“Who burned down the Melania Trump statue in her hometown in Slovenia?” links

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Who set fire to the Melania Trump statue in her hometown of Sevnica, Slovenia? It wasn’t me. But also, this statue is…something. [Jezebel]
Donald Trump calls New York a “hellhole” following SCOTUS decision. [Towleroad]
Bill Nye: wearing a mask is a matter or life & death. [Dlisted]
Facebook is making Tinder crash on iOS. [Just Jared]
More coverage of Thandie Newton’s NY Mag interview. [LaineyGossip]
Is Sarah Jessica Parker just going to use scarves-as-masks forever? [Go Fug Yourself]
White supremacist Jack Posobiec was caught cheating on his wife. [OMG Blog]
An excellent piece on cancel culture & JK Rowling. [Pajiba]
Naya Rivera was a child actor who worked on tons of TV shows. [Seriously OMG]
Lady Gaga is the face of a new Valentino perfume. [RCFA]

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29 Responses to ““Who burned down the Melania Trump statue in her hometown in Slovenia?” links”

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  1. Mia4s says:

    “ Who set fire to the Melania Trump statue in her hometown of Sevnica, Slovenia?“

    A hero and patriot and…art lover, that’s who. Next question. 😁

  2. Sean says:

    That Melania statue, were its creators going for what she looks like on the inside as opposed to the outside? If so, I think they nailed it.

  3. yinyang says:

    Good! These people are so full of themselves.

  4. Chaine says:

    That statue was hideous. Odds are, Melania paid someone to burn it down herself.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    The Melania statue always makes me laugh

  6. nicegirl says:

    And folks get mad at Madame Tussauds. Smh

  7. HK9 says:

    Melania has a statue??!!?? Humph, I though you actually had to accomplish something to have a statue….learn something new every day🤷🏽‍♀️

    • lucy2 says:

      The article says it was designed to mock her. Which is really the only explanation for its appearance!

      • phaedra says:

        No: Melania is very accomplished. She is a champion, Olympic-level gold digger with a Herculean endurance for stupidity and evil. Could you imagine the physical horror of being touched by Cheeto-encrusted Hitler? Melania is living, breathing proof that humans can endure literally anything for money.

      • Sarah says:

        I don’t know, didn’t she go to the US on an ‘einstein’ visa at some point? I know her immigration history is shady.

  8. Enis says:

    I saw the pictures and though this was post damage. Eesh.

  9. JanetDR says:

    I feel like wearing a scarf with just one or two loosely woven layers is nowhere near enough protection! My sisters are busy mask makers and they both use 6 layers of tightly woven quilting fabric and a filter.

  10. Dee says:

    Statue made by the woman who tried to restore the Ecce Homo painting, I presume?

  11. Allergy says:

    God finally had enough.

  12. Jaded says:

    That statue is a perfect example of her wooden personality.

    • Christin says:

      Co-signing this. Wooden and flat (not her kidneys – her depth of warmth and personality).

  13. JustMe says:

    Trump commuted Roger Stones sentence…the ARROGANCE

  14. Brigitte Aston says:

    I must say, the statue is an uncanny resemblance. Wooden headed and void of any substance. There was no point burning such a lifelike carving. Please, can we be done with this vacuous “portrait.“

  15. KellyRyan says:

    The artist captured the heart and soul of Melania. We need a duplicate in NYC, preferably in front of Drumpf Tower.

  16. Jane's Wasted Talent says:

    I like the close-up with flies crawling on it, gives it an ominous, Biblical feel.

  17. anon says:

    I mean.

    I really don’t care. Do you?