Cele|bitchy | “Lupita Nyong’o can wear the hell out of some blue lipstick” links

“Lupita Nyong’o can wear the hell out of some blue lipstick” links

CELEBRITIES : Louis Vuitton Fashion show Paris Fall winter - Par

Lupita Nyong’o did a very strong LOOK for the Louis Vuitton PFW show. [RCFA]
Russell Brand did not talk sh-t about Katy Perry, shock. [Just Jared]
Emilia Clarke is totally fine post-GoT. [LaineyGossip]
Brit Hume was searching for “sexy vixen vinyl” lmao. [Dlisted]
Kaia Gerber’s greatest love affair was with this one pair of jeans. [Go Fug Yourself]
Ronan Farrow drags his publisher for doing Woody Allen’s memoir. [Pajiba]
Two white women assaulted a mother & daughter for speaking Spanish. [Jezebel]
This Teen Mom 2 story is very dark. [Starcasm]
I’m here for Rachel Maddow taking out Shaun King. [Towleroad]
Shaquille O’Neal lost a bet, had to show his receding hairline. [Seriously OMG]

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17 Responses to ““Lupita Nyong’o can wear the hell out of some blue lipstick” links”

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  1. grumpyterrier says:

    Ok, I had thought Lupita was about 24 but I just learned the other day that she is 37? Wuuuut?? Beautiful young face.

    • schmootc says:

      I thought she was much younger too. Late 20s or early 30s, at most. Huh. That is also an excellent outfit, white shoes and all. She looks amazing.

  2. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Shaun King’s credibility is non-existent. He’s a liar and a grifter who has stolen – numerous times – from black female activists and taken credit for their work.

    • BlueSky says:

      Talcum X is a fraud, a bully, and a misogynist. People need to wake up to that and read Deray’s piece on him.

    • Insomniac says:

      Yeah, black women on my Twitter timeline have been warning people about Shaun King for ages. I hope that Twitter fight helps spread the word about him.

    • GR says:

      I’ve also heard stuff about Shaun King, but I can’t find specifics – what has he done?

      • BlueSky says:

        @GR DeRay Mckesson wrote an article for Medium about Shaun King’s long history of fraud. You can google it.

  3. ZGB says:

    Strong outfit indeed! She looks fierce and I love the coat, hair and that sneaky white purss in there. I kinda wish she had worn plain white sneakers/trainers instead of the squace.

  4. detritus says:

    Biels not wearing her wedding ring and my spider sense has been going w this one. Also, Haddish supports a dictator, which makes me sad because I adore her

  5. horseandhound says:

    I find this one of her weakest looks, but she’s still so very beautiful.