“Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston are both nominated for Golden Globes, huh” links


Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston are nominated for Golden Globes, so you know what they means. Actually, I have no idea what it means. [LaineyGossip]
Megan Fox & Brian Austin Green walked a red carpet together. [JustJared]
The Horowitz Report is half-sideshow and half-toxic political theater. [Pajiba]
Steve Harvey can’t stop screwing up pageants. [Dlisted]
Janelle Eason’s ex-husband is in a bad situation, apparently. [Starcasm]
Short person Kristin Chenoweth has a really tall dad. [Seriously OMG]
Would you wear McDonald’s apparel? I would wear a mocha frappe. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Cuba Gooding Jr. was accused of sexual misconduct by seven additional women. [Jezebel]
Katy Perry looked Christmas-y at the Jingle Ball. [RCFA]



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71 Responses to ““Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston are both nominated for Golden Globes, huh” links”

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  1. Lowrider says:

    Brad and Jennifer should take a photo together at the GG and be done with it.

    • crogirl says:

      I don’t care if they take a photo together or not, but next time he is asked if they are getting back together he shouldn’t play naive and roll his eyes like he doesn’t understand where that is coming from.
      The whole time he and Angelina were together people called her the master media manipulator, but it was always him.

  2. Michelle says:

    Tabloids will beat this dead horse for another decade. Saddo fans still hoping for them to get back together.

    • Carina says:

      Theyll be 95 years old and the tabloids will go IS JEN HAVING A BABY WITH BRAD OMMMG!

      Sigh get new material, rags

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Why did Pitt & Aniston break-up in the first place. I never believed the real reason or the whole reason was Angelina.

      • Star says:

        I think Jen is “basic” in that she likes to stay home, likes LA and the beach, likes to get high and hang out with her friends and dogs. She’s not pretentious. Brad, on the other hand, is pretentious. Whether true or not, he really sees himself as some kinda true artist. I think he wasn’t satisfied with their lifestyle and was asking himself questions like, “Is this it?” Then in comes Angelina, she obviously aspires to do MORE with her life than acting and vacations, and she’s a new shiny thing for Brad. It’s not surprising that he was drawn to her, based on the way he views himself.

        If I sound like I’m shading Jen, I’m not. Even if she’s not out there solving humanitarian crises, she obviously has a really strong friend group and I don’t doubt that she’s made a huge difference in the lives of people close to her. I’m just trying to see it from Brads perspective.

      • Snap says:

        Agree with you, Star. Will add Brad Pitt seems to see himself as kind of the beta and loves his alpha females, esp the latest hot and up and coming female star (Goop, Jen, Angelina, etc). Tried with the MIT professor to jump on the professional-unicorn-partner-of-HW-actor bandwagon there. Having said that, I like them all in their own way: Jen, Brad, and Angelina. Wow, just clicked through to the Lainey post and Jen looked amazing in that 2010 GG pic. Stunning.

      • petee says:

        Well she was drop dead gorgeous.I remember leaving the movie theatre with my boyfriend feeling not pretty.Lol.Also she had some danger and mystery about her that Jennifer doesn’t have and most men are attracted to.They can deny it all they want but I do think they were having a affair during the filming of Mr. and Mrs.Smith.The on screen chemistry was there and they where photographed very shortly on the beach with her son after Jen and Brad announced their split.

      • Jusssayin says:

        In addition to everything Star said Angelina was a mother and trying to adopt/have more kids. Jennifer is still childless. Brad seems to have chosen fatherhood over Jen as well.

    • Marianne says:

      And no doubt during the telecast if lets say Brad wins…they’ll probably pan to her or vice versa if she wins.

  3. minx says:

    Oh, brother.

  4. Snazzy says:

    Just saw that Marie Fredricksson from Roxette just died. I loved them so much in the 90s. Still listen to their songs today. RIP

  5. Louise177 says:

    Why is the media making a big deal of this? They’ve been in the same room plenty of times since their divorce. The odd part is they’ve been divorced twice as long as they were together.

    • ChillyWilly says:

      Right? Also, why would fans want them back together after the way he treated Jen and Angelina? He’s not a great guy.

    • heather says:

      They should write a coffee table book together about what it means to be an EX.

      I.e., you have a history together that never changes, but you’ve moved on and date and/or marry other people and while you may at times think fondly of each other you are not TOGETHER.

  6. ChillyWilly says:

    Lmao @ Brad’s hair! 😂

  7. say what says:

    Still trying to figure out who cares and apparently not many. This is not a dead horse being beat. This is his and her media and agency at it’s best. Always playing the same cards when it comes to these two. They even tried to stunt on Angie claiming she didn’t look at her when she was onstage with Carol B the last time she was there. It’s so pathetically ridiculous and we wonder why Angie got sick of the whole big dumb hoopla.
    This man told the world that he was not happy being married to her and it was what other people wanted yet when Angelina left him they completely ignored the fact that he wouldn’t be back at her doorstep. Then she divorced (we don’t know if they were married) her husband to keep up the hoopla. They both are a pair of coddled pathetic idiots if you ask me. Desperately Seeking Attention and constantly living on that scandal. Angelina has moved on why don’t they. THEY CANT AND WONT BECAUSE WHAT ELSE DO THEY HAVE.
    It saddens me that people were celebrating Brad and Angie’s divorced not thinking about how their children must have felt. Then had the audacity to cry that Angie was hurting them by airing their dirty laundry. Well wtf had the media been doing to her for 14 GD years. Its a total wash for me and who is smack dab in the middle. These two LIARS. Aniston telling the world she was shocked that he was seen with Angie on that beach in Africa 6 months after their divorce. He told her ass according to Courtney a year before. Brad for not taking part in the responsibility. He let people call Angelina a homewrecker for years and said absolutely nothing as long as he wasn’t scathed. Let her and Mad take the blame for the dissolution of their marriage until guilt ate him up.
    I’m no the only one to think she gets a bad wrap when it comes to these two who are more alike than folks will admit when it comes to their image. And lets all say it together.. NO ONE CARES IF THEY ARE THERE AND NO ONE WILL THE DAY AFTER. This is being built up for whatever reasons, maybe for ratings.
    But the one person who would generate the most rating and tongues wagging won’t be there in the midst. HAHAHA. He can collect his pity awards this season after campaigning for months talking about his toxic masculinity, AA, is child custody battle and ongoing divorce. The people that fall for this BS is a part of the problem with people like himself.
    Angie has her faults and God knows is far from perfect but at least she isn’t as pathetic as these two morons and CAA for propping up these weed smoking drunk hags that look like they have been laid out in the sun for 30 plus years drying up. Long gone are the good looks and or good sense because now its all, please look at me I’m still here, we were done wrong by the evil witch. Transparency is a must now a days and more people than a few can see right through most of these pretentious egomaniacs in HW.
    That is all

    • Cheryl says:

      Wow. Tell us how you really feel😂

    • Jerusha says:

      You certainly seem to care.

    • Cakes says:


    • Jaded says:

      Why did you write all this if you think they’re just two dried up hags? Eat a Snickers bar….you’re not you when you’re hungry.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I think *I* figured out who cares.

    • Dali says:

      @say what. Wow i just made it to the half of your post. Your opinion ok, but the pics taken in kenia? Of Them on the beach (where aniston said to be shocked about it) was NOT 6 months after their divorce honey ( we at CB know exactly the timeline be sure) . J&B announced January 2005 the split, march 2005 the pics on the beach in kenia were taken. And the paparazzis are not often in kenia to haunt celebrities you know. It wasn’t a coincidence. So angie is no Clueless dumb puppet. She knows how to play it too. Btw The divorce was finalised in Oktober 2005. i love angie but please, she got involved with a married man. He is to blame absolutely but she isn’t innocent either. Jen played the pity party to the extreme and i hated that. And that’s why angie got all the bs thrown at her. If she wanted brad to defend her, she would have ordered him be sure about that. But she did not want to go down to jens low level and that was perfect imo. She did it on her own with her charity& work and didn’t need brad at all to fight the angry ex. And all of them benefited from the uncool triangle. It’s iconic

      • Snap says:

        And before people claim they weren’t having an affair, please look up this old post: https://www.celebitchy.com/609968/brad_pitt_asked_for_jens_forgiveness_a_long_time_ago_and_she_gave_it/) and the comments re Burbank hotel. I like all three in their own way but this wasn’t a clean break and then new relationship.

      • say what says:

        Snap I hope you read all the comments and it seems that you missed a lot too. If a man that I am married too tells me these things why will I keeps holding on to him. Let him dictate when we call it quits, let him control the narrative.
        Far be it that Pitt said he wanted out of his marriage because it was what other people wanted. I believe he told Angelina these things. Yes she got involved but dammit she wasn’t the homewrecker it seems to have been him. Jennifer is the stupid one being that she knew as I said before.

    • Carina says:


      Ummmmmmm you seem very…invested in this…..you ok?

    • Kebbie says:

      Lol omg

    • Mireille says:

      I’m not sure why commentators are picking on this comment. It’s no different from other comments that I have read in other posts where commentators also go into some considerable length, candor, and ardor in how they feel about a topic. Thank you say what, I appreciate your comment.

      • Louisa says:

        It’s a long-winded post full of poor grammar. I wasn’t able to finish it.

        At least other posters care enough to make their posts more coherent and understandable.

    • Dorothy says:

      I read it and thought it well laid out and I wholey agree so i guess I get a medal 🥇 sweet thx 😘

    • kerwood says:

      @say what, very well said.

      These two saddos are STILL at it after all these years. The fact that Aniston is STILL willing to play this game after all that Pitt did to her says all that needs to be said about the kind of woman she is. Brad Pitt publicly humiliated her and yet she seems so desperate for the attention that she’ll still cling to him like a lamprey.

      Meanwhile, Angelina Jolie has moved so far down the road that this pathetic duo aren’t even specks in her rearview mirror.

      • say what says:

        The difference between the two of these women and maybe one reason why Pitt was attracted to her more and not just for the sex and beauty. I think he settled for Aniston anyways after Paltrow dumped him. His interactions with JA never seemed genuine and she felt like the clingy one. I do somehow feel sad for her because she is so caught up on outdoing Angelina that it is pathetic. Brad and Angie weren’t separated a year good before she decided to suddenly become single, a man she is still friends with. I mean seriously how fray can you be. He isn’t going back and if he does it will be because his star and fame has sank to the toilet. And believe me she would hop on board not because she loves him but because she loves the idea and attention.

    • Ann says:

      Say what, I agree with every word you wrote 100%.
      Glad you put it out there.

  8. jenner says:

    It doesn’t mean anything, can we please just stop with this nonsense?

  9. Original T.C. says:

    I wish these two could get back together and become Mr. and Mrs Professional victim. Gees, on Jen Aniston’s headstone is going to be “was cheated on emotionally by her husband but she turned it around and made a fortune as a professional victim”.

    • Carina says:

      @original TC

      I mean…Jolie and Pitt had sex during filming…it wasn’t emotional cheating, it was full on physical cheating. I laugh a bit how it’s 2019 and somehow some ppl are still very passionate in their opinions about the whole Aniston Pitt Jolie debacle, but that’s mostly bc I was in HS when the whole affair thing went down & it all seemed so extra. But yea, f**king somebody is a little more than ‘emotional’ cheating lmao. I’ve never been physically attracted to Pitt, never watched Friends (too before my time), tho def myself as a bi girl I found Jolie super hot back when she was younger then.

      • umm says:

        Were you there when they had sex on set? I would like to see it. You people sometimes talk like you were actually there when all you have is rumors and more rumors.

      • Dali says:

        @umm, yes but this happens all the time at gossip blogs or websites. People speak like some rumours are absolutely true and some are not, depending on your favourite narrative you want to believe. I love angie but i think after all, we are not naive. I’m pretty sure they had something going on behind anistons back, emotionally or sexually, it depends on your own experience in life, and what you want to believe. I don’t know it either but my experience in life says yes, they had sex before J&B broke up. But its really not important anymore.
        Justin therouxs Cousin said once in reference to jen and justins relationship after dumping heidi: the heart want what it wants. Aniston is not innocent either in getting involved with men who are not really single.

      • Snap says:


        The comments in this thread offer some clues on whether or not there was cheating when he was still married – if you believe random commenters online.

      • petee says:

        Carina I agree with you.If you look at old pictures of them while filming there was defiantly something going on.The flirting and the laughing.I dont think I ever saw Angelina laugh so much.No I wasn’t on set either but I am 56 years old and you just can figure things out.I don’t think you would know about Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton?Sort of the same situation.Her and Elizabeth were unbelievably beautiful.They went out and got what they wanted.Including married men.

      • DarlingDiana says:

        @Dali, agree and it doesn’t matter anymore anyway. Pitt’s marriage wasn’t even final when he got Angie pregnant (I think so but don’t stone me if I’m wrong). They have all moved past it and past each other too! No one is checking for Pitt and either of these women to get back together. blah

  10. Nicole says:

    My take away: they were often high during public appearances.

    • jenner says:

      Lol this is the only comment worth reading here!

    • Lauren II says:

      At least they look happy. Brad is a selfish idiot, who got swept away into the Jolie fantasy..that turned into a bitter nightmare. Jen has been very gracious towards Brad, and I admire her greatly for her composure.

      • Yikes says:

        There is no “jolie fantasy”. Only a “brad pitt fantasy” by women who refused to see him for who he was back then and still refuse to see him for who he is after his second divorce. The “bitter nightmare” was his own doing and was only a nightmare for his ex wife and kids. He got away with everything.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      Thank you Nicole. All I see is a coked up couple

  11. TG says:

    The gossip industry should give them a lifetime achievement award for their contribution to gossip.

    • K.T says:

      @TG thanks for the comment about gossip award – definitely Jen, Brad & Ang should get some shared-award for selling mags & clicks!!! Decades of it
      Also, the comments on this post have made me actually laugh out load! From @saywhat offloading to @nicole’s drug comments to gossip awards…pure gold, cheers all for the comedy!

    • DarlingDiana says:

      True. Plus whatever network is carrying the Globes should give them a cut.

  12. Becks1 says:

    I’m just saying, people on here say all the time “who cares about Jen and Brad, its old news” and yet this post – not even an article, just a link! – has 60 comments lol.

    • S says:

      Majority of comments i’ve seen about these two in other places is just people telling tabloids and those stuck in the past to move on. It gets comments because we’re all tired of hearing about a couple that broke up almost 2 decades ago.

      • Jegede says:

        The very personal and long winded attacks on Brad, and especially Jen, don’t read to me that – ahem – commenters, are “all tired of hearing about a couple that broke up almost 2 decades ago.”

  13. cheryl says:

    Jen seems to be absolutely living her best life 100% right now, and I am here for it🙌 Shes sitting on piles of money in her bank account and she’s set for life no matter what, shes taking good care of herself and her body, she has this glowing active social life full of genuine friendships. Good for her! She doesn’t need to deal with Brad’s messy ass ever again.

    • Whoosh says:

      I agree. She lives a great life and seems really passionate about her acting/producing projects.

  14. Truth hurts says:

    It’s not that people care or don’t care about these two. It’s the fact that stans still want to argue their point when in fact all three of them at some point were the cause of the scandal. I say Mr Pitt was the biggest culprit being he initiated whatever with Angie and Jen was coddled and Jolie was villianized. Correct narrative in this decade old saga in which two of three agents keep feeding to the fans to create an interest. Meanwhile he being a white male gets off Scott free for being a jerk.
    Angelina seems to be happier. Aniston seems comfortable but Pitt is the lesser and I for one am estatic about that one thing alone.