Jennifer Lopez to launch makeup and skincare brand JLo Beauty

On Sunday, JLo announced that her makeup and skincare line, JLo Beauty, will be launching. We don’t know what soon means as she had been working on the products since 2018. I am sure due to COVID, the launch of many things has been slowed down or halted completely.

Several celebrities such as Rihanna, Kat Von D, and Lady Gaga have put out cosmetics and beauty line and have since made a lot of cold hard cash. According to a trademark and patent application from 2018, JLo Beauty will have skincare products such as moisturizers, body and face creams, face cleansers, serums and cosmetics. PageSix offers more deets:

“Sunset glow… #JLoBeauty coming soon,” the 51-year-old pop phenom captioned her post.

According to a trademark filed last December with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, JLo Beauty will include cosmetics — perhaps including the eye-shadow, bronzer, highlighter and glossy lip color Lopez was wearing in her selfies.

But the real focus seems to be on skincare, with moisturizers, cleansers, soaps, gels, lotions, serums, masks and both face and body creams all named in the filing.

[From Page Six]

Now the Gen-X and Millennials will have the products they need to recreate that dewy perpetually youthful (but not oily or sweaty) JLo glow. Ok, I am the Gen-Xer. That whole lit from within look is the beauty move of the millennia. Of course no topical products can fully reproduce that full glow, it also takes good eating and sleeping habits and lots of hydration.

I am sure J to the Lo won’t just slap her name on anything. I do believe she and a team have been working tirelessly to create a great product. It will also be interesting to find out what the price points will be. I’ll continue to look out for the launch and reviews. I am sure it will be a successful venture. It is also promising that another woman of color, particularly a Latinx, is entering the $100 billion dollar a year beauty industry.

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Sunset glow… #JLoBeauty coming soon

A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on



Photos credit: Backgrid and via Instagram

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49 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez to launch makeup and skincare brand JLo Beauty”

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  1. Esmom says:

    I hope it does well although I have a knee jerk aversion to celebrity products, going all the way back to Jaclyn Smith for Kmart, lol.

    She looks so amazing, so lovely. Although I wouldn’t in a million years have guessed that the top photo was her.

    • Cherry says:

      that other photo of her made me smirk, though. ‘Sunset glow’? That’s a VERY heavy head full of make-up.

    • Betsy says:

      I’ve loved a lot of celebrity products, or at least appreciated them: JLo Glow perfume, Martha Stewart’s Kmart line, Sarah Jessica Parker’s Lovely, I do not like but appreciate what Elizabeth Taylor did (fragrance empire!), Mary Kate and Ashley Olson’s makeup and clothing line from Walmart (appreciate not like, lol), Victoria Beckham’s makeup line…. It’s all who they hire. I guess some of them are probably actually good at some designing, too.

  2. manda says:

    Wow, doesn’t she look like Diane Lane in that top pic?

    I love JLo! She is just so beautiful. She was so hot in Hustlers, I still just can’t get over it. Not sure if I’ll check out her skin care line, it seems like her skin might be naturally pretty good

    • DiegoInSF says:

      I’ve read that Diane Lane comparison too and I see it! You’re right, she is so hot and beautiful, she’s everything! I love her so much! Latin pride!

    • lucy2 says:

      She does! I was trying to figure it out, thought Diane Lane, and then scrolled down and saw your comment.

      I’m honestly surprised it’s taken her this long to get into the beauty game, as she already has fashion and fragrance lines.

  3. Léna says:

    Let’s be honest, her team probably bought an already existing formula to a lab and changed it a bit and put a JLo stamp on it. Celebrity products are rarely ground breaking. Let’s hope it’s at least vegan and bio and the composition is clean

    • Jaded says:

      Exactly. Same with her gaggy perfume line.

    • Nico says:

      Almost any other celebrity I would agree with you, but of any star that is going to put their name onto a skincare line and actually make a legit effort it’s her. Not a guarantee but it won’t surprise me if she becomes a legit force in the market

    • Natters5 says:

      She’s all about making more $$$.

    • Linda says:

      So true. It is just about making more money. I am so sick of it.

  4. Sarah says:

    I would not have recognised her from the top pic! Part of it is the hairstyle but it goes to show the impact of make up on our perceptions.

  5. Slowdown says:

    Oh boy. This poor planet will be destroyed by the vanity of celebrities and the hubris of politicians.
    At least make it vegan, cruelty free and compostable. Now THAT would be groundbreaking.

    • Dali says:

      Exactly! AND without drying alcohol or parfume!! Skincare products with parfume are garbage! Thats the issue with so called „natural“ or „ bio“cosmetics, they use a LOT of drying bad alcohol to make it stable.

  6. Sayrah says:

    Are we sure that top pic is actually her?

    • POTATO says:

      Never seen this person in my life

    • Renee says:

      Wait….is that Jlo in the top pic? I’m serious…..I wondered who it was. I thought it was a model or spokesperson. I could not have picked her out of a line up!

    • Marlowe17 says:

      I would like to see her have products for those of us who are older. I would snap up a good quality eyebrow pencil in the shade of gray.

    • shanaynay says:

      I never would have known that was her. Wow!

  7. Lyli says:

    Just what the world needs

  8. Addiedabbie says:

    Yay, another “ this is why I look good” line. It has nothing to do with the money , access to the best doctor and procedures, personal trainers, chefs or nanny that allows me to be full rested. 🙄.

    • emu says:

      I know I’m totally burnt out on celebrity skincare. Just keep it simple! Reminds me of the oversaturation of celebrity perfume lol

  9. Granger says:

    She is gorgeous but her skin has very little to do with products, and a lot to do with genetics and the fact that she’s never smoked, never drinks alcohol, and gets a lot of sleep. She’s super healthy and it shows in her beautiful skin.

    • Teresa says:

      Totally with you on the genetics. I run, row, and squat. I’m a size 2 with 80% of my legs covered in cellulite since I was 14. You sometimes need the genes to be able to flaunt the hard work. Also she photoshopped. I’m not saying she isn’t beautiful or looks great, but we also don’t see her unfiltered.

      • Dali says:

        Right, she looks good but shes also heavily filters her pics!

      • Granger says:

        I hear you, Teresa! I run and work out regularly and have a lot of cellulite on my thighs, so I never wear shorts. (Which is stupid, I know. I shouldn’t let it stop me.) And guess what? My mom has tons of cellulite too–so it’s genetic.

  10. MarcelMarcel says:

    My fave celebrity line is still Fenty Beauty. Because Rhianna celebrated a variety of skin tones by making foundation for darker skins. For years makeup companies were racist by not providing good quality cosmetics for people of colour. And she showed them up
    by proving it could be done. Anyhow I occasionally treats myself to fenty products and I always like them.
    JLo does have immaculate skin and I can see why she’s doing cosmetic products. I find most celebrity lines to gimmicky & unoriginal to bother with. So hopefully she does something interesting.

    • Mama says:

      I just got two skin care products from Fenty and am loving both so far.

      • MarcelMarcel says:

        I’ve only tried Fenty makeup products not the skincare. I would love to try one of the matchsticks sometime. Do you have any favourites from the skincare range?

  11. Carol says:

    Yippi another celebrity skin care line. I guess she needs more money….

  12. Snazzy says:

    I’m always torn. I’m so happy to see a woman of colour succeeding, but at the same time JLo drives me NUTS. She really was clueless during lockdown and it really changed my opinion of her (like other celebrities).

  13. greenmonster says:

    Waiting for James Charles head to explode in 3… 2… 1

  14. pk says:

    I’m a fan of J.Lo…I really am. But I hate when celebs try to act like their own products are the reason for their amazing skin, hair, etc. She’s been using expensive creams for years and years. If you want her skin, you gotta adopt her lifestyle and use the creams and serums she’s already been using for years…oh and genes help a lot too.

  15. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    She was initially unrecognizable to me without all the pancake and contour. Honestly, she looks at least a decade younger sans maquillage.

  16. Cait says:

    She needs to blend her makeup better in the ‘sunset glow’ pic. That eyeshadow..

  17. Mina_Esq says:

    Oh good, JLo has figured out a way to bottle good genes and top-shelf plastic surgery.

  18. laura-j says:

    If I looked like that top picture I’d never wear makeup again.

  19. ChloeCat says:

    I’ve read that she buys huge jars of La Mer & slathers it on from head to toe. We’d all look great if we had the money to buy La Mer. We’d also look great if we had the money to hire personal chefs, makeup artists, hair stylists, clothing stylists & personal trainers. If I were to spend money on a celebrity line I’d rather try Fenty. I hear J Lo is notoriously stingy with the people who work for her & I don’t want to put any money into her pockets.

  20. Whatever says:

    People love to hate on JLo. Why is it a crime for a Latina to excel at business? She worked hard to get where she is and she is still working hard.

  21. kimberlu says:

    dude she is good and coming across legit, but girl is fakeAF. won’t buy her stuff, I like Rhirhi’s.

    it don’t look like her coz she tweaked her face in a way that seemed natural….not everyone tweaks their face like a Kardashian/jenner…all obvious and gross….she paid lots of $$$ to appear like she’s had nothing done….but she didnt pay enough…

  22. Bella says:

    The Instagram photos with her in the maxi dress with loads of makeup looks awful. Scott Barnes is her makeup artist and I am hoping he didn’t do her makeup in those photos, because the eye shadow and contour are not blended at all. Having said that, I love JLO and I used to wear her perfume Jlo which was really soft and pretty. I am sure the makeup line will be gorgeous.

  23. nic says:

    She’s had very high quality work done. And she’s naturally beautiful. And money is a great stress reliever. And she uses fantastic products. Good for her but her makeup and skincare brands will have literally nothing to do with any of that.

    • A Fan says:

      I agree.

      The procedures help a lot. There’s no way someone over 50 doesn’t have some common signs of aging (even if they are slight), no matter how good care they take or genes or whatever.

  24. Ellie says:

    I have some sort of internal bias here (maybe it’s the memory of her naff perfume) but a skincare line called JLo just screams budget to me. It doesn’t have a high end or luxury feel at all…

    Rihanna managed to do it well with Fenty. It probably all comes down to the branding and packaging and marketing.

  25. msd says:

    The products will probably be good but let’s not kid ourselves, she has cosmetic procedures, too. You don’t need to go under the knife nowadays, especially if you start preventative treatments early, but you do need to do more than slap on face cream to look this good.

    Invest in a good 50+ sunscreen that you’ll use everyday, add a prescription retinoid (cheap), a Vitamin C serum (cheap), and a basic moisturiser (cheap). Get plenty of sleep, don’t smoke or drink too much, eat well, and do regular exercise. Save the rest of your beauty money for the genuinely expensive stuff: laser treatments or subtle fillers/Botox.