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That would make a kick-ass halloween costume. I actually love it, but only as a costume.
Well it kinda fits with who she is. Like Scorpiogal said, it would be fantastic for Halloween.
It fits who she is?
I never saw her as a dead, spooky old tree from an Ichabod Crane story.
Still, good for Halloween
Trick or Treat! I always say what the hell with this sort of stuff. If you want to wear it, what the hell, go ahead. Even if people hate it, you are still on Celebitchy getting free publicity. Look at lady gaga–she wears kermit and carries a damn tea cup and ends up all over the web.
i kind of like it, in an edward gorey type way. i know, i am a freak (i actually liked bjork’s infamous swan dress) but i apppreciate risks.
Surprisingly I like it.
I always think it’s funny when the words “serious” and “fashion” are stuck together. :::Sigh::: but being of the female gender- I think I’m probably alone on that one.
I think she just did it for attention/love of all things creepy because she was pretty happy about it on twitter, willing to take a negative rant or seven
The dress designer is Greg Barnes. who does costumes for Peepshow, the Las Vegas adult show. So, as I said before, it is representative of who she is. since I believe she is in Peepshow.
Also, celebrities rarely, if ever, buy the gowns that they wear to Red Carpet events. The designers loan the celebs the outfits in exchange for the free publicity they get from all of the photographs taken.
She only needs the ragged owl on her shoulder and the witches hat, and she’d be done for Halloween.
I like the dress though.
where my scissors at?!
Dress needs a TRIM!
Hrm, my first impression was the dress taking a sh*t all over itself.
I love it. I think it is absolutely gorgeous in a creepy awesome Helena Boham Carter kind of way. Best I’ve seen Holly look in quite awhile!
I like it, i think it looks itneresting…
lol renee
I agree with Original Kate. I really like the dress but the wrong person is wearing it. I bet Angelina could pull it off.
She looks like Tim Burton puked all over her.
What the FLOCK??????
WHAT are some people THINKING?!?! I’m 100% sure shes doing this in a desperate attempt for attention, because no one, and i mean NO ONE, with working eyes could possibly find that attractive.
The colors are good. Looks like a washed-up kelp bed though.
Holly can making anything pop. I actually love this dress on her.
Hardly and “epic” fashion blunder.
she looks like a Disney movie villain
And if it were Lady Gaga, the bulk of you would be screaming your approval til you were blue in the mouth.
Lady Gaga wouldn’t wear that.
Oh bullsh*t, Meg.
According to the Fug Girls, it looks like the love child of an ostrich and a tree. That pretty much sums it up.
Oooo – I LOVE it too! And being that she is in the Entertainment/T.V. industry, she can get away with wearing it WITHOUT being thrown into the psych ward.
Oh my God, that’s amazing.
She looks like one of the tree people from Lord of the Rings.
Considering she’s been wearing bunny fashion for the past eight years, she’s probably experimenting with her style now. Nothing wrong in that.
I like the dress too. But I think she’s too platinum girly blonde for it. It would be an excellent dress for someone like Eva Green.
Funny, for some reason I didn’t think she was famous for what she wore…
que rica
That dress needs some serious pruning! It looks like it’s been put through a blender.
I like it. It’s my kind of odd but I agree with who ever said someone like Eva Green or maybe Tilda Swinton or say Cate Blanchette would rock it that much harder.
I would love it more if it didn’t have the black “branches” all over it, but it looks fun.