Happy birthday to the ageless Venus Williams. 40 years old and still on the tour, and still an absolute groundbreaker. [Dlisted]
I’ve been doing this too long, because I remember (vividly) all of these relationships. Haha on Scarlett Johansson & Sean Penn. [Pajiba]
Good puppies get DOGUE covers. [OMG Blog]
Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old peace activist shoved to the ground by Buffalo police, has a fractured skull and is still unable to walk. [Towleroad]
Pharrell Williams was here in Virginia (where he grew up) to help Gov. Northam announce Juneteenth as a state holiday. [Just Jared]
Keira Knightley’s vintage belt situation was a mess! [Go Fug Yourself]
Americans are unhappy at historic levels, in historic numbers. [Jezebel]
Now Arnold Schwarzenegger says people should wear masks at the gym. [The Blemish]
90 Days: The Other Way star might be a bigamist. [Starcasm]
Keanu Reeves is so lovely. He’s auctioning off a 15-minute Zoom date to profit Camp Rainbow gold. The bids are high! [LaineyGossip]
Serena is a Real Queen. A goddess.
This is Venus, not Serena.
Happy Birthday, Venus!
We need a report on Kristen Stewart playing Princess Diana

I have read thato too! LOL
I love Venus, and I hope she is living her best life. Really talented and gracious person.
Yes. Beautiful, an amazing tennis player and also super classy. I love to watch her play!
Venus is just stunning in that last photo!
Kirsten Stewart being cast as Princess Diana might be the worst casting …ever?
Venus and her sister are living the best lives because as they age, they’re becoming more beautiful. Just when you think they have peaked- they peak again! Happy B-Day V!
+1. The Williams sisters are gorgeous. Happy birthday Venus!!
I know right? Isnt she like 5 feet tall?
Venus William is 6’1
Love those photos. Flawless complexion.
My goodness, Venus is a stunner. And that dog is adorable