Viola Davis retweeted a photo of herself in ‘WAP’: ‘Who did this?’

Social media has been full of think pieces and celebration of Meg Thee Stallion and Cardi B’s song, WAP. The video was set in a multi-room mansion and included cameos from stars like Normani, Mulatto, and Kylie Jenner. Many Tik Tokers and Instagrammers recreated it from dance moves to hilarious reimagined budget sets like TheReggieRay’s use of gummy worms in place of snakes.

Celebrities also got in on it. Halle Berry posted a gif of Cardi and Meg running with the caption “Me running to the car to blast WAP away from my children.” But it was Viola Davis who set Black twitter on fire when she retweeted and Instagrammed a photo someone created of her face and body superimposed on Kylie Jenner in her cheetah outfit. On Instagram she identified the artist, harpybitxh. In one of her other posts, she posted the video of her character Annalise Keaton dancing to the song, with the hashtag #HowToGetAwayWithWAP.

Viola is often seen as staid because she portrays dramatic characters and takes on serious issues, so it’s fun to see her laughing it up. I enjoyed seeing her getting in on the action and being made into a sex symbol.

Viola has said she liked playing the messier, more sexualized (not sexy) and slightly sociopathic Annalise Keating in HTGAWM and how freeing that was. She is absolutely stunning and I’d like to see her take on more romantic and sexier roles. She played the hell out of Annalise. It’s a rarity in Hollywood to see someone on the big screen with that smooth dark melanated skin being an object of desire. Until then, Viola will be THE ‘WAP‘ queen of social media memes and I am here for all of it.

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10 Responses to “Viola Davis retweeted a photo of herself in ‘WAP’: ‘Who did this?’”

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  1. Darla says:

    Not my cup of tea, I’m Folklore basic, but I have been enjoying the hell out of all the white male cons pearl clutching. I am still laughing over Ben Shapiro.

    • Lightpurple says:

      OMG Ben Shapiro! The self own that misogynistic idiot unleashed on himself. I swear his wife, Mor Toleando, a doctor, (he never named her, just her profession) only married him because she wanted a bunch of kids and will toss him when she has the number she wants. He made it clear she’s not enjoying sex with him, not that he cares because women enjoying sex is so vulgar to him, if they have sex at all and the kids weren’t IVF.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      Shapiro had all of Jwitter rolling on the floor reminding him that, as an Orthodox Jew, he just publicly admitted that he was not fulfilling his contracted* duties per his ketubah (Jewish marriage contract) to pleasure his wife

  2. ME says:

    LMAO you want to know who “did this”? Someone fed up with Kylie and her family that’s who.

  3. ethy says:

    Megan’s flow on this is *chef’s kiss* Just love her.

  4. Embee says:

    Viola is a goddess and I love her involvement in WAP! I feel like she adds the (needed, b/c Patriarchy) gravitas to this discussion. This woman OWNS the WAP and you can’t dismiss her and I LOVE it.

  5. L4frimaire says:

    I thought that was hilarious! Viola is a queen. I liked the video, it was fun but Kylie was a bit jarring. She looked cute but definitely a why is she here moment. What I find funny are the amount of men, especially conservative men, losing their minds and acting like pearl clutching Victorians over their video because of what WAP means, as if women look like barbies below the waist. Ben Shapiro acts like he has never actually experienced one— just saying. Anyway, the video was raunchy cute, for the first time in my life I’m contemplating getting leopard print pasties ( why not) and people, esp. men, need to calm down.

  6. Dierski says:

    The ‘outrage’ over WAP is hilarious… but not as hilarious as TheReggieRay’s parody omg, stuffed tiger included. Both gave me a laugh today!