“Gwyneth Paltrow threw a ‘makeup free’ Goop Glow dinner party” links

Gwyneth Paltrow did a “makeup free” dinner party. [Just Jared]
Mike Bloomberg hates trans people too. [Towleroad]
Harry Styles & Lizzo are BFFs now? That’s cute. [LaineyGossip]
Britney Spears broke her foot! [Dlisted]
This Erdem collection looks like Duchess Kate’s Victorian cosplay. [Go Fug Yourself]
The live-action Mulan film is getting a PG-13 rating. [Pajiba]
Leslie Wexner of Victoria’s Secret is finally stepping down. [Jezebel]
Finally, some Baby Yoda merch. [Seriously OMG]
These ski masks are actually really creepy. [OMGBlog]
Zooey Deschanel looks like she’s going to prom in 1988. [RCFA]

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48 Responses to ““Gwyneth Paltrow threw a ‘makeup free’ Goop Glow dinner party” links”

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  1. dally says:

    Is that… Samantha Ronson?

    • ME says:

      Is it? I don’t think so.

    • Asher says:

      Yep it sure is, what a blast from the past. I remember her from all that Lindsay Lohan drama.

      These women are all wearing makeup but tried to make it look like it isn’t there. Rachel Zoe is laughable – her eyeliner, lip liner, all SO obvious.

      Most of those famous women would shoot themselves in the foot before being seen with ZERO makeup

      • lucy2 says:

        Rachel’s was really noticeable.

      • dally says:

        It took me a moment, I was thinking, I know that face, why do I all of a sudden get an aura of stale cigarettes and cans of Red Bull.

        It’s funny, it’s a blurry pic and not a close up but she doesn’t look as bad as I thought, considering I haven’t laid eyes on her since whenever that Lohan drama madness was.

      • emma says:

        I was thinking that too – but you know they probably do makeup tattoos and lash extensions and all that so she may actually not be wearing “makeup”.

    • Courtney B says:

      I think she’s involved with fellow guest Cassandra grey as well. She’s the widow of Uber producer Brad Grey.

  2. Badrockandroll says:

    that’s a lot of lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara for a makeup free event!

  3. Helen says:

    I literally only wear makeup once or twice a year, and it’s usually on New Year’s Eve or Christmas parties. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to be so invested that you have to throw a specific party to not wear makeup????

    • tiredTreaded says:

      I haven’t worn make up since Jr High school when I was an insecure valley girl. Now I’m 50 & wear it every day at my new 9-5 jobby job. I’m a receptionist & admin support, what we would’ve called a secretary in the 50’s. After being a river dipping hippie in the summer & ski bum in the winter, I kinda like dressing up. I’m not that insecure little girl, but I like the polish.

  4. Florence says:

    I… can see false lashes, mascara, brow powder, possibly a touch of face powder on Goop, gloss (could be balm) and liner.

    That’s… yeah.

    • original_kellybean says:

      I mean, it’s possible that some of them have permanent makeup (I have my eyebrows and lips done) and also eyelash extensions. No way would I be removing my eyelash extensions for a “makeup free party”. And I don’t know about them but I have very dry lips this time of the year so I am never without lip balm. But yeah, some of those women are wearing some makeup. Whatever…

    • kellebelle says:

      Lots of botox around the mouth, too, but that doesn’t count. Zoe and the one on the right, not Paltrow.

  5. Kim says:

    Says that after dinner, Paltrow and Alexandra Grant (artist dating Keanu Reeves) sat down for an intimate conversation. Very curious what they discussed.

    • Snowslow says:

      Nooooooooooo et tu Alexandra?!

      • Jerusha says:

        According to her IG, she was an invited speaker for the event, talking about creativity, mentorship, and collaboration. Not surprised GP would see someone getting noticed, latch on, and next be taking credit for “discovering” her.

      • dally says:

        I can’t even imagine how awful that would be.

        “This is the life partner of my friend, Keanu, though I of course call him “Cool Breeze over the Mountains”…”

  6. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Calculation and manipulation. That’s all I’m thinking lol.

  7. Tiffany says:

    Yeah…something in the milk ain’t right about this. Goop knows black women let alone posed for pictures with them.

  8. Astrid says:

    That’s some sad hair – middle part, showing roots, fried ends

    • Sarah says:

      All I can think about when I see GP is how she had/ has early onset osteoporosis from the severe diets and cleanses she’s been on throughout the years. Brittle bones, brittle hair, dull skin. Yes, please tell me your secrets, Goop!!!

    • Wifaaa says:

      Hey now. My hair had a middle part, roots and fried ends. Haven’t had it cut in a year and a half. Those are fighting words!

  9. OriginalLala says:

    When I hang out with my friends at home, we are all makeup free and yet somehow don’t feel the need to ‘gram it all for head pats.

  10. Snowslow says:

    I just imagine the poor schmucks who really went to the party without make-up. The peasants! Goop must have written their names in her little black book never to invite them again.

    • HK9 says:

      Ha!! If you’ve watched her Netflix show, her staff is good natured but she still comes off as insufferable. I pity those who actually took her at her word….

  11. Margo Smith says:

    They all literally have on makeup. It’s just natural looking lmao!

  12. Tigerlily says:

    A couple of them look a bit bug-eyed. Looking at you Demi. Actually Demi reminds me of Renee Z post-plastic surgery er…getting plenty of rest phase. Putting the ‘bitchy’ back in Celebitchy.

  13. Jules says:

    She is simply advertising and marketing for her goopy skincare products. You don’t need makeup if you buy goop.

    • Asher says:

      Lol if you don’t have a brain & are scientifically illiterate, you buy Goop. But I’m all for her taking the dumb rich white ladies’ money! I just hope other ppl don’t listen to her medical advice…

  14. adastraperaspera says:

    Hey Les Wexner you pervert — where’s Ghislaine Maxwell these days?

  15. msd says:

    Urgh 20+ comments bitching about Goop. None of you give a shit that Bloomberg refers to trans people as “it”?

    • Snowslow says:

      Yes we do… Just having a bit of fun in a really inhospitable time. Our best friend is trans and one of my sons just came out as gay and queer, loves to wear make-up. Most of my kids’ friends are Arab and 9 people have been killed in a shisha bar in Germany. I am trying not to give in to fear. You are right, of course @msd, it is revolting (and by ‘it’ I mean Bloomberg of course).

    • Asher says:


      Do you live in an either/or world? Where you only can care about one thing at one time? Most of us can be concerned/thinking about multiple things simultaneously – is that not something you are capable of? Often the joking commentary is just a break from the misery of the world we see every day, & lots of us are affected (PoC, LGBTQ+, no insurance, Ppl that can’t pay the bills). But to write off ppl on here bc they’re just trying to rest from the sadness & pain & horror by commenting on a frivolous non-serious story…not accurate or ok. I encourage you to try to care about multiple things at once…since this is apparently an unheard concept for you. Must be difficult.

  16. Be says:

    and no botox, no fillers?

  17. Valerie says:

    Holy lord, do these people have a lot of time on their hands.

  18. Ellie says:

    Well her comment just says no makeup no filter. Not ‘i hosted a makeup free event’.
    Maybe she’s referring to herself only?

  19. SJR says:

    Ffs! Goop-y and her millionaire friends getting together to go make up free, throw themselves a big party, and then be sure to get a ton of PR for it….I really am fed up with Goop.

    I’m getting to the point with most celebs these days that I can’t even take a break to look at celeb gossip, they are so out of touch with the average person.

    Goop and her constant sharing/promoting + any/all Kardashians….I am gonna go off the Internet the entire month of March. Air out my head.

  20. boobra says:

    their plastic surgeries unmasked by makeup just reveal them to be dried up skinny french fries. their attempt to look cool, carefee and edgy falls absolutely flat on their “natural” faces