Cele|bitchy | “Are we on-board with Anne Hathaway’s turn in ‘The Witches’?” links

“Are we on-board with Anne Hathaway’s turn in ‘The Witches’?” links

Are we into Anne Hathaway in The Witches? I think so?? [LaineyGossip]
I still haven’t watched any of this weekend’s SNL. [Dlisted]
Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had another date night. [Just Jared]
The Countess of Wessex hung out with alpacas last week. [Go Fug Yourself]
Which ugly ‘80s sweaters should make a comeback? [OMG Blog]
Gay dudes took over the #ProudBoys hashtag. [Buzzfeed]
Imagine trying to keep up with all of the insane sh-t that happened this weekend. [Pajiba]
The staged Donald Trump photos were so weird. [Towleroad]
21 states had a (dramatic) rise in covid cases in just the last week. [Jezebel]
Megan Thee Stallion looks amazing in Balmain.[RCFA]

hathway witches

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34 Responses to ““Are we on-board with Anne Hathaway’s turn in ‘The Witches’?” links”

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  1. Suz says:

    I’m not on board with pretty much any remake of a classic.

    • Mel M says:

      Agreed. Anjelica Forever! I read the book first than watched the movie and it’s just such a big part of my childhood.

    • Dtab says:

      I normally agree about any remake…but I am kinda into this and I think Anne will absolutely do it justice

      • LWT00 says:

        same. This is the exception to my “no remake” rule. First one since Tim Burton’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (it’s better than the original. Sue me.)

    • Helonearth says:

      I feel the same.

      There are so many films going right back to the 1930s with a great outline that have been poorly executed. Hollywood needs to look again at those films, and remake them with a better script/ acting rather than remaking classics.

      • FicklePickle says:

        Yes, but that would require effort and a larger marketing budget…and honestly, it’s best to just assume that the Hollywood suits are looking to make the most money with the least outlay and the least risk, even if it’s boring and stupid. ESPECIALLY if it’s stupid, really.

        Remaking a classic gives you a general outline of a successful movie to ape AND baked-in nostalgia-based marketing that requires significantly less expenditure for the same level of market penetration. It’s most of the same reasons for knock-offs, inspired-bys, and I-Can’t-Believe-This-Got-Past-Legals. And things like those dueling The Jungle Books IN THE SAME YEAR.

        I just can’t wait until the creature features make a comeback. They are LEGION, they are CHEAP, and they are ASTOUNDINGLY bad!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I don’t like the CGI. The original movie also had a creepy atmosphere that befits a movie called “The Witches” (such as the girl being trapped in the painting). There doesn’t appear to be any atmosphere in this new version, just a generic cgi made-for-tv movie.

      • Wiglet Watcher says:

        I’m with you. It’s that atmosphere that’s lacking. Seems fine, but if you’re looking for anything nostalgic I think this will be a shadow of their original. Just enough to capitalize on the original love.

  2. Justmemi says:

    One of my favorite movies ever that really didn’t need a remake. Why does Hollywood have to ruin everything? I don’t get it!

  3. Mel M says:

    Those sweaters are amazing and I will wear any right now lol. Especially the luxury one.

  4. Kathy Kack says:

    I am a NO with Anne Hathaway. She is not a good actress IMO.

  5. escondista says:

    The Anjelica one terrified me as a child.

  6. Gigi C says:

    no tf we aint

  7. detritus says:

    Meg is wonderful.
    Loving the proud boys takeover.
    Anne looks great but I have no nostalgia for the old movie so I may be biased.

    • Otaku fairy says:

      She is. I wish it was actually hard to believe that some of the same people who treated what happened to Meg like a joke, are also boo-hooing and blowing snot over what’s being said about Trump now.

  8. Roo says:

    Anjelica Huston for life.

  9. Digital Unicorn says:

    As much as I think Anne will give it a good shot, no one can top Angelica as the Grand High Witch, no one. I LOVED that movie, particularly as the great Jim Henson produced it.

    Rowan Atkinson and Jane Horrocks were also fabulous in that 1990 version.

  10. Natasha says:

    Nope. Angelica forever!
    And I hate Anne Hathaway,I think she ruins everything.

  11. Thirtynine says:

    Love the proud boys ambush. So clever and some lovely photos. Go get’em, boys.

  12. Getting productive says:

    Trailer looks good. Angelina H was is good in her roles but is such an *obvious* choice. Loved the book; love Dahl as a child.

  13. elle says:

    The “GRRR” sweater made me LOL. Judging by the college kids in my town, cropped shaker-knit sweaters are making a comeback. Ugly without irony.

    The Proud Boys takeover gives me life.

  14. Peanutbuttr says:

    Anjelica Huston is the one true Grand High Witch

  15. clairej says:

    I have always dreamt of Eva Green as The Grand High Witch so bitterly disappointed

  16. Sass says:

    As a lifelong fan of the original film version (And my own kids love the original too), I think it looks amazing – but I have one question. Why would Anne work with Stanley Tucci after she publicly accused him of being extremely abusive to her on the set of The Devil Wears Prada?

    • Getting productive says:

      Yes, she spoke about him grabbing her boobs at every chance on the set of Prada. It was so disturbing to read about but she turned it into a joke, sort of, and I don’t think she wants to be / wants to be known as the one who derailed his career with a #metoo. Also, he’s married to one of her best friends’ sister (Emily Blunt’s sister). So, just wondering: is suffering abuse and sexual harassment at the hands of someone who’s otherwise 90% just as bad at someone who’s pure evil like Weinstein? Haven’t been able to watch him without a sense of repulsion since. Morgan Freeman also.

  17. Claire says:

    I’ve heard some of my fellow queer folxs speaking out against the ProudBoy hashtag reclaiming but I personally am here for it

  18. shabs says:

    I enjoy that Anne has hammed it up but the tone of the trailer just isn’t sinister enough. It’s like the witches ‘lite’ . The cgi ruins it, the tone is a bit off and Chris Rock’s voice over really isn’t doing it for me at all. But maybe that’s me as I don’t really get his appeal.

  19. Jezza says:

    Angelica IS the only grand high witch and that insufferable bitch HathaNOway will suck. Cannot stand Her. Her earlier stuff was OK, but she’s a stuck up insufferable twatwaffle.