Cele|bitchy | What happened to Angelina Jolie’s year off?

What happened to Angelina Jolie’s year off?

Back in May, Angelina said she was going to take a year off this year to spend time with her family. She said back in May, “I’m working this summer. I’m in Prague for a few months, then I take two months off, then I work for two months… And then I take a year off.”

Last week the Brangelina family left NY, where they were holed up in a $100,000 a month six-bedroom suite at the posh Waldorf Towers, to return to LA to work. Angelina is starting to work on Clint Eastwood mystery The Changeling and Brad is starring in the crime thriller State of Play with Edward Norton and Rachel McAdams. They were in NY for Brad to film Burn After Reading with George Clooney.

At first I thought that Angelina had already reneged on her promise to take a year off, because wasn’t she filming in Chicago too? It turns out she hasn’t gone back on her word. She was in Prague to work on the thriller Wanted this summer, and then she was in Chicago to film scenes for that same movie. She did take two months off in between, and now she’s working again in LA, which she said she would do before she took a year off.

According to IMDB, she has only one project other than The Changeling that’s definitely lined up and that’s Atlas Shrugged. The film is being produced by Pitt’s company Plan B Productions. Angelina told movie site Cinematical in June that the project was stalled and that “we have not had all the pieces come together.” She said they’re still looking for the right director for the film, and it looks like it will be some time before production will begin.

Whether Angelina will be true to her word remains to be seen, but she’s not due to take a year off yet according to what she said in May. I reported back when Angelina made that promise that Kate Winslet also said she would take a year off for her children, and only stopped working for about seven months. I’m not saying that women should give up professional work for their children at all, and am just trying to draw a parallel between the two actresses promising to do so. It’s a difficult balance when you’re a mother and the temporary nature of acting might make it more complicated, although it seems easier to bring your children to work with you if you have a trailer and a lot of help.

The NY Daily News reports today that Angelina bought some children’s clothes from an online retailer that caters to hipster’s children, Babesta. She is said to have bought a “hound’s-tooth outfit and a robot onesie.” I got excited that she might be pregnant again when I heard about the onesie, but Shiloh is not even a year and a half yet and the only robot onesie they have is for size 12-18 months. Maybe Angelina bought out all the newborn sizes, though.

Angelina is shown in the header image at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting on 9/26/07. Thanks to PRPhotos.


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