Give Perez a break

Perez Hilton gets to hang with Lohan and Hilton and takes home a bunch of free stuff just for mentioning it on his blog. He’s over the top, funny, and exuberant and that’s why people like to read his unique brand of gossip. He also gets a lot of press.

He’s been around for awhile and works hard on his blog. He doesn’t credit sources as much as he should, but he also gets a lot of good gossip tips and is able to print stuff before anyone else does.

That’s why we’re calling the latest Perez-bashing for what it is: schadenfreude by jealous bloggers.

Gawker recently dug up Perez’s dating profile on a gay website, and people have found one or two more. The guy is out and proud, and he does not care. He blew it off with style:

Thanks for putting up my college profile. I wish I was as skinny as I was back then, as fake blonde and getting as much sex. Alas, I’m not. But, if anyone is interested, my email is

Hot guys only. Jesse Oxfeld need not apply. But Jessica Coen should. We hear she has a really big dick!

Perez had a humorous e-mail exchange with Oxfeld that Gawker reprinted last month. Sure the guy is obnoxious, but that’s why we like him. Gawker takes themselves too seriously.

Meanwhile other blogs are calling Perez the “new Clay Aiken.” That’s ridiculous because Perez is out and admits that it was his actual profile.

The other blog thinks that it’s poetic justice and moans that “Perez never links to us.” These are the people that rarely source their pictures, either.

Perez doesn’t care that his profile is public. We shouldn’t either.

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