Cele|bitchy | Hayden Panettiere has ‘cut ties’ with her abusive boyfriend, is ‘moving ahead’

Hayden Panettiere has ‘cut ties’ with her abusive boyfriend, is ‘moving ahead’

For anyone who ever blames women for staying with abusive men, even rich and famous women get caught in a cycle of abuse and fear for their lives. I’m thinking of Hayden Panettiere, Mel B and I’m sure there are so many other famous women who have hidden it or who are hiding it now just to survive. Hayden’s boyfriend, Brian Hickerson, had cops called on him at least four times that we know about before he was finally charged with felony domestic violence against her in the fifth incident in May of last year. She had visible bruising and bite marks from Brian. The court issued a protection order on Hayden’s behalf against Brian, but he was arrested again on Valentine’s Day of this year for hitting her. According to US Magazine, Brian is still a free man because of course he is but Hayden is at least finally safe. Brian is now living in his hometown in South Carolina. How much do you want to bet he did that to flee charges? Us has some quotes from a source about how she’s doing.

Hayden Panettiere is stronger than ever now that she’s called it quits with Brian Hickerson, multiple sources exclusively reveal in the new issue of Us Weekly.

“She’s in a good place right now,” says one source. “She’s on the path to recovery.”

The actress, 30, finally cut ties with Hickerson, whom she began dating in August 2018, after their February dispute that led to his second arrest for domestic abuse. (Hickerson was previously arrested for domestic violence following another argument with Panettiere in May 2019.)

“She and Brian haven’t had contact,” says the source. “He’s moved back to his hometown in South Carolina, and friends are praying this is the end of her journey with him.”

And the early signs are promising. Panettiere, who rejoined Instagram this month, “has done a 180-degree turn since her terrible ordeal with Brian,” reveals a second source. “She’s moving ahead with her life and getting back into working in Hollywood and being creative again. It’s all very therapeutic for her.”

Now the mom of 5-year-old Kaya, who she shares with ex Wladimir Klitschko, is not looking back. Panettiere is “calmer and more relaxed,” says the second source, while the first source adds: “She’s trying to move past the pain and focus on her future.”

[From US Magazine]

She’s well rid of him and hope she has people around her who are looking out for her. Hayden is also on Instagram now, where she’s been posting family photos and photos with her daughter Kaya, five. She also reposted a video by her ex, Wladimir Klitschko, speaking out against racism. (His message wasn’t the greatest, but he tried.) I don’t think they’re back together, but he’s likely been a great support to her. Their daughter has been staying with Wladimir’s family and I think she’s visiting with Hayden now. I don’t think Hayden ever should have been dragged for that, it was the best decision for Kaya.

Hayden Panettiere and Brian Hickerson enjoy a date night at ArcLight Theatre in Hollywood

Hayden Panettiere and Brian Hickerson out with Hayden's family in Florida

photos credit: Backgrid and via Instagram

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15 Responses to “Hayden Panettiere has ‘cut ties’ with her abusive boyfriend, is ‘moving ahead’”

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  1. Chaine says:

    I hope they’re truly over this time.

  2. Abby says:

    This is good to hear. I hope she is doing okay.

  3. goofpuff says:

    i agree it was the best decision for Kaya to be with her father.. or i’m sure she would have suffered too under Brian’s reign of terror while he still had a grip on Hayden. i’m glad she got out. it can be so psychological damaging. abusive men are pros at gaslighting you and convincing you. like a horror movie you can’t escape from.

  4. Mtec says:

    The last time i heard she was dating his brother? Or was that not true?

    • Renee says:

      I think she was *seen* with the brother briefly and then got back with this guy. In retrospect, it feels like he stepped in as a way to bring her back into the fold or to keep her from leaving.

  5. Mia4s says:

    I genuinely hope this is true…but given her (and her parents) past habit of putting on a certain face for the public versus what the truth is in private? Hmmmm. Her career is toast for the moment and she knows what people want to see if that is going to change. I will say I am at best cautiously optimistic.

  6. Chelly says:

    Women are dragged for deciding maybe they’re not in the space mentally or emotionally to properly care for their child so in the best interest of that child decide the other parent would be the better choice at that time. We’re ALL supposed to just be maternal. God forbid we arent. Men get to be deadbeats, occassional & questionable dads but women, we have to be hands on, full on, full time moms, no exceptions. Kudos to her & her ex-husband for knowing better.

    • Mindy_Dopple says:

      Agree! If anyone is an Insecure fan, they just had a really great postpartum episode and Tiffany (a new mother) just disappeared. She had to take a break and ran away. It was heartbreaking what women will push themselves to because they think it’s what’s expected. And her husband on the show was just so good and understanding.

      • lucy2 says:

        That was well done, Tiffany sort of hinting at being unhappy and avoiding the baby, until she full on snapped. I was glad they all rallied to find her.

    • Eleonor says:

      I think she made the most responsible choice and she deserves respect. Her daughter was in a safe place protected from the abuse her mother was going through and eventually from being abused.

  7. Other Renee says:

    She may be rid of the abusive boyfriend, but nothing has been said about her personal issues of substance abuse. I hope she’s getting treatment in that regard. She was papped displaying some really wild and clearly substance-induced behavior. The ex was only half the problem. I wish her well.

    • Marigold says:

      Agreed. I hope the removal of the boyfriend helps her ditch the self-medication. In a year, things might look very different for Hayden if she’s able to face some things and get the help she needs.

  8. Nicole says:

    I truly hope that Hayden is getting a lot of therapy. She has had issues with abuse and substance abuse for years, if you’ve been following the gossip rags. I truly hope that she is able to heal and forgive herself.

    • lucy2 says:

      I wish the best for her too. She probably has a lot of work still to do, but getting away from an abuser is an excellent step.

  9. Marigold says:

    I was always a fan of Hayden in her earlier years. I found her lovely to look at, and I enjoyed watching her on television. I also have to admit to being proud of her for somehow finding the strength and understanding necessary to keep her daughter out of her personal struggles and drama. She kept her daughter from being exposed to the abusive boyfriend, even when she couldn’t do the same for herself. I don’t pretend to understand everything about why women stay with serially abusive men, but I know enough to understand that it’s extremely difficult for them. I grew up with a man who my mother should not have married. It made childhood confusing and scary a lot of the time to have a man who was constantly unkind and occasionally frightening in the house. Hayden kept her child away from that, and however she managed to find the strength for it…I’m impressed with her. Something in her knew to protect her kid, and she did that.

    It makes me sad when people drag her for it. It is the healthiest decision she’s been able to make during the entire ordeal, and this article is encouraging to me. For a long time, I feared the next news we heard of Hayden would be tragic. I’m very happy to have been wrong.