Jaybird already covered parts of this story last week. Allegedly, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got into some kind of deathmatch when Tom stopped into Katie’s Australian film set last week. At the time, the report was from Radar, who claimed that “Spies say Holmes grew irritated with her A-list hubby, and when he returned, words were exchanged and Tom, clad in a cute black sweater and tight jeans, stormed up the street.” Several photographers caught the heated exchange, and wouldn’t you know, the pictures made their way onto the cover of In Touch Weekly, with the bold headline “The Fight To End All Fights”. The story excerpt (via Jezebel) has them fighting constantly over the course of several days. Most of their fights are about Suri, and Katie’s work schedule:
Trouble in paradise for Tom and Katie! Tom Cruise went to visit Katie Holmes while she was filming in Australia.
First they argued because he stopped to greet fans on his way to see her; she flipped out and he stormed off the set.
The next fight was at their hotel, where Tom was watching Suri and she wanted to watch cartoons instead of going for a walk with him.
He thinks Katie is spoiling Suri because she works long hours and by the time she comes home, she’s tired and just lets Suri do whatever she wants.
Dr. Gilda Carle, who does not treat Tom or Katie, says: Suri is learning that relationships between men and women involve squabbling, and that Katie was “lost in lust” during the courtship, but now they’re both surprised/disappointed by one another’s behavior. And! Tom and Katie need therapy.
[From In Touch Weekly via Jezebel]
Always nice to see the return of Dr. Gilda Carle, who seems like In Touch’s resident whack-job “doctor”. No celebrity relationship escapes Dr. Carle’s notice or her endless, sanctimonious pontification. As for the fights that allegedly ensued… how great would it be if it were true? If the Kate-Bot were growing a spine and an attitude? Is it contract renegotiation time already?
I tend to think Lainey’s explanation is probably closer to the truth – Tom was acting pissy because he was photographed looking short. No worries, though. Just a few days after the alleged TomKat battle royale, Tom, Katie and Suri posed for “candid” photos laying around on some random grassy knoll. Tom was wearing his infamous white wedge sneakers, so he was happy to be photographed. All is well in TomKat world, otherwise known as Xenuville.
Here are Katie and Tom getting all romantic and having some quality time with their Blackberries in Australia on Saturday. And don’t forget Tom’s white wedges! Images thanks to INF Photo.
I don’t see Tom & Katie getting “all romantic” at all in those photos. Suri appears to be in an exhausted sleep, Katie looks worn slap out, and only Tom seems to be chipper as all get out (well of course, cameras were snapping away).
Wow! Shocker. Maybe the mind control drugs are wearing off.
HAHAHAHA why did they mention that tom was “clad in a cute sweater”? did he wrote that himself?
what a weird couple. Ever notice how Suri never has winter clothes on, while her parents are bundled uip…..
They are too ambiguous. As far as the fight goes, so what, couples disagree. Shit happens. Of course this argument does include the resident wacko so take that for what its worth.
Doesn’t Xenu’s play book state that children are to have no rules. Haven’t there been a million stories about how Suri sets her own boundries? They must have been fighting about something else.
How would it be Katie’s fault the baby would rather watch cartoons than take a pap-walk?
Am I going to come off perma-mod anytime soon?
This marriage is going to end eventually in divorce. She wants to work constantly and Tom probably will stop being supportive eventually. Seems there’s small cracks in it already.
His shoes are amazing! I’m surprised he doesn’t tip over. Why doesn’t he just get it over with and put on the stilettos?
Tom should just come out already. Is Scientology a gay friendly religion?
Nebraska: No. That’s why they seek to “cure” gays.
Umm, romantic? When Katie NEVER looks at Tom? Note how she’s always looking somewhere else. . . she can’t stand him!
I think that their lives are just TOO public.
They seem happy enough though. No doubt that Tom is dominating and possibly full of sh*t – but Katie knew that about him and i’m sure that if she wasn’t happy she would leave him. It’s hard being an A-List celeb *sigh*
As for Suri doing what she wants – my daughter is the same age and yes, going for walkies when her fav cartoons are on is a big no-no. She’s entitled to saying No. Cartoons are more fun at that age anyway
I like it when Tom wears those “tight jeans”. Where in the Zenu world does he get those nikees?
Tom’s shoes are hilarious. And BLINDING white. Very discreet.
This marriage will end in divorce. Tom wants Katie to be a faithful beard so he can drape her over his arm at public outings to give the appearance of heterosexuality.
Katie is just about ready to leave, as her 5-year contract is almost over. They met in April 2005, so in just a few months she will be free.
OMG those shoes are awesome. Are they from the Spice Girls 1999 collection?
I LOVE that he was described as wearing a “cute” black sweater and tight jeans. That is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.
How many years into the marriage are they? I predict it ends before the magic number 10. I used to kind of like both of them years and years ago, but now I think he’s a controlling closet case and she’s a brainwashed idiot.
mother and daughter seem to be chained together? 😉
Who could have guessed it would have taken this long for Tom Cruise to start holding, Katie Holmes’ vagina against her?!
This isn’t news. All married couples fight.
birdgherl, while I agree with you that all couples fight, consider this…
before the fight mentioned here, how many times have you heard about these two fighting in public? as opposed to the constant “he’s amazing!/she’s amazing!” comments that we heard from them non-stop for SO long after they got together?
And all the (posed) happy family pictures we saw of them at restaurants, premieres, concerts, trips to FAO Schwartz…
based on their previous “performances”, this crack in the facade is noteworthy.
Why is Suri always carried?
I see this rift growing into potential for Tom Cruise and John Travolta to get back together. They have so much in common….
I think a lot of celeb kids are carried more often than not has to do with hoards of paparazzi stalking them 24/7. I’d probably do the same thing.
You know what’s really sad? When Tom first hired Katie…I mean when they first started dating…there were tons of pics of Tom out with his older children – remember all the soccer games, vacations, basketball games, etc? Once Suri came along, nothing. It’s a little odd – are the older kids not living with them anymore, or does he no longer need the photo ops?
Fighting would involve passion, something neither have for one another.
How can we even tell if either of these zombies are mad at each other. They have all the passion of a couple of androids.
The older kids are probably wearing little fake Navy costumes and slaving away in the Sea Organization, Hubbard’s toy Navy and Miscavige’s slave force.