“Harvey Weinstein, 67, was sentenced to 23 years in prison” links

Harvey Weinstein pleads not guilty to sexual assault  arriving at a Manhattan court

Harvey Weinstein, 67, was sentenced to 23 years in prison. [The NY Times]
It’s absolutely crazy to me that Brad Pitt would do the Property Brothers’ new show while he’s still part of the Make It Right NOLA lawsuit, but here we are. [LaineyGossip]
Here’s the drama from last night’s episode of The Bachelor. [Just Jared]
Lindsay Lohan is “heating up” with her boyfriend, apparently. [Dlisted]
Eliza Gonzalez is gorgeous, but this dress is soooo bad. [Go Fug Yourself]
Would you drink Starbucks’ matcha drink? I would. [Pajiba]
Oprah Winfrey doesn’t know what to say about immigration. [Jezebel]
Amber Portwood’s ex launched a “game.” [Starcasm]
David Sedaris went on a hike! I am sure I will enjoy his essay about it. [Towleroad]
Why do you spend so much money at Trader Joe’s? [OMG Blog]

Harvey Weinstein posts new bond to ensure he won't flee sexual assault trial

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54 Responses to ““Harvey Weinstein, 67, was sentenced to 23 years in prison” links”

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  1. Lady D says:

    My heart soars for his victims. This is the best news.

  2. bluemoonhorse says:

    HAHAHAHAHHA cackles with glee. LA is coming for you next, sucker.

    • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

      I wish I could upvote this a hundred times! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. Andrew’s Nemesis says:

    Thank. God.

  4. Bettyrose says:

    There’s justice. Even if he doesn’t live long in prison, he’ll spend his final days knowing this is his legacy. And the message is sent that powerful men are not safe to be predators without consequence.

  5. TheOtherSarah says:

    GOOD. LA county, you’re next darling!

  6. lemonylips says:

    wasn’t the highest sentance 29 years and he still has other trials? I would say this is a good rulling if that’s the case.

  7. Dee Kay says:

    YES. 23 years is still too short but it’s something and I’ll take it. Plus I know for sure Weinstein will spend eternity in hell after this lifetime so in a way 23 years in prison is just the first part of his sentence.

    • Mtec says:

      The 23 years is just what he’ll serve in NY, he still awaiting trial in LA, so it could be he never sees another day as a free abusive man ever again.

  8. SM says:

    Yes. He is too old to have a life after this. Which I am pretty sure he still was convinced he has a second chance of comeback

    • Mac says:

      He definitely thought he would be making a comeback. I guess that’s why he is confused. Convicted rapists don’t get comebacks anymore.

      • bettyrose says:

        With a powerful man like him or Cosby or the others in Hollywood and DC that hopefully will get their day in court, there’s only so much justice one can hope for. Young lives ruined while he had his to live, but his hell is knowing that’s all he’ll ever be remembered as. A pathetic, disgusting, little man with a HUGE asterisk on all his work.

  9. grabbyhands says:

    I really thought he’d slime his way out of significant time, so this is great news. And this is just for NY – he still has to face the charges from LA.

    I hope this gives some degree of comfort to all of his victims.

    • AnnaKist says:

      I’m pretty sure he thought he’d slither his way out of it, too. It’s a good result, and I hope his victims find some peace now that they’ve been vindicated and he’s being held accountable in such a public way. I think there’ll be an appeal, though.

      Now, let’s start sweeping up all the rest of the abusive, manipulative, powerful vermin, hiding behind their status, money and mates.

  10. KBeth says:

    Hope he rots.

  11. Joanna says:

    Finally some justice for sexual assault victims. About dam n time.

  12. Teebee says:

    Elated. Some faith restored.

    His lawyer can suck it. She certainly established who she is and what depths she will descend to. And that she has no instincts for what justice means.

  13. Sarah says:

    Well…I am glad he will die in jail. I hope it brings some small measure of comfort to his victims.

  14. Jen says:

    I’m beyond happy for his victims and the message this sends. A ray of hope in this dumpster fire that is life right now.

  15. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I can only hope this sets a loud and unyielding precedent.

    • Meghan says:

      My sister is terrible with keeping up with news and current events. Sometimes I have to brief her on what is going on. She was unaware of this and I am like dude this is HUGE for victims of rape and sexual assault, PAY ATTENTION.

      Meanwhile my mom texted me the second she heard going “He got 23 years!!!!!”

  16. lucy2 says:

    A little bit of good news in bad times.

  17. June says:

    Very proud of the Judge sentencing Weinstein. Some real justice for his many victims.

  18. nicegirl says:

    Some justice is better tHan none at all. This seems like a victory.

    Rot in jail pig.

  19. Liz version 700 says:

    This is fantastic news! His victims have waited a long time for this!

  20. MeghanNotMarkle says:


  21. MsIam says:

    Good riddance!

  22. smcollins says:

    GOOD! Obviously what he did to his victims can’t be undone, but hopefully this will bring some measure of peace and closure for them, knowing that he’ll never be able to hurt another person again.

  23. TIFFANY says:

    And may God and modern science keep him around to serve every single minute.

  24. Rashida says:


  25. A Guest says:

    Bye bitch!

  26. BL says:

    See ya later ditch pig!

  27. Lizstarsnstripes says:

    Bryan Singer, YOU’RE NEXT.

  28. square_bologna says:

    I hope he rots till he’s 90. Choke on it, you POS.

  29. Mamasan says:

    I hope his fellow inmates give him a warm welcome.

  30. Donn says:

    I’d love to say he’s finally realized the consequences of his actions, but I douit it. He’s playing the systen again.

  31. Hoot says:

    @Lizstarsnstripes: Please let this be so…

  32. Justwastingtime says:

    Best news of the week, maybe the year

  33. Yeahbutt says:

    I don’t know the actor but she Stuns in this incredibly sexual gown. Few women can wear lipstick red and it’s mAde for her, plus the conservative neckline is perfect w the dominatrix vibe & 8” stillettos. I’m saying she owned the look. Memorable.

  34. Yeahbutt says:

    Starbucks can afford compostables yet they litter our planet w single use plastics. Gag. Bad to drink hot plastic & irresponsible consumerism —#banstarbucks. Not one cup is recyclable!!

    • SomeChick says:

      If starbucks really cared then they would make it so that the discount for the reuseable cups (seasonal ceramic etc) would be permanent. Coffee doesn’t cost that much!

      They don’t care. They just want to look like they care.

  35. SilentStar says:

    “He said the #MeToo movement was similar to the Red Scare of the 1950s and compared himself to the screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, who was jailed and blacklisted after joining the Communist Party.”

    Wow. Just wow. After all this he still doesn’t get it. Good thing he’ll spend the rest of his life locked away.

  36. Belly says:

    Fucking GOOD. Repulsive animal.

  37. naomipaige99 says:

    I hope whatever he did to his victims gets done to him in jail!!!! KARMA!!!!