Everybody’s favorite werewolf BFF Taylor “Jacob” Lautner is the cover boy for October’s Teen Vogue. The photographs are gorgeous – he’s a really cute kid, and his body is insane (slideshow here). He’s still got that baby face, though, which quickly ends whatever naughty sexual fantasies I might have about him. The Teen Vogue site has an excerpt from the interview, but there are some other quotes floating around that aren’t included in the excerpt. Taylor talked about his career goals, saying: “I really look up to Denzel Washington as an actor. I’d love to do a film with him one day in the future. That would be my dream come true. And I love the action-drama films like Matt Damon and Brad Pitt do.” Here’s more from the interview:
According to Taylor, there is a very specific sort of girl who’s going to sign up for what’s become known to Twilight fans as Team Jacob. “If she likes having a really close friendship with a guy,” he begins, “being able to tell him anything, and then having that friendship slowly transform into something more….” The seventeen-year-old stops himself and laughs. “I find myself using the word transform a lot lately,” he explains, “because that’s what Jacob does.”
It’s not exactly a spoiler to say that Taylor’s character in November’s New Moon is going through some intense changes. As everyone who’s seen the movie’s trailer or read the books knows, Jacob Black is now a werewolf. And the changes that Taylor himself underwent in order to keep the part—as he says, “hitting the gym, hiring a personal trainer, eating the right foods, and eating a lot of them”—were equally evident. When that first trailer premiered at the MTV Movie Awards, the live (and apparently largely female) audience responded to a two-second shot of Taylor, shirtless, by screaming like they were on a roller coaster. Not that he’s about to let all that adulation go to his head.
“I think the fans would love anybody who played Jacob,” he says mildly, when the reception is mentioned. “I’m just lucky to be the one who got the chance.”
Taylor got into acting via a somewhat circuitous path. As a kid growing up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he started competing in a sport called Xtreme Martial Arts—which he describes as “almost like gymnastics, in that you do a routine, but there’s a lot of kicks and punches and flips”—and he found that he was pretty good; by the time he retired, at thirteen, he was a four-time world champ. It was his Hollywood-based karate coach (a onetime blue Power Ranger) who suggested that Taylor give show business a chance.
“At first,” he recalls, “I wasn’t interested, but he said I could stay at his house for a few weeks, meet with some agents, go on auditions. ” By the end of that month, Taylor says, “I liked it. Taking on roles that were the opposite of what I could be in real life? That’s still my favorite thing.”
Now Taylor lives with his family an hour outside Los Angeles, although the distance does little to dissuade the paparazzi. “There are twelve cars that camp outside my house,” he marvels. “You can’t ever really get used to it, because it’s not normal to have people snapping pictures of everything you do. You just have to try not to let it affect you.”
Tabloid attention and spurious rumors are the norm for the Twilight cast right now—Taylor and his costars are already hard at work on the third film, Eclipse. And he seems quite capable of taking it all in stride: Asked about his alleged early summer romance with Disney star Selena Gomez, he says, quite unperturbedly, “She’s a great girl.” Asked whether Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are indeed entangled in a torrid love triangle, he just laughs. “It’s crazy,” he admits, “but the fans help. They’re a big part of the motivation.”
As if on cue, a pair of wide-eyed young sisters approach his table, looking ecstatic. “We’re all Team Jacob in our house,” their mother says. Taylor does have a point when he insists that people are reacting, in part, to the character he plays—these two are each clutching one of author Stephenie Meyer’s dictionary-size tomes for him to autograph—but he’s also being too humble. The girls are definitely old enough to understand that Taylor is a rising star, not a teen werewolf, and they still look pretty starstruck.
[From Teen Vogue]
What does Taylor mean when he says “the fans help” in response to a Kristen Stewart-Robert Pattinson question? Hmm… is he saying their relationship is all in our heads? Doubtful. Although I do think Taylor has a little crush on Kristen, so maybe he doesn’t want to answer those Pattinson questions because he’s a bit heartbroken? Maybe. A few weeks ago, Entertainment Weekly put Kristen and Taylor on the cover looking very lovey-dovey, and in the interview Taylor seemed to be quite taken with her. For her part, Kristen said “I love that kid… I would do anything for him. I would kill for him, literally. We have that [best friend] relationship. It’s lamely cute.” EW also put up the video of Taylor and Kristen being interviewed, and it was clear he was trying to impress her and flirt with her. When he was showing off, he asked if she thought he was hardcore enough. To which Kristen replied, “I think you need a little more growing up to do. You need to grow into your cojones.” This poor kid. He seems like such a sweetheart. Ten bucks says that Kristen breaks his spirit, just like she did with Pattz.
Here’s Taylor in Teen Vogue.
umm i not going to say he is hot because I would feel wrong cause he is 17!!! I do think he played the role of Jacob very well. I’m not very excited to see the New Moon movie but I will see it as soon as I can rent it on DVD.
This kid is adorable. I hope he keeps his head, like the Harry Potter kids did. He seems smart, too and sweet.
Quick weight gain and a puffy face. He gained a lot of muscle very quickly to save his job. I gotta wonder whether there are roids involved. Those puffy faces are a real sign of having used steroids or human growth hormone.
Puffy face? Or it could just be baby fat because he is 17!! Jeez not everything has to be horrible.
great bod + baby face = huge creep factor
Older pictures don’t show nearly so much of a puffy face. He suddenly acquired baby fat at 17 just about the time he put on 25 pounds of muscle so he wouldn’t be replaced?
Hey, I prefer him to the unwashed, skeevy Edward, but it all seems a little strange to me.
Yeah, I feel weird commenting on him being that he’s 17. But I will say that when he ages more, he is going to be something else.
Careful girls, his boyfriend might be the jealous type. 3 weeks after New Moon you won’t remember him anyway.
oh dear Lord….why is he just 17.
@ash I know right? Let me just say this, he will be a very handsome young man…when he comes of age. There, that didn’t sound pervy at all, right?
had i been aware that “edward” looked like a caveman and Jacob looked like this i would have picked him from the start.
He’s cute, but he also seems to have an infectious sense of humour.
Thanks for posting it.
What a nice interview – he seems like an intelligent kid and very likeable.
what’s with these way-too-sexy 17 year olds that i’ve been finding lately? what a waste of a face, and body, in this case…
I don’t like his nose for some reason.
thank god!
a man who looks like a man!!!
or better yet, a boy who looks like a man.
I’m tired of grown men trying to look like 15 year old boys/girls/who knows, or boys who overplay the skinny emo rocker dude thingie. it may have been cute once or twice, but that’s it.
Oh, to be 13 again and be allowed silly crushes! 🙂
pleeeease grow up! So I wouldn’t feel guilty anymore!! team Jacob all the way!!
eu quero ele !!!sou muito fãn dele e não abro mão disso!!!!
Really great info, just found your site! I will definitely check back soon