Claire Danes knew Hugh Dancy was The One when they crafted together

Tina - The Tina Turner Musical Opening - Arrivals.

Claire Danes covers the latest issue of Porter to promote the last season of Homeland, which is apparently still happening (I’m still shocked). Claire has been giving a lot of magazine interviews for her promo, and I have to say… I’ve been enjoying them? I used to not care about her that much, but she is legitimately wonderful in Homeland and she’s grown into one of the most talented actresses of her generation. Speaking of, Claire is 40 now, and she seems very content with her life these days, which also makes her an interesting interview subject. She even talks about Hugh Dancy and how he’s a crafter! LOL. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

On playing Carrie in Homeland: “I’ll miss playing such a brilliant, intrepid, impulsive, flawed hero. She’s a pain in the ass but she is always right in the end. She tends to prevail in her own perverse way. She did heinous things, over and over again – we tested the audience’s sympathy all the time.” But she was also unwaveringly fearless and capable. “To pretend to be that was pretty intoxicating. It’s so fun to have that swagger.”

How her life has changed in the past decade: “When I started Homeland, I was barely married, and now, we just had our ten-year anniversary and we have a seven-year-old and a toddler – WTF? And we’ve been such citizens of the world. Both our sons learnt to crawl in Morocco [where much of Homeland has been filmed], and I have some amusing breast-pumping photos in Moroccan green rooms.”

Motherhood: “It’s reorienting, but I love it and I’ve always wanted this. So it was really interesting playing someone who didn’t love it and didn’t want it,” she says of Carrie, who voluntarily signed over custody of her daughter in season four. “I was really glad to explore that, because I think it’s still a very stubborn taboo. Women are allowed a lot these days, relative to what they have been, but they’re still not quite allowed to not want to be mothers.”

Hitting pause on her acting career to go to Yale: “It was really good for me to go to college, because I was a bit frightened of women. On film sets, I was always surrounded by adults, so the last time I’d spent any real time with other girls was in junior high, so they froze in my mind as these intimidating, cruel creatures. Then I went to college and discovered, ‘Oh, people grow out of that.’”

Turning 40 last year: “I always felt the age I am now, so it’s nice to catch up with my actual age. It feels appropriate. I was weird,” she shares, candidly, of her younger self. “I’m not being cute – I was properly odd. I didn’t know how to hang out; I had to be applying myself all the time. I have never skipped a class in my life, my socks are always pulled way up to my knees. I’m supremely nerdy; I was never cool.”

Falling for Hugh Dancy: “Well, Hugh’s a big nerd, too. When we first started sorta-kinda-dating for real (ish), I had an ornament-making party for Christmas, and he helped organize it. Then he made an ornament of cowboy paper dolls, and I thought, ‘and he crafts?’ That was it. You have me for the rest of our lives.”

[From Porter]

Do you ever wonder why two people are together and then you find out some minor thing about them and you’re like “sh-t, it all makes sense now”? That’s what just happened to me with Claire and Hugh. I’ve always thought they seemed like an odd couple, like she’s kind of cutesy-hipster-intellectual and he seems so stiff and dry. But now I know that they’re crafters who craft together and it all makes sense. In this interview, she even talked about how proud she was of Hugh for making a papier-mâché head for his Halloween costume. They are crafting nerds and they are perfect for each other.

Claire Danes, Hugh Dancy at arrivals for...

Photos courtesy of Porter and WENN.

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47 Responses to “Claire Danes knew Hugh Dancy was The One when they crafted together”

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  1. Keekee says:

    I would love to see them act together.. They are both so intense.

  2. Originaltessa says:

    Randomly, I just watched Evening the other day. It’s on demand. I assume that’s where they met, I don’t actually know… Anyhoo, his character is sort of obsessed with hers, and he did a very good job pretending to love her, almost too good. I can imagine he loved her in real life. If you see the movie, they make sense as a couple.

    • Scollins says:

      Hey thanks. I’ll have to watch it.

      • Originaltessa says:

        It’s an A list cast, house porn, sort of weepy movie… I of course loved it. Pretty sure critics hated it. But what do they know.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      “Evening” is a wonderful movie and you get to see two iconic actresses …acting in a movie with their daughters…Vanessa Richardson and Natasha along with Meryl and her daughter Mamie…it’s got GORJUS cinematography…Toni Collette and Patrick Wilson in his GLORIOUS PRIME!

      Good weeper…..

    • K says:

      Hugh breaks my heart in that film. It is sweet that they have enjoyed working and crafting together as a couple, though she’ll always annoy me onscreen.

  3. Jess says:

    This was a really cute story and very on-topic for Valentine’s Day. True love is finding that person who really gets you and accepts you exactly as you are. It doesn’t have to be romantic love, either. I have friends who I would say are the platonic loves of each other’s lives and I think that’s really special! It’s my wish that everyone find their “person” that they can have that connection with, whether its a romantic partner, a pet, a best friend, etc. 🙂 <3

  4. Scollins says:

    She set herself part from the rest of the actors from day one. Her intelligence always is front and center. Homeland is a great show for her to flex her talent. Thx for the article. Absolutely love the cover pic.

  5. Lilah casting says:

    She is lucky she found a good man that didn’t cheat and dumped her for a younger woman while pregnant

    • Bren says:

      Ha! I forgot about that drama.

    • holly hobby says:

      I see what you did there. Hahah. Yeah why are we glossing over the triangle that is Mary Louise Parker, Billy Crudup (his film career never took off) and Claire?

      • Valiantly Varnished says:

        Probably because it has nothing to do with the subject at hand and doesn’t need to be brought up every time there’s a post about Claire Danes.

      • Originaltessa says:

        There’s a point where you stop condemning a person for something that happened 20 years ago in a marriage that wasn’t hers… Glossing over what I did in my 20’s is sort of the only way I can get out of bed in the morning without dying of embarrassment.

      • Valiantly Varnished says:

        @Originaltessa they weren’t married.

      • Originaltessa says:

        Oh, my bad. Thought they were married.

      • BellaBella says:

        Don’t know what you watch, but Billy Crudup is having an excellent career. Movies and stage.

      • schmootc says:

        @originaltessa Yep, I did some really stupid crap when I was in my twenties. There was one guy I ‘dated’ who also had a girlfriend at the same time. I was the girl on the side. Not proud of it, but I think the drama appealed to me at the time. No way I would do that now, but that’s because I’m older and more secure with myself.

      • kay says:

        what I dont get is how ppl dislike claire danes for this (& yea it was messed up even if she was 22), but 30yr old greta gerwig’s affair w/noah baumbach by comparison was heinous. ‘fu*ked up’ is the best descriptor. working alongside a very pregnant woman who wrote the film, whose husband you’re banging….& knowing he was chillin w/you while his wife gave birth alone to his first child ever? Damn…

        gerwig wears a wedding ring now even tho not married (during award season interviewers asked bout it)
        there’s a reason he’s not gonna put a ring on it, greta …….poor kids (both sons)

      • Carol says:

        My issue is Claire just handwaves her part in the drama with “I was in love with him and had to explore it. I was 24, but it’s okay because I made it through.” You would think she’d have expressed some regret, but nope. I don’t hear that story and think my goodness, I hope Claire is okay, but I guess she thinks I should. I also have no time for Noah and Greta either.

    • GuestWho says:

      The same thought ran through my mind when I read that. I try to get past that…but that really sucked and it kind of colors how I’ll look at both of them forever.

    • Catting says:

      Thank god; came here for this. Yeah, she sounds cute now and they obviously have something special, but they chose to handle it in a really shitty way and that shouldn’t be glossed over, either.

  6. Bren says:

    I’ve always liked Claire Danes since MSCL.

    I stopped watching Homeland around the fourth season. I may give it ago again now that the series has wrapped up. I’ve been looking for a multi-season show to watch over the next few weeks.

  7. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Ive always loved them together. Ive always been a Clair fan but I became a Hugh fan when the show Hannibal was on – which us still one of my all time favorite shows.

  8. Lucy says:

    She sounds so charming!! I remember a picture the guy from Humans Of New York took of them at the MET Gala a couple years ago. The photo is very cute and casual, and the caption that goes with it says something like “Having kids was the best thing that ever happened to us, but sometimes the conversation is terrible!”, all in a very funny tone of course.

  9. I have always liked Claire as an actress. Love her style sense as well. And I love Hugh. I think my favorite with him was his role in The Jane Austen Book Club.

  10. Mrs. Darcy says:

    He’s underrated, I don’t find him dry, just British! I will never forgive Homeland for what they did to Quinn so not super excited about the final season tbh.

  11. SM says:

    I stopped watching Homeland ages ago. It seemed unrealistic that someone so emotionally unstable would be in such a position of power where clarity of judgement is needed. And while I understand the actor’s need to identify with the character but when people say hey, he/she is an asshole but gets things done so all is fine is a no go for me. How many people just recently said that Harvey Weinstein was always an a hole but he did win Oscars on the regular, so what do you know.

    • Valiantly Varnished says:

      It seemed unrealistic that someone so emotionally unstable would be in such a position of power where clarity of judgement is needed.

      Can I introduce you to the President of the United States?

      • BellaBella says:

        My thought immediately.

      • Hotsauceinmybag says:

        Exactly what I thought

      • sue denim says:

        that’s the thing about this whole insane presidency tho — I know people w high levels of security, and our pres and his family would never ever pass the evaluation process, in part because they’re too compromised by/likely assets of foreign powers. yet now they have the very highest levels of clearance… it’s an insane loophole that this WH is driving a truck thru.

  12. minx says:

    She’s always irritated me and I don’t know why.

  13. Gen says:

    Do we give Clair a pass for going off with Billy Crudup when his gf, the star of Weed, was pregnant? He is no good either. This is my proof that karma does not exist for some…

  14. quinn says:

    I can’t get past it. Claire did something real nerds don’t usually do…what she did to ML Parker. Also, I find that most people who try really hard to convince everyone that they are such a nerd, are actually just freaking annoying wannabes. Real nerds don’t declare themselves.

    • deezee says:

      She didn’t do anything to MLP. Billy Crudup did. You don’t know what he told her or how he played his relationship to his baby-momma to Claire.

    • Ames says:

      I know, right? The nerdiest thing about nerds is that they don’t have the first clue how nerdy they are in the first place. She’s such a try-hard.

      Danes is obviously not a girls’ girl, and she doesn’t get a pass from me for being young. Crudup knew what he was doing, but so did she. Parker has never spoken about it directly, so Danes’ whining “I was so young and people were so mean to meeeee” was never a good look.

      Neither was her repeatedly pointing out that the role of Rose in Titanic was always hers but she turned it down because she didn’t want to work with DiCaprio again – and everyone knows it’s because she famously could not stand him from Romeo and Juliet. I always questioned that, because DiCaprio has a pretty good professional reputation – costars have always liked him, and crews love him. He’s known for being good to them.

      But I always think back to when she screwed the entire cast and crew of My So-Called Life by refusing, right when the show was poised to really take off, to do a second season. She was another too-good-for-TV serious movie ac-TOR, so it’s pretty funny she got busted back down to TV.

    • Sass says:

      “Real nerds” lol why are gatekeepers

  15. RedRanger says:

    Honestly, when I found out Claire Danes was 22 when Billy Crudup left a very pregnant Mary Louise Parker for her…..That is SO young w/a remarkable life/maturity/power imbalance. I remember thinking at 22 I was soooo much smarter & wiser beyond my years, but lack of life experience makes that not the case for Literally *everyone*. I can see how easily someone like Crudup that’s older/handsome/working alongside a younger actress could take advantage of that, I bet complimenting her on her intellect, her talent, “ you’re so different from the others”, stuff that young insecure girl inside all of us feel good hearing. it’s still morally wrong *obviously* & it takes two to tango, but I would be willing to bet money she regrets it now that she is older & sees it thru a much different lens.

    It’s funny cuz this reminds me of Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach getting together on the set of a film his then-pregnant wife Jennifer Jason Lee wrote (NB directed, GG had her breakout role in it) Its the perfect contrast showing how age shapes the story, the choice. Gerwig was 31, not 21. She worked alongside JJL on set, knowing she was pregnant, & was hooking up w/NB at same time. That’s gross & to me it’s an example of how age really matters when providing context/insight into it. Idk how Gerwig can feel good being w/a dude who would choose not to be at the birth of his first child & instead shacking up w/her is….sad. If a guy is willing to do that to another woman, he’s willing to do that to you. Girl, cmon

  16. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    She handles her character on Homeland expertly. They’re one person. I forget I’m watching an actor.

  17. Ames says:

    In interviews over the years, Danes has always seemed a little Goopy Paltrow-ish to me. She comes across as so pretentious and full of herself.

  18. rip roaring says:

    If she’s always felt like she was 40, then she shoulda known better than to go out with a pregnant woman’s man. He’s the biggest creep. But her 40 year old “nerd” self was a creep too.

    • RedWeatherTiger says:

      You’re right…the “always felt 40” line certainly flies in the face of the “I was 22 and in love” rationale. Can’t have it both ways.

      I love Homeland…Hugh actually has a role in it this season. But Claire always comes off as reciting scripted morsels–like the crafting thing– to shape the narrative of who she is. She comes off as all artifice.

  19. Sass says:

    I’ve always admired her acting skills, but I can’t stand her face (I have the same issue with Sandra Bullock) and I think she’s kiiiiiiind of an a hole (I do not think this about Sandra Bullock).

  20. BellaireLady says:

    And she didn’t like Hugh because he is good-looking and sexy? See him in Blood and Chocolate.