Dude, everyone hates Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop. To the extreme! While I find Gwyneth’s snotty attitude offensive, I’m don’t really take her Goopy advice too personally. Sometimes, I actually enjoy it, in the “Goop is such a pretentious piece of work, let’s mock and laugh at her” sort of way. But “Real Housewife of New York” Bethenny Frankel takes it personally, and Frankel lashed out at Gwyneth (and her Goopy recipes) at a recent event. In case you don’t follow the “Real Housewives” (which I don’t, for the most part), Bethenny is the one without a husband, who was the runner-up on Martha Stewart’s Apprentice, and who just bought herself a new pair of boobs. She’s also something of a genuine chef and foodie, an accomplished food writer and just this year, she released her first cookbook: Naturally Thin – Unleash Your Skinnygirl & Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting. Guess how much she hates the Goopster?
If Gwyneth Paltrow ever gets another cooking special, it’s really going to irk Bethenny Frankel.
“I’d rather staple my eyelids shut than watch Gwyneth cook,” the chef told us during the launch of her bottled Skinnygirl Margaritas at the Montauk Yacht Club on Saturday.
She added, “Gwyneth is afraid to [reveal] who she really is – she’s so manhandled by publicists and managers. Her show would be way too boring to watch.”
The “Real Housewives of New York” star confided that she has been approached to create a food series of her own, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
[From Gatecrasher]
I hate myself for agreeing with Bethenny Frankel. Like, there are no words for how much I hate myself, and how much I agree with with Frankel. The best Goop newsletters are always the ones where Gwyneth actually gives us her own advice, which she hasn’t been doing recently. She just gets her “friends” and her “shrinks” to tell us how to live our lives. I’ve started to wonder if Gwyneth might be getting tired of all of this Goop nonsense, just because she’s run out of things to say. Are Bethenny and I wrong? Is Gwyneth still interesting? Or is she really as boring as we think?
Header of Bethenny Frankel at the G-Shock presents shock the world tour event, held at Cipriani in New York City on August 5th. Image thanks to WENN.com. How strange does Gwyneth’s head look here?

Whoa that jacket is not her friend.
no, gwynnie is even more boring than we think, i’m sure. also, that jacket is the same pattern (b & w check) of the pants i wore in pastry school. thus i cannot stand the jacket, or any item of clothing that is of that pattern. *shudder*
I liked her in Iron Man. Guess that is because someone was writing her lines for her.
The advice of anyone wearing that rocket-tit dress is suspect.
Disclaimer: I am a huge fan of the “Housewives” franchise. However, I doubt that a successful Oscar-winning actress is going to be shedding any tears over what a flash-in-the-pan basic cable reality “star” is saying about her. P.S. I won’t even touch on the numerous blind items about Bethenny and how “naturally” thin she is…
Thats what I was going to say, ima-
Naturally Thin – Unleash Your Skinnygirl & Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting…..with laxatives. ugh. I can’t stand Bethenny. While I don’t particularly care for Kelly B. I do agree that I don’t find Bethenny particularly charming or funny either. She tries way too hard. I used to like Gwyneth but now she is just way to full of herself. They can both disappear as far as I’m concerned.
BethENNY (LOL) Frankel is as real as her boobs.. and sore that nobody wants to see her cooking show. I’m sure that Gwyneth is shedding tears over this.
I’d rather have rocket-tits then a shirt with SHAG LINING. ICK. NAST! She literally has no neck, her giant head is GROWING out of that gawd-awful twee blouse-jacket.
I am no fan of Paltrow’s but I hardly think Frankel should talk about anyone, considering she is a reality show w****. Talk about no class, she thinks her slams on everyone are so witty and funny, but they have grown tired over the last year or so and I am sorry Bravo feels the need to give this woman her own show and force her down our throats even more.
Frankel is so phony. She pukes her guts out every day and then writes a book about Freeing Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting????????
Can’t stand Bethany Frankel. Supposedly she’s known for being sarcastic and witty, which is typically a good thing….in moderation. Anyone who uses each and every opportunity to snark, snark, snark is a person who is anything but real.
Frig me, I’d be more worried about having to deal with the results of their anorexia-induced hair loss ending up in the food.
When that C yoU Next Tuesday cooks her own food instead of her illegally imported maid or some posh restaurant chef- then she can open her spoiled yapper.
The easiest way to get publicity nowadays is to say something bad about Goopy or Angelina. lol
yah i dont put too much stock in frankel’s “expertise.” the recipes on her website are an absolute joke, and there was a blind item not too long ago about a naturally thin “celeb” have a long history of laxative abuse. she needs to shut it-she is a phony and tries way too hard, and im sorry, despite paltrow’s snobbishness, she is far far more accomplished than bethanny.
G is totally stuck up, but itsn’t that why we love her!!! “Goop”ing advice to the common-folk, lol.
Ugh. The whole goop thing gives me a headache.
“The advice of anyone wearing that rocket-tit dress is suspect.”
She really did miss the boat on that one, didn’t she? Her new set is spilling out of the cones from all sides.
Paltrow’s face is starting to resemble the Olsen twins. She should lay off the plastic surgery.
I also read that blind about bethanny but you can tell from looking at her that she is a long-time bulimic. Her pituitary glands are swollen (chipmunk cheeks)
The Partoid Gland, you mean SlwMo. Those are the ones in front of the ears, right above the lower jaw. The pituitary is near the brain stem (uh, I think…?)
Anyway, I know what you’re talking about, yeah, you’re 100% right….In fact, that’s the kind of thing dentists are supposed to report to PCP’s so that the patient can get some help dealing with the issue…
Nice.. someone wearing a playtex slip without a nod to retro style. Shame she got the wrong size – LH face on boob is squished into it’s too tightness.
Bethanny needs to keep her trap shut about Gwen..
LORD, who wants to watch Bethanny and listen to that whinny voice and stale jokes..
fake tits and stick legs and maybe a size small DEPENDS adult pamper.
Those titties are real. I’ve fondled them. Dont tell Jesus. Im not even kidding either 😉
She doesnt puke but she does…ummm goop it out the other end.
Truths from me to you 🙂
slwmo, you only have one pituitary gland and it’s in your brain, not your cheeks. i think you meant salivary glands?
I wouldn’t watch either one of these skinny bitches cooking.