Despite the fact that Megan Fox always claimed a vehement disinterest in Robert Pattinson – dismissing him as “just too pretty, with the big hair and the suits” – people are still trying to make something of the non-relationship. I guess it’s because Pattinson and Fox have shown up to many of the same awards shows and events, and they don’t go out of their way to ignore each other. At the Teen Choice Awards, they even posed for a couple of pictures together, because they were both crowned “Choice Hotties” at the event. They had their arms around each other politely. Which is what sent Kristen Stewart through the roof! According to the Enquirer, Kristen has something of a jealous temper tantrum when she saw Pattz and Megan together:
Sexy Vampire Boy ROBERT PATTINSON’s moaning to pals that “Twilight” co-star KRISTEN STEWART’s on-again-off-again feelings for him really bite – but a backstage explosion of jealousy over MEGAN FOX at the Teen Choice Awards totally SUCKED!
Although Pattinson and Fox have dated casually at least once or twice, the hunky star was absolutely floored when Kristen – suddenly in-his-face after he went onstage with foxy Fox to accept their “Choice Hotties” awards – bared her fangs and hissed: “You’re into Megan Fox!”
Said a Pattinson pal: “Rob couldn’t believe it at first. Kristen plays hard-to-get with him, then gets jealous over Megan? And she really ripped into him, saying, ‘I saw how you put your arm around her waist…I saw the way you touched her!’ Rob thought it was ridiculous. He told her: ‘Oh, for Pete’s sake! She’s just a friend. We were onstage together…that’s it!'”
But Kristen refused to let up, hammering him relentlessly about Megan. Said the source: “Rob’s getting tired of the constant drama with Kristen. She keeps going back to her boyfriend, but then comes back to Robert – over and over again. She pushes him away, then has the nerve to complain about other women. It’s ludicrous. The girl needs to grow up!”
[From the National Enquirer]
Or perhaps Pattz is rethinking the whole Kristen Stewart thing because he finally got what he wanted (sex with Kristen) and now he’s done. After playing hard to get for more than a year, Kristen finally gave in – so does she still have the ability to make Pattz an utter wreck? Or will her jealousy and high-maintenance destroy the fantasy relationship?
Speaking of, it seems yesterday’s interview with Pattz was a total fake. Pattz never claimed he was single, and his spokesperson released this statement: “I will only comment on matters regarding Robert’s professional life, but in order to set the record straight, Robert did not speak to the Mirror, and their claim that they spoke to him a few days ago is manufactured along with any information that they claim to have as an exclusive directly from him.” So… Pattz is not single. So he’s still happily hittin’ it with Kristen. That’s the only answer!
It would help Kristen with her insecurities if she didn’t dress like a pot smoking garden gnome most of the time.
A. ‘I saw how you put your arm around her waist…I saw the way you touched her!’
Really, this sounds like something out of a soap opera script. It doesn’t seem to hold much (any?) credibility.
B. Oh, for Pete’s sake! She’s just a friend. We were onstage together…that’s it!’
Yeah, as soon as I read ‘for Pete’s sake”….who is writing this dribble? Holy crap it’s aweful.
Whoa, is that really Megan Fox? Those pictures look nothing like her!
I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes out somewhere that Kristen is a lesbian and she and Megan are hooking up. Lol.
Bodhi, I know! She looks like she’s a 30-something “Real Housewife of (fill in the blank)”. Weird.
trillion, i was thinking the same thing.
fox is supposed to be in her early 20s, but she looks like she’s about to hit 40.
both girls are overrated and have stinking attitudes.
The fanboard and media created romance that never existed will now be torn apart. There has not been one shred of evidence that Rob and Kristen have ever been more than friends and the media now has to cover its behind. Even the pics from the KOL concert only showed two people trying to talk during the show. Maybe now the frenzy will die down and those of us who liked Twilight before the Twi-tarded shippers showed up can get back to enjoying the series for what it is…fluffy entertainment.
Ash,EXACTLY. They’re just making crap up,because while “Robsten” is off busy in Vancouver shooting Eclipse,they don’t have anything to write about.
ten four good buddy
oh, ya….she does look like a dirty old truck driver hanging out at the truck stop in Iowa off I-80 servicing the other drivers in exchange for pot
she’s already had plastic surgery you can’t tell me she’s any younger than 35-40 come on!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t imagine anyone thinking Kristen Stewart is attractive. She dresses like a hobo.
I think its great there are successful actresses out there that aren’t gorgeous…but I can’t imagine any guy falling over themselves to be with her either.
I just don’t see Kristen as a fit thrower. She seems more the type to keep that stuff to herself.
At least Kristen can keep her mouth shut, literally and figuratively. This concept seems to be lost on Meghan.
Hey, look its Jude Law
haha she bared her FANGS!! I thought Pattz was supposed to be the vampire in this story.
damn, megan fox looks like she got a make over from the housewives of Goodfellas…
lol, and why is Jude Law thrown in the mix? Are we playing “one of these things is not like the other?” haha
Good Lord, what utter caca.
And word to the comments of Megan Fox looking like a 40yr old hooker (wtf, she was gorgeous a few months back – someone done broked her) and that other girl with the awful hair and clothes looking like a hobo stoner. I’m down with not conforming to the stereotypical norms for young women and shunning the pressure of a male dominated industry to look a certain way but hells bells, let’s try to find some middle ground Kristen. There is a difference between wiping your a55 and tearing it to shreds. Y’know.
At first glance I thought she resembled Vanessa Williams (the over done fake version), who is like 46. I always thought she looked like a brunette barbie doll, plasticy and fake. Nothing attractive about that. Kristen doesn’t look like she would care much about anything (Megan Fox included), except recreational drugs.
You look at those pictures and tell me Megan Fox doesn’t look like a girl version of Nic Cage.
Ok! First of all who the hell is running that magazine? That is a bunch of crap. Second KS doesn’t seem like someone who cares about anything at all. Third, if there were ever a fihgt Rob response would have been more like” bloody hell woman!”,being british and all. And last not least, I still don’t think they’re together , at all! I still need hard proof, some kissing or a sex tape or something! ‘Til then I say they’re just good friends.
Every guy I know is in love with Kristen Stewart. Chill out Kristen. You’re a grillion times cooler than megan dumb as box of rocks fox.
I don’t care if she looks like a “hobo stoner” I’M SO HAPPY TO SEE A GIRL w/out PLASTIC SURGERY in films! Looking at Hollywood, it’s easy to forget what real human faces look like. Hollywood has been invaded by frozen-faced, puffy cheeked, fish-lipped, orange-skinned, bleached and highlighted, doll-like zombies. Kristen looks amazing to me, by contrast.
that didn’t happen. i was there.
p.s. megan fox is not a natural beauty either.
I do see the Nic Cage resemblance in a few of the pics.
Megan is aging harshly….yikes, wait till she hits her late 20s.
Fox is disgusting. Everything about her is fake. The more she speaks the dumber she sounds. I’ll be glad when her 15 minutes is up. Time to move on.
megan fox is yuck too much plastic surgery, and this story is false it came from the national enquirer they write bs