Yesterday, an absolutely horrible story broke: domestic terrorists were arrested in connection with a plot to kidnap and/or kill Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Whitmer, a Democrat, has been the target of threats, abuse and hate from Donald Trump and his supporters all year. Trump seemed particularly irked that a Democratic woman governor had ordered a completely reasonable shutdown during the pandemic. Michigan has been the site of white supremacists, Karens and “anti-mask” protesters storming government buildings and throwing armed tantrums because of Whitmer’s lockdown measures (which, again, were completely reasonable). It’s also perfectly reasonable to assume that Donald Trump’s targeted harassment of Whitmer was an attempt to incite this plot:
Michigan-based militia members plotted extensively to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer at her vacation home before the Nov. 3 presidential election, stockpiling weapons and explosives and twice staking out her residence, according to an FBI affidavit unsealed Thursday that described probable cause to charge six suspects as part of a conspiracy.
The FBI, relying on confidential sources who recorded conversations and informed on the plot, became aware of the effort through social media chatter early this year and developed detailed insight on the purported plan over the ensuing months. The FBI had already suspected the militia of plotting to kill police officers, and a member of the group concerned about that plan had agreed to become an FBI source, according to the affidavit.
The plan to kidnap Whitmer was hatched in the basement of a Grand Rapids business in June, according to the FBI filing.
“The attendees discussed plans for assaulting the Michigan State Capitol, countering law enforcement first responders, and using ‘Molotov cocktails’ to destroy police vehicles,” the affidavit indicates. “The attendees also discussed plans for an additional meeting during the first weekend of July when they also would conduct firearms and tactical training.”
The plot ultimately evolved into one in which the conspirators would storm her vacation home, blowing up a nearby bridge and grabbing Whitmer, if not killing her outright, the FBI indicated, citing recordings and internal communications it obtained from the alleged conspirators.
This is just awful. And it’s yet another exhibit of the kind of white supremacist/anti-government movements which have been steadily on the rise for decades. Those movements have been given steroids by the Trump administration – it’s not even dog whistles or winks and nudges anymore. Trump is actively inciting these people to commit violent acts against his “political enemies.” So obviously, Donald Trump got on Twitter and blamed Whitmer for… being the target of a terrorist plot.
Governor Whitmer of Michigan has done a terrible job. She locked down her state for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities. The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan. My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement announced today that they foiled a dangerous plot against the Governor of Michigan. Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities I do not tolerate ANY extreme violence. Defending ALL Americans, even those who oppose and attack me, is what I will always do as your President! Governor Whitmer—open up your state, open up your schools, and open up your churches!
So he begins with an insult and ends with a threat, all as he sits in the White House medical center, wheezing and roid-raging from drug cocktails. He can’t even say “I hope she’s okay” or “what happened here was a tragedy.” He doesn’t even care that he’s inciting terrorists. THAT IS HIS GAME PLAN. I hope local and state officials are protecting Whitmer, my God.
Photos courtesy of Getty.
Chilling. Trump has got to leave office.
His goal is to get Whitmer, Kamala (whom he called a “monster” several times this week), and Pelosi murdered.
I don’t care what excuses anyone makes. I got two ears. I don’t need anyone to tell me this or tell me that.
The man is inciting terrorists to murder his political enemies. Most of whom are women! Notice he does not go after Cuomo this way, you know why? Yeah. He hates Cuomo and Cuomo castrates him weekly, but Trump still saves his worst venom for the women. He gets off on the idea of something like this happening, and he would want all the details. Further, Barr would do ZERO to stop a plot like this. We are only lucky he never got around to firing Christopher Wray, or the timing was never right because he had just fired someone else or something.
THIS. He did that to Hillary too and I remember being afraid for her life.
I still fear for Hillary. Trump and his goons will always think she is the “enemy”. This story is terrifying and he needs to be removed ASAP.
and these guys were going to kill cops?
I guess “Blue Lives Matter” only sometimes? when they’re not protecting someone you want to kidnap and/or kill?
I know, I shouldn’t bother trying to figure out the logic of idiotic white supremacists.
Trump’s brain is so disordered he is incapable of expressing sympathy or compassion for anyone.
Yep, and remember: this is the same ruler we’re being told we owe civility to. Because something something reverse karma and, to do otherwise “just shows how low we’ve ALL gotten!” According to individuals who can apparently muster up more compassion for a president who is both a sexual predator AND a white supremacist than they show for women targeted by conservatives and racists. But don’t call them Deplorables!
Yeah. I even heard that Maddow was spouting some nonsense like that. this is why I now barely watch cable, though sometimes I watch Chris Cuomo whom I formerly considered a meathead and still refer to him as that meathead, sometimes because I need the satisfaction of seeing Trump called out by a big angry man. I know trump would be terrified to face Chris Cuomo without his SS agents.
Not only can he not say “I hope she is OK” but he stated: My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement. NO ASS, they are not yours, you do not reign over the US like an overlord. He can’t even bring himself to say that this type of anarchy and lawlessness will not be tolerated. WHAT AN ASS. A friend and I were discussing this and she recalled McCain and Obama debated and someone stood up and stated Obama was not a citizen and he stopped them and told them to basically shove it.
I don’t get the Obama is not a citizen thing. His mother is American therefore he’s automatically a citizen. If we get to claim Archie Mountbatten Windsor we get to claim anyone with an American parent. Ted Cruz ran for president and he was born in Canada.
It was used by racist republicans who cold think of no other reason to call him unfit for President than to raise that kind of asinine argument. And the dolts could not see that by using that argument they made themselves look like idiots because how could he be vetted through and all those powerful republicans could not find proof of it being true. IDIOTS.
This is terrifying. And he, or whoever is using his Twitter feed, is continuing to incite, especially with his incessant postings about the Second Amendment. And this group had funding from somewhere. There’s more to this. And even if we are rid of him in January, these people will still be here.
Well, hopefully, if he loses the FBI will be “re-energized” to crack down even more on these groups. The government has already identified them as a domestic terror threat. They need to start rounding them up. The other crazy thing is the Republicans here in Michigan still don’t want to ban weapons from the Capital grounds. Unbelievable!
Power feeds Trump’s many personality disorders. He will do anything and everything to stay in power. He is our nation’s greatest national security threat.
“And even if we are rid of him in January, these people will still be here.”
Yes, and it’s incredibly worrisome. Can we be confident that when we finally get rid of that clown, all of his followers will just sit down and shut up? He has emboldened them to a frightening degree.
I’m so thankful the FBI did their jobs and were able to thwart this attempt on Whitmer. No telling how many other crazy groups are out there plotting. There’s a reason domestic terrorists (aka white supremacist militia groups) are the greatest threat to the U.S. Trump and his ilk have done everything to embolden them and sell the fake news that it’s the people of color marching and protesting for equality that’s the problem. And people buy into that lie. Racism is a terrible disease.
I remember reporting facebook groups and individual accounts posting and discussing violent plans to take out Gov. Whitmer and the facebook report came back and said that it didn’t violate any policies (how?!!!!!!). Most the groups became close or secret though probably after some people kept reporting them.
the Facebook community standards are a f*cking joke. I’ve reported posts for inciting violence, for videos OF violent acts (like someone getting knocked out or a child being hit with a strap), nudity, etc. and NOT ONE has, according to their review, violated their community standards. and I’m like your community standards prohibit nudity and videos that depict violence! HOW DID THEY NOT VIOLATE THE STANDARDS THAT ARE LISTED RIGHT HERE?! it’s maddening.
then a friend of mine got suspended for saying something like he was glad 45 got Covid because maybe now he’d take it seriously. didn’t wish him ill at all, but someone complained and THAT they took seriously. he was locked out for 24 hours. I think it depends on who at FB is doing the review.
FB is awful. they suspended my advertising account, i went through great trouble to get approved for political ads for my political merch. I mean I had to jump through hoops, get a notary all this stuff. So I finally get approved and one day only a month later I put up an ad for a mask that had different things on it, BLM, Science is Real etc. Well, I was swarmed. Swarmed! here’s the crazy thing, the trigger was “Love is Love”. I was shocked. All these crazy anti-trans posts were made, real vile stuff, and I kept blocking them but i made fun of some of them. Well fb banned me from any ads, even non political ones because they strive for a “undisruptful” atmosphere. I told them off so bad and ended with “Don’t think I don’t know a republican scum*** sent this email.
NONE of the people posting anti-trans hate were banned btw. they must have been furious that I was unmanning them with my responses, because one thing I excel at is making men feel like tiny-d*cked cretins still crying because their mommies didn’t breast feed them long enough.
“one thing I excel at is making men feel like tiny-d*cked cretins still crying because their mommies didn’t breast feed them long enough.”
Imma come sit next to you.
There’s a subset of folks in Michigan who are big mad that she acted quickly to save the residents of Detroit, who are primarily Black (I am also a resident). Now, the rest of the state which is mostly white is starting to feel the effects of the virus as their areas are the primary drivers of the spread in Michigan. Her actions surely saved thousands of lives and she’s a hero for it. She has taken so much flak from the GOP element of our state for her actions and has been so resolute in the face of all of it. We love our “Big Gretch”!!!
This. I’m from Michigan and my husband is from Mississippi and when we have visited my husband calls it the Mississippi of the north.
Gretch gave the state employees of Michigan fully paid maternity leave, she’s saved lives, she is such a hero and I am rooting for her from Austin, Texas. Big love and respect to you, Gretch!
She’s a heroine. Please ascribe the correct moniker to women this will normalize it. Someone else mentioned it somewhere else and I think they are correct. I support everything you said btw.
This – plenty of white supremists in Michigan, and plenty of small-town Michigan politicians who made clear that they thought the virus was only something the Black community was dealing with (but of course they did not use the word “Black” or “African American), and plenty of small-town sheriffs who boasted about not enforcing anything she mandated.
So, so many men come completely undone when a woman governs.
And the I’m always amused when the politicans keep screaming about the chucrhes, one of the activities that can be made 100% safe by offering virtual services. But because it makes it harder to control people, give them only the message you want to convey, and take their money, all of these religious folks keep saying that they need to bring everyone together in one room and breath on each other. Because Jesus would?? These nitwits don’t understand a single thing about God.
@josephine it really does feel like it has a lot to do with her being a strong, capable woman. I also honestly think they hate her even more because she’s beautiful AND smart, and has stacked her government with other competent, strong women. These folks with their 40-year old attitudes just can’t handle it and I feel so bad for her that she’s the recipient of so much gender-based vitriol from men in government.
This. And he expects her to be grateful and stop criticizing him, his administration, and supporters, because apparently it’s almost always ok to tell women to shut up and be grateful when they criticize those mishandling and abusing their power. The victim-blaming has already started, and it ‘s not just him doing it.
Michigander here. Governor Whitmer was begging for PPE in the spring, only to have 45 drag her seemingly daily. Petitions were being circulated for her removal from office because (among other things) hair salons and gyms were closed. It was and still is insane. She stood up to 45 and saved a lot of lives. And still, the Michigan Supreme Court (4R, 3D) ruled recently that the Governor Whitmer’s executive orders that addressed the pandemic (i.e. COVID related actions) were unconstitutional.
If you are a Michigander, please—don’t forget to vote on the Michigan Supreme Court Justices. There is opportunity to flip the court.
I agree 1000%. Say it louder for the kens and karens in the back!!! She’s not perfect but she made the right choice to shut our state down. I believe that is what saved Michigan from thousands more deaths.
It’s an unsurprising turn of events when you think of everything he was saying before the 2016 elections. I hope people are wiser this time around, especially those who say they voted for him because of economic interests. It’s like making a deal with the devil – there is a debt to be paid after. People that are cavalier about assault, death, murders etc. are not fit to hold any public office, let alone the highest one.
the only reason anyone has to vote for him is if they are white supremists, He can’t vote on his record, his covid response is a joke, and he has endangered the prestige of America in the world
Remove him!!!! He is a dangerous monster!
I couldn’t believe this wasn’t bigger news yesterday and this morning. Trump’s reaction is disgusting. An actual person could have died and he acts like: I stopped it (wrong), it’s her fault anyway (wrong), and she better fall in line (threat). I will never understand the people that say it doesn’t matter what he says, they think he is good for our country regardless. This is how democracy dies, y’all! Having complete disrespect for your political “enemies”, inciting violence, showing lack of faith in our democratic institutions, slamming the free media constantly, gathering up your own “militia” (they are terrorists!).
Will these people be charged with treason??
It’s repulsive and reprehensible. And I couldn’t stop reading my feeds from right-wing publications and tagging each one as offensive garbage. I have a few different responses I keep on hand lol. But this is truly unforgivable and our president’s words are, as usual, despicable. Hate HATE HATE him and every single individual or group defending his existence.
When those guys entered the Michigan State Capital building in such an intimidating manner WITH THEIR GUNS, any decent US President would have told them to keep their guns at home – fair enough if they want to protest but there was no need to bring any guns.
There are so many guns amongst the US population that it is frightening. Something the pro-gun people never mention is what happens to the guns when the owner dies. The millions of guns currently in circulation will last decades longer than their owners will live.
I’m really worried about what these guns nuts will do when hopefully Trump loses
I’m glad she’s safe and hope she will continue to be. Thiis reminds me of Tiger King.
He takes the time to say “I wish her well” of Ghislaine Maxwell at least two times, but not the target of a violent political kidnapping of an American Govenor? Who’s the monster?
My husband and I grew up there and it was awesome for a long time we wanted to move back to raise our kids. I moved out about 15 years ago but almost all of my in-laws and family are still there and my inlaws are the biggest magats I know. My FIL is a dump wannabe but he’s been like that for as long as I’ve known him. He absolutely hates women and especially women in authority, is a narcissist, and he absolutely worships the orange one. Unfortunately his personality and attitude has rubbed off on pretty much the entire family except for my husband of course. It’s really sad to me because it really is a beautiful amazing state but I would never move back now, mostly because I will never ever move closer to my in-laws than I am now.
I know people who voted for Trump and/or 3rd Party (Jill Stein) in the last presidential election. I think after witnessing the absolute sh*tshow that the Trump presidency has bestowed upon us, they will not make the same mistake again. I’m fairly sure MANY people who fell into those traps won’t make the same mistake again. Some are a lost cause, but many had a come to Jesus after witnessing this nightmare.
*Also, I don’t know of any “Democratic run cities” that are burning down and I live 30 minutes from Seattle. He’s a dummy.
Gov. Whitmer and family in my thoughts as they recover from this trauma. As a nation, we should be appalled and terrified.
I am glad this was uncovered before it was carried out. We have been set back bought 70 years and I suspect it will takes decades to recover.
I hope she remains safe.
I live in MI. This shit is a nightmare. And I have family members and friends who are Trump supporters Needless to say, it’s hard for me to believe how far this has degenerated.