As we enjoy the virtual Democratic National Convention this week, just be aware of how much the Republican National Convention is going to suck next week. It shouldn’t be a surprise – the 2016 RNC was a complete catastrophe, full of gloom and doom and America-hatred (which was “okay” then because we had a black president). I’m expecting a lot of gloom and doom at this year’s RNC because that’s where Trump lives: he has to convince white people that black and brown people are coming to get them, always and forever. That’s his entire shtick. So, with that in mind, here are some of the speakers:
Speakers at the Republican National Convention next week include a St. Louis couple who brandished guns as protesters of police brutality marched through their gated community; a high school student maligned for his interaction with a Native American man; the father of a student killed in the Parkland, Florida, shooting of 2018; and at least one prominent anti-abortion activist.
The lineup underscores the issues behind President Donald Trump’s attacks on former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democrats, who are holding their convention this week.
Democrats want to “confiscate the guns of law-abiding Americans,” as well as “protect the criminals” and “force taxpayers to fund extreme late-term abortion,” Trump said Monday in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
“We are in a fight for the survival of our nation and civilization itself,” Trump said.
The St. Louis couple: Mark and Patricia McCloskey aka St. Louis Ken and Karen, the dumbass lawyers who ran out of their palatial mansion and threatened peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters with guns. The McCloskeys were charged with felonies, and I’m sure they will be there to further the “cause” of “white people should be terribly afraid of black people.”
The high school student is Nicholas Sandmann, aka the Covington Catholic school kid who was part of a larger group of MAGA-gear wearing a–holes who swarmed Native American activists in Washington, DC in January 2019. Sandmann got a lot of attention because the nasty little brat got in the face of a Native American protester and smirked as the man chanted (and it was all on-camera). All of those Catholic school parents hired tons of crisis managers and lawyers and they’re still trying to sue their way out of the whole ordeal. Again, Sandmann’s presence is just to lean into culture wars and racism.
I honestly hope the Trumpers just devote a night to Full-On Karen Tantrums. We can call it the Let Me Speak To Your Manager Night.
Photos courtesy of social media.
LMFAO – who in their right mind would choose these idiots to speak?
Oh that’s right… Our unintelligent, narcissistic, childish, immature, clueless POS President, that’s who.
Get out the popcorn, this ought to be entertaining in the very least
To be fair no one in their right mind with even a sliver of a conscience would want to speak at the RNC. Besides, it is crystal clear that the DNC is where the fun is!
the difference in speaker caliber between the two conventions is stark.
I think the biggest names they’ll get will be Nugent, Kid Rock and Chachi. oh, and the My Pillow guy.
The My Pillow guy can do a sales pitch for his Covid cure!
Makes perfect sense to me. The GOP under Trump is now the party of criminals.
I thought this was a joke when I heard it. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel!
“The Onion” has its work cut out for it topping _this_, for sure.
I don’t think they’re airing their convention and are strictly limiting media to right wing propaganda outlets. I really hope there’s a spy/hacker able to capture the BS they’ll spew because they feel safe & secure
It’s interesting because I saw some MAGAt snidely tweeting ‘What kind of meth did the DNC give George Floyd’s family?’ And THIS is what YOU’RE presenting?
My god. They don’t even pretend to care about any ideals that used to matter. Playing the victim is all they’ve got. I’ve said this before and I was thinking about this again last night as I faced another night of insomnia: Maybe the best thing is to split up into Red States and Blue States. I don’t see anyone EVER being able to bridge this divide that right wing media has exacerbated to an alarming degree.
I mean yesterday my son’s university decided to go remote for the fall and the sheer number of parents shrieking on FB with all kinds of crazy sh^t, like it’s all part of a plot by Dems to steal the election through fraudulent mail-in ballots, was astonishing. How do you even reason with this? Ever?
You have my biggest sympathy, Esmom. In Europe we have our fair share of lunatics but the political system is still somewhat guarding us from complete descent into racist / fake news oblivion. But these guys are winning all over and that’s a fact.
Kamala Harris is bringing us hope though. Let’s stick to that.
You have a follower here Esmom! I would sign on for that today.
God please no. I’m in Austin and it’s hard enough to be the blue dot in a red sea.
Also, I hope your insomnia gets better. I was dealing with really terrible anxiety and depression over this year and at 8 months postpartum opted to quit breastfeeding to get on some medication. It has been very helpful for me. I hope you find something to gain a little bit of peace right now. We are almost to November.
Hi escondita from a fellow Austinite! Just wanted to send kind thoughts your way–when my now 2yo hit 8.5 months I stopped breastfeeding and pumping at work and was really fighting a hard battle with PPD. It took me by surprise because I had no issues with my first child, and even now, I still sometimes feel guilt and sadness even though I know that’s irrational. Just sending you some support and kindness from a neighbor! You’re doing great. It’s hard.
Thanks, all. Glad for the oasis of sanity here on CB. Escondista, I am already taking meds for anxiety and depression, and know this is a situational blip for the most part. I am phone banking for Joe Biden with a nice group of people once a week via Zoom and that actually helps a lot.
As for November, we are headed for one of two things: True elation or utter despair.
Agreed. The Republican party currently in office has lost any sense of what they used to stand for — they’re all just Trumpsters now who want clickbait and fear mongering at their convention. We should split the states, because it’s clear our ideals are so completely at odds and the red states are hurting the blue states in the fight against this pandemic.
No please! Some of us can’t physically up and move and unfortunately live in a red state.. but are blue.
Okay, totally fair, but I have a plan for that. I say, let’s take all the welfare dollars we contribute to the red welfare states who do NOT pull their weight, and spend it relocating our own people into a blue state of their choice.
Green eyes, so totally there with you. Can’t afford to move either. Unfortunately I live where those 2 lawyer idiots are from and am totally embarrased by them.
This all feels so awful and worse than anything I’ve experienced in my life time as far as the vile racism, misogyny and classism but this country has struggled with these issues since day 1. This election is vital!
Something that has helped me, perspective wise, is following Equal Justice Initiative on Twitter. Every day they post an event of racial injustice that occurred on that same day in a previous year. So many atrocities I’d never even heard of. We have so much work to do as a country, as white people, but I do believe that if Biden is elected president, there are enough of us who want change to happen, to move things, laws, in the right direction.
I can’t move–I share custody of my oldest with his father, who refuses to leave the red state we live in. Otherwise I would definitely be out of here. But until he graduates from high school (7 more years), no matter how much I want to leave, I never can. I wish it were that easy.
I’ve thought of that too! That would be wonderful but unfortunately not practical.
“Maybe the best thing is to split up into Red States and Blue States. ”
I understand the joke, and the impulse but no, that wouldn’t be the best thing.
Russia would love nothing better than to have the *United* States breakup into several smaller nations. Because many smaller nations means fewer larger strong nations to balance out Russia’s dominance on the world stage.
Russian operatives have been working behind the scenes, and not so behind the scenes, for years to stoke the fires of secession in countries around the world, from the California secession movement with offices in Moscow, run by a man with deep ties to Russia
to the troll farm and astroturf stirring up and support of divisions and breakaways in the US (Texas for example) and other countries (Brexit, Spain, Canada, etc)
These people were charged with FELONIES for their actions, whoever thought they would be valued speakers must be the biggest idiots in the worl. Oh, … yeah
That’s all the Republican party is: white rage and supremacy.
A comic posted an (unfunny) joke that Brock Turner was speaking and a lot of people believed it. Tells you everything you need to know Bout the GOP.
as I said yesterday, “aggrieved white people” is the GOP brand these days.
I saw that and honestly, I didn’t think it was a joke at first. That’s how sh*tty the GOP is now.
I saw someone post that the guy who murdered George Floyd would be Zoom-ing in from jail and I thought “Of course he is, these people have no shame.” I’m still disgusted and not sure it wasn’t supposed to be a joke.
The Dem convention has made me joyful, hopeful and weepy at times, the RNC should be good for some laughs and wtf moments. A Bingo card would need to have fifty-leven spaces for all the criminals, tRump bloopers, porn stars, Satan Spawn, crazies, morally corrupt, racists, etc. No way a drinking game would work, unless you have a death wish.
Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrell.
Well, they’ve made a decision to appeal to the most hardline of his supporters and are making no attempt to win the more “moderate” republicans who have been turned off by trumplethinskin over the years. They’re the ones that Biden can pick up and he’s going hard for them, he can appeal to the working class voters in a way that golden toilets can’t.
You have no clue how shocking these images are for Europeans. NO ONE carries a gun like that outside, or said person goes to jail immediately.
Can we please stop with the access to guns, free speech non-sense in the US. My dear American friends are going way down in various states of depression and I am getting both worried and pissed, all the way across the pond.
In my country of origin, racist and xenophobic speech gets you in jail.
Agree I’m in Canada and if this kind of thi happened here there’d be a full on SWAT team situation and they’d both be in jail & all their guns confiscated.
People waving guns like that get instantly arrested in Canada because it is absolutely against the law. The fact it took days to charge them is insane.
Fellow Canadian here. I live in Alberta and I know some harcore gun nuts. Even the craziest gun rights advocate I know saw this story and was like WTF? You point a gun at another human being or brandish it outside like this you need to lose your guns and see the inside of a jail cell.
Fellow European here. Even police or security people with guns make me feel uneasy. If private citizens (aka “law-abiding gun-owners”) were allowed to wave them around like that or even just carry one I would be horrified and truly scared to leave the house.
True, but to be fair, here in the US, responsible gun owners who are properly trained to handle their guns don’t hold them like that either.
What about the irresponsible ones?
I feel like the contrast between what we are seeing this week, which I find uplifting and beautiful, and at times very emotional (Ady Barkan, Kristin Urquiza), and what we will see next week, will be so stark. But the thing is, I have always felt this way. I first became politically aware during the Anita Hill hearings. In 92, I went door to door for the dems, it was the year of the woman (so-called). And I will never forget Pat Buchanon’s screeching nativist, and also, damn racist, speech at the R convention that year. “WE’LL TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY STREET BY STREET”. I was young, but so alarmed. I knew scary isht when I heard it.
And remember they wore purple bandaids in 04 to mock John Kerry’s service in Vietnam? And their faces are always screaming in rage and hate, always. It has been this way since I have been watching.
So when they say it’s Trump, it ain’t Trump. Trump is what years of their bad stomachache of hate and racism eventually squirted out. But this is who they are, this is who a SIGNIFICANT number of Americans are. And when I accepted that, I started really thinking about getting out.
It’s so fitting that Trump complains about how many flushes it takes to get his toilet bowl empty. Serious hazmat site every time he gets up in the middle of the night from his nest of fast food, tweeting and Fox.
The theme of the entire convention is white grievance. They’ve been playing the same tune for 1/2 a century.
Whiny White Boys.
The GOP convention will be a festival of angry, whiny white boys whining about how hard it is to be a whiny white boy and the women who turned themselves into blow up dolls who love them.
Lol Whiney White Boys Convention.
Great summary. The WWB and their “dolls”.
Ladies and gentlemen: Kayleigh McEnema, brought to you by MyPillow’s all new line of Christian sex dolls.
Drumpf is trying to pick up straws when it comes to speakers/guests at this “event”. Even if it means getting a bunch of “15-minutes of famers” (who are actually shamers), as long as they are hateful, spiteful and embarrassing like him, he really doesn’t give a damn. Plus, many other Republicans are switching from the dark side to the Dems side in favor of Biden/Harris (which is actually a good thing). These politicos who have defected have seen and are no doubt tired of Take-A-, his thoughts, policies and shenanigans–particularly during this pandemic.
Of course they are. :/
The life of a drug abuser in the White House. Drumpf takes orders from Putin believing Putin can save his presidency. Surprise, we’re fighting back, releasing information. DeJoy Postmaster will appear before Congress, twice. Drumpf’s crazy attention seeking with the McCloskey’s will backfire. Expect more GOP deflections after Labor Day.
This is hilarious! Except it isn’t. It’s actually terrifying, shocking, and SO emblematic of the bottomless divide in this country. How anyone could look up to these disgusting clowns is beyond me…and yet, evidently, some do.
The best comment I’ve seen about the selection of these 2 as convention speakers was something akin to “What? The cop who kicked the 75 year old demonstrator in Buffalo wasn’t available??!!??”
Maybe Derek Chauvin will make a surprise appearance…
So it’s the convention of hate, hypocrisy and violence…
Let me respectfully add greed to your list.
The Republican Party of 2020 knows no other way to move forward than appease their base and hope the combination of voter suppression, dirty tricks, the electoral college and gerrymandering will help squeak them over the finish line.
That they are so blatant, so desperate, so obvious in their strategy makes me truly wonder how they will get away with it. If they win in November, the Democrats have as much reason and should absolutely contest the election and study it like CSI on Forensic Files before they let Trump declare victory.
That being said, I visit twitter occasionally for a very unscientific pulse check. Trump’s tweets, the same as always, are garnering weak “like” numbers, which I take as a sign he’s losing steam. I also assume a lot of them are bots, so when he barely ekes out a 100k I am encouraged that means only about 50k are legit angry Trumpsters. It’s not much, but I’ll take it!
Man what a depressing line up. I wish I could shout all the US celebitchies vouchers to your local dispensary for ‘ Let Me Speak To Your Manager Night’.
They’re doing this convention in person, aren’t they? Because according to the website they are holding it in Charlotte, which would make this the Republican National COVID Convention.
Tall tales from the Bunker. Crazy man is anger tweeting at Good Year because they won’t carry his maga hats. The GOP convention may well draw an audience, curiosity about crazy, and the last of the surviving maga’s. Not much else.
The man who doesn’t drive Tweeting about where to buy tires
…while his limo and numerous SS cars are outfitted with Good Year tires. LOL
Please oh please let gun toting Karen wear another fetching pair of Capri pants. At least then I could laugh while I cry at how far we have fallen as a country thanks to the GOP
Kankles Karen in Capris
Yes she is something else!
That photo of her yelling (or whatever) makes me wish the old saying of your face freezing that way was true. I want to say I can’t believe people like this are being legitimized, but there’s nothing that’s beyond belief these days. I wonder what they’ll say besides, “You can’t take MAH guns!!!!” Morons.
Dear Rest of the World,
Not all of Missouri is like these two entitled idiots, I promise.
A liberal Democratic in the middle of Red Republican Hell farmland,
Mrs. Harrison Ford
Different state, same sentiment. There are sane people among the obsessed idiots.
Racism is disgusting. The color of your skin or the culture you come from should not dictate your value or treatment received from others. If you can see differences between human beings based on things like skin color and culture, you risk history repeating itself in the form of genocide. We are all humans. We all deserve equal treatment. Full stop.
The cankles of Doom!
Is she gonna wear the hat, mask and gloves? Although her face is red enough as it is, maybe won’t need the mask.
I’m sure they will highlight that the prosecutor is a black woman. That is a lot of the fuel behind support for the hamburgler and her husband.
The hamburgler snort I cannot stop laughing lol
Seriously, why?
Donald must like Patricia Mccloskey because they share a hair color and texture.
Karen’s kankles are killing me.