Oh, Demi. I’ll buy several of pieces of information about Demi – that she and husband Ashton Kutcher truly love each other, that she’s a great businesswoman, and that she’s a good mother. Here’s what I won’t buy: that Demi, as she is right now at this very minute, is totally and completely all natural, a 46-year-old woman who has never had anything nipped, tucked, sucked or enhanced. I’ve always thought she was a beautiful woman, but there’s no way I’m buying that the same face from Ghost is now cosmetically unaltered. But that’s what Demi is now claiming, according to a new interview in the French Marie Claire (story via the Mirror). Demi (allegedly) says the plastic surgery rumors are “completely false” and that she doesn’t “like the idea of having an operation to hold up the ageing process – it’s a way to combat your neurosis. The scalpel won’t make you happy.” Er… right. Says the woman whose face is pulled ridiculously tight.
This actually isn’t the first time Demi has talked about her “lack” of plastic surgery, although it’s the furthest I’ve ever seen her go in denying. Back in December of last year, she gave an interview where she denied having $3 million worth of surgery, saying “The truth is I have no problem with enhancing one’s looks or fixing something that’s changed. It’s always an option, but I can’t see me ever getting something like that done.” In the new denial, Demi also says that she’ll think about getting something done when she starts crying at the sight of herself in the mirror:
With the stunning figure of a woman half her age, Demi Moore’s youthful allure has earned her a reputation as the queen of plastic surgery.
The 47-year-old actress has long been the poster girl for cosmetic enhancement, re-ported to have spent £220,000 on boob jobs, liposuction, facelifts and even a knee lift.
But in a new interview, she insists she has NEVER been under the surgeon’s knife. “It’s completely false,” she says. “I’ve never had it done. But I would never judge those who have. If it’s the best thing for them, then I don’t see a problem. I don’t like the idea of having an operation to hold up the ageing process – it’s a way to combat your neurosis. The scalpel won’t make you happy.”
“That said, the day when I start crying when I look at myself in the mirror might be the day when I’m less adamant about not having it done.”
“But for the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30.”
Demi’s claim in Marie Claire magazine in France this week will astonish observers who have long believed she had resorted to surgery in a bid to rejuvenate her flagging career and impress her 31-year-old husband Ashton Kutcher.
A close friend of Demi – who has a nutritionist, trainer, yoga teacher and kick-boxing coach – has claimed the star relies on A-lister surgeon Brian Novack. The pal said: “Demi can’t stand it that there is part of her that is not perfect.”
[From the Mirror]
It’s the lies I hate. The lies, and the idea that she thinks we’re dumb enough to buy it. When Demi made her triumphant return to Hollywood, back in 2003 with Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, most people who remembered what Demi used to look like were somewhat startled. I’m not saying Demi is like that Cat Woman lady, but Demi is in serious denial if she thinks her work has gone unnoticed. When I was looking for older images of Demi, people had already generated several “Before and After” photo montages. I’d say she had a standard facelift several years ago, and she probably had something done to her eyes – like a lid lift or something, because the lack of any kind of crows feet is a little creep.
Demi is shown at the LA premiere of Spread on 8/3/09. Credit: PRPhotos
Didn’t she get new boobs for that stripper movie and then have them removed? Also her face has been different for a while. Liar.
Demi and I were the same age in her St. Elmo’s Fire period…now she’s two to three years younger, but her face..well I want to know who is her surgeon..I use a few decades removed too..
Blah Blah Blah, same ole story every touched up celebrity gives. There was once a picture of Demi where she was sitting somewhere and her knees were extremely wrinkly. The papers made a report on it, about how’s she’s getting old. A few months later, guess who didn’t have wrinkly knees anymore?
I call bullshit.
The scapel won’t make you happy, but it will make you younger and lengthen your career.
PUHLEEZE! Her nose is totally different. She is a liar and an idiot. Isn’t it better to say nothing, than to lie when it is so obvious she has had work done.
I have nothing against plastic surgery. I have something against people who go out of their way to deny it though. You don’t have to talk about it, but don’t be an ass an lie about it.
I think she had some work done to. Shame when they think they can fool others about it.
I bet a little scalpel work would make her daughter Potato Head happy!
Liar, liar, (little size zero)pants on fair.
You know we don’t believe it
I’ve also seen candid shots of her within the past year or so where she looks really old in the face. She has bad days like the rest of us.
I think she was kinda homely before all the surgery. NOT a beauty in her younger days, but she looks great now.
Girl please!!!
Ugh, hate liars. The proof is in the photos, and there are plenty to compare. Own up or shut up, but don’t insults us with lies.
This woman has Alzheimer’s disease!
She doesn’t remember when she entered surgery’s room!
Nearly 50 years old and no wrinkles in her face. Who believes in ?
Didn’t say in the past, she was proud of her surgery’s body? Now she claims she doesn’t!Bipolar’s speech!
Shut the mouth of this bitch!
who is she trying to kid lol
She looks more like Bruce Willis these days for some reason.
She had a boob job years ago-she was almost flat chested. she is a long time smoker and she expects people to believe she has no wrinkles? Good lord what is the shame of admitting you had some work done? Lying is shameful
Liar, liar, (little size zero)pants on fair.
Bitch, please.
Whoever did her work has done a great job. She looks amazing.
Wasn’t it Marie Claire magazine that also had Nicole Kidman saying (through puffed up, trout lips) “I’m all natural.” ? Maybe their reporters just look extra gullible? It’s the insinuation that we’re either stupid or blind that gets me.
These actresses should go Raquel Welch’s route. I’ve heard she was asked about surgery and she basically said, Yes, I’ve had work done, but I’m not going to talk about it. Fair enough.
Google this woman an you’ll see what a liar she is. Not even her boobs are real. Jennifer and Courtney and Sheryl her pals look older than she is. She is obsessed with looking young to the extreme she even uses leeches. Yes out of her own mouth.http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,341629,00.html
She doesn’t remember being carved up like a halloween pumpkin and being sent home bandaged from head to toe all purple and oozing pus everywhere?
We’re in a strange time.
Some people say, what’s the big deal about plastic surgery?
Other’s think it’s gross and vain and pathetic.
But if it was ok, people wouldn’t LIE about it.
This next generation of girls coming up are going to be SO screwed up.
I actually totally admire Rumor for NOT getting hacked up like her mother.
Maybe she really regrets having stuff done and the example she’s set for her daughters, so she’s lying about it?
Surgery or not (though I really don’t care either way I still highly suspect surgery is involved, and if so she had a fantastic doc she looks wonderful) HiDef TV is not kind to her face. Lawd you can see every pore on a face, old pimple scars, chin hairs etc. and as stunning, fit and beautiful as she is, her face looks like it is in Braille in HD.
I think she must have the same plastic surgeon as Madonna, when you see them together their features are getting really similar.
She’s so FOS, why deny it. At the very least she’s had a nose job and it’s not possible to be wrinkle free in your 40’s…not possible.
Is high def TV good for anyone’s face?
whether 22 or 42…does anyone look great that close up?
There is no comparing our face at 19 vs 46. I am 47 and similar in appearance to Demi Moore. If we stay in shape throughout that time, you will lose facial fat, which gives the nice padded appearance she has in the photo at 19. While she may not have had plastic surgery, there are many procedures that can help your skin stay youthful such as Botox, dermal fillers, non-invasive laser treatments, etc. which are fast replacing early cosmetic surgery (no, I am not a plastic surgeon). And when she said she did not have surgery, perhaps she meant FACIAL plastic surgery and not breast enhancement. Reading this blog, though, there are many spiteful and jealous people out there. You must be perfect.
It’s been said before but it bears repeating. Bitch Please! She looks to me like she’s had a nose job and I’ll put my head on a chopping block to back up my certainty that she’s had breast implants. I’m no expert so I can’t tell what else she may or may not have had done but she’s seriously delusional if she thinks anyone’s gonna buy that she’s had nothing done. Her statement however, that “the scalpel won’t make you happy” is true. Too bad she’s a hypocrite.
You’ll notice that she parses her words carefully in that interview. So, she’s never had a “nip tuck,” referring to a face-lift. The interviewer didn’t ask her about a boob job, nose job, or Botox, which are entirely different procedures. So, I don’t think she’s had a face-lift, but the other procedures–most definitely. Very sneaky, Demi.
um…she’s delusional…
Even if they’ve never actually had plastic SURGERY, it’s easy to forget how much their lifestyle contributes to the way a celebrity ages as compared to the rest of us poor slobs. As a well-paid actress who’s probably never worked a 9-5 job in her life, and certainly hasn’t had to worry about money for YEARS, Demi leads a pretty easy existence. She’s always had help to raise her kids, a private chef to cook her meals, a personal trainer to perfect her body, housekeepers to make sure she never has to clean a toilet or buy groceries, and one or two personal assistants to handle all of those annoying errands the rest of us are endlessly trying to squeeze into our already busy days. Also, think about how much money women like Demi spend on their appearances every year. She probably has a high-end facial once a week, and uses only the very best, most expensive skin-care products available. Let’s face it, the less stress you have in your life, the better you’re gonna age. I’m not saying celebs don’t have stress, but I just don’t believe for one second that their day-to-day lives are as demanding or stressful as the average person’s.
I can’t stand the lies, either.
It’s one thing to not talk about the subject, but it’s another to fabricate stories.
It’s the same with all of the actresses who say that they don’t exercise and eat what they like. At least models don’t talk like that, since they can’t really talk.
Demi is delusional. I wonder if she just says this stuff because she’s terrified that her hubby will think she’s old if he knew the extent of her PS.
Ashton’s ex, January Jones of Mad Men, is gorgeous and much younger than Demi. Maybe she’s feeling insecure.
lie.lie.lie. (NSFW)
Dude, what was that movie she was topless in in the 80s? Oh right, Blame it on Rio, when she was 22.
vs. the picture from Showgirls (at 34)
Of course she is lying, narcissistic celebrities have NO problem to lie about anything and everything, while looking you straight in the eyes…
Hybris to think that she would look like that at her age. Good genes is one thing, but one does simply NOT look like that without injections etc. Period.
If she hasn’t had plastic surgery then she must be bathing in virgins blood.
bitch’s face haven’t moved since “indecent proposal”!
All you have to do is look at her neck, and know the rest of her has been fixed. Wow, but her neck looks awful.
But hey, she says it ain’t so, therefore, it ain’t so!