Academy award winning actor Nicolas Cage has a new movie coming out, Color Out of Space. It’s a modern adaptation of the H. P. Lovecraft short story and even though it has Tommy Chong in the Ammi Pierce role, the trailer isn’t doing it for me. However, Nicolas is doing press for it, so he went to Extra to promote Marriage Story. Uhm, Nic? I think you’ve forgotten how this works. Nicolas brought up the nominated film because he thinks anyone who is divorcing should see it to get a better understanding of how family law works against you in the process.
Nicolas Cage is a fan of the Oscar-nominated movies this year, but he’s got his eye on a particular film.
The actor, 56, spoke to Extra while at the Wednesday night premiere of his new film Color Out of Space and showed his support for Noah Baumbach’s divorce drama Marriage Story.
“I think that’s a very important movie,” Cage said. “I think anyone who’s even considering divorce — and the families — it should be required viewing.”
The star, who has been divorced four times, added, “Having been through it, family law is absolutely the worst.”
I’m not considering divorce, but I did watch Marriage Story. It’s a good film and the acting is as good as everyone says (with apologies to Kaiser, Laura Dern was fantastic. So was Merritt Weaver). I watched the movie, in part, because of how much press it got, but mainly because I am an Alan Alda stan (probably not the reason you were expecting). I did not care for it. But I didn’t care for it because it was fairly realistic, which made it so depressing. I kept emailing CB telling her how much the film was bringing me down and then ignored her repeated suggestions to maybe not watch something that was bumming me out so much.
However, to Nicolas’s point, it is a good example of the divorce process from a legal perspective. As you know, I come from a family of lawyers, three of whom were divorce or family law so although I am far from an expert, I’m familiar with the legal tactics involved. Nicolas is practically an expert as he has had four marriages, ranging from 12 years to four days. Three of his marriages ended in divorce and one was annulled. He also has two children, one born out of wedlock and one born in wedlock (I only mention the wedlock part because it has different legal ramifications under family law). Two of his wives, Patricia Arquette and Lisa Marie Presley, came into the marriage with their own wealth/assets that needed protection. My point is, Nicolas has seen Marriage Story played out from every angle, so perhaps we should heed his advice, although my hope is that no one here needs it.
Photo credit: WENN Photos
I have zero interest in seeing it for that reason. I am divorced and while my divorce was amicable and very fast, it was still a divorce and not something I care to relive. My husband’s divorce (I’m remarried) was terrible – it was long and expensive and obliterated any residual respect or affection the two of them had for each other. The only people who gained in his divorce were the attorneys.
Yeah, best not to watch. I’ve never been divorced, but the movie feels so real at times, by the end I could really feel what it might be like. It’s so frustrating and infuriating, and mutual love and respect turns into hatred and bitterness. You can destroy the person you once loved the most, over what? Really great film. My favorite of the year, although I’ve only seen about half of the contenders.
Sorry to highjack your top comment but F/CK Noah Baumbach & Greta Gerwig. Two awful people who deserve each other & who the Academy *looooooves*
Baumbach: “this movie has nothing to do w/me or my experiences”
Baumbach: “Laura Dern’s character is actually based on My ex Jennifer Jason Leigh’s divorce lawyer, Laura Wasser”
also Baumbach: “Oh yea, that ex – the one who co-wrote a movie with me, I filmed it sometimes in her family’s house, she was pregnant the whole time, then an actress I cast named Greta Gerwig in it, we f*cked each other the whole time, then we wrapped & I dumped by 9 mo pregnant wife, my ex pushed out my first (ever) child in labor while vacationing w/Gerwig, who turned into my muse & I made 4 movies surrounding, & now shes the top female director with a Vogue cover cuddling our baby & Oscar noms for her 2 only movies!”
Did I forget anything?
Jesus Christ, have we not covered this already?
(*honking for Alan Alda*)
I saw Marriage Story (and I am divorced with one daughter, now 19) and it was painful to watch, although it was a very well done film with excellent acting with many of the main actors. Even though my divorce was many years ago and we did not fight over custody of my daughter, it was painful in that my ex had a very bad drug addiction, which pretty much destroyed our marriage. Divorce was hard on my daughter and it took me a long time to recover from the pain of it and learn to stand on my own two feet again – so yeah, watching this film was tough! I don’t think I would say, yeah watch this so you can get recommendations about how to navigate through the legal system through your divorce LOL! But I kind of get where Cage is coming from here.
My parents had a reeeally horrible divorce in the 90s, it got so so horrible: i too have NO desire to see this film. Hard No from me. I’m sure the acting is great in it but it’s emotional torture p0rn. Sad sad sad
I watched it because I, like many, find Adam Driver weirdly super attractive. And because it was on Netflix and they were cramming it down my throat with previews. But as a recently married person who can’t imagine ever needing to get divorced and whose parents are still married, I’ll admit it was scary to watch. It was a very well done film – but I’ll always enjoy the stuff that’s less painful and more fun to watch, like Knives Out, more.
Same on Adam Driver.
I nearly took “his side” in the story because of my hormones, but I remained rational enough.
Not my idea of entertainment. Light and comedic, please. There is too much stress in my real life for me to pay ten bucks to sit through two hours of fictional stress.
Marriage Story was a fantastic movie, I hope it has a better shot at winning Best Pic over some of the other movies in the category… *cough* Joker.
Also commenting to point out just how much Lisa Marie looks EXACTLY like her dad in that picture with Cage.
Joker was intense. I was just as uncomfortable watching A Marriage Story as I was watching Joker, for very different reasons. They’re both worthy of the nomination, IMO. (I also wouldn’t re-watch either of them.)
In looking at the images provided for this story, I am genuinely concerned for Nic’s health. His coloring is pretty awful in the recent pictures. While he had rosy undertones in earlier pics, he is grey in the newer ones. I don’t follow him closely — is his health okay?
I always watch The Family Man around Christmas. I love that silly movie. It’s hard to believe he’s the same guy. He used to seemingly have his stuff together. So many of these aging stars are just off their rockers it seems.
He’s end quoted as saying if he’s not working he can be very self destructive. No clue if hes got current projects in the works. It could be that his past demons have caught up with him, or at least his liver.
A few years ago I went through a divorce after 25 years of marriage due to a husband’s mid life crisis, and I just HAD to watch this movie. I was so sympathetic to Adam Driver’s character. My lawyer said, “A divorce is a lawsuit and the plaintiff drives the bus.” So even though I didn’t want a divorce, I drove the bus, we settled (I had leverage because I don’t live in a no fault state). I am very happy in my new life, much to my surprise! My advice to everyone No matter how happily married you are is to look up the divorce laws in your area of residency In case heaven forbid it happens to you. In the US, it’s shocking how they vary from state to state.
No, thanks. I’m good.
Yes to the Alan Alda stanning! Hawkeye Pierce and Han Solo were my childhood crushes.
Not a fan of ScarJo but must admit she and Adam were excellent in this.
I saw A Marriage Story and even though I have been married for nearly 26 years, that scene in his apartment gutted me. I know couples fight like that (divorced and married) but it felt so real. Kudos to the actors for it.
I’d forgotten he was married to Patricia Arquette and Lisa Marie Presley!! I was like “Wow! Thanks for the great gossip! ”
I love how CB was all “stop watching it then” and you were all “nahhh, I need me some more sad feelings!”
As a lay person who gets most of her legal knowledge from tv and movies, I knew Adam Driver was messing up and could not understand how he didn’t see it. Trying to divorce in California when you live in NY? Oy vey. From there it was just him being one (wrong) step behind her. I covered my eyes every time he tried to do something and then found out she had bested him. How could he not know?!? Does he own a television?
It was a depressing movie mostly because I felt bad for Driver and hated Scarjo.
That said it wasn’t even a good depressive realistic film. There are some good ones out there. This did not deserve the acclaim.
He is right, everyone should know as much about the law as they can because it always seems to strike someone at some point.
I don’t live in USA so it was very interesting to me to see how these things work out there, I really had no clue.
I thought I could have been unfair to Scarlett’s character but since you hated her I see I might have a point, even though he made mistakes too. The part where he storms off saying he wished she’d get a disease and die took a lot from my chest, she deserved to hear that.
You felt bad for Driver? Honestly, I’m a little foggy on all the details as I saw the film several weeks ago, but didn’t he cheat on her? He treated her horribly and finally she left for California? I don’t personally care for Driver.
I watched it. It was so real I don’t recommend to anyone recently divorced or currently divorcing. It’s triggering.
Side note, thanks for the flashback divorce gossip! I had totally forgotten Nic’s older marriages. Didn’t CB used to do a way-back-remember-when gossip type post once a week or am I imagining that?
Marriage Story actually has a lot of levity even though it’s an intense topic. Really great film and not as upsetting as I expected it to be. And the more I see Adam Driver, the more I just adore him. Great actor and seemingly a great guy, too, so I’m happy to support his work!
I saw it. The actors will battle Nic Cage in the overacting department. Everyone, yes including the beloved Laura Dern, made overacting overlord Ray Liotta look like a restrained actor, whatever that is. It’s like watching a play. It’s not a bad movie, it’s just something I’ve seen before. If you are into Korean dramas, Marriage Story is just episode 1. It’s an OK movie but I’m unmoved.
It’s like watching a play.
Yes, exactly. Scar Jo especially seemed to deliver her lines like she was on a stage not film set. It was distracting especially during the apartment scene.
I think this movie made a lot of people scared of marriage. I don’t ever want to get to hate someone I used to love so much.
No, thanks. Seeing that clip of Driver screaming at ScarJo with him spewing that he wished her dead was more than enough for me. It looked and felt like drama school with the overdramatic screaming/yelling/spittle and her passivity and placating his fragile male, insecure ass. Ahh…no. If I want to watch a marriage breakdown, I’ll watch Revolutionary Road.
Yes I agree I had problems with the writing and the character of Adam Driver. He was just unlikable because he had no self awareness, a huge ego, seemingly had no idea why his wife wanted to divorce him and apparently had learnt nothing the end. And that speech by Laura Dern in the middle, pure oscarbait. Good acting though.