Here’s an explainer for the latest Donald Trump scandal. Basically, he’s committing treason & trying to cover it up. [Pajiba]
Ad Astra comes out on the anniversary of Angelina Jolie dropping those divorce papers on Brad Pitt. Sigh… I can’t believe it’s been three years. [LaineyGossip]
I love chicken & I love donuts, but I’m saying no to this. [Dlisted]
T&L’s review of Judy. They really liked it! [Tom & Lorenzo]
Did Kylie Jenner split with Travis Scott? Probably not. [JustJared]
American Horror Story: 1984 premiered last night and it sounds okay. [Jezebel]
I really love Rihanna’s pants here. [RCFA]
Did MTV fire Amber Portwood? [Starcasm]
Simon Cowell thought American Idol would fail. [Seriously OMG]
”President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his [one-on-one, in-person] conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter…”
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) September 19, 2019
I’m in Canada and this is still exhausting. How long are they gonna let this stupid Cheeto f*ckface off the hook? I’m sure it’s more complicated than I know, but they’ve been throwing around the word ‘impeachment’ for months without any action. Any forward motion seems to be easily thwarted by his famous distraction techniques, and by general incompetence by those claiming they’ll set it in motion.
I know. And Nancy Pelosi is introducing a bill to lower Rx costs. Great. But what will it matter after this traitorous nut job turns us over to Russia & North Korea?
It’s just mind-boggling. He’s not that smart. He’s an idiot extraordinaire, he should be easy to beat.
And why bother when that bill, and a dozen already passed,will never even be read in the Senate. It pisses me off that she has refused to back real impeachment hearings till it’s too late because the Sen wouldn’t pass, while they know the drug/gun/envir legis they’ve written will go nowhere as well.
It’s not complicated. Dem leadership are cowards who value their personal comfort over the national interest, and who self-interestedly refuse to see that we’re in the middle of a catastrophe, not experiencing a bump in the road.
Isn’t light treason an oxymoron? Asking for a friend….
it’s an “Arrested Development” reference.
(sorry, you may have known that, but I wasn’t sure from your question.)
Oh the irony of this traitor saying “America first”. The trump transcripts will be the new Nixon tapes.
Yes, but at the same time they will be so much worse. He commits treason in a casual manner like it’s not a big deal.😡He gives orders for air crews to go out of their way to stay at his failing resorts, so that the American taxpayers are supporting them. He paved the way for his daughter to get tons of copyrights in China. He encourages foreign delegations to stay at his hotel in DC, he encourages legislators to entertain there. He had installed a puppet Attorney General. He has carefully, maliciously, and gleefully undone everything Obama that he can reach. He crowed about draining the swamp, then installed lobbyists to do away with protections for our water and air. He is an evil genius at lining his own pockets, a madman, and a liar. God help us all.
So well put.
Out of curiosity, I googled the airport that the air crews were refilling at. There are a TON of hotels right near the airport. So it isn’t as if his resort was closer, or cheaper, or logistically the best choice.
It pisses me off to no end that my taxpayer money is going into Trump’s pocket.
Please let this one be the “nail in the coffin” so to speak. Rep. Adam Schiff is been on this. He has subpoenaed the transcripts and someone from the DNS to testify. They are due on the 26th? I think Schiff smells blood in the water now, like he’s got a really big piece of chum and he’s going for it. Let’s all hope we can get some damn JUSTICE and throw that orange buffoon in Jail where he belongs!
Lol and fat Trump ass chance on justice. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Alright, here we go….sigh…
…(bathroom, Trump, 530 a.m. , mcmuffin on lap)
Just heard some fake senior citizen intelligence officer say Trump did treason. Fake news by the failing failures. People know that Trump is good with the foreign people. I have tremendous great talks with the foreign. They love me, they want me in. They want deals with only me. I tell them, but honestly, I tell them to cooperate and they do. I tell them every single move and plan America has for them and let them see all my sharpie notes and a bunch of words important people put on my desk for the best people to read to me. I tell them all this and the failing news calls it treason. This ain’t treason, folks, this is smart. Now that everyone knows what’s going on in my head, they won’t mess with Trump U.S. Not many people know this but I knew Napolean very well. Great guy, short, but great. I was taller and had better fingers, but I told Napolean Siberia was a bad idea. Putin called me and said tell him to make a deal. But Napoleon didn’t listen and look! He works in a phone booth with a couple of losers called Bill and Ted. Sad!
Wont matter. He gets away with everything. He really could probably shoot someone and get away with it. «Oh he just snapped because the libtard media bullies him!»
Meh. My expectations are non-existent at this point. No consequences will be issued.
Agree. When the money goes south though- Trump is out.
Do they still execute people for treason?
Probably? Isn’t that veering into fake news? Making a definite sounding statement with a probably, maybe, sort of kind of wishful thinking instead of facts?
I think all readers here realize that this is a gossip site, not some sort of official news site. And the term “fake news” is one used by Trump to cover up his lies. He has even admitted this.
The whistle blower complaint was vetted, and deemed to be URGENT and CREDIBLE. That’s not fake news.
Is dota short for Dotard?
Yeah covfefe forever you sad old turd