Kylie Jenner sliced into her Mother’s Day olive oil cake in a really weird way

Kylie Jenner arrives at the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party held at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the...

Kylie Jenner celebrated Mother’s Day on Sunday, like millions of moms around the country. She took photos of and with her baby, she chilled out in quarantine and she had a nice cake. The cake was, according to Kylie, made from “olive oil,” which is apparently a thing that exists. Basically, you’re using olive oil as a replacement for butter in a cake recipe, although it’s a bit more complicated than that. Kylie’s olive oil cake looks like something that came from a specialty bakery, so either she ordered it for herself as a Mother’s Day treat, or someone sent it to her (perhaps Travis Scott, perhaps her mom, who knows).

The point is that Kylie enjoys some cake, so she cut herself a small slice from the circular cake. And when I say “small slice,” I mean that she didn’t start at the center of the cake and pull the knife down, then cut a proportional “slice” like one would do with a pizza. No. Kylie’s slice didn’t go to the center of the cake, and it just throws off the proportions:

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I would do this if I had a cake all to myself and no one was going to watch me consume it or cut into it. Like, it’s my cake and I’ll cut how I want, and maybe Kylie didn’t feel like having a full slice. The problem was that she posted it on social media and people were calling her a psychopath for the way she cuts cake. There were OCD peeps crying about how she was stressing them out. People yelled at her online. So Kylie decided to troll all the haters and she cut a small circle off to the side on the cake. OH GOD.

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I mean, props to her for making a joke about it but she’s still messing up a perfectly good cake with her SLOPPY CAKE SLICING. Someone needs to send her a new cake and then we can all explain the proper way to slice a cake.

She also posted some cute photos of Stormi for Mother’s Day. Stormi is so adorable.

And this just happened last night: Kylie did the Snack Challenge with Stormi, which is basically just filming your kid to see if they will follow your instructions to wait to eat something fun. Stormi waited! She’s so cute and such a good girl.

Photos courtesy of Kylie’s Instagram, Backgrid, WENN.

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50 Responses to “Kylie Jenner sliced into her Mother’s Day olive oil cake in a really weird way”

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  1. Nikki says:

    Where is the icing???? I am more concerned that there is cake with no icing!!! ICING people – it’s the best bit of having cake 🙂 cut it how you choose but ICING!!!

    • Bitch IDC says:

      Nah, I love cake with no icing. I waste the icing so there’s no need.

    • Case says:

      Olive oil cake has a very specific taste and would be weird with icing. Kinda like angel food cake.

    • manda says:

      seriously though. frosting is my favorite part and I am choosy about it, a little bit. In the last 10 or 15 years, some grocery store bakeries use this frosting that has a texture sort of like cool whip. I prefer butter cream with a little bit of grit from the sugar. Yummmmm. Omg… I just can’t seem to stop thinking about tasty treats!

      I have never had an olive oil cake but have heard of. Recipes seems to use blood oranges or other citrus zest as flavoring. Sounds interesting!

    • Des says:

      hijacking the top comment to say this is actually how you SHOULD cut cake if you’ve got a big one and you know you won’t finish it in one sitting. There’s a whole QI episode about it where Stephen Fry explains the science.

    • Mireille says:

      Frosting is hit and miss with me. It really depends on the cake. I used to love frosting on cake but then I realized that the frosting usually hid the tastelessness of the cake. In other words, I’ve had a lot of tasteless, dry cakes where the frosting is the best part.

  2. Gutterflower says:

    Oh my gosh Stormi is so cute! What a good listener.

  3. Alexandria says:

    Unpopular but icing is overrated, don’t come at me 😛.

    I actually find this funny. Usually she doesn’t make me laugh.

  4. TBD says:

    Stormi is so adorable. What a little sweetie.

  5. Sasha says:

    Umm Stormi already has better eyebrows than I ever will!

    She’s absolutely adorable 🙂

  6. Case says:

    Stormi is the sweetest. I follow Kylie for Stormi content, lol, and she’s clearly a very smart and kind little girl.

    • Züri says:

      I agree 🙂 I am not a Kylie fan at all, but what I’ve seen of her with Stormi, she seems like a very attentive and engaging mom who genuinely enjoys her little girl. And not in an entirely superficial way like her sisters do.

  7. Erinn says:

    My father in law will literally cut out a piece from the center of a sheet pan cake. Every. Single. Time.

  8. Ash says:

    Was Stormi singing “patience, patience” to herself while waiting? Because if so, that is ADORABLE. And also something I may need to use in video conferences that could have been emails.

    • Silas says:

      That was so cute. What a sweet happy little girl.

    • EveV says:

      Yes she actually did sing patience to herself, which is the cutest thing!! Kylie does seem to be a very attentive mom, which is awesome.

  9. lemonylips says:

    I’d let anyone eat their cake however they want to. I mean, I love eating from the bowl especially at the end when I can just dip my bread in it and get all the juice…. yumm. and people think that’s horrible, but I don’t care to me it brings joy. Also, Stormi is super cute. I can’t believe I just defended Kylie but heck, we have so little of little pleasures now, I say go get them however you can, even if one’s a billionare.

  10. Queen Meghan’s Hand says:

    That little “whoo” as she stares at the candy kills me!
    This Fruit Snack Challenge is too cute!!

  11. Amelie says:

    My sister LITERALLY just made olive oil cake this past weekend on Sunday since her birthday coincided with Mother’s Day this year and she has been in quarantine with us since things shut down. And I just found out Kylie Jenner had it (most likely ordered I doubt she made it herself)! My sister also made it gluten free because she had Celiac’s, the only thing she did was replace regular flour with the all purpose GF Bob’s Red Mill brand. My sister also used lemon zest in it which is what really gave it its flavoring, otherwise I think it would have been a bit bland. It was very light, fluffy, and a bit crumbly (maybe due to the GF flour she used, not sure). It was also VERY GOOD and honestly perfect without icing, the whole point is it is a light cake. Not everything needs to have icing on it!

    I think the one thing you could do was spread a bit of berry jam on the top which would have made it AMAZING. Ours also had Grand Marnier in it too.

    • Quincytoo says:

      Drooling at your description of your SIL olive oil cake sounds delicious
      I had Olive Oil cake once at a restaurant and loved it. Flavored with lemon zest no icing but it had a roasted pit fruit compote
      Not a Fan of the Kardashinans but that baby is gorgeous and seems a lot happier than her cousins

      • Lady D says:

        “roasted pit fruit” I’m practically drooling over here. I didn’t expect to read something that sounded so good on a Kardashian thread.

    • Becks says:

      I love olive oil cake. This is making me crave some, so I will have to get a slice at my bakery this week!

  12. Deanne says:

    I have no time for Kylie, but that little girl is absolutely adorable.

  13. ME says:

    Her daughter is adorable. I wonder if this was staged? I mean she staged that whole “rise and shine” scene didn’t she? Were we supposed to believe a camera person was just standing in the corner of a dark room with the baby and the door closed just waiting for Kylie to enter? Like come on lol. In this case, maybe the nanny was there in the corner making sure Stormi didn’t eat that candy lol. I can see Kim now trying to replicate this with her kids…

  14. Winechampion says:

    I am SO over people claiming to have OCD because they think they’re being quirky or whatever. OCD is NOT twitching over something being crooked or otherwise off. Saying “I’m soooo OCD because I’m a neat freak, tee hee!” trivializes the real hell that OCD sufferers live through. I’ve been living with OCD for over 30 years and it is not about “liking things symmetrical”. People can eat it.

    Anyway, rant over, and the circle cake trolling was hilarious.

    • Doodle says:

      Preach! My daughter suffers from OCD and it has made her life very difficult. It came on very suddenly in the middle of fifth grade and she went from loving to draw to not being able to write a single word, speak a sentence or read because of the necessity to go over things. She struggles daily but Prozac is really helping her cope. I hate when people make OCD jokes because they really have no idea.

      I thought cutting a circle in the middle of the cake was hilarious. That’s something I would do. The entire argument is just so ridiculous – there are real problems in the world and this is what people are going to focus on? At least she didn’t carve a big dick into her cake – actually I would have found that equally hilarious.

      • FHMom says:

        My daughter has OCD, too. It came on in the beginning of 5th grade, also. It is a nightmare and has led to more issues, like an eating disorder. We have seen several therapists. Nothing works. She is 18. Do you mind if I ask you what meds you are taking? We started meds about 2 1/2 years ago, but have yet to find one that helps her.

      • Winechampion says:

        FH MOM—my OCD started to show itself in 5th or 6th grade. This seems to be about when it starts. I kept it secret for many years and didn’t seek treatment until I was 20 (I’m 42 now). I was put on Paxil and withdrew after only a few months because the side effects were too much. I’ve never gone back on meds since. Instead, I just live with it. Fortunately, my case is not debilitating—I’m functional. Mostly I struggle with unwanted, intrusive, painful thoughts, and I perform compulsions to relieve them. I also have panic disorder, and I practice calming techniques when attacks hit. I should probably be on meds, but Paxil messed with my brain so much that I’m forever scared off. 🙁

      • Kate says:

        If any of you guys come back here, what is the magic triggering of 5th grade? Like is it a pre-pubescent hormonal thing or just a coincidence that the onset happened around that age?

      • FHMom says:

        I have no idea what it is about the age of 10 or 11 that brings this on. All I know is that my daughter went from a happy kid who had slight OCD leanings that showed itself in the form of trying to be perfect at things to a kid who was constantly checking doors, windows, washing her hands. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody

      • allison says:

        I came here to say the same thing! I have OCD – onset at age 14. I’m 28 now. My life was hell for a long time but have been in therapy for 3 years doing exposure therapy and CBT. I’ve tried venlafaxine and escitalopram but they didn’t work well for me. I am on prozac now and feeling pretty good these days ( : there is hope for managing the illness although there are definitely really hard days still.

  15. FHMom says:

    So that is adorable. What is that she is eating, though? Marshmallows?

  16. AnnaKist says:

    I’ve seen people cut cakes like this. They thought they were being funny. The rest of us thought they were being arseholes. I don’t think Kylie is the least bit concerned about mucking up the proportions; she’ll likely just chuck out the cake now that the photos and videos are done.
    Stormi is adorable.

  17. bettyrose says:

    Now that I’ve seen what she really looks like, all I see is a tormented young woman who gets up every morning to spend *hours* becoming someone completely different, just to post endless selfies of a face that isn’t really hers. That’s way fking creepier than her cake issues.

    • Anners says:

      Yes this. It’s both terrifying and heartbreaking.

      Stormi is absolutely adorable (I loved that she sang ‘patience’ to herself). Fingers crossed she doesn’t grow up with that family’s crippling identity/beauty issues.

      • bettyrose says:

        Stormi is adorable. I do worry about the next generation of Kardashian/Jenner kids, but maybe PMK won’t get her clutches so deep in any of them and they’ll all have a chance to grow and know themselves without that pressure to be someone else.

    • lana86 says:

      do you mean her original God-given face? Or the current face but without make up?

    • Suz says:

      I follow Kylie on IG. That was truly the cutest video. Stormi seems genuinely happy, good. natured and sweet. The thing that stuck out most to me is how much freer Kylie sounds when she’s talking with her child. I’ve seen videos Kylie has posted with her sisters or when she’s talking about her makeup products. There, she just seems to be trying too hard to to be all sexy siren and it kind of comes out sounding dumb or overly-medicated. More of happy Kylie with her happy daughter, please.

    • Jules says:

      @bettyrose, Yes! It’s like the pink elephant in the room that no one talks about. We have to play her little game and give her likes on insta and pretend this is all normal and ok.

  18. Lisa says:

    Love olive oil in cakes. Nigella makes a chocolate one which is also gluten free which is to die for

  19. Mina_Esq says:

    That looks like a coffee cake, so I think cutting it like that or into squares is legit. And Stormi waiting and doing her patience affirmations is the greatest thing I’ve seen all day. She’s such a sweet child, and respect to Kylie for being a good mom.

  20. Mary says:

    The way she slices the cake doesn’t bother me but I do think it is hilarious that the cake didn’t even make it out of the box!