Cele|bitchy | “Madonna went to Jamaica to party for her 62nd birthday” links

“Madonna went to Jamaica to party for her 62nd birthday” links

Trump Departs for Minnesota

Madonna flew to Jamaica to celebrate her 62nd birthday. [Dlisted]
Wow, I really don’t like Lindsey Vonn’s swimsuit! [LaineyGossip]
Who will Donald Trump pardon today? [Towleroad]
Cece & Schmidt’s relationship on New Girl was always a mess. [Pajiba]
Shirtless Brad Falchuk went for a run. Would you? I would not. [JustJared]
Harvey Weinstein continues to be a monster. [Jezebel]
R. Kelly kept a secret seven-figure bank account. [Starcasm]
Josh O’Connor reminds me of someone in these photos. Who? I think maybe Aaron Taylor-Johnson? They’re pretty pics though. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Is this the start of the Fug Girls’ new series, Dumb Hats of the 15th Century? [GFY]
No, Kylie Jenner did not call herself a “brown-skinned girl.” [Buzzfeed]

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37 Responses to ““Madonna went to Jamaica to party for her 62nd birthday” links”

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  1. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    I thought US passports were basically useless???
    How are these celebs able to travel, while we plebeians are restricted????

    • Sam the Pink says:

      Because they fly via private jets. Private transportation bypasses a lot of the rules set for the common man.

  2. (TheOG) jan90067 says:

    Although the Material Girl has ALL the material things she could want for, I just feel *so* sorry for her. Looking at those pics makes me sad; she is the epitome of a female Peter Pan.

    • Juliette says:

      Totally agree. She just looks sad and pathetic. That picture of her holding a tray of weed and rolling papers? So edgy Madonna! You smoke pot, what a rebel – barf. And her hand on her boytoy’s thigh, so lame.

      I used to love her and have owned most if not all her albums, not I find her try hard and annoying. Hopefully she drank enough in Jamaica to cure that thirst of hers.

    • Sid says:

      She has always seemed to be one of the celebrities that needed the “attention” part in order to be happy. Now that shock-value is harder to achieve and non-fans just roll their eyes at her and move on, she is lost. I’ve enjoyed her music going back to my days as an 80s child, but I always had a feeling that she was going to be the type of musical artist who would have a hard time dealing with the inevitable spotlight dimming that happens to every artist (no matter how talented), especially to female acts. Your fans will age with you, but the younger people will generally gravitate more towards acts in or closer to their age groups, and the industry will follow. Some artists handle it well, others not so much.

    • lucy2 says:

      What she’s done to herself really bums me out. I hope she’s happy with it, but as an 80s kid who loved her and her style, it’s depressing.

      Also, it’s super gross to be traveling like that right now. A friend of mine lives on a similar island and people coming in keep bringing Covid with them, and they do NOT have the resources to deal with it.

  3. Sass says:

    Wow. So, covid is over?

    • pk says:

      Covid doesn’t exist if you’re rich and famous. All I see are celebs travelling from one place to another and not even having the decency to self-isolate upon return from their trips. I don’t understand how any country is letting Americans in ! The thing is these rich celebs have access to quick testing and also anti-body tests. Regular folk have to stand in line for hours.

      By the way does anyone know…is that Lourdes in the blue dress?

  4. Kathy Kack says:

    Having a young black child fanning you is appalling. She is losing my respect.

    • Jane Doe says:

      I agree with you on appalling and also deeply racist. Her collection of Black children is like a fetish. It hurts to see this and I feel for the children.

    • Haapa says:

      I could not believe my eyes. How can you be so unaware in this day and age?

  5. Valerie says:

    Trashy as ever.

  6. Molly says:

    Damn. NONE of this is a good look.

  7. Sorella says:

    I cringe for Madonna. She reeks of desperation – like not ONE person in her own age group, does she not have even ONE friend that is not under 30?!! Like no other women her own age??!! Weird.

    And her dancing in a circle – she looks creaky and looks her age. I mean Sharon Stone is a cool 60 year old. Madonna is cringey. Not because 62 is old, but because she has no sense of self and how she looks like she’s trying too hard and how she looks like the Mother in groups like this. Even Reese Witherspoon ,who is much younger has a sense of humor about aging with her teens/young adults, she KNOWS she is a different generation. Madonna is too busy BEING of the same generation as her kids.

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Isn’t it funny how JLO who is 51 is seen as the epitome of cool and goals and Madonna just looks cringe. I don’t know what it is but it’s a stark difference.

      • Sam the Pink says:

        But I think the difference is that JLo seems pretty content with herself. She isn’t constantly trying to reinvent herself into something “hip” or “edgy.” She has a fairly consistent style. She also is in an age appropriate relationship. She just seems far…happier. Madonna seems to have a constant need for validation and attention.

  8. Carmelita says:

    Her face is nightmare fuel.

    • Willa says:

      “Nightmare Fuel!” Hahahaaaaaaa! Totally!

    • NatureLover says:

      I hope that the country of Jamaica holds her financially liable for the increase of infections and she is held financially responsible for their increased infection rates! There was zero responsibility of her to take an entourage to Jamaica. I hope they sue her ass!

  9. Slowdown says:

    Lourdes is so cool.

    • Zen says:

      I feel like Lourdes is “older” than her mom. She can’t do anything rebellious or outrageous that her mom hasn’t already done or doing so she doesn’t bother. Rocco found sanity by moving to his dad in London. Was he there in Jamaica? I didn’t see him in the clips.

  10. JanetDR says:

    What business of Trump’s is it to pardon Susan B Anthony? What a stupid gesture. Put her face on some money or a coin, okay but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want your stinking pardon! Or, here’s a thought, make sure everyone has easy access to voting since that’s what she was fighting for all those years.

    • lucy2 says:

      That is such a pathetic attempt to be like “hey women, vote for me!” that I have to laugh.

      • NatureLover says:

        He is becoming desperate and clearly more unhinged after Michelle spoke! The Obamas have the power to make him go off on tangents and he becomes more unmanageable which makes me extremely happy!!

    • Liz version 700 says:

      He is loosing suburban women by 62-30 in current polls so sure this will fix the reason women hate him 🤦🏻‍♀️

  11. Linda says:

    She’s such a jerk.

  12. Jaded says:

    Had to watch that with the sound turned off. What’s the German word for feeling embarrassment on behalf of someone else? Fremdschämen. Her desperation is verging on pathological.

  13. Diane says:

    Madonna is getting kinda sad.

  14. Slowdown says:

    I think I see Diplo in the back of the bus?!

  15. Zackster says:

    Lindsay Vonn’s bathing suit reminds me of Borat.

  16. Needahaircut says:

    Saw her billboard awards (?) or some other acceptance speech where she talked about Camille Paglia condemning her for setting back the feminist movement and Madonna then deciding to be a “dirty feminist.” That speech “explained” a lot about her. Never been a big fan but as a teen listened to her music, followed her news, and watched Truth or Dare (In Bed With Madonna in my region). The thing with Madonna is she’s not a stock standard attention seeker or narcissist. She’s super into art and sees herself as an artist (whether you agree or not is moot). She’s all about expressing herself to the max with what to us are everyday, “mundane” things. There’s more to her than you assume. She might look ridiculous to some gazes, but ask yourself how much of that judgment is rooted in ageism and sexism. Should we be rethinking how we think older people should act? Should they just be “dignified” and sedate and, i.e., invisible? I don’t agree with all her aesthetics/sensibilities, but that’s not the point. The point is she should be able to express herself without so much knee-jerk judgment – because she’s not just a Jenner or Kardashian desperate for attention. She really believes she’s expressing herself as an artist, through her everyday life, IG, interactions with the public, tours, whatever else.

    • april says:

      I read a book on narcissism and the author used Madonna and Trump as examples of extreme narcissism.

      • Sarah says:

        I think a lot of artists are narcissists, in a way you have to be to completely focus on your art (whatever form that takes). It doesn’t reduce any of the second hand embarrassment I feel seeing her.

  17. The Recluse says:

    I’m already hooked on Lovecraft Country. The scariest monsters in it so far are those racists the characters have run into so far. The Lovecraftian monsters were nowhere near as scary. Funny how that works, huh.

  18. Berlin says:

    That kid she is with is just Ewww, fugly. Her other side pieces were at least muscular handsome gigolo types but this one, just No.
    She could have such a good life with people her age and be such, oh never mind. No use. She will never change.

  19. Shampooch says:

    What a dummy.