Mike Pence: Chief Justice John Roberts is ‘a disappointment to conservatives’

United States Vice President Mike Pence Holds Press Conference on Coronavirus

I really don’t even want to think about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her fragile health and whenever I see those news alerts about “she’s going into the hospital” or “she had such-and-such removed,” I feel like crying. RBG is doing the best she can and I pray that she holds on for as long as she can. The Supreme Court is not just about RBG these days though – some really strange things are happening, here and there, with how certain justices vote. Neil Gorsuch is turning out to be more moderate (on certain issues) than people expected, and then there’s Chief Justice John Roberts, who has been the “deciding vote” in a lot of surprising 5-4 decisions. I don’t believe the Chief Justice is any kind of progressive voice on the court, but he’s not a knuckle-dragging arch-conservative either. And for that, Mother’s Husband had some harsh words for Roberts:

Vice President Pence on Wednesday said Chief Justice John Roberts has been a “disappointment to conservatives,” a rare direct rebuke of the top judge after he ruled against the Trump administration in a series of recent cases.

“Look, we have great respect for the institution of the Supreme Court of the United States, but Chief Justice John Roberts has been a disappointment to conservatives,” Pence told Christian Broadcast Network’s David Brody, citing Roberts’s role in upholding the Affordable Care Act and his more recent swing vote rejecting a Nevada church’s request to overturn a state cap on attendance amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“I think several cases out of the Supreme Court are a reminder of just how important this election is for the future of the Supreme Court,” Pence continued. “We remember the issue back in 2016, which I believe loomed large in voters’ decisions between Hillary Clinton and the man who became president of the United States.”

Pence called the recent Supreme Court ruling that struck down a Louisiana abortion law “a wake up call for pro-life voters around the country who understand in a very real sense that the destiny of the Supreme Court is on the ballot in 2020.” Roberts sided with the court’s four liberal justices in the Louisiana abortion case and the Nevada church case. He also was part of a 5-4 majority that blocked Trump’s attempt to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and he sided with the 6-3 majority in a ruling that workers can’t be fired for being gay or transgender.

[From The Hill]

I love how all of the Pence-types out there never consider the idea that THEY are the extremists or the political outliers. No, it’s not that Chief Justice Roberts agrees with the current Republican Party 80% of the time, it’s that he won’t cosign the Republicans’ most anti-human rights, anti-immigrant, anti-woman political “causes.” Roberts is to blame, not THEM.

2020 State of the Union Address

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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40 Responses to “Mike Pence: Chief Justice John Roberts is ‘a disappointment to conservatives’”

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  1. Imogene says:

    And you, Mike Pence, are a disappointment to humankind.

    • Mellie says:

      I was just getting ready to type that very same statement!! Sometimes I’m so embarrassed to be from Indiana….

    • Arpeggi says:

      I’m not christian but I’m sure that Jesus would say Pence is a disgrace to christianity and deserves to burn in hell for all the harm he’s doing to minorities and the disadvantaged.

      • Sara says:

        Jesus never spoke of a literal hell. But my guess is he would have used a very strong metaphor and some table flipping to get his point across.

      • MaryContrary says:

        Absolutely. Pence and his ilk make me sick. They are the antithesis of what Jesus preached.

  2. Atti says:

    Thats just admitting that he wants a judge to be political.

  3. goofpuff says:

    Yes, I mean the current Republican Party gets very angry when people are doing their jobs well. They don’t want that. They want incompetent people who just do whatever the party wants. They don’t actually care about the constitution or laws or justice….just obedience.

  4. JanetDR says:

    Go cry to “Mother”!

  5. Sarah says:

    This is why I just can’t with so much that is called ‘religion’. They all claim it’s about loving others then use it as a stick to beat anyone who isn’t like them, the power matters first and foremost. It makes me so angry. What about live and let live?

  6. Becks1 says:

    Something that many people (Rs and Ds) have trouble understanding is…..just because you believe something, it doesn’t mean its legal. It doesn’t mean its constitutional. It doesn’t mean that everyone has to believe it. John Roberts is doing exactly what he is supposed to do as a justice on the Supreme Court – acting as a check to the executive branch. I’m sorrynotsorry that Pence cant handle that, but just because you, Pence, as a hardcore Republican/conservative, believe something, doesn’t mean that Roberts has to rule in your favor.

    • kimberlu says:


    • ItReallyIsYou,NotMe says:

      I came here to say this, but you said it so eloquently! Roberts is a strict constructionist. That is his northstar that he will always follow. I was frightened when he was first appointed that he would uphold Conservative values at all costs, but I am glad to be wrong on this one.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes, and the same is true for Gorsuch! Gorsuch isn’t anywhere close to moderate, he’s just such a strict textualist that he is going to rule in surprising ways sometimes. The same was true for Scalia. 9 times out of 10 you could predict his rulings, and then based on one word he would side with the liberals.

      • holly hobby says:

        Gorsuch and Roberts are doing exactly what the job entails. I never had a problem with Gorsuch because he was already an article III judge in Colorado. Yes he strictly adheres to the Constitution but he isn’t a raving political hack. Kavanaugh on the other hand…

    • Tiffany says:

      This is correct Becks but also not really. He voted to dismantle the Voting Rights Act and I will never forget that. He can be ‘conservative’ and picky when he wants to.

  7. Rapunzel says:

    And Conservatives are a disappointment to truth, logic, facts, and critical thinking.

    Anyone have any ideas what Pence even gets out of insulting the chief of the SCOTUS? What good is it gonna do? I guess it maybe rallies his base, but… honestly, it’s not smart to insult a guy you want on your side. Pence is kinda shooting himself in the foot here, which is not surprising, but still dumb af.

    • Travelin says:

      It will remind his base that a Supreme Court seat is likely at stake. That was a major reason many conservative Christians were able to justify voting for Trump.

  8. Veronica S. says:

    It’s so revealing about how they think – everybody MUST fall into line. There can be no internal dissent, no change of course in light of sociocultural shifts. They want men like Kavanaugh who can be bought, paid, and who care for power over law and justice. Fascists to the core. Women and minorities should understand exactly what will be expected of them should these people take power.

    Be very afraid of what’s to come. They’re already setting up the courts as the enemy should they try to steal an election. They know exactly what they’re doing. One of the worst case scenarios I’m seeing is a false flag event in the next few months.

  9. Aitana says:

    The only person with his head farther up his own a$$ than Pence is Grump. His claim to fame is how he’s “so religious.” Pence backs Grump @ every turn, including the horrifying indifference to 150K PLUS deaths (the figure continues to grow day by day, minute by minute) & this jacka$$ cud care less. I don’t know (& don’t want to know) exactly what “religion” he professes to practice, but just by his actions, or inaction, really, I’m apt to believe he worships Satan. In years to come, history will reveal the PURE EVIL of Pence & that entire administration. It can’t happen soon enough 4 me.

  10. Coco says:

    Remember when Pence received the VP nomination, and people said he would balance out Trump’s excess because he was such an ideologically pure, religious man? That he would not let Trump change him because his conscience was so strong? And remember how that lasted about ten minutes until he stayed on the ticket despite the ‘grab em by the p****’ tape?

    • Aitana says:

      Yes, I definitely remember that. After that happened & Pence did nothing, I knew right away Grump choose Pence bcz #1 he’d help Grump get all the religious bigots on board, & #2 it was so obvious that Pence was going to be nothing but a puppet…or really, just a mere prop. U made some good points & reminders. Thanks.

      • Coco says:

        I hate Mike Pence. I hated him when he was governor of Indiana, when he let an HIV outbreak run rampant and tried to make women who aborted or even miscarried a fetus give the fetal tissue a ‘proper burial.’ I hate the way he squints and purses his lips in faux-concern. I hate that he probably has wet dreams about A Handmaid’s Tale. I hate that children being caged gives him mild indigestion at worst. I hate that his hypocrisy is so strong that it could be used to power the electrical grid of a major city. I hate that he’s been portrayed as the Thomas More to Trump’s Henry VIII, except he stopped watching ‘A Man for All Seasons’ half-way through, so the lesson he apparently took from it was, ‘Immortal soul? Pffft. Temporal power, baby!’

  11. Sierra says:

    Do not fall for this America. Republicans are trying to use the same Supreme Court seat like 2016.

    Many conservatives voted Trump last time just for that one seat.

  12. Leah says:

    So they are pissed that he’s not completely in their pocket. Even he is smart enough to realize that the nightmare of Trump is coming to an end and there will be a reckoning.

  13. MRE says:

    And you, Mike Pence, are a disgrace to Moray Eels everywhere.

  14. FancyCatsup says:

    I also think that Roberts is pushing back a little on how entitled and awful the Trump administration is and will veer more right once Biden is in office.

  15. Sayrah says:

    Cry me a river mike. Thank god for moderate conservatives and firm liberals on the SC. He’s just saying this to try to get more tea partiers to vote for DT again. We all know/assume RBG won’t make it through another 4 years.

  16. Sandii says:

    This is very dangerous. He tries to appeal to the one issue voters who do not care for much else but to outlaw abortion. The anti-choice people are prepared to ignore EVERYTHING to get this done…

    • MaryContrary says:

      My friend who dislikes Trump will of course vote for him because her biggest issue is anti-abortion.

  17. Emily says:

    Supreme Court judges are meant to be a check on the government and uphold the law. By definition, they shouldn’t be “conservative” or “liberal” and don’t need to care if certain political parties like or don’t like their decisions. Pence shouldn’t have commented on this.

  18. jferber says:

    Be sure this is coming directly from donald trump and he is trying to apply pressure to a Supreme Court justice, the leading one, to vote for what trump wants done. Isn’t this illegal? They are a separate branch of government and do not obey trump or what’s the use of checks and balances? MOFO trump wants no checks or balances on himself. Dangerous and unprecedented in a “democratic” country. He is Mussolini to Putin’s Hitler, like the Dem Congressman just said (can’t remember his name). Just fuck this. On second thought, this is probably about trump’s complaint that the Supreme Court said he had to reveal his income tax, etc. So the big baby gets pence to strong-arm the Chief Justice. Mr. Chief Justice, do not be swayed by this faux-dictator. History will support you and will squash faux-president’s reputation like a bug, a slimy, orange bug.

  19. jferber says:

    Yes, absolutely right, Emily, it was improper for Pence to comment, but as a puppet, he gets his strings pulled by the fat orange piece of garbage he works for (Mother, of course, pulls the strings first). I think President Bush needs to speak out more against the orange turd. He’s the only Republican president left to do so, and he should do it.

    • april says:

      Any one who is high up needs to be vocal, including the Pope, religious leaders, former presidents, etc. They have blood on their hands too by not sticking up for what is right.

  20. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    So here’s what Mother’s Husband has conveniently forgotten.
    Roberts appt is for life (until he either resigns, dies or commits a crime so heinous he HAS to be removed) whereas the it’s tick tock mf’er on mikey boy and company.
    As FancyCatsup has said above, once Biden is sworn in, Roberts will go back to being more hardline

  21. april says:

    Preach it sister Sarah! They are such hypocrites.