– Heidi Klum Says Four Kids Is Perfect [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
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– Did Ashlee Simpson get a chin implant? I don’t think so, her chin has always been long [Cityrag]
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– Heidi Montag really is a joy to work with [The Blemish]
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– Celebrity cellulite! Thank goodness for Star magazine [PopBytes]
Sure, Heidi….nothing like doing your part to overpopulate the world. How sweet and cuddly…
I never really understood it when women talked about their girl crushes, but while watching the season premiere of Project Runway last night, I totally got it. Heidi Klum is my girl crush. She’s just so cool.
Over populate? Ever heard of the Duggars…that’s just outright irresponsible. To control the population you could arrange for your um…”dismissal?” from the the Earth and “do your part”. I jest, people’s families are their own choice and we shouldn’t decide for them what’s appropriate.
On another note, someone in Oprah’s circle should take further notice of Heidi. She manages the model-mom balance well and is generally likeable among women. She’s neither intimidating or condescending (Martha/Gwenny Poo), or annoying and ridiculous (Tyra/Rachel Ray). Bring us more happy Heidi fabulousness please someone.
I have four kids.. It’s perfect.. 2 boys.. 2 girls.. Essentially we skipped “middle child syndrome”..
Catherine, you clearly misunderstand the overpopulation issue. There is not a problem with people in modern countries overpopulating the planet; people who have access to clean food and water, electricity, education, etc.
The overpopulation problem exists in third world countries where people live in poverty, do not have access to birth control and give birth over and over and over again to children, many of whom are born simply to die slowly and painfully of starvation or preventible diseases.
It’s not that there are too many people on the planet and that we need to slow down on human population overall. Trust me…anyone who has traveled much knows that there is PLENTY of room for all of us and more. The problem is poverty stricken countries where there are so many people suffering and dying needlessly because they don’t have access to the things that those of us in the western world take for granted.
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. Google it.
Perfect Heidi and her perfect life and her perfect family and her perfect career and her perfect husband.
It should be impossibly easy to hate this woman but I just can’t. She is absolutely the coolest, cutest, most watchable woman ever.
Love her!
She can afford it and she’s got great genes to pass on. That’s more than I could say for a lot of parents’ with big families.
Good for her for knowing balance and when to stop instead of continuing to encourage the idea of adding more children to the family like it’s of no consequence. I’m talking about the JP’s who love to say they’re always planning to add more like if they stop they’ll go out of style.
Yeah, because we need more brats born with a silver spoon in their mouths. She’s itching for a new reality show about her brood.
She is gorgeous. They are not the average full of crap celebs.
I love Heidi and Seal – they are awesome!
“Great genes to pass on” ya right because we need only pretty people in this world. Didn’t another famous German want to only pass on great genes? Hmmm, scary……
I`ve 2 kids and thats wonderful