Cele|bitchy | Rudy Giuliani butt-dialed NBC reporter twice & talked about all of his crimes

Rudy Giuliani butt-dialed NBC reporter twice & talked about all of his crimes

Rally in Florida for Republican Gubernatorial Nominee Ron DeSantis

Undead gargoyle Rudy Giuliani is the kind of person who puts his cell phone in his back pocket, then butt-dials a reporter and, with the reporter listening in, talks about all of the crimes he’s committing. This sh-t ain’t even Stupid Watergate. It’s something else entirely. By now, the impeachable offenses are piling up, and the noose around Rudy’s neck just keeps getting tighter. But this one is special. From Rich Schapiro at NBC News:

Late in the night Oct. 16, Rudy Giuliani made a phone call to this reporter. The fact that Giuliani was reaching out wasn’t remarkable. He and the reporter had spoken earlier that evening for a story about his ties to a fringe Iranian opposition group. But this call, it would soon become clear, wasn’t a typical case of a source following up with a reporter. The call came in at 11:07 p.m. and went to voicemail; the reporter was asleep.

The next morning, a message exactly three minutes long was sitting in the reporter’s voicemail. In the recording, the words tumbling out of Giuliani’s mouth were not directed at the reporter. He was speaking to someone else, someone in the same room. Giuliani can be heard discussing overseas dealings and lamenting the need for cash, though it’s difficult to discern the full context of the conversation. The call appeared to be one of the most unfortunate of faux pas: what is known, in casual parlance, as a butt dial. And it wasn’t the first time it had happened.

[From NBC News]

Basically, this is the second time Rudy has butt-dialed this one particular reporter. On both butt-dial calls, the reporter just happened to let his calls go to voicemail, so there’s an actual recording for both butt-dials. In the first call, Rudy was slamming (smearing) the Bidens with all of the false claims he’s been pushing to Trump. In the second call, Rudy is telling someone he needs “a few hundred thousand” to do… something. You can hear more below. Perhaps this could be a reality show: That’s So Rudy, wherein Rudy Giuliani travels the world committing crimes out in the open and then butt-dialing reporters mid-crime.

Rally in Florida for Republican Gubernatorial Nominee Ron DeSantis

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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29 Responses to “Rudy Giuliani butt-dialed NBC reporter twice & talked about all of his crimes”

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  1. Aims says:

    Idiot. He’s another one that should be in jail.

  2. Léna says:

    How amateur? Are they that stupid?

    • Lightpurple says:

      Yes, they are that stupid

      • Mac says:

        Mind blown. The Three Stooges could pull this off better than Giuliani. He mentions a “Robert” in the recording. Trump’s brother, Robert, was just awarded a $33 million defense contract. I guess the quid pro quo on that is a “few hundred thousand.”

    • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

      They are the Keystone Kops of the Kremlin.

      The stupidity is astounding, and yet… they aren’t in jail yet! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE when we have them basically ADMITTING to the crimes ON VIDEO/AUDIO??? I, for one, am *so* tired of waiting for “Justice” to come knocking.

      • Pineapple says:

        No kidding (TheOG)@Jan90067, like there is Felicity Huffman, finished prison and yet, tons of white dudes are full on horrific criminals and just operating business as usual??? Argh. So unreal. So unreal. The wheels of justice. Super fast or super slow.

      • Mac says:

        Felicity Huffman went to jail before Harvey Weinstein. Rich white men don’t get prosecuted until public opinion makes it absolutely, entirely impossible not to.

        The only reason Epstein and Weinstein were indicted is because of Ronan Farrow and Julie Brown.

  3. Luna says:

    Interestingly his “butt dial” gave him free airtime to push conspiracies against the Bidens. Rudi is dumb, but this might not have been an accident. Assident.

    • Bella DuPont says:

      I agree completely. I don’t believe for a second those calls were by mistake. They were carefully planned and targeted to just the right kind of individual to ensure that the whole world heard it.

      Watch Rudy and Trump in the future rely on one or more of the nuggets released during that call.

    • virginfangirls says:

      That was exactly my thought once listening it.

      • Allycat says:

        Mine as well. I was instantly reminded of my now ex-husband’s mistress “accidentally” calling me the same way so that I could over hear a conversation between her and a friend about how much she and my husband were in love. It was ridiculous then and it’s ridiculous now lol

    • DR says:

      This is reminding me of the White House not once, but twice, “accidentally” sending out their talking points to Democrats.

    • Rapunzel says:

      I would be inclined to believe it intentional, but for the mention of needing money. I don’t think that would be something intentional. That sounds incriminating.

  4. SusieQ says:

    We’re living in the darkest AND the dumbest timeline. Ugh.

  5. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    This administration is making it awfully hard on satire writers.

  6. Chica1971 says:

    Karma! DONT MESS WITH HER.. It’s the little stuff she’s good at

  7. Christin says:

    How stupid, yet unsurprising. How hard is it to keep from doing this repeatedly? Like the Tur piece mentions, if he’s done this to the one reporter multiple times, who else received these enlightening calls?

    The only “butt dials” I have ever received were from two 60-ish executives. I kept hoping for some really entertaining glimpses of their lives, but they were all muffled/mundane minutes. I told each of them what had happened, yet received multiple such calls from one. How hard is it to avoid this?

  8. Liz version 700 says:

    It is so funny reading the various theories on this site made me realize you could tell me he did it on purpose, accidentally, while having sex with 7 Dalmatians… there is no theory I would dismiss as implausible. We have come to this with all of them. That is a terrifying thought. A circus fell of dumb donkey a$$es is running DC… gag

  9. Ceecu33 says:

    What kind of phone does he have to still butt dial? I haven’t had that issue for years! I don’t think he can be that stupid so I honestly believe it wasn’t an accident

    • MangoAngelesque says:

      My parents both have iPhones, yet they still manage to butt/pocket dial me constantly. I’ve heard them at drive-thrus, sitting around the house, driving down the road, etc. Between Siri, not using lock screens properly, and just general clumsy hands, they manage to do it regularly. And they’re BARELY into their 60s. Like, 62 and 60.

  10. Marigold says:

    This is the part that kills me. Huffman’s situation is a mixed bag for me. She absolutely deserved legal consequences. She was caught in a crime, immediately charged, tried, and convicted. She was sentenced and immediately sent to serve out her punishment.

    That’s how this is supposed to work, and I’m not complaining that she went to jail. If anything, she got off light, but my point is: the justice system is SUPPOSED to work this way. It doesn’t for most people.

    Harvey Weinstein….will he get even 11 days in jail? Ever?
    All these corrupt politicians…will any of them get 11 days in jail? Ever?
    All these rich-boy rapists in our universities…will any of them get 11 days in jail? Ever?

    Why is it that you can commit violent crimes and outrageous white-collar felonies and never see a day of legal consequence…but the lady who paid 15,000 to get her kid extra time on an asinine and arbitrary test for college (or the lady who cheated the stock market–in one of the most minor cases of insider trading I ever saw anyone discuss publicly, mind you) get an almost picture-perfect example of swift, organized justice?

    It’s infuriating! Apparently, in my country, if you’re a woman who fudges the lines for your kids, you immediately get locked up and dealt with, but if you’re a man with a lot of money and an entitlement complex the size of Texas, you can literally purchase and violently abuse human beings, steal millions of dollars, or extort and blackmail people without consequence.

    It’s just profoundly wrong.

  11. I once thought he was alright. (I know!) Yikes. No more. Wow. Wanted to tell you all something that made me happy, hope it does you! Was just talking to my Mom in FLA and she shared some good news I have to tell you all. She went to her card game yesterday (again in FLA) and there was some serious meeting going on in the clubhouse that was running late. All women, different ages. Turns out it was (wait for it yay) a large group that were contacting others with an Impeach Trump message! Emails, postcards, contacting political reps, etc. all of the us Dems and others. Some of these women had originally supported Mr. Trump. NOT NOW! Alright! Our grandmothers and great grandmothers fought for our right to vote (HECK YEAH) and we are going to use it to oust this admin! LOVE, hope and thanks! We got this darlins. Let’s do it.

    • Joanna says:

      Oh, that’s awesome. I’m in the Destin Florida area and surrounded by Trump supporters. HOWEVER, the last political race was very close so I think Florida is slowing turning blue. Or I hope, anyway! In whathat part of Florida does your mom live?

  12. Barry Buttdialer says:

    The trump gang will look good swinging slingblades alongside America’s roadways.

    And why, exactly, does the ghoul have a NYT reporter’s phone number on his phone?

    Is the ghoul the leak?

  13. Karen says:

    All I know, is that I cannot wait for the movies and books about this mess.

  14. MrsRoper says:

    LOVE your idea for the “That’s So Rudy” show. My grandma would have called him a “bumbling fumbler.” I would watch the heck out of that. Somebody start the popcorn popping and butter melting! (I want mine with rosemary, nutritional yeast, and extra salt, please.)

  15. Emily says:

    I get butt dialed occasionally because my name starts with an A and my name is usually at the beginning of a person’s contact list. My mom butt dials me occasionally lol. I’ve never had super interesting messages though, just a lot of muffled sound that suggest someone is walking.