2 skin tight, revealing outfits the other day at her lingerie show and she didn’t look pregnant, just like she had the same little belly she’s had for 2-3 years now. I think the black velvet and the spotlight is just making her curves more pronounced here.

    Also she really cares about her Diamond Ball, and if she was pregnant I don’t think she’d want to wear anything that would reveal it there because she knows all the focus would be on that and not her event.

    That said I kind of hope she is, because people are being so adamant about its going to suck for her if she just gained a few extra pounds.

  12. Wellsie says:

    I love the dress! She looks gorge, as usual. As for the other thing… not sure, but the sneakers made me think hmmmm.

  13. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Sigh. When will we learn to stop speculating about women’s wombs. Her stomach looks like mine right now – and I’m not pregnant. Just bloated. She just walked in her Savage x Fenty runway show – in lingerie.
    If she is pregnant she will let everyone know when she’s ready. Until then I don’t like speculating about pregnancies.

  14. Naddie says:

    People are so annoying. I’m not even famous in my neighborhood and it already annoys me when people speculate things, imagine the world. She is being way too patient with everyone.

  15. Rihanna’s fanbase is “navy” not army, if it makes any difference.

    anywho I don’t think she’s pregnant.

  16. JulieCarr says:

    There’s now video of her drinking champagne at the event going around.

    Someone also pointed out that she hiked her dress way up so she wouldn’t trip onstage; the extra fabric is all bunched up at her belly and back.

  17. BANANIE says:

    I would hate to have my weight constantly monitored by this – and resentful if my so-called “fans” obsessed over my appearance and started rumors. Even if they’re positive, they are still rumors and that is irresponsible and potentially mean.

  18. HeyThere! says:

    The day humans quit doing ‘bump watch’ on females will be when we are finally equal. I’m being sarcastic but it drives me crazy! Men look ‘pregnant’ all the time. I hate bump watch.

  19. ChillyWilly says:

    Pregnant or not, she looks gorgeous. I personally think she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

  20. always_ready says:

    @chillyWilly: exactly!

  21. Some chick says:

    “Everyone” (well ok not everyone everyone, but Certain Members of the Public, haha) often mistakes me for being pregnant. Newp, just FAT.

    This kind of speculation strikes me as pretty mean. If you were Rhi, would you want to see this kind of thing? She told you she was over being scary skinny. Maybe just accept that? Without having to assume any additional ounce to the bounce has to be a baby?!

    I know y’all desperate for a BABY. You gonna change the diapers?

    Don’t Jen Anniston her. Just don’t.

  22. Shannon says:

    If she is pregnant, I’m totally happy for her. But absolutely nothing in these pictures or in her statements says to me, “Rihanna’s pregnant.” She looks amazing, but for real, ‘bump watch’ is so gross. Most women don’t walk around 24/7 with six-pack abs, celebrities included.