I’m pretty sure that the creators of “Family Guy” spend a good three quarters of their time being sued. I think they have a whole passel of lawyers on retainer. Some people just don’t have a sense of humor… and I guess some want to keep their intellectual property rights, which I guess I can understand. Apparently the writers of “When You Wish Upon a Star” think that the “Family Guy’s” “I Need a Jew” song is a pretty close imitation of their melody. I can vaguely hear it, but I think they’re just two really simple melodies that most any kid could plink out on a piano. But I’ll tack it on to the end of the article and you all can decide for yourselves.
Bourne Co., which owns the rights to the Oscar-winning Pinocchio song ‘When You Wish Upon a Star,’ has filed a copyright breach lawsuit against Fox and the Family Guy creator and producers, claiming they illegally lifted the tune and damaged the company by repurposing the song with ‘anti-Semitic lyrics.’ The Family Guy’s version, ‘I Need a Jew,’ appeared in an episode of the animated series titled ‘When You Wish Upon a Weinstein’ and was sung by patriarch Peter Griffin upon realizing he needed to get his finances in order.
“Bourne, which filed the lawsuit Wednesday in Manhattan’s U.S. District Court, claimed the song was ‘a thinly veiled copy’ of the original and damaged the tune’s standing as a ‘cultural treasure epitomizing the wonders of childhood. With its theme of wholesome hopefulness, the song has gained worldwide status as a classic,’ the lawsuit read. ‘By associating Bourne’s song with such offensive lyrics and other content in the episode, defendants are harming the value of the song.’”
[From E! News]
Yeah and making it a hell of a lot funnier. Let’s be honest, no one ever grabbed their side laughing at “When you Wish Upon a Star.” Yeah maybe a solitary tear ran down your cheek, but what’s funny about that? Now blasting off from a giant dreidel, like in the “Family Guy” song, is funny. Sliding on a giant menorah in the sky? Looks like a good time. Please don’t be offended Jewish people, I adore you all. Challah bread is my homie. But most of the Jewish people I’ve checked with (and by that, I mean the guy at the Kosher deli down the block… and no I didn’t actually check with him, but he likes me so let’s pretend I did) say they thought it was funny, because it played on an old stereotype that everyone knows is bullshit. The joke is on the character singing the song for not knowing it’s bullshit. Of course the Kosher deli guy didn’t say bullshit. But he did wink at me, so I think that’s essentially the same thing. Watch the clip and enjoy – the song is about 30 seconds in. Then vote “yea” or “nea” for the lawsuit.
Family Guy – I Need A Jew – Watch more amazing videos here
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