Adele lost all that weight by changing her diet, not through exercise?

2019 was the year when Adele left her husband, moved to LA, lost forty pounds and started hanging out with Drake and Harry Styles. Actually, I have no idea if all of that is true except for the weight loss, that’s definitely true. It’s also true that 2019 brought a whole new Adele, and we only saw a few glimpses of her, like in the Instagram she posted for Christmas (see above). She still hasn’t released any new music, and she’s raising her son in private. Back in October, Adele stepped out for a party and everyone was like “wow, she’s lost so much weight!” People Mag later claimed that Adele did it through Reformer Pilates and a personal trainer. Now British outlets are saying it happened mostly due to a diet.

The world has been marvelling at Adele’s incredible three-stone weight loss. And it has been claimed the superstar’s new look is mostly down to her own dietary determination because she ‘doesn’t like exercise.’ Adele is said to have stumbled across the help of LA-based ‘Brazilian body wizard’, Camila Goodis, who helped her achieve her enviable figure. Camila’s online biography says she uses ‘a variety of Pilates and core strength training exercises’.

Speaking to The Sun, the fitness coach claimed the singer’s weight loss is mostly down to dieting because she doesn’t like exercise. The instructor was introduced to Adele through Robbie Williams’ wife Ayda and even gave them a joint workout in the Angels singer’s LA mansion.

‘I trained Ayda for a long time and it happens that they are good friends so I did Adele when she was there in Robbie’s house,’ 36-year-old Camila said. ‘I don’t believe she liked exercise much but she has changed her lifestyle and I believe that 90 per cent was dieting.’

Camila, who is also a life consultant, said Adele is not currently an actual client but said that her new look trim figure is down to ‘a healthy balanced diet, eating less calories a day and expending more energy.’

[From The Daily Mail]

The truth is, most people can’t obtain this kind of weight loss just through diet. Or maybe they can, but they can’t keep the weight off consistently. Most trainers will tell you that exercise and diet need to go hand in hand, and I believe that’s true of Adele – she looks like someone who has overhauled her diet AND found a fitness routine she enjoys.

Photos courtesy of social media.

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82 Responses to “Adele lost all that weight by changing her diet, not through exercise?”

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  1. tcbc says:

    That’s more than 40 pounds.

    Also unless her skin is super elastic, she’s certainly had some surgery as well. Good for her! She looks great.

    • CharliePenn says:

      I’ve lost more than 40 Lbs and my skin was fine, it really depends a lot on genetics and age.
      Now that I’m older (36) I do see extra skin as I slowly and continuously lose the weight from two pregnancies. Bummer 🙁

    • Lipreng says:

      My weight has gone up and down between by a good 80 pounds over the past 10+ years. My skin has always retracted normally and you would never know.

    • StaceyP says:

      It’s genetics, I’ve lost 160 lbs and only have some loose skin on my belly and my upper arms, bat wings as my weight loss group names them. Another woman in my group lost 60 lbs and her thighs are so heavy with hanging skin, she had to have surgery so she could walk properly. Genetics and where you carried the weight are what it comes down to.

    • (TheOG)@jan90067 says:

      When I first saw that “hunched” pic I thought it was Sarah Paulson!
      Whatever she did, if she’s happier and healthier, good on her.

    • melissaRN says:

      as someone who works assisting gastric patients….

      she definitely had the surgery. there are tell tale physical signs.

      I think a lot of ppl don’t realize once you have the procedure, you can’t have alcohol or coffee **for life**

      That’s all I’ll say….Adele.

      • Embee says:

        Melissa thank you for your comment. I have a close family member who has “pushed thru” (shudder) after gastric bypass and drinks alcohol regularly. She has, of course, regained much of the weight. I also firmly believe that she is now an alcoholic, perhaps because the effect of alcohol is more pronounced after the surgery. I wish the lifelong aspects of the surgery were better known.

  2. Mignionette says:

    As my PT used to tell me abs are made in the kitchen and weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.

    You cannot out-run or out-cross-fit a poor diet.

    • Jennifer says:

      Can confirm. Ran 1000 miles last year and lost zero pounds.

    • Eliza_ says:

      Yes, it’s more diet than exercise. Exercise helps you be healthier (stronger bones, muscles, cardiovascular system etc), as well as look tighter when thinner, but diet will shift the pounds quicker.

      • Kristina says:

        Totally agree with you guys. I exercise 6 days/week. I know it helps with metabolism, but I’ve never lost weight unless I also focus on what/how much I eat. I, personally, exercise to keep my heart and body healthy, stronger bones, etc. but diet is (unfortunately) what I have to zero in on for weight. Boo. 🙂

    • Kebbie says:

      I have always heard 80/20 too. 80% of weight loss is your diet. I learned it myself the hard way too, no amount of exercise will matter if you’re not letting a healthy diet do the heavy lifting!

    • Kk2 says:

      Exactly this. Most of weight loss is diet. Both diet and exercise are important for overall health, but for weight loss it’s mostly diet. You can lose significant weight with diet changes alone. You will not lose significant weight with exercise alone, though there are many other benefits to it. This is science. I’m actually glad this person quoted is being honest about it.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I think this is really true.

      Some dishes can contain thousands of calories in a serving, and even the most strenuous exercise only burns a few hundred calories per hour.

    • Nucks says:

      This is right! There are always exceptions, and exercise is half of it (and you get to eat more), but start with diet and walking or whatever kind of exercise you like/tolerate, and increase from there. Lots of people work out all the time, but they aren’t compliant with diet and they either gain muscle that’s buried under excess weight, or they spin their wheels because their input is greater than output.

      If you want a certain carved, athletic or muscular look, exercise will take prominence once you get compliant with a food plan.

      Eating 800 cals a day because you don’t like exercise is madness — why not stoke your calorie burning with cardio or anaerobic cardio for 20 minutes?

      (finishes LaraBar and licks fingers…)

    • Cali says:

      She clearly needs to add exercise, she looks sickly with loose skin.

      • Susan says:

        That’s so rude. And also uninformed. There is no exercise in the world that fixes loose skin.

      • Cali says:

        You’re uninformed and trying to make excuses for being lazy. Muscle tone definitely “helps” loose skin by building muscle, very simple 🙄

    • melissaRN says:


      This. That’s why a lot of people who lose a ton of weight, but didn’t change their eating habits into healthy, sustainable fuel gain it all back. Exercise really is the 20% and nutrition the 80%, so true. It’s sad but typical to see a gastric patient initially lose all this weight but then gain it all back bc they never changed their eating. The surgery isn’t magic.

    • Wilma says:

      Your PT is forgetting the psychological part of it.

  3. Lola says:

    Ok so I need some advice. I lost 30 pounds and I gained them back. I don’t know where to begin again.

    My problem is self control with food

    • Sitka says:

      Download a calorie counter and a step counter on your phone. Track your regular food intake for a week and your regular steps for a week. Weigh yourself at the end of the week and take measurements.
      Then the following week – up your steps by 3k a day and reduce your calories by 250 a day. Try and hit 25g of fibre a day – beans and seeds are great for this. See how this goes for two weeks – if the scales/measurements are coming down great; if not increase steps by 3k again and decrease calories by 250 again.
      A 40 minute walk is approximately 4k steps. It sounds like a lot but you quickly get into the routine of it.
      Easiest way to do it without having to pay for anything.
      Take it slow and steady.

    • Kate says:

      If you can afford it, talk to a mindful eating nutritionist, and if you can’t there are books out there. It’s the only way I was able to break out of disordered eating 8 years ago and my weight has not fluctuated since. I don’t follow any diets or eating rules or spend any excess time thinking about food, whereas before it ruled my life.

    • emmy says:

      Oh God, I hear you. 2019 was rough.

      I don’t know how you lost it in the first place but I find that small changes are the way to go. I’ve started with working out during the holidays (just because I felt relaxed and I could run when it was still light outside). Now I make sure I have a healthy breakfast and lunch. When that’s happening consistently, dinner is next and then sugar will be cut down. I’ll take it from there. I can’t go from a bag of chips as a snack to running before work and having a green smoothie for breakfast. I need steps in between, because I immediately feel better and that motivates me.

      Also: Get enough sleep.

    • Mignionette says:

      @Lola – have you had a recent physical i.e. blood test. I guarantee you that 90% of the time weight loss is as much about insulin sensitivity due to poor diet. Those odds increase exponentially with yo-yo dieters.
      Until you find out what is causing your set point to keep rebounding, the yo-yo-ing does not stop.
      This is why low carb and intermittent fasting work well for so many as essentially both balance insulin levels, which then has a knock on effect on other hormones. FYi when you start to approach 35 hormones also slow down the metabolism as progesterone starts to drop off / or is used to create stress hormone, hence why some people gain weight when they’re going through a period of prolonged stress.

      • Christina says:

        @LoLa, Mignonette is right, but hormones aren’t the whole story. Mine are checked regular for a health issue and they’ve been normal for years, but stress will help add pounds. Changing the type of carbs I eat lowered inflammation in my body and I eat less now, but not because I’m forced to to lose weight. After changing the way you eat, you can be slimmer without strenuous exercise. All I do is walk back and forth to the bus. I try to take the stairs at my office, but haven’t for 3 months. I’m not thin, but I’m no longer unhealthy, over weight, or heading toward morbid obesity.

        If you can’t afford a bunch of tests, or you have doctors who are unhelpful about it like I have through my insurance, try the Plant Paradox Program by Gundry. Science has caught up to his claims, and he has a PBS lecture that explains how it works. I don’t diet. I just changed carbs. But people who still eat sugar don’t always like the food or drinks I eat. My husband was never addicted to sugar, so he likes the food I cook. I have no cravings for anything that I used to. I no longer feel controlled by food. I eat a little sugar, and I’m not precious about it around friends at restaurants, but I eat food sweetened with monk fruit and stevia now.

        It’s possible to feel normal. My cholesterol was almost 400 before I started. It’s normal now. I weigh myself when I feel like it, but I monitor NOTHING concerning food intake. I just avoid stuff that makes me sick (sugar, nightshades, legumes, seeds). I can eat some of the stuff I avoid if it’s pressure cooked. It doesn’t feel hard anymore, and I was sick and struggled to feel better for years. I was on a cane ion my 30s and 40s. No cane anymore in my 50s.

        Good luck on your journey, Lola. It took me 35 years to figure it out.

    • lucy2 says:

      I did too – I was watching my carbs and lost, then got off track, and now I need to buckle down again. Plus I think I’m now perimenopausal so extra fun!
      The calorie counter works for me when I’m strict with it. myfitnesspal is a good free one, and you can also input water and exercise.
      I had Lyme last year and it f’ed up a lot of stuff too, and I still have bouts of vertigo, especially if I haven’t eaten something in a while,, so intermittent fasting is NO good for me at all. My dr has recommended a small snack before bed, tons of water, more healthy fats, and trying to avoid flour, sugar, potatoes, etc.

      Going to look into some mindful eating stuff. It’s way too much of a focus.

      • Christina says:

        @Amber, exactly!!! What I enjoy about Plant Paradox is that I don’t count anything. I don’t track anything. All I do is cook or order food that I can eat. I go to websites that have recipes I like that use the ingredients I can eat. I modify recipes and buy snacks that are “real food” instead of wheat and sugar.

        My life is too complicated to concentrate on using web applications or to make and track what I eat. I learned what makes me sick and just avoid it because I have replacements made with things I can eat. Its a complete lifestyle change, but not really. I still eat tortillas; they are made of cassava or almond flour and I buy them at Sprouts. I still eat cake; it’s made of almond or other nut flours, and I use butter cream frosting with sugar because there is no sugar in the cake. I still eat noodles, but they are made of shiritaki mushrooms instead of semolina or rice. I still eat gummy candy when I feel like it, but it’s sweetened with sweeteners I can eat.

        I flavor vegetables with meat, and eat white rice, but not much of it. I eat intuitively now, and I really don’t have cravings for anything anymore. I admire the people who can put time into thinking about what they eat and tracking it, but I just couldn’t do it. I was becoming more and more ill and stressed doing all of the things that were recommended by my doctor and by nutritionists. I was working hard at not being sick. Dr. Gundry has freed me, and I can walk now and no longer have migraines or any kind of pain at all, and I was heading toward using a wheelchair.

    • Izzy says:

      I used Noom to help me with my eating habits. It’s been very useful as a tool and along with exercise, helped me lose 30 lbs last year (and I’ve kept off 25 of it – Merry Christmas).

    • Fleur says:

      I’m trying to lose weight. sugar has always been my major Achilles heel, I just couldn’t stop eating it. I knew the risk of diabetes, I knew it caused inflammation, I knew absolutely nothing good came of it, but i just couldn’t stop myself. Could. Not. Stop. It was like an alcoholic with alcohol-I physically couldn’t eat one cupcake, I’d eat the whole box. So finally, recently decided to try a huge change and stop buying it, stop stocking it at home. No dessert, no cookies, no ice cream, no substitute fake desserts-no desserts at ALL. It’s been 2 weeks and I’m amazed by how little I crave it by physically not having the option available to me. The temptation is gone because I don’t have any items around to satisfy it. I’ll eat a piece of cheese or a rice cake instead, and feel fine. I don’t go nuts-I still eat yogurt or fruit, but I have made eating healthy so much easier and less stressful by physically removing dessert from my list of available food options.

      • manda says:

        That’s literally the only way I can keep from eating it. When I don’t have it, I eat right. I cut my sugar last year and lost ten pounds!

    • Amber says:

      I find calorie counting ends up being counter-productive and pulls me into habits of disordered eating. I have been practicing intuitive eating and my weight has stabilized a lot. I only lost a little weight when I started doing it, about 8lbs. Intuitive eating has totally changed my relationship with food. Instead of having cycles of bingeing and deprivation, I am now able to eat two Oreos and stop at that instead of eating ten in one sitting. Once you feel more aware of your body’s actual hunger and fullness cues (as opposed to cravings that are based on emotions) you find yourself eating a more moderate amount. I’ve started actually craving vegetables and fruit, because I can just sense when my body needs them. And if you allow yourself the ‘unhealthy’ stuff every now and then, your cravings for it become less powerful. Sometimes I still have emotional eating but I am able to get back on track a lot faster and I don’t feel ashamed of it. It’s really hard to keep significant weight loss from coming back again (especially for women), you’re not alone, this happens to a lot of people. There are a number of factors that are totally out of our control, including genetics. In a recent study, scientists compared people who ate the same diet and exercised the same amount in the mid 1980s and the 2010s. Even when they did the exact same stuff, the 2010s people still weighed like 10% more. They don’t know why. Maybe it’s the additives in food, maybe it’s the stress of economic insecurity, the stress of ‘hustle culture’, who knows. I also find diet culture to be so damaging to women overall. It all has this subtext that women left to their own devices can’t be trusted to feed themselves properly, especially if they’re above a narrow size range. And I hate the way that weight loss is presented as the cure to every medical problem. I’m about a US 4/6 but when I had *slightly* elevated cholesterol the doctor told me to lose ten pounds. I told her I was not going to do that.

      • lucy2 says:

        I definitely agree that calorie counting can contribute to disordered eating. I found it’s good for me though, to be accountable for what I’m sometimes mindlessly eating, and to push me into healthier meals and balance. Once I get out of the habit of eating junk, I don’t really keep track anymore.

    • Wilma says:

      Lola, you have to figur out why you are overeating and heal your mental wounds and trauma.
      Counting calories, exercising and dieting are like putting out forest fires with a fire extinguisher. If you lose self control that’s a symptom that something in you need healing and attention. You’re numbing your feelings with food. Listen inward, define your real needs and adjust yourself to what you/your body really needs. Maybe it’s more rest, maybe it’s love and positive self talk, or maybe you’ve experience something in your life that still lingers emotionally.

      Wish you all the love and light in the world.

  4. Oh No says:

    I will Stan this girl to the ends of the Earth. She’s one of the few celebrities I would want to be friends with.

    It is weird how negative some people are being on social media about her personal health and fitness choices.

    But I do understand how important representation is and when women like Adele, or Ashley Graham, or Lizzo lose weight, it feels like an ally was lost.

    Which of course seems silly, but ya know…those feelings have validity

  5. MariaTR says:

    As I’ve aged, I have found that I can’t lose weight AT ALL from exercise alone. I lose the MOST with diet and exercise but will absolutely drop lbs with diet alone. I think the reason is because we all overestimate the calorie burn of different exercise. Once I got an Apple Watch and started tracking, I realized that my workouts were just nowhere near as much of a burn as I thought. A good rule of thumb for runners is about 100-125 calories are burned per mile. That’s… not a lot. I generally estimate about 600 calories per hour of high intensity training.

  6. Jenns says:

    You know what I would like for this new decade besides a new president and ending climate change? That we could stop talking about women and their weight.

  7. Mary-Jo says:

    You do not lose significant weight from exercising. You can sculpt your body with exercise, that’s all.

  8. donut_nut says:

    I run a LOT and am not skinny bc I eat slightly less crappy than the average American. But I do it because I love it and makes me feel strong.

    I’m meh on Adele’s weight loss. Her music is still zzzz to me.

  9. VirgiliaCoriolanus says:

    Diets don’t work because people go back to their former way of eating after they’ve lost what weight they wanted. You have to make a lifestyle change, not a temporary change in how you eat.

    If you eat or drink more calories that you burn, you gain weight. Exercise only burns a few hundred calories tops at a time.

    Adele has been making these changes for years – starting back after she had surgery on her vocal cords, she cut out drinking tea with sugar all day and immediately lost a lot of weight within a few months. This seems like she lost all at once because she goes months at a time without being seen.

    You cannot out exercise what you put into your mouth.

  10. Maria says:

    Can confirm. Have drastically reduced my portion sizes – it’s like my body adapts and stomach shrinks. I feel so full from meals that two months ago I would have needed seconds of.

  11. Eenie Googles says:

    Maybe she quit drinking. Leaving a stressful situation can do that.

  12. Keekee says:

    To me her weight loss looks like the gastric band type..with the sudden aging and shrunken shoulders like Fern Britton and Star Jones.

    • Sparkle says:


    • Kebbie says:

      Yeah, I agree too. There’s a very specific look when you lose weight from gastric surgery and she has it.

    • hunter says:


    • melissaRN says:


      As I commented above, I work with gastric patients. There are absolute telltale physical signs when someone has had gastric surgery.

      This was surgery. It’s sad bc I very often see ppl who think the surgery is a clean slate & you can just start over w/o making nutritional changes. Once you have surgery also, there are restrictions put in place for LIFE. No alcohol or coffee…for the rest of your life

  13. billypilgrim says:

    Think she’s had lap band surgery.
    More power to her.

  14. Kelly says:

    You can’t out run your fork.

  15. MC2 says:

    I lost 30 lbs when I quit drinking. It wasn’t a diet, but it was my diet change that took the weight off. Who knows what habits & changes she made, but big ones like quitting drinking or cutting sugar completely can have drastic effects. She looks amazing!

  16. Michael says:

    I never believe when celebs drop a ton of weight quickly that it was only diet. It is standard to lie about these things so it does not really matter to me what they say. If she is healthy and happy then more power to her.

    • josephine says:

      Was it that quickly though? 40 pounds for an overweight person over 6 months or so is that not quick.

      I am totally with you about people lying about the source of their weight-loss, but I’m not sure this was an overnight thing.

  17. Cookie monster says:

    Low calorie, plant based meals and I dropped 80 lbs in 7 months without any exercise because of a spinal cord injury. From 380 to 300 and counting .

  18. Leriel says:

    Diet alone can help with loosing weight, I lost 10 kg while switching to vegan diet, and I did no training at all (if we don’t count walking around for fun is exercising). But I wasn’t in Adele situation, I was size S/M before right now I am XS, and she wasn’t plus size, or possibly XL, and now she’s like M, maybe less, so diet alone I don’t really believe in it (I just hope it’s not drugs, please don’t be drugs).

  19. noni buzz says:

    I lost 15 lbs JUST by changing my diet. No processed foods, no alcohol, and no white sugar. I started watching my macros (50% fats, 30% carbs, 20% protein) and the weight melted off. I eat 2200 calories a day and I weigh less than I did in high school. Like Adele, I ONLY do Reformer Pilates (plus short dog walks). Hate to tell you, cardio industry has been lying to everyone. Good for your heart but at the end of the day, the only way to lose weight is reduction in caloric intake. Muscle helps burn fat so with the Pilates, she is building muscle which is helping. Adele’s plan is spot on

  20. potatoe says:

    She looks like Emily Blunt now. Lol.

  21. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Weight management is 80% diet and 20% exercise -so this could very well be possible if she made sure to drastically change not only how many calories she takes in but what kind. Add in a bit of cardio and it’s possible. She had already lost a significant amount of weight compared to where she was when 21 was released.

  22. Veronica S. says:

    LOL, if you were doing absolutely nothing and then changed things, sure, you’ll probably lose weight, but it’s not a guarantee. Count yourself lucky if you’re one of them. I count calories and exercise nearly daily, and I can barely shed the weight I gained after thyroid disease. Metabolic disorders are a blast y’all.

  23. Miriam says:

    I too agree it being a strict diet+ regular walks not necessarily going to the gym! It’s sad to see people criticising her PERSONAL lifestyle/decision who were fine with how she was before!! She looked good before and she is now!! She is just healthier

  24. Minxx says:

    I read somewhere that she had a gastric bypass. As for losing weight..I lost almost 30 lbs ( under control of a I know it was mostly fat, not water) following a few simple rules. First, do not eliminate any food groups entirely (not keto, not paleo, not anything that gets rid of carbs entirely). Of course no sweets, white bread etc. and only good carbs… veggies, dark bread (hard to find in the USA) and whole wheat pasta al dente are allowed. The KEY is sticking to a regular schedule and absolutely no snacking in between. Not even carrots or apples, no altoids or gum. Eeat every 3-4 hours ( when hungry but never ravenous), fruit only before 3pm (no more than 2 pieces a day), no fruit juice. If you want something sweet, like dark chocolate or a cookie eat it right after a meal. Drink lots of water. Last meal 3 hrs before sleep. I jump started it with intermittent fasting just once a week, one day down to soup and 1 piece of fruit. I ate lots of chicken and veggies but also beans and hummus, had brown rice, kasha, nuts…it was ca 1300 – 1400 cal per day. Not hard at all. Plus 30 min fast walk 4 times per week. Seriously. And I ‘m not young and fit. Losing 3kg per month, which my nutritionist said was perfect. She let me eat my own diet, just asked to take photos of everything I ate for a week so she could make sure it was ok. Apparently I eat healthy and weight gain was totally caused by snacking , eating too late ..rewarding myself after work.

    • (TheOG)@jan90067 says:

      Unless you’re at *least* 100 lbs overweight, no good doctor will do a gastric bypass op. Perhaps she did a sleeve, perhaps it’s just diet and exercise. She owes us no explanation. Good on her for whatever she did for herself/her own health!

      • melissaRN says:


        Oh sweetie, that’s in our civilian normal real world. I can promise you there are doctors who will do gastric surgery on those who wouldn’t be heavy enough to get in IRL, as long as they are A list celebrities. And it isn’t just gastric surgery.

  25. Dee Kay says:

    I refuse to diet and don’t do formal exercise but I walk everywhere and feel great. I know that I will start losing muscle as I age so I plan to do core/upper-body exercises this year to keep my strength up. I am overweight according to BMI and a size 16 but I feel happy and confident in my body without health issues. I like eating what I want to, food is delicious and going to restaurants is fun. I’m just saying this to represent another point-of-view other than the constant message sent to women, which is that we all must diet and try to be thin. I don’t believe that. Different body sizes and shapes are fine. Confidence, happiness, and self-fulfillment are attractive and I have those things without being thin.

    • Joanna says:

      I’m glad you’re happy. I’m always “working ” on losing weight but it’s hard because I too love eating. But I also want to be thin. But it’s so much energy put into my appearance. I wish I was confident enough to resist the pressure. On the plus side, I’m nowhere near as extreme as other females I know. I wish we all had the ability to resist the pressure

  26. Nina says:

    I went vegan, lost 30 pounds and never regained them. I feel better than ever! So yes, one can easily become slim without exercise.

  27. BANANIE says:

    People would rather exercise all the time than face the truth that it’s as simple as calories in, calories out. You’d think people would be thrilled the solution is so simple, but they aren’t. Having the willpower to exercise is a lot easier than having the willpower to eat better (for most people).

  28. Carmen AIC says:

    Any nutritionist worth their salt will tell you that you lose weight by what you eat (or stop eating).

  29. mew says:

    Diet is the main part of weight management. Muscle mass is the next part.

  30. CK says:

    I’ve personally lost around 14 pounds in the past 2/3 months by changing my eating habits. The only thing that I’ll eat after dinner now are low calorie snacks instead of my former flame (and first love), dinner leftovers. I’ve cut out most sodas, never been a huge sweets fan so that wasn’t much of an issue, and I’ve added more fiber to my diet. I had a daily high intensity routine that sort of fell off during the holidays, but I haven’t put the weight back on yet.

    I’m more or less eating the same foods , but I’m eating them with a bit more self restraint. That being said, I couldn’t put on weight if you paid me during high school and college. and it was only the reduced physical activity started my weight gain.

  31. Maureen says:

    Weight loss is primarily through your diet unless you are running a marathon every day it is nearly impossible to lose that type of weight loss without changing your diet.
    Working out while dieting prevents the loss of lean muscle, I am sure she worked out to have her body looking so great and not just less of it. Also she is only 31, so her body can still snap back if she took it at a steady pace.

    Also the people commenting that a 40 pound weight loss cannot be accomplished without surgery…Who has brain washed our population?

    Also you can keep a big weight loss off without being a crazy fitness buff, if you change your diet and don’t just reduce the portions of poor food choices.

    I am literally so sad by so many of the beliefs posted here.

  32. Oliviajoy1995 says:

    I thought the woman in the picture with Santa Claus was Kathryn from Southern Charm at first. Adele looks really good. Hopefully she doesn’t lose any more weight though.

  33. Bread and Circuses says:

    You can lose weight via diet OR exercise OR diet plus exercise, but it’s the combination of the two that’s easiest for most people because you don’t have to make extreme changes. Just a regular, moderate exercise routine, plus cutting a do-able amount of calories per day.

  34. Oatmeal says:


    Depends on your genetics and build.

    Ive.always been athletic but put on weight due to poor diet, habits, lack if activity etc

    I lost roughly 30 to 50 lbs last year and gained hella muscle and ate like crap half the time.

    The weight loss came because the jobs I had last year and now are hella physical and I burned tremendous amounts of calories just from working, plus I currently dont drive so just running errands involves alot of walking and carrying heavy crap.

    Just here to say, diet isn’t always everything .

  35. Zig says:

    I am a WLS patient. Bet you a thousand dollars she had some sort of surgery. There are several.