The Cambridges must ‘boost morale’ during the pandemic, says royal commentator

Commission Mcc0093447 RoyAL ROTA BRADFORD

Do take a moment to consider the fact that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge got exactly what they wanted. They forced the more popular and charismatic Sussexes into exile. They’ve got even more eyes on them and more responsibility during a global health crisis in which William’s father is infected with a deadly virus. And they have unlimited funds and little oversight to spread whatever narrative they want now. The problem is, I feel like they made a deal with the devil to get all these things: the British media seems to be keeping them on a short leash, and you never know when the press might give a big old yank to that leash. With the British people under strict orders to stay home and not cause any drama, the press needs something to write about. Bashing the Sussexes is always popular, of course, but there will be a need for new photos, new storylines, new dramas. So yank-yank-yank on that leash. Apparently, William and Kate have a responsibility to be out there, doing things during the crisis:

Prince William and Kate Middleton have a ‘considerable responsibility’ to boost morale among the British people during the coronavirus crisis, a royal expert has claimed. Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams said a ‘very considerable responsibility rests on the Cambridges at this difficult time. He told ‘Their movements are obviously followed avidly by the press and social media and they are certain to rise to the challenge of boosting morale, whilst complying with the behaviour recommended by the Government.’

Mr Fitzwilliams added that the couple will ‘undoubtedly’ send messages which will reach a huge audience through their eleven million followers on Instagram and get thoughts and ideas across during the unprecedented emergency that we all face. He said the Cambridges’ visit to NHS staff was ‘undoubtedly a morale booster’ and the unseen photos of Prince George and Princess Charlotte that they shared on Mother’s Day were ‘enchanting’.

Mr Fitzwilliams claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who are currently in isolation together in Canada with their son Archie, will ‘undoubtedly’ continue to contribute on Instagram. However, he added: ‘During this crisis… as they have chosen to be abroad, they are likely to be sidelined.’

[From The Daily Mail]

The message, to me, reads as “give us fresh content or else.” And it’s true – with the Queen looking increasingly out-of-touch and tone-deaf and with Charles sidelined, it really IS the Cambridges’ responsibility to remind people of… why royalty exists, and what function royalty has, and whether they’re really public servants in any sense. The problem is, William and Kate don’t like having “responsibilities.” When faced with duty, Kate heads to her mom’s house and William heads off to trim rose bushes or f–k around in Kenya. We’ll see how this plays out. It should be exciting.


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit the London Ambulance Service during the Coronavirus crisis!

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid and Avalon Red.

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54 Responses to “The Cambridges must ‘boost morale’ during the pandemic, says royal commentator”

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  1. GuestWho says:

    Well, I guess they’re doing their part by giving Wootton exclusives about H&M.

  2. Tiffany says:

    Hey Fitzwilliams, The Sussexes are not living abroad by choice you dingbat. They were legit bullied into leaving.

    Fix that for you.

  3. Ali says:

    What can the Cambridges do?

    I’m at a loss.

    More videos, more clapping?

    I know a five question survey!

    • LaraK says:

      A 5 question survey takes 8 years – they need to act now!
      They can go infect more first responders – it requires little preparation.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      They need to do a video with Cambridge kids talking about and demonstrating the correct way to wash your hands and blow your nose!

      • Charo has already done that. And the video she released of cutting a paper towel into 2 rolls for toilet paper is hysterical and surprisingly informative. Maybe the Cambridge’s should check out the ‘choochy choochy’ bombshell on YouTube for a few pointers.

  4. Ali says:

    Oh another member of the uk government has the virus.

    The uk is screwed.

  5. Mads says:

    I wish there was just one reporter who had the guts to come out and expose the real story; how Dan Wooten went to university with Jason Knauff and his wife (Jason being the Cambridge’s PR guy) and all his “exclusives” were leaked with malicious intent to smear Harry and Meghan.

    • Emily says:

      That would be a good story!

    • Beach Dreams says:

      That would only come from a non-British reporter/outlet. Caity Weaver did that great KP Instagram bots article for the NYT; wouldn’t mind a reporter like her laying out the connections.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I really could not give a fat rat’s clacker about Dan Wooten person. What I want to know is who is leaking the stories. Wooten is just a tool of a much greater power.

  6. Digital Unicorn says:

    Really – the country does NOT need any more of their fake smiles, constipated ‘concerned’ faces, bad fashion and even worse ‘jokes’ thank you very much.

    All we are getting is more ‘stories’ about the Sussex’s and pathetically obvious embiggening stories. These 2 have NO intention of stepping up. Cue leaks about TQs health soon.

  7. Truthiness says:

    “Mr Fitzwilliams claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who are currently in isolation together in Canada with their son Archie, will ‘undoubtedly’ continue to contribute on Instagram. ” He is such a royal expert he doesn’t know what country the Sussexes are in. Trying to marginalize their impact as Instagrammers (and nothing else) …is to ignore everything they have done in the couple years. For example has Mr. Fitzwilliams done anything for veterans or Grenfell survivors?

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Who is this “Mr Fitzwilliams” person. I have never heard of him!

      • (TheOG) jan90067 says:

        Historically, “Fitz—-” was a name given to a King’s mistresses and their “illegitimate offspring” (as they were known then). Look at the Wiki below, then note: “FitzWILLIAM” is a very clever way of putting out there that this IS coming from William (aka Willileaks lol. Kaiser, you didn’t know just how appropriate it is!)

        Per Wiki:
        From the Stuart era (1603–1714) and later, a pseudo usage of Fitz was adopted for younger sons of the British royal family who lacked a legal surname, and particularly for illegitimate children of kings, princes, or general upper class men, for example Fitzroy, (meaning “son of the king”, from the French fils du roy)

  8. Lizzie says:

    To me this reads like he is sure they have no idea what to do so he instruct them to raise spirits while following guidelines.

    • MeghanNotMarkle says:

      This. They’re so inept at their jobs that a reporter has to tell them what to do.

    • Fabuleuse15 says:

      He’s also reminding the Cambridges that the Sussexes will “undoubtedly continue to contribute on Instagram,” while promising/assuring the Cambridges that the Sussexes, as non-working royals, will be sidelined by the tabloids if the Cambridges make frequent morale-boosting contributions on Instangram.

  9. ABritGuest says:

    He was one of those tweeting recently that with the Sussexes gone it’s now Kate’s time to shine. I realise now that all those type of articles in recent years was a signal from the press that they want Kate especially to step up and I guess be more dynamic so they can get more clicks, sell papers. And probably bring out the kids more.

    When Meghan did speeches in the Oceana tour suddenly royal reporters like Tominey were saying Kate needed to be more confident& do more speeches. Basically they want her to be more like Meghan in some ways so the one they have access to is also helping them sell papers etc.

    • Harla says:

      Yep, the press demands on W&K are going to start coming thick and fast, show us the kids, make more speeches, give us more access…or else. This is going to get interesting.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Yep, and that’s part of the reason the press have been so hostile towards Meghan. She was everything they’ve been hoping Kate would be for years, but she didn’t come in the package they wanted (aka a white woman or more specifically a nice “English rose”). I think that even with the inevitable heir vs. spare narrative applying to the wives, the British press would’ve been much happier if Meghan were white and British. All the commentary claiming that Kate is “finding her voice”, “carving out her own path”, and other nonsense is a combo of wishful thinking and pressure on the Cambridges to fulfill their part of the deal.

    • February Pisces says:

      All the RRs backed the wrong horse. Omid Scobie had something like 14 million impressions (views) to his twitter page during the Sussex’s tour. If only the RRs had atleast been fair they would have had access to the ones that actually made money. Omid is now laughing cos he’s one of the few who will get invited to all their future engagements. The RRs sided with the Cambridge’s because William will be king and thought being on his side would pay off in the long term. But if people don’t care about the Cambridge’s when they are suppose to be in their prime, they won’t give a shit about them in the future. So their investment in the Cambridge’s is not going to bring much return, hence the needs for more content.

  10. Sofia says:

    I mean is anyone really looking to what the royal family are doing at this time?

    Clips of the kids will be fine for people to go “aweeeeeee” and gush over. And some informational videos maybe from the Cambridges. But other than that there’s not much any member of the family can do atm

    • Xo says:

      The video of the kids irked me. They don’t know what they are clapping for. Someone just told them to stand there and applaud & assumed everyone would ooo & aah over it because they’re young & cute.

      It’s actually very self reverential, if you think about it.

      Perhaps I’m not generous enough. It just didn’t strike the right chord with me.

      • Tessa says:

        I think there is something offputting using the children for PR. I did not like George having to stir pudding for a dynastic photo op and he and his siblings should not have been used for this. Better to keep them out of the PR.

  11. girl_ninja says:

    I wonder how long before the British media turns on Kate and Will? Or is their racism against Duchess Meghan too strong?

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Personally I’ve been waiting for the first few months following March 31st to see how the wind blows. I think these next few months will be even more telling now, with COVID-19 bringing the world to a standstill and the royal rota getting antsy for new stories and content. Until yesterday, they were whining about having nothing to talk about. It really depends on how much info W&K and their lackeys can get about the Sussexes to leak. They’ve been low on content since the split last year. While they’ve occasionally been able to satisfy the British media with big leaks like Sussexit, eventually whatever info they glean won’t be enough. I think last December was an interesting time for W&K’s image in the press; they weren’t outright attacked, but there were some articles following the Great Shrug-Off that didn’t exactly paint their marriage in the most loving way. We might see more of that passive-aggressive attitude from the press in the upcoming months.

  12. Emily says:

    Has William ever been anything other than sullen? He seems unlikely to be able to boost anyone’s morale.

    • Tessa says:

      I thinks he is annoyed that he has to go out “working” more. He seems to resent it.

  13. TheOriginalMia says:

    This is the attention they sought, so yes…they need to step tf up. But when you’ve lived the majority of your adult life being workshy and responsibility avoidant, this shift is gonna chafe. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving couple.

    • Becks1 says:

      Exactly. They should step up now, since they drove their brother/in law out of the country. they aren’t going to want to, but they should.

  14. Prairiegirl says:

    Ah, karma.

  15. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    *Beep Beep* It’s the karma bus coming through!

  16. yinyang says:

    Please leave Meghan out of it, we in know anything that pertains to WIlliam and Kate is “How lucky England is to have such leaders”, Anything pertaining to William Kate and Harry Meghan is “How much better Britian is for having WIlliam and Kate worth every penny; trash the other two they cost us too much” Any article pertaining to Meghan is “Get away trash” Just leave Meghan out of it, she clearly wants no part of this!

  17. Well-Wisher says:

    Respectfully may I add to the line ……….:why royalty exist’..
    -as defined by the BTM.
    Did the Cambridges actually prayed for what they got?

  18. Jay says:

    You guys are so right. This seems like a huge missed opportunity to me to talk about issues (supposedly) near and dear to the Cambridges: mental health and early childhood development.
    I don’t know about all of you,but my city has been in lockdown for two weeks with no end in sight. Since my job depends on intl travellers, I’m nervous and trying to balance working from home with care if a toddler. It’s a tough time for everyone.
    One of the things that normalized the isolation for me has been our PM – he’s been sharing stories from his own quarantine and getting shit done. It gives a sense of stability and hope that is very necessary now.

    Imagine if Kate were to do even a short video about some helpful routines or outdoor play ideas, with or without her kids. Or sharing resources about how to talk to kids about this without making them anxious. Aside from the good PR, it could be really helpful for people, in the same way QEII working during WWII helped people. Leaders lead.

    If they have that many Instagram followers, it seems a shame to waste such a big platform when they could be sharing or or signal boosting expert advice, or resources, or their own charities.

    • Nic919 says:

      It’s because they never actually cared. These issues were just pretend causes to not look as lazy as they are. we are going on a decade of laziness at this point.

    • Dropbear says:

      All good points @Jay. Let’s see if any lurking lackeys from KP pick up on your suggestions there for Cain and Unable and get them to do something in similar vein in the coming days 😉

  19. Nic919 says:

    They think the poorly filmed video of their kids clapping will be sufficient. They’ve done nothing to provide information at all and instead risk infecting first responders. They are useless and RRs can pretend they matter but they don’t at all. Britain will handle this pandemic without any help from them because they have nothing to offer.

    Camilla sent a message about women experiencing domestic violence in this environment. Kate and William, nothing.

    • Yeah. Camilla did a lovely shout out. So, how is it impossible for the Queen, Charles (as CH bangs on about how he is continuing to work), Anne, the Wessexes, the Cambridges, or even Eugenie or Beatrice —- to sit in front of a video cam for 3 minutes to send out something encouraging or informative? Why is it ok for ALL of them to remain silent but Harry (and notice it’s only ever Harry) must return to country and do it for them? And he must return to the country in order for it to count it seems. Obviously, none of them want to acknowledge that any Instagram or a video moment Harry releases is relevant regardless of where it actually originates.

  20. ABritGuest says:

    I liked that Camilla sent message about domestic violence in this environment. Sadly as predicted there are reports rising incidents in England and Australia. Camilla mentioned that police are there to help& domestic violence helplines& online resources. I remember Sussexes sharing similar resources details re DV last week & people mentioning that an abusive partner may not allow you to access such resources. That’s an issue but better to have info out there surely.

    Hopefully Kate with concern about early years will take on suggestions mentioned on this blog & post about things parents working from home can do with their kids or how to keep kids stimulated etc. otherwise a missed opportunity

    • Waitwhat? says:

      The Guardian had a very bleak article about this, with reporting from the UK, India, Italy and Brazil. In all of the countries, advocates were stressing thar helplines and text lines are remaining open; in Spain there was the message that women fleeing violence wouldnt be subject to lockdown rules, and in one province in Italy, i think, a judge had said/ruled (alleged) abusers must leave the family home, not women and children.

      Domestic violence is horrifying at any time but now, when everyone is at such close quarters, there’s no work or school to take people out of the home, financial pressures are mounting, and support networks are cut off…

    • Tessa says:

      I don’t think Camilla is an appropriate rep for that considering her behavior toward Diana. She enabled Charles treatment of Diana, writing things in a letter to “ignore that ridiculous creature.” Charles was witnessed publicly putting down Diana even saying giving a speech he needed “two wives.” I certainly don’t think Camilla is exactly a role model for this cause.

  21. Flying fish says:

    Kate and William have had years and years to be productive and continue to do nothing, except provide some pictures or videos of their kids when the mob becomes restless.

  22. Izzy says:

    Maybe Prince Lamebridge can tell some more jokes.

  23. kellebelle says:

    How? For William to look uncomfortable and constipated beside a wife who’s aging like melted wax? To absent-mindedly wash their hands (improperly) while on camera while visiting healthcare workers when they should be staying home? Using the kids for distraction? Meanwhile the RRs are in a bloody frenzy trying to keep track of the Sussexes. So laughable.

  24. paddingtonjr says:

    How the pandemic is handled will be a deciding moment for many politicians and public figures. Currently, with TQ in isolation, Charles ill and the Sussexes exiled, the Cambridges are the most visible members of the BRF. As was shown when Diana died, people may not be looking to the BRF for guidance, but they will be looking to them as a steadying force. The Royalists want to know that the BRF is still there and cares about what happens to their subjects. And, the BM still has column inches and airtime to fill and papers to sell. If no other BRF members are able to feed that need, they will turn on the Cambridges.

  25. songbirds_thrive says:

    Now this is absolutely f’ing rich, but not surprising:

    Will & Kate unsurprisingly bring up the rear parroting M&H’s concerns and support for our mental health during this current crisis. The language in the Lamebridges’ statement is very similar to that of the Sussexes in their original Instagram post dated March 20. The same post the Sussexes were trashed for in the British media.

    Meanwhile, as usual, Cain and Unable are lauded for doing nothing but jumping on coattails. They are both followers, not leaders!

    The above article in India Times is taken from a recent DM article, which surely Kaiser is going to be posting about soon.